The article purpose is a research of a condition of crediting in agrarian and industrial complex, as one of the most important elements of the economic mechanism at present. It is required level of credit enhancement for the expansion of import substitution and development of export potential facing the industry. The investment activity in branch for the last 8 years is analyzed. The existing problems having negative effect on intensification of investment activities are identified. The basis for intensification of the investment activities should be to stabilize the macroeconomic situation, including the normalization of the financial markets and ensuring physical and economic availability of credit resources. The report focuses on the indicators of credit activity in 2016. The mechanisms of the budgetary support of crediting including operating since 2017 are analyzed. The measures for improvement of the credit mechanism are proposed/ There are the stabilization in the financial markets; the transition from the restrictive monetary policy of the Bank of Russia on stimulating; the increase in the limits of budgetary funds for preferential crediting of the agricultural sector; expanding the list of banks participating in the program of preferential crediting of farmers; establishment of limits for concessional lending per borrower; increase of financial literacy of agricultural producers; improvement of the institutional system of crediting of farmers, etc.
In the conditions of the increasing competition as a result of processes of globalization and integration the question of reorientation of economy on the innovative way of development acquires theoretical and practical relevance. In article the main incentives and barriers to modernization of the agrarian sector of economy of Russia are considered, requirement of his innovative development is proved. The attention is focused on a problem of readiness of a management system to function effectively in the conditions of innovative economy. The theoretical digression of opinions of scientists concerning innovative development of branch showing need organizational, motivational and the informational of transformations in the agrarian sector of economy, necessary for formation of innovative infrastructure and development of the innovative focused management system is presented. The available results of a research show that transformation of the agrarian sector of economy of Russia to the knowledge-intensive and hi-tech sector requires creation of innovative infrastructure of a management system. Achievement of it is impossible without carrying out the institutional transformations connected with creation of the relevant structures providing innovative activity. As the most preferable option of such innovative structures agrarian agglomerative educations are considered. The model of formation of agrarian agglomerative zones allowing applying the new forms of government, and the mechanism of investment partnership in agrarian clusters is offered. Conditions which define a possibility of implementation of the offered transformations of innovative infrastructure are allocated.
Article purpose is studying of history of development, identification of a role, value and prospects of flax production for national economy and, especially for the producing linen regions of the non-chernozem zone of the Central Russia. The retrospective analysis of stability of development of economy the producing linen regions of Non-Black Earth Region of Russia for the long historical period shows that mass cultivation of a fiber flax contributes to their successful development. The significant role of cooperation in development of a flax producing is noted. Dynamics of crops of a flax since the end of the 80th years to the present period is given. On the basis of official statistics the direct dependence of extent of destruction of flax production and a condition of other branches of agriculture of leaders the producing linen regions of the Central Russia is established. During the prereform period in ten regions of Non-Black Earth Region nearly 90‰ of the Russian flax has been concentrated, and in years Russia has practically stopped production of a flax fiber and products from its. The value, need and the directions restoration of flax production in modern conditions are shown. By expert estimates because of restoration of the GDP linen complex of the country will increase not less than for 6-8‰. Measures for restoration of flax production in the depressive regions of Non-Black Earth Region have to be taken in a complex with other actions for development of rural territories.
In article the directions of formation of a funding mechanism for the advanced scientific technologies in agriculture of the countries of the Eurasian Economic Union are considered. The solution of the problem of financing of the advanced scientific technologies in the EEU countries is defined on this period by degree or the level of development of supranational institutes and instruments of regulation of the financial market. Allocation by the states of EEU of budgetary funds and creation of the general economic conditions for formation of institutes of off-budget financing is offered in addition to the existing tax benefits. For involvement of private investors it is offered to use compensation of a part of costs of acquisition and use of the high-tech equipment. Need of creation of interstate fund of support of introduction and use of the advanced innovative technologies created scientifically - research institutes and the innovative companies in agriculture within the union is noted. Use of instruments of financing of introduction, distribution and use of research results and innovative products in agriculture significantly would increase labour productivity and would promote decrease in cost of production in agriculture in the EEU countries.
The research objective is the analysis of activity agricultural producers from the point of view of concentration of land resources, a cattle livestock. The comparative analysis of the happened changes during reforms is made beginning from a state-farm and collective-farm system in Russia and Kazakhstan. Economic and social consequences of reforms are noted, the damage to agricultural production from reforming is defined. Only on production of meat Kazakhstan has received less because of disorder of a state-farm system 15.4 million tons of meat, or 79‰ of all production. Advantages of collective conducting production are shown. Data in five years on economic activity of the joint-stock company and limited liability partnership, on the one hand, and peasant farms, with another are provided. The facts testify in favour of collective farming and concentration of capital goods. The conclusion is drawn, that Russia and Kazakhstan have uncontrollable agricultural production in the form of hundreds of thousands of small-scale country enterprises and hundreds of averages by the size of associations and joint-stock companies today. Agriculture hardly comes to indicators of pre-perestroika state-farm and collective-farm level. The leadership of Kazakhstan has headed for association of peasants in cooperatives. It is a difficult way and expensive to the state. Other way is further concentration of capital goods which is inevitable and will result in success. The tendencies observed in the USA, Canada, Europe - reduction of number of farms and increase in their sizes. Regularity is the concentration of production leads to growth of its efficiency
Transition to effective economic policy of the state is directly connected with development of specific industries, first of all, of agriculture. Financing of the agricultural organizations has a number of features. The operating system of the taxation is one of the most effective tools capable both to support agricultural production, and to slow down his development. A research objective is the analysis of questions of financing and taxation of the agricultural organizations as factors of branch growth. In the system of crediting of the agricultural organizations the following problems have been allocated: decrease in volumes of crediting of branch; lack of a possibility of replacement of the means which are earlier attracted in the capital markets. The statistics of the taxation of the organizations of agriculture of the last years shows multidirectional tendencies, including smaller use of a unified agricultural tax by the agricultural organizations in comparison with the general system of the taxation, positive dynamics of tax revenues and debt on taxes, acceptable level of a tax burden for agricultural producers. For increase in efficiency of agricultural production and attraction of investments methods of tax regulation offer to carry out assessment of influence of level of tax burden and application of tax benefits on an economic situation of agricultural producers and in general on development of agriculture. Use of the measures directed to strengthening of the stimulating taxation function is necessary.
Development of integration processes in agro-industrial complex of the Russian Federation is natural process. Studying of experience of foreign countries and certain regions of Russia has shown that the most perspective form of integration interaction is cluster. Agrarian production of the Magadan region, despite annually increasing state support, still remains the low effective branch demanding new methods of management and creation of conditions for innovative development. A research objective is scientific justification and development of model of an agro food cluster in the Magadan region. Need of introduction of large-scale innovations demands application of cluster approach in agrarian and industrial complex of northern regions. SWOT analysis has allowed revealing strong and weaknesses of agricultural branches and to draw a conclusion on a possibility of creation in the region of a dairy and grocery cluster. It is established that in the area there are capacities which aren't loaded fully for processing of milk and also scientific innovative developments, ready to introduction, in the field of feeding of agricultural animals, strengthening of a regional food supply and cultivation of the dairy cattle. Creation of a cluster will allow to enhance competitiveness of production of agrarian and industrial complex of the region, to diversify agricultural production and to increase economic efficiency of branch, to reduce food dependence of the Magadan region on the market of imported goods, has provided improvement of supply of the population with local dairy products.
In modern conditions of farming about 70‰ of the livestock enterprises have no land grounds in the quantities sufficient for utilization of the manure / dung made on them. The only effective way of decrease in an environmental pressure on the environment is establishment of communications between the enterprises of the livestock and crop directions. A research objective is an assessment of logistic model of management of secondary resources of agrarian and industrial complex on the example of the Leningrad Region taking into account ecology-economic parameters. The chosen optimizing criterion of model considered profit on sale of organic fertilizer, subsidizing of the state, a payment for negative impact on the environment, costs of processing of a manure/dung in organic fertilizer, costs of transportation of the received organic fertilizer. Use of this model allows to reach economic effect in 19251 thousand roubles for poultry farm of the egg direction with a livestock of 579.1 thousand heads and an annual exit of a dung of 26.8 thousand tons and 93117 thousand roubles for pigs complex with a livestock of 17.5 thousand heads and an annual exit of manure of 71.9 thousand tons.
The important direction of functioning of agrarian and industrial complex of Russia is improvement of the organizational and economic mechanism of management of technological processes of production and use of organic fertilizers in the conditions of resource-saving agrarian policy. A research objective is development and approbation of tools of management of technological processes of the production and use of organic fertilizers focused on resource-saving. In author's treatment matrix and competence-based approach in management of resource-saving technological processes of use of organic fertilizers represents set of the general principles of the reasoned choice of the direction of processing of organic waste and the applied technology for the purpose of optimum use of a resource source of raw materials, increase in efficiency of functioning of branches of crop production and livestock production within ecologically focused agrarian production. In approach three stages for two basic directions of processing - the traditional and accelerated microbiological composting are allocated. The matrix of compliance of formation of a resource source of raw materials and production of organic fertilizers and also the field of dilemmas of the directions of processing of organic waste is made. When using retrospective data on the example of the organization of the Rostov region production of organic fertilizers and the need for them are determined, the prospects of use of resource-saving technologies of the accelerated microbiological composting are proved. The efficiency of resource-saving production technologies of organic fertilizers is confirmed with their approbation under production conditions of the agricultural organizations of the Rostov region. The offered matrix and competence-based approach is offered to be considered as one of the most acceptable and available instruments of increase in efficiency of the agrarian ecologically focused production.