The formation of digital economy has to become one of the breakthrough directions of development of Russia in the short term. The article is devoted to questions of interaction of economic and other subjects of agro industrial complex in the conditions of formation of digital economy. The article considers various interpretations of the "digital economy" - in a "narrow" and "broad" sense. The authors of the article adhere to the "broad" interpretation of this concept, which takes into account the use of digital technologies in all sectors and spheres of activity. When considering the problem, the main provisions of the Digital Economy of the Russian Federation Program and the levels of its development are taken into account. The concept and main directions of the formation of the digital economy in the agro industrial complex are proposed, including taking into account the willingness of its participants to operate in the digital economy. To this end, a grouping of participants in the agro-industrial complex was proposed, with the allocation of economic entities with high and relative readiness, capable and incapable of independent adaptation to the conditions of the digital economy. The specifics, main directions and forms of interaction of subjects in the agro industrial complex are noted, including taking into account the provisions of the State Program for the Development of Agriculture and Regulation of Agricultural Products, Raw Materials and Foodstuffs for 2013-2020. Interaction of economic entities of agrarian and industrial complex in the conditions of digital economy has to be based on modern achievements of scientific and technical progress, use of information technologies, and formation of a common information space within agro-industrial clusters. A mechanism is proposed for the formation of a common information space in agro-industrial clusters, indicated on the existing problems and ways to overcome them, outlines the algorithm for the formation of effective information and communication interactions in the agro-industrial complex on the basis of modern information technologies.
Modern society is at a stage of its development, when practically all spheres of public life and state activity depend on the quality, availability and security of the information technologies and resources associated with them. Digital technologies are increasingly entering our life, they find their application everywhere, including in the agro-industrial complex. The article considers the experience of development of information and communication technologies and Internet technologies in the agricultural market. Examples of using cloud technologies in the agroindustrial complex are considered. A generalization of foreign experience in the use of information and communication technologies and Internet technologies on the agrarian market is carried out. The purpose of the work is to conduct a study of the development of information and communication technologies and Internet technologies in the agrarian market. To solve the problems, the following basic research methods were used: comparative analysis, scientific classification, systematization, theoretical generalization, and statistical methods. Modern civilization has shown significant progress in the development of the environment, the ability to survive in the face of climate change, has provided its scientific and technological development. But the achievement of the results of evolutionary development could not have occurred without the key resource of modern civilization - digital technologies. The key trend in the development of agriculture is the formation of effective human and social capital with a proper level of information support and transparency of information flows, a highly organized institutional environment, with a minimum level of transaction costs, it is worthwhile to build a system of directions and measures for the development of the agro industrial complex.
This study estimates the area of unused agricultural lands that could be involved in cultivation subject to different assumptions on drivers of agricultural production growth. The basis of the applied technique of a research is made by model of nonparametric frontier of production capabilities of agriculture of Russia. Modernization of a technique consists in differentiation of frontier of production capabilities on groups of regions with similar natural conditions. The model is complemented with the variables reflecting involvement in production of the lands suitable for crops. An assessment of volumes of involvement of unused farmlands in agricultural production at various sets of prerequisites of its growth is given. The model allows to define a gain of crops under scenario conditions of planning, the change in price for agricultural production and (or) conditions of the government support of agriculture, limit costs of production, efficiency of use of resources, an increment of an annual land rent, volume of available resources. The contradiction is revealed between the strategies aimed at capitalization of agricultural lands and their re-cultivation. The carried-out calculations predict low rates of return to a turn of earlier abandoned farmlands and instability of this process. The forced expansion of acreage is inexpedient: it will lead to decrease in marginal income, falling of efficiency of use of resources, will slow down development of livestock production.
The assessment of level of technological development of agriculture matters for formation of elements of agrarian policy, elaboration of adequate administrative impacts on the agrofood system of Russia. In this article the task of assessment of technological development of agriculture of Russia is set and solved. Assessment of technological development is understood as a combination of the reached condition of branch development of regions and observed tendencies. Treat a support on various regular sources of information, territorial and branch approach distinctive features of such statement. The procedure of aggregation (convolution) of private criteria of technological development in hierarchy of agro food system to the level of Russia is provided. The offered technique can be used for forecasting of technological development of agriculture in the presence of the forecast of temporary ranks, necessary for its application.
Livestock leading countries play the leading role in animal feed because they are the most important component of animal rations, both in terms of nutritional value and in the formation of the price of final livestock products. To date, more than a third of Russian livestock farms use mixed feeds of their own production, and in the near future, as the degree of vertical integration of agricultural organizations increases, this indicator will only increase. The article considers the main characteristics and peculiarities of the Russian mixed fodder market. The main problems and factors that hinder the development of the industry are identified. The analysis of the market of fodder of agricultural animals in the world and Russia is carried out. The production of granulated grass flour is proposed as an alternative to imported synthetic vitamins. The project is substantiated and developed, the essence of which is to organize, start up and increase the production of granulated vitamin and herbal flour, as well as to ensure the production of its own heat energy, produced from wood pellets produced on basic technological equipment. The main results of the project are: ensuring stable sales of the products; ensuring high quality of products and securing the positions of business reputation as a reliable and competitive partner in the agricultural market of the Krasnoyarsk Territory and adjacent regions; obtaining an annual, stable profit; full reimbursement of investment funds in a four-year term; providing the enterprise with working capital in full as for 2018, and for the future; creating a solid foundation for increasing the production capacity of the enterprise and expanding the range of products.
Studying of experience of foreign countries, EAEU and certain regions of Russia has shown that the most perspective form of integration interaction are agrarian clusters, especially in combination with use of comparative transport and logistics advantages of the states and integration educations. A research objective is a scientific justification of creation and functioning of agro-industrial clusters as the integral making strategy of national and regional integration. The method of dialectic knowledge of processes and the phenomena is the basis for researches. The experience of foreign countries in creation and functioning of transport and logistics clusters is analysed. It is noted that in integration space of EAEU prospects for development of agrarian and logistic clusters are offered. Limiting factors in development of clusters are allocated: insufficient study of organizational structures and methods of management, an algorithm of functioning, relations and interactions between participants. Application of cluster approach in agrarian and industrial complex of the countries of EAEU demands introduction of large-scale innovations. The creation of clusters will make it possible to strengthen the competitiveness of agricultural products of the EAEU states, diversify agricultural production, facilitate the entry into new foreign markets and increase the economic efficiency of the agro-industrial complex and related industries. The conclusion is drawn that the low ratings of transport and logistics of EEU member states can affect their participation in a world foreign trade turnover extremely negatively. The accelerated development and realization of the Eurasians strategy of complex development of logistics is necessary. The creation of Eurasians agrarian and logistic clusters is capable to become the driver of increase in competitiveness of agro-industrial and agrarian and logistic branches.
The main tendencies on transition of the Russian agricultural production to an innovative way of development as a key reference point for a strategic innovation of a control system of the agrarian sector of economy are considered. The attention is focused on such feature of economic development of the agrarian sector of Russia as multidirectional dynamics of profitability of agrarian production and investments into fixed capital. The conclusion about need of development and realization of strategic innovations of a control system is drawn. Development of the agrarian sector gains the cross-disciplinary and inter industry character including connected with technical and technological development of business, the research sphere and education; with development of the social sphere of the village; changes of the land relations; development of foreign economic activity; greening of production and adaptation to climate change and other strategic directions of sustainable social and economic development of the agrarian sector of Russia. Carrying out innovations in the agrarian sector of Russia is complicated by the fact that a considerable part of agro production is the share of small farms on which statistical account is difficult and there is no possibility of objective assessment of efficiency of their activity. Therefore offers on strategic innovations of a control system of economic entities of the agrarian sector are divided on administrative impacts on three levels of a control system that corresponds to the "Adizes's methodology" recognized in universal practice.
The article deals with the most popular digital libraries of the Central Scientific Agricultural Library, the design features and the composition of libraries. The Agricultural Electronic Knowledge Library is a collection of encyclopedias, dictionaries and reference books on various branches of agricultural science and practice. The search for all publications is carried out taking into account the morphology of the language. Articles of publications are linked together by interactive links. Users can comment on each article in the notes to the article. Moderation of user comments and suggestions is being carried out. Electronic Scientific Agricultural Library is a full-text electronic library containing e-books, dissertation papers, research reports and the most interesting articles. It is possible to select hierarchically organized collections; publications can be included in different collections. The search for information is carried out in the space of bibliographic descriptions, taking into account the morphology of the language and the texts of the publications (on the coincidence of words, fragments of words and phrases). According to the Civil Code, different access rights can be given for different editions and users - free access, access to a limited number copies, only from the reading rooms of participants in the Consolidated catalog. Provision is made for paid access. Issuance of restricted access to readers is limited in time, and a queue can be created for addressing publications of increased demand.
Property relations reforms, conducted in Russia, were largely responsible for reduction in the number of commercial unitary poultry enterprises. The main problem resides in the unitary enterprises performance management mechanisms due regard being had to public sector significance and influence on the development of the poultry industry. Thus, notwithstanding the lower commercial unitary poultry enterprises ratio in the overall population size of the poultry corporate structures, it is extremely important to carry out an analysis of their current status and development outlook. In the course of investigations there were practiced such methods as system, structured and benchmarking analysis and graphical interpretation methods. There were identified the main factors indicated some restructuring guidelines that had impact on the industry members formation and development. We established their performance level in general and in the context of their lines of activities in particular. Imperfection of the mechanisms of government regulation of the poultry industry developments caused the growing import dependence, lowering of the poultry corporate structures sustainability and declining food security level in our country. Recommendations made in this article aimed at the economic policy agenda adjustment by introduction of amendments to the mechanisms of government regulations of the poultry product reproduction stabilization.
Farms of the population define development of rural territories, actively participate in ensuring food security Now 18 million personal subsidiary farms playing a significant role in food supply of the population are the share of 38 million people living in rural areas. In article the role and value of farms of the population in production of such vital crop as potatoes systemically is considered. Increase in production of potatoes has to minimize dependence of the population, food and processing industry on import. The main problems connected with growth of productivity and marketability of potatoes in farms of the population are allocated. The conclusion is drawn that at observance of the standard of farming, development of cooperation and active state support an exit in 2020 to target indicators of the State program of development of agriculture and regulation of the markets of agricultural production, raw materials and food for 2013-2020 is quite real.