
Issue № 8, August 2017, article № 4

Matrix-competence approach in management of resource-saving technological processes of organic fertilizers application

The important direction of functioning of agrarian and industrial complex of Russia is improvement of the organizational and economic mechanism of management of technological processes of production and use of organic fertilizers in the conditions of resource-saving agrarian policy. A research objective is development and approbation of tools of management of technological processes of the production and use of organic fertilizers focused on resource-saving. In author's treatment matrix and competence-based approach in management of resource-saving technological processes of use of organic fertilizers represents set of the general principles of the reasoned choice of the direction of processing of organic waste and the applied technology for the purpose of optimum use of a resource source of raw materials, increase in efficiency of functioning of branches of crop production and livestock production within ecologically focused agrarian production. In approach three stages for two basic directions of processing - the traditional and accelerated microbiological composting are allocated. The matrix of compliance of formation of a resource source of raw materials and production of organic fertilizers and also the field of dilemmas of the directions of processing of organic waste is made. When using retrospective data on the example of the organization of the Rostov region production of organic fertilizers and the need for them are determined, the prospects of use of resource-saving technologies of the accelerated microbiological composting are proved. The efficiency of resource-saving production technologies of organic fertilizers is confirmed with their approbation under production conditions of the agricultural organizations of the Rostov region. The offered matrix and competence-based approach is offered to be considered as one of the most acceptable and available instruments of increase in efficiency of the agrarian ecologically focused production.

Issue № 8, August 2017, article № 5

Methodological aspects of development of organic agriculture in russia

In article stages of formation and development of organic agriculture in foreign countries and Russia are considered, a comparative assessment of his state in them is given. Existence of various points of view concerning development of organic agriculture, production and the market of organic production in our country speaks about need of scientific and methodological justification of statement and studying of this problem. In article two questions of methodological character are considered: understanding of the place of organic agriculture in country agriculture in general and questions of regulation and support of this process. Organic agriculture is considered as specific, but a component of the general system of farming. The efficiency of support of organic agriculture that will be higher, than more she will be carried out on a scientific basis, in close connection of the Ministry of Agriculture with regional authorities and scientific and educational institutions. Only those economic entities which will be included into the register of the certified producers of organic production have to enjoy support and will report on results of the activities for a nation-wide statistical accounting and reporting system. Ecological, social and economic factors are also in addition distinguished from advantages of organic agriculture. Rates of annual growth of the areas occupied under production of organic production during 2017-2020 can be from 3.4 to 3.9‰, and sales volumes from 7.7 to 11.2‰. The uniform information base will make possible to carry out objective monitoring of domestic market of organic production

Issue № 8, August 2017, article № 8

Rural economy: problems of strategic development

Article is devoted to improvement of public administration of agrarian and industrial complex on the basis of the balances defining scientifically based proportions in its diversified structure which assume development of the village as interconnected with the city original socially - industrial complex. On the basis of group of the facts in the sphere of agrarian and industrial complex importance of intellectualization of rural economy in operating conditions of various models and forms of ownership is proved. The organizational directions of social and production development of agricultural territories taking into account their competitive advantages are offered. The science role in high-quality updating of the agrarian sector of Russia is emphasized. A basis of the effective balanced economic decisions is intellectualization of the agricultural territory that demands accumulation of necessary innovative knowledge, their continuous increase by increase in education, competence, professionalism of shots. Scientifically based proportions in agrarian and industrial complex are a development of the village which is an outpost of stability of agricultural territories, connections of the state social partnership with local business, citizens' initiative in use, saving of land riches, preservation of natural and resource, historical and cultural potential. It is important to make an investment priority not so much in new technologies how many in building of the social capital, stabilization of demographic growth in the village, in strengthening of the institution of the family. For realization of potential of development of agrarian and industrial complex the state program of creation of an intellectual framework which would include the modern centres of communications and data processing, analytical, information and consulting services is necessary.

Issue № 8, August 2017, article № 9

Rationalization of the system of sales via e-commerce

Marketing activity becomes a relevant factor of successful functioning of the agricultural enterprise in the market environment. Production distribution system at the agricultural enterprise is a closing stage of economic activity of a producer. Process of management of a distribution system in the agricultural organization is presented in the form of the interconnected blocks (collecting and the analysis of information, planning, the organization, control, adjustment). The agricultural products distribution system through the electronic systems of communications has been offered. The conclusion is drawn that the electronic agrofood market is the perspective direction of development of science (from the point of view of the theory) and the public relations (from the point of view of practice). Weak economic growth of the Russian economy substantially is explained by high transactional and also transport expenses. Electronic commerce due to reduction of transactional expenses promotes open business and the competition, increases efficiency of exchange. Types of interaction of segments of electronic space in agrarian economy are considered. The analysis of sales volumes of production through electronic trading platforms shows that they constantly grow. The effect gained from use of system of electronic commerce on the example of realization of wheat and sunflower by the enterprise of the Voronezh region is calculated. Economic effect of sales of products through the electronic systems of communications was: on wheat - 180 thousand roubles, on sunflower - 195.6 thousand roubles. Sale of agricultural production in the conditions of electronic commerce will increase efficiency of activity of the enterprise in general and also will allow to increase competitiveness of production, to strengthen positions of the enterprise in the agro food market.