
Issue № 7, July 2018, article № 7

Issue № 7, July 2018, article № 8

The brics countries and agriculture 4.0

This study examines the need for the BRICS countries to switch to technologies of Agriculture 4.0 (Digital agriculture)-the current stage of agricultural development. The objectives of this article are: to calculate a technology gap between the BRICS countries and advanced economies in the agricultural production; assess technical efficiency of the BRICS countries’ agriculture within their local groups; analyze the need to switch to technologies of Agriculture 4.0 for the BRICS countries. Data envelopment analysis is used as a methodology for the calculations: a metafrontier approach is applied to a dynamic non-oriented SBM model with constant returns to scale (with five local groups of countries: the CIS, developing economies of Latin America and the Caribbean, developing Asia, developing economies of Africa, located to the south of the equator, advanced economies; 97 countries in total; the time interval of data: 2000-2014). The study shows that the BRICS countries have exhausted their potential of the applied technologies in agricultural production, since they have reached the maximum technical efficiency within the technologies of their local groups. At the same time the technology gap between the BRICS members, with the exception of China, and the advanced economies is relatively large and permanent, which indicates that the majority of BRICS members are not ready to switch to Agriculture 4.0. Of all the BRICS countries, China has the greatest potential for switching to new technologies in agriculture, which can eliminate the technology gap. According to our estimates, the transition to new technologies in Russia can increase its potential output of agricultural products twice with the same expenditure of agricultural resources. As a source of financing for the introduction of new technologies in our country, it is proposed to change the structure of state support of agriculture (by reducing market price support in favour of increasing support to fixed capital formation).

Issue № 7, July 2018, article № 10

Mikrotezaurus on economy of agrarian and industrial complex is as means of the description of subject domain

The article gives results of agricultural economics micro thesaurus creation performed in CSAL. The research goal was a linguistic tool that can form and structure information on economics of agriculture with relevant subject-specific retrieval and also can be used as a table of correspondence for number of information retrieval languages. Effective subject-specific search requires specially designed linguistic tool - thesaurus. Micro thesaurus specializes on a separate area of agriculture, can be used as a directory of normalized dictionary, supports normalized dictionary introduction into local scientific practice and gives opportunity to estimate a level of any topic research. The method of thesaurus creation included vocabulary selection and takeoff, semantic processing, normalized dictionary tailoring and creation of lexical entries. To reveal the terminology the authors analyzed different sources including dictionaries thesauruses, current and retrospective articles. All the terms and items included passed through notional processing to determine status of the term, all the synonyms and connections with other terms as well as paradigmatic and associative relations. All descriptors were connected with English equivalent ones. Also authors created the tables of correspondences for thesaurus, branch rubricator and Universal Brussels Classification which means that any descriptor in the thesaurus was connected with its analogues. The micro thesaurus created is fully corresponded to current level of linguistic support and can be used as a linguistic tool of document processing, subject-specific search and also as a directory of normalized dictionary.

Issue № 6, June 2018, article № 5

Methodology of development of the agrofood market

The article presents the methodology of the prospects of the agro-industrial market and the relevance of its development. The concept of modeling the market prospects as a dynamic mechanism of supply-demand balance is proposed, the method of modeling the market prospects on the basis of variation deviations of trends is developed. The application of the proposed approach makes it possible to demonstrate the connection of the basic provisions of the market equilibrium theory with the problems of assessing the prospects of the situation in the agricultural markets. The market outlook modeling methodology includes four successive stages. Testing of the proposed method was carried out using official Rosstat data on the grain market. Over a twenty-year time interval, the changes in prices and production volumes were analyzed. The basic statistical parameters of regression are defined. The quantitative parameters of the dependence of the volumes of supply and demand and prices are established. The conditions of market equilibrium in the wheat market are determined. The elasticity of supply and demand for the price is estimated. The gradient and the nature of the market balance are revealed, the prospect of the Russian wheat market is described. Testing confirms the practical usefulness of the results in the wheat market prospects management. The proposed methodology can be used in the analysis of other markets with significant variability of parameters by their operators.

Issue № 6, June 2018, article № 6

The indicative mechanism of pricing in the grain market of the region

The structure of the price for the last quarter century has changed dramatically. If in the pre-perestroika period, in the prime cost of production, the main costs were for the maintenance of fixed assets, seeds and labour. Now, in 25 years, the expenses for the maintenance of fixed assets have been reduced by 2 times, but expenses for oil products and electric power have increased 5-fold, and overhead expenses (administrative expenses) have doubled. In unstable market conditions, an agricultural commodity producer is faced with the fact that after the sale of its goods it does not pay back its costs and is at a loss. The rather complicated and unstable situation on the grain market led to the result, when peasants, having received a large harvest, can not sell it at reasonable prices. The state in such situations should act as a guarantor of the fact that at such price hikes the commodity producer can always count on getting state support for the lost profit. For the operation of such a mechanism for regulating the grain market, we propose an indicative mechanism for pricing in the grain market, based on the definition of indicative prices, taking into account expanded reproduction. Calculation of indicative prices should be made taking into account the net payback of costs for the production of gross output. Proceeding from the offered technique actually in 2015 producers of grain has received less 1529.4 million roubles. Settlement indication price of grain in 2020 will be 9.48, in 2025 - 13.1 thousand roubles/t.