The most important factor in the transformation of social and labour relations is the development of the means of production, scientific and technological progress, and the improvement of technology and technology. Recently, robotics has been rapidly introduced in agriculture. The main scientific idea is that the robotization of agricultural production leads to a significant transformation of social and labour relations. To assess these processes, various sociological research methods were used. The transition of the agricultural sector of the economy to robotics contributes to overcoming one of the serious contradictions of modern production, on the one hand, between the growing specialization of labour operations as a condition for increasing labour productivity and, on the other hand, the need to enhance the content and creative nature of labour. Robotization causes a transformation of the professional composition of workers in agricultural organizations. Workers with a high proportion of manual labour (milkmaids, cattlemen) are replaced by specialists of mainly mental labour (operators of robotic milking, robot maintenance equipment). As the analysis shows, robotization transforms the gender composition of agricultural workers. Robotization is associated with an increase in employment with skills in engineering, engineering and mathematical specialties, among which women constitute a smaller part of workers. The use of robotics in agricultural production increases the attractiveness and variety of labour, which has a positive effect on the retention of young professionals in the industry.
Despite the progress of many knowledge-intensive industries, the welfare of the population is still determined primarily by the level of agriculture development. Moreover, in the foreseeable future, the significance of this branch of the economy will only grow steadily due to the increase in population, urbanization processes, reduction of cultivated land, environmental pollution and several other reasons that accompany evolutionary changes at the present stage of history. Therefore, the production of food is invariably among the practical targets of national importance. A significant contribution to the development of domestic agriculture is made by poultry farming. In a short period of time (1998-2017) in Russia, poultry meat production growth was 7 times, eggs - by 37‰. To maintain the momentum and continue the progressive development of poultry, it is necessary to increase its competitiveness considering present and future challenges.
Vegetables, potatoes, fruits and berries are familiar and necessary food in the diet of the average Russian. The growth rate of production of these products does not keep pace with the needs of the population, so every year the Russian Federation imports from 4 to 6 million tons of fruits and vegetables. The article considers the dynamics of production of vegetables, potatoes, fruits and berries in the Siberian Federal district for 1990-2015.the factors influencing the development of fruit and vegetable growing in the district are revealed. Studies have shown that for the further development of these industries it is necessary to intensify the construction of new irrigation systems, to attract large investors for the construction of modern greenhouse plants and the laying of perennial plantations, to use the possibilities of logistics centres to create modern storage bases and workshops for processing agricultural products, to create cooperatives, fruit and vegetable trading bases-markets for the purchase of surplus products from private households and farms. Indicators of production (vegetables, potatoes, fruits and berries) were calculated on the basis of the required volumes of food, according to the recommended consumption rates and the expected population of the region. In the production of vegetables, potatoes, fruits and berries in the Siberian Federal district, personal subsidiary and farm enterprises occupy a leading position, which brings instability to the Siberian market and the orientation of processing enterprises on imported raw materials. In our opinion, for greater stability of the fruit and vegetable market, it is necessary to gradually increase the role of large agricultural organizations in the fruit and vegetable industries of the district.
Breakthrough development of domestic rural economy is possible only on the basis of his scientific and technological development. Acceleration of rates of development of science and technologies in the last decades demands change of approaches to formation and realization of the state innovative policy. In the developed countries more than 80‰ of economic growth is provided due to innovative development of branches of economy. In article the branch of crop production, including seed farming and organic agriculture is considered. Determination of critical technologies of crop production requires identification of possible options of development of branch for a long-term outlook. Scenarios of scientific and technological development of crop production which will help to overcome the stochastic nature of the happening processes are defined, to reveal the large-scale scientific and technological breaks capable it is essential to change branch. Scientific and technological development is impossible without improvement of the existing mechanisms of the state support. Creation by the state of conditions for ensuring expanded reproduction with agricultural producers on an innovative basis, on the interdepartmental and subsidizing principles is necessary.
The regulatory legal base of regulation of scientific and technical development and digital economy in Russia is analysed; the system of indicators of innovative development of the domestic housekeeper in comparison with the developed foreign countries; examples of use of digital technologies in agro-industrial complex. Dynamics of labour productivity is considered, conclusions are drawn on opportunities of growth of gross output and labour productivity in agriculture, achievement of food security and import substitution of main types of agricultural production in Russia in the conditions of development of digital economy. The conclusion is drawn that use of digital technologies has to turn from separate stories of success into universal practice. It will involve considerable costs: organizational, financial, temporary. There are risks of objective control of the state support of process of digitalization due to the lack of indicators on which official statistical observation is established.
A research objective is a development of the mechanism of increase in efficiency of agrarian and industrial complex on the basis of technologies of the industry 4.0. Unlike traditional technologies of agrarian and industrial complex, technology of the industry 4.0 allow to increase economic efficiency of business of agrarian and industrial complex, to provide satisfaction of the available requirements of society, to promote disclosure of human potential of workers, to reduce their negative impact on the environment. However the mechanism of increase in efficiency of agrarian and industrial complex on the basis of technologies of the industry 4.0 can't be started on the market self-government active participation of the state for this purpose is required function. Traditional functions of the state in agrarian and industrial complex have to be replaced with functions on creation and maintenance of favourable market conditions, stimulation of target activity of the agrarian and industrial complex enterprises and also carrying out monitoring and control. Therefore transition to agrarian and industrial complex 4.0 is essentially new way of development of agrarian and industrial complex which at the same time opens unique opportunities, but also demands sweeping changes in corporate and public administration.
In work problems, basics and ways of integration of digital platforms of agrarian and industrial complex, construction branch, logistic activity, pharmaceutical branch on A.I. Kitov and V.M. Glushkov's ideas about the Nation-wide automated system of data collection and processing for account, planning and management of the national economy in the USSR (OGAS) are covered. One of the main tendencies in development of modern society and economy is universal integration of separate processes into uniform system for the purpose of increase in efficiency of interaction. The conclusion is drawn that process of formation of reference models goes to agrarian and industrial complex mismatch with introduction of information technologies. Transition to the digital platform in the form of integration of branch reference models on the basis of uniform information Internet space of interaction is offered.
The directions on the development of the institutional and economic mechanism of management of the agro-industrial complex by the district management were developed. In the system of regional self-government, the agro-industrial complex should be considered as one of the most important spheres of activity of the population of the municipality. As research shows the most important problems of a regional control system are various approaches and interpretation of territorial and economic bases, competences of local governments in social and economic development of objects of rural territories and also interaction of bodies of the public, economic board and local government. Evaluating the administrative activities of rural administrative districts, it should be noted that their functional connections are not directly directed to the economic structures of enterprises and various organizations for the development of production and economy, since the principles of interaction between state authorities and local self-government of the agro industrial complex are not adequately regulated by legislation from federal to local (district) level. Loss of manageability at the municipal (district) level negatively affects the economic efficiency of agricultural production. In this regard, the goal-setting of the article was to develop the main directions for improving the management of the agro-industrial complex by regional management structures.
The article is devoted to the topical issues of the activity of small farms in the agro industrial complex of the Chelyabinsk region in the conditions of state support and stimulation of their development. Small forms of management are considered as significant participants in the market of agricultural production. Identification of trends in the development of small forms of management of the Chelyabinsk region based on the analysis of their current state in terms of state support. The features of state support of small farms, due to the relatively low level of protection in the economic space, lack of funds due to high interest rates, lack of market power, dependence on local conditions of production, possibilities of consumer co-operation, high sensitivity to the methods of state investment regulation. Defined the interdependence of the growth rate of government support and value of output are small forms of management in agriculture of the Chelyabinsk region.
The article deals with the problem of intersectoral interactions analysed the problem of equivalence of economic relations in the context of price distortions. Offers methodological approaches to the issues under consideration in the form of model schemes, based on the definition of indicative figures, price and cost proportions between accumulation and consumption. The conclusion is drawn that not only adverse price ratios, but also low level of technological development and production management are the cornerstone of disparity of the relations of agriculture with other branches of economy. The mechanism of equivalence of interindustry interaction and the economic relations doesn't answer fully problems of ensuring sustainable development and economic growth of branches of agrarian and industrial complex.