
Issue № 5, May 2018, article № 1

Conceptual and innovative model of agro-industrial reproduction in the conditions of the industry 4.0: features and prospects

The purpose of article consists in development of conceptual and innovative model of agro-industrial reproduction in the conditions of the industry 4.0. The theoretic and methodological base was created by the advanced researches of modern Russian and foreign scientists concerning modernization of agrarian and industrial complex and optimization of system of agro-industrial reproduction. In work three most perspective directions of modernization of agrarian and industrial complex on the basis of the industry 4.0 are designated: diversification and optimization of agro-industrial production with use of the latest technologies and opportunities of the industry 4.0, use of the latest technologies for delivery of food production to consumers and increases in efficiency of a chain of value added of agrarian and industrial complex and also introduction of inter industry cross-industrial technologies and applications for expansion of cooperation and integration of the agrarian and industrial complex enterprises. Authors have offered the most promising and demanded technologies allowing to realize this directions and also the author's conceptual and innovative model of agro-industrial reproduction in the conditions of the industry 4.0 directed to formation of agrarian and industrial complex 4.0 is developed. Implementation of this model will allow to solve successfully a problem of global food security thanks to ensuring high productivity, controllability, independence of climatic conditions and ecological safety of agrarian and industrial complex.

Issue № 5, May 2018, article № 3

Analysis of qualitative list of heads of the agricultural organizations

The objects of article are to analyse the qualitative structure of heads of the agricultural organisations in the Russian Federation (according to the All-Russia agricultural census of 2016) and to prove offers on its improvement. At research methods of groupings, the analysis and synthesis, an induction and deduction, comparison and others were applied. In the course of researches the low educational level at many heads of the agricultural organisations is established. So, even in the organisations concerning large and average business, 52,5 ‰ of heads have the higher agricultural education only. At heads of small enterprises an educational level even more low. On microenterprises Rosstat has not presented the information on qualitative structure of their heads. From the departmental reporting of regional controls agriculture follows, that many heads of such economy have also no secondary special education. However regional programs of preparation and improvement of professional skill of heads of the agricultural organisations are absent. For increase of qualitative structure it is offered: 1) to accept the special Federal program of increase professional knowledge, abilities, skills administrative shots of the agricultural organisations; 2) To federal service to the state statistics to collect and bring to the notice of controls and the public the information on presence at heads of the agricultural organisations, including and concerning the microenterprises, corresponding administrative education.

Issue № 5, May 2018, article № 4

Current problems of legal support of the market of organic production in russia

The world pays great attention to organic production systems aimed at creating agro ecosystems that are economically, socially and environmentally safe. Organic products are already produced and sold in Russia, but there is still no need to talk about the broad development of organic agriculture in Russia. There is no fundamental moment - the legislative field, which is only being formed. The purpose of the study is to examine the current state of the legal provision of organic production and turnover of products in Russia, as well as the negative consequences of the absence of a direct action law regulating the organic market for producers, processors, consumers, exporters and importers. Authors used methods: abstract-logical, analysis, comparison, deduction, induction, monographic. The legislative acts of the European Union were studied and analyzed, and the current laws of Ukraine and Armenia were compared with the domestic draft of the Federal Law of the Russian Federation "On the production of organic products." As a result of the research, the authors came to the following conclusions: the domestic legal system for ensuring the market of organic products is not perfect; in the absence of a law of direct action, it is necessary to develop technical regulations for organic products, replacing them with existing GOSTs; It is necessary to adopt a law of direct action not only for production, but also for the circulation of organic products. The law on production and turnover of organic products will become an important regulatory document for the Russian economy. It will ensure the proper functioning of the market of organic products and will help to increase the competitiveness of domestic organic products and expand foreign markets for its sale. The results obtained by the authors can later be used in the development of special laws and by-laws, as well as by participants in the market of organic products in practical activities.

Issue № 5, May 2018, article № 6

Agroenergy management in development of social infrastructure of rural territories

In rural areas of the country there is an increase in social tension. Reduction of social facilities continues. Only in the last ten years the number of paramedic-midwifery stations has decreased by more than 12‰, general education institutions - more than 22‰, other objects of the social sphere of the countryside have decreased by 7-10‰. There is not only their reduction, but quality is declining and the volume of provided social services is declining. Migratory processes became more active. About 200 billion roubles are spent annually on the maintenance of social facilities in rural areas. budgetary funds related to the purchase of energy resources, which is about 2‰ of the total expenditure of the consolidated budget of the Russian Federation for the maintenance of socio-cultural sites. Expenses of the budget of municipal entities for the acquisition of fuel and energy resources (FER) for social infrastructure facilities are even higher - up to 8‰. In the structure of spending on the maintenance of social real estate, the cost of paying for energy resources is the bulk (about 70-80‰). FER at social property sites are not used rationally, the technical potential of energy saving at such facilities is up to 80‰ of actual energy consumption. It is established that only by improving the energy management system it is possible to reduce the annual energy costs in rural areas by 16-17 billion roubles. This article focuses on the problems of rational and efficient management of energy consumption at real estate objects in the social sphere of rural areas. The need for the development of specific methods for assessing the level of energy efficiency of social real estate objects, monitoring energy conservation, creating scientific and practical recommendations for improving the agro-energy management system in rural areas is substantiated.