
Issue № 12, December 2018, article № 10

Inevitable transformation of economy of the forest sector

In this article, the definition of the term “forest sector” is being given; the article also provides analysis of the comprehensive research behind it, research allowing drawing up an accurate picture of the current state of the world’s forest sector. The main goal of the study is to highlight the inevitability of the transformation of Russia’s forest sector given the new understanding of the roles of forests, forest resources, forestry, forest management, timber processing and timber trade in the world’s economic system. The world community recognizes the crucial role of the forest sector in the regulation of climate change. It is clear that while oceans have a more prominent role in absorption of carbon dioxide than forests have, humanity cannot regulate oceans’ input into the absorption of greenhouse gases, yet it is possible to regulate the input of forests into the greenhouse gases absorption. This article concern problematic legislation, attempts to divide the forest-managing responsibilities between the Federal and regional authorities, unreasoned financial and economic relations. Revision of the legislative acts administering the forest managing in densely populated regions of Russia is not connected to the realms of economy and the current state of human capital in lowly forested regions of Russia Thereafter, scientific research in theory of forest sector economics is needed. The research has to be comprehensive, start with the evaluation of basic criteria of forest capital, costs of ecosystem and social services provided by forests, include evaluation of the cost of forest resources together with the findings in the area of costs of all types of silviculture, forest management and transportation of forestry products

Definition of the priority directions of innovative development of agriculture in stavropol krai

From the effective innovative activity of the regions, the stable, dynamic development of Russian agriculture largely depends. The research of priority directions of innovative development of agricultural production in the Stavropol Territory is caused by the need to differentiate various directions of specialization of this branch of the region in order to determine the most effective directions for stimulating innovative development. In this regard, it is urgent to investigate the theoretical and practical aspects of innovative development of agriculture, its organizational and economic mechanism, and to identify priority areas that will contribute to the growth of innovative activity in the agricultural sector of the region. The purpose of the study is to identify priority areas for the development of agriculture in order to take advantage of the individual development directions in terms of the impact of stimulant factors and destimulator factors. The theoretical and methodological basis of the research was the fundamental and applied research of domestic and foreign scientists in the field of spatial economics and economic analysis, thematic publications in periodicals devoted to the problems of agricultural production in the management system of regional socio-economic systems. To determine the priority directions for the development of agriculture, a method was used that was distinguished by a block structure. The model of multicriteria rating assessment provides criteria for assessing the potential of innovative development of territories. As a key parameter of the potential of innovation development is a generalizing indicator, in accordance with the level of which three levels of innovative development potential are allocated.

Experience and the prospects of development of cooperation in the agrarian sector of the north caucasian federal district

Small farms are an integral part of agrarian production of the North Caucasian federal district. In 2017 year 61.6‰ of total amount of the agricultural products produced by farms of all categories of the district, including 28.2‰ of grain, 21.9‰ of sunflower, 78.0‰ of vegetables of the discovered and closed soil, 90.1‰ of potatoes, 59.3‰ of meat of the cattle and a bird, 88.7‰ of milk and 72.3‰ of eggs fall to their share. Despite so considerable outputs, the involvement of subjects of small farms into the sphere of commodity exchange and the system of the food market remains extremely low. For the purpose of further development and growth of efficiency of small business entities in the district in the conditions of multistructure agriculture and strengthening of interaction between various legal forms of managing creation and expansion of a system of agricultural cooperatives is necessary. In the North Caucasian Federal District as of January 1, 2016 438 agricultural consumer cooperatives are registered that makes 7.3‰ of their Russian number from which only 59‰ actually work (across Russia this figure reaches 68‰). Today in the majority of territorial subjects of the Russian Federation, including also North Caucasus federal district, development of small forms is kept within State programme’s actions for 2013-2020. So, for example, in 2017 for 1 rub of gross output, small farms received only 0.8 kopeks of the federal help that it is obviously not enough. At the same time extremely important not only to increase the sizes of the funds allocated by the state but also to provide their effective use.