
Issue № 1, January 2019, article № 3

Evaluation of consumer preferences of perm in respect of food products that do not contain artificial additives

In the modern world the consumer faces a dilemma - the choice between purchase of products with artificial preservatives and without them. On the one hand, the fast way of life forces consumers to buy more and more ready-made products of food which often contain synthetic preservatives which protect a product from damage, and, on the other hand, there is a nervousness of consumers concerning negative impact of synthetic preservatives on their health. Thus, and producers of food have a dilemma - to add or not synthetic preservative to a product. This article discusses the attitude of consumers to food without synthetic additives. The practical part of the study is devoted to the assessment of the willingness to pay for mayonnaise, which does not contain synthetic preservatives, by Perm consumers. The paper uses the contingent valuation method to determine the willingness to pay for the product. The results of the analysis suggest that the average consumer of mayonnaise in Perm is ready to buy mayonnaise, which does not contain a synthetic preservative, with a 23.6 ‰ premium to the price of mayonnaise with a synthetic preservative. Previously, there were no studies of the willingness to pay by Russian consumers for a product without synthetic preservatives and this work fills this gap. The results of the study will help companies and government to assess the attitude of consumers to synthetic preservatives.

Issue № 1, January 2019, article № 5

Functioning and development of the processing sphere of meat sub complex in the russian federation

At the moment, the domestic meat-producing sub complex plays an important role in the formation and strengthening of the position of agriculture both at the national and global level. In the context of the implementation of global integration processes, strengthening the export potential of the Russian Federation, as well as the escalation of economic and political tensions, sectoral management structures need to form and implement a comprehensive action plan of socio-economic nature (strategy), focused on the solution of interrelated tasks, in terms of achieving a proportionately balanced stability and a positive trend in the adaptive development of meat sub complex, taking into account crisis conditions, risk factors and uncertainty. Based on this strategic setting, an important tool for achieving the goals and objectives is a comprehensive analysis and assessment of the features of the functioning and trends of the development of the processing sphere of the latter. Thus, the article studies the efficiency of the functioning of the raw material base, production sphere, industry market, export-import balance, as well as plans, goals, objectives and tools of import substitution policy implemented in this industry segment of the national economy. Of particular importance and scientific value are the goals and objectives of the complex development of meat production in the Russian Federation; measures to improve the competitiveness of domestic enterprises and products; the main tasks of the forming development of commodity and logistics infrastructure of the domestic market of meat and meat raw materials, as well as the direction of development of meat production on the basis of innovative approaches and solutions.