
Issue № 9, September 2018, article № 10

Production efficiency of milk: search of limits of efficiency growth of cows

Increase in efficiency of cows doesn't lead to the adequate growth of economic efficiency of dairy cattle breeding therefore the research purpose - carrying out additional researches of influence of growth of yields of milk of milk on profit and profitability of his production. Farms of the Leningrad Region are rather differentiated on the applied technologies of contents, feeding and milking and without these distinctions it is difficult to reveal regularities of influence of efficiency of cows on economic efficiency of dairy livestock production. The executed groups of the agricultural organizations of the Leningrad Region for indicators of average annual milk yield of milk counting on a cow have shown that each subsequent increase of yields of milk of milk becomes more and more resource-intensive that leads to decrease in profitability of expenses. The hypothesis of a possible divergence of results of calculations and conclusions by them was checked by consideration of expenses and results in relation to production of milk (the 1st option) and concerning costs of the main herd of the dairy cattle and fattening cattle at the corresponding proceeds from sales of milk and cattle (the 2nd option). The biological limit of efficiency of cows in the Leningrad Region averages not less than 13000 milks from a cow in a year, and in separate farms is significantly higher. Therefore, to reach these indicators for today isn't a problem. At the same time the aspiration to increase efficiency of cows isn't always economically justified in any way. Extreme, economically justified efficiency of cows for each economy of dairy specialization is individual when which determining it is necessary to consider a complex of technology, genetic, organizational, personnel and other factors.

Issue № 9, September 2018, article № 11

Development of digital technologies is as a basis of the strategy of dairy cattle breeding development

The growth rate of milk production is increasingly determined by the level of competitiveness in the global market, the compliance of quality indicators, costs and environmental safety of production to the world's leading competitors. An increase in animal productivity, labour productivity, product quality, a decrease in resource intensity, losses in the production and processing of milk, environmental pressures, production and economic costs require the system development of innovative technologies. Digital technologies provide the transition from management of innovation development at individual stages of the production chain to their unification in a single production and economic system on the basis of a "digital platform", which allows to obtain synergistic result, increase operational and investment efficiency, realize economies of scale and comparative advantages, provide competitiveness and strong growth in milk production volumes. The development of digital technologies ensures the transition from the application of innovations at individual stages of the production chain to their unification in a single production and economic system on the basis of a "digital platform", which makes it possible to obtain synergistic result, to increase operational efficiency, to realize economies of scale and comparative advantage, to ensure the competitiveness and strong growth in milk production volumes. For the development of innovative digital technologies by most participants of dairy cattle breeding, it is necessary to revise the forms of state support for the investment process in dairy cattle breeding.

Issue № 8, August 2018, article № 1

Increase in competitiveness of domestic agro food production and development of digital economy in agrarian and industrial complex

The article considers a set of factors affecting the competitiveness of agricultural products of the Russian Federation: the average prices of producers, average export prices, production and exports. The analysis showed that since the introduction embargo on the import of agricultural products and food from a number of countries to the territory of the Russian Federation in 2014, the competitiveness of domestic products has increased significantly. This trend was due to the depreciation of the national currency, as well as the relatively favourable market conditions, which allowed increasing the volume of production and exports of agricultural products. At the same time, the analysis of price competitiveness factors revealed the increasing imbalances in the price relations between the agri-industrial sectors, which have a negative impact on the sustainable development of agriculture and the attraction of additional investment resources in the industry. The task of investment development, import substitution and increasing the volume of non-oil exports, it is necessary to search for new growth factors aimed at qualitative changes in production. One of the ways of increasing competitiveness of AIC - introducing digital technologies in agriculture, which will improve productivity and speed up technical and technological updates, increase the competitiveness of agriculture.

Issue № 8, August 2018, article № 4

Modern situation and tendencies of development effectiveness agriculture in siberian federal distirct

Specific features of the regions of the Siberian Federal District are specified by the geographical conditions of the area, social structure of the population and economic external and internal conditions. Agricultural policy of the District sees grain production development as an element, which is the basis for consumption, livestock production and exports development. The area of grain crops is quite sustainable and varies from 9.5-10.2 million ha. Gross grain yield varies from 9.0 to 15.3 million tons. Livestock farming is the leading sector of agriculture; it takes about 53‰ of the gross output of the agricultural sector in the Siberian Federal district. In recent years, the development of animal husbandry in the macro region experienced significant changes. Milk production in recent years is steadily equal to 5.5 million tons. The structure of meat production has changed. Pig production and poultry farming could take prominent part at the meat production market. At the same time, there were no radical changes and efforts in improving economic situation in concern of agricultural production in the Siberian Federal District. Development of agricultural production in the regions of Siberian Federal District has multidirectional tendencies and certain features that should be considered when designing the strategy of agricultural development. The competitive opportunities in each region are different; this is explained by real participation of the regions in trade and economic relations where the regions use their specific resources, production capacities and conditions. Competitive advantages of agricultural producers contribute to the amount and structure of export and import as well as interregional food relations on export and import of food products of each region.

Issue № 8, August 2018, article № 5

Formation and development of agricultural cooperation in the years of reforms and the post-reform period

The analysis of structure changes of the agricultural organizations at various stages of agrarian reform and during the post-reform period shows that despite expectations of scientists and experts of the most different economic and political views agricultural cooperation in the country developed rather poorly. The situation was changed even by active use of an administrative resource and the state money. Moreover, the agricultural production cooperatives created with the state support on ruins of the ruined enterprises in the bulk haven't shown necessary financial stability and have been forced to stop the economic activity. The following data, in particular, demonstrate to it. If in the 90th the share of cooperatives in the general structure of the agricultural organizations constantly grew and by 2002 has reached 48.7‰, then today she hardly exceeds 20‰. And it, we will notice, has occurred those years when the economic situation of agricultural branch in general, certainly, improved, quite good growth rates of agricultural production of and livestock production were observed. Need of modernization of the agricultural production providing decrease in energy consumption on a unit of production and increase in labour productivity contradicted the requirement of preservation of jobs which is one of the main economic interests of members of agricultural production cooperatives. It is important as well the fact that the cooperative form of the organization of production doesn't stimulate inflow of private investments from other spheres of economic activity that constrains development of branch even at substantial increase of level of its profitability. Noted shortcomings are characteristic, first of all, of agricultural production cooperatives. Therefore it is quite natural that at this conjuncture the cooperation development vector gradually changes towards the accelerated growth of number of consumer cooperatives. It is important that the structure of interests of members of consumer cooperatives is much simpler, than production. Therefore the organization of effective work of consumer cooperatives is less difficult and that is very essential, doesn't impose special requirements to personal qualities of the members.