
Issue № 4, April 2019, article № 7

Method of comparative economic assessment of breeds of cattle

One of the scientific and practical problems of the economy of animal husbandry is to conduct a comparative economic assessment of breeds of farm animals, including cattle, dairy cows. The need for such an assessment arises as at the stage of selection, when analyzing the performance of breeding work; and at the stage of making economic decisions, when enterprises choose the best breed of livestock, to ensure maximum efficiency of investment projects. At present, there is no generally accepted methodology and a single economic criterion for a comparative assessment of the economic efficiency of various breeds of agricultural animals. In the presented study, a set of initial indicators was formed, which form the basis of the criterial model. The indicators are grouped into four blocks depending on the content and sources of production: biological, economic, market and estimated. Biological - determine the characteristics of rocks, are formed according to scientific research, breeding descriptions, special observations. Economic indicators characterize the production result of the use of farm animals according to actual data in the studied region. Market indicators represent the prevailing market prices for milk, meat, heifers; are included in the assessment of the same for all breeds at the level of the average for the studied region. Estimates include the cost of heifers, the salvage value of the cow, the cost of the produced milk and calves, comparable costs per head per year. The main calculated indicator is a generalized economic criterion - comparable yield. Based on the materials and conditions of the Kostroma region, a comparative assessment of the Holstein, Kostroma, black-and-white, and Yaroslavl rocks was carried out. As a result, the estimates of the breed are ranked by decrease in economic efficiency as follows: Kostroma, black-and-white, Yaroslavl, Holstein. The study confirmed the efficiency of the technique, the possibility of its use for comparative economic evaluation of other cattle breeds in different regions. The prospect for further research is the development of methodological approaches to the assessment of breeds of other species of farm animals.

Issue № 4, April 2019, article № 8

Mekhanizm of improving competitiveness of the russian grain in the internal and external markets

The existing tendencies to decrease in profitability of grain production, unevenness of distribution of income between producers and intermediaries, strengthening of dependence of landowners on grain traders, a gap between the import and export prices of grain crops cause need of search of ways of increase in competitiveness of products in the internal and external markets. The authors analysed parameters of competitiveness of the Russian grain, problems of realization of competitive advantages in the world market are revealed. The comparative analysis of parameters of competitiveness of grain crops of Russia and other leading grain powers (the USA, Canada, the EU) is carried out. On the level of costs of production of grain crops under favourable weather conditions Russia has considerable competitive advantages in the world market. The minimum costs of application of fertilizers, low level of investments of restoration of fertility of soils, the underestimated amount of the rent for the earth, etc. are the main reasons for low prime cost of grain. For improving competitiveness of grain in the internal and external markets system development of all parameters of competitiveness of grain crops is offered: balancing of multidirectional economic interests of producers, support of competitive potential of the Russian grain market; realization of certain competitive advantages of the Russian grain in the world market.

Issue № 3, March 2019, article № 1

Relevant directions of improvement of agrarian policy of russia

Despite the fact that many problems of further development of agriculture and rural areas are systemic in nature, there is no a long-term strategy for agricultural and rural development. Research results show that in recent years significant results have been achieved in the production of certain types of products, increasing the country's food security, increasing exports of grain, oilseeds, poultry and pig meat, and a number of other goods. However, growth in agriculture was accompanied by serious structural imbalances: in the development of sub-sectors, various categories of farms, differentiation in terms of the level and efficiency of production both in the country regions and individual agricultural producers, and the social situation in the countryside intensified. There remains a set of problems related to the availability of food for low-income groups, the need to increase the profitability of the main part of medium-sized small agricultural producers, the development of domestic technological and resource base, the improvement of living conditions in rural areas and several others. The proposals for improving agricultural policy are based on the need to balance the interests of consumers and producers of agricultural products and foodstuffs, as well as to ensure consistency between the tasks facing the agro-industrial complex to achieve food security of the country, increasing the export potential of domestic agricultural products, sustainable rural development and state programs. measures, as well as allocated for the development financial resources.

Issue № 3, March 2019, article № 3

Technology of the branches is as incentive of agrarian development

The influence of technological features of production on the development of agricultural industries, in particular, the duration of the production cycle was analyzed. Technological features are largely due to the biological characteristics of the production of one or another agricultural product, for example, early maturity characteristics of animal growth, cropping complexity. In recent years the intensive growth of the most complex industries in the technological relation, in particular, of poultry farming is observed that is explained by the short production cycle attracting a rapid turnover of the invested capital. Specific features of production technologies play a large role in the solution of business on capital investments in this or that industry. Agriculture in general loses to other branches of economy at the expense of the long turnover of the capital and numerous risks connected with big dependence on climatic conditions... These circumstances determine the necessity of the state support for agriculture. However, the volume of state support for agriculture in our country is far inferior to the level of developed countries. The consequence of this is the technological lag of the Russian agro-industrial complex from the indicators of developed countries in the provision of agricultural machinery, mineral fertilizers, pesticides, high-quality seeds and in innovative development as whole. Many innovations that are used in production are of foreign origin and are in urgent need of import substitution. Agriculture in Russia is characterized by a wide variety of technological paradigms, a range of economic and social conditions. The influence of economic attractiveness factors - capital intensity, level of manufacturability and payback period according to a three-point assessment on the production growth of the main types of livestock and crop production is considered. It is concluded that there are significant impact of technological factors on the livestock industries development and there are lesser impact of it on the crop production development.

Issue № 3, March 2019, article № 4

Territorial aspects of robotization of agriculture

Depopulation processes are observed in the rural areas of the Russian Federation. In these conditions, an increasing number of economic entities in the agrarian sphere use robotics. This allows soothing this problem, improving production and economic indicators. The article summarizes the results of the study of rural areas of the Russian Federation, where robotics is used in agrarian production. The study aims to identify the general characteristics of these territories, their isolation from cities and the proportion of the rural population in them. This makes it possible to increase the effectiveness of decision-making on development and introduction of innovative agricultural development programs, and to increase the effectiveness of robotization of the agrarian sector of the economy. The study covers all regions of the Russian Federation, where robots are used in agriculture, 71 municipal units, 103 economic entities. As of January 1, 2017, 393 robots were used in the agrarian sector of the economy, primarily in animals milking. The conception and classification of rural areas is the most fully described within the methodology of the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development. A significant number (39‰) of economic entities using robotics is located not far (up to 80 km) from regional centers. This is due to as the need of entities to overcome the shortage of the personnel because of a high level of labour migration to cities, and as the availability of a necessary infrastructure for service of robotics. The maximum density of robotics is observed in areas with a share of the rural population of 15-50‰, the minimum - with a share of the rural population of more than 50‰. According to the isolation criterion, the maximum density of robotics is observed in mixed suburban (114.0) and mixed remote (94.2) territories. This is explained with the fact that agricultural organizations in suburban areas have a significant shortage of personnel and are forced to use robotics. Remote rural areas have the minimum density of robotization (50.4), which necessitates the development and use of the mechanism, and higher priority for robotization to overcome technological inferiority and stagnation processes.