
Issue № 4, April 2024, article № 7

Silage and haylage production as a basis for effective livestock development

The provision of livestock production in full with high-quality balanced feed largely determines the final results of the agricultural sector, acts as a guarantee of sustainable development of rural areas, contributes to the fulfillment of tasks to increase the volume of livestock production set out in state programs and national doctrines. This article presents the results of a comprehensive author's study of certain aspects of the problem of effective development of animal husbandry in enterprises of the agricultural sector; monitoring the level of provision of the industry with feed. With the help of economic and statistical methods, an assessment is given of the degree of influence of the volumes of harvested succulent fodder for the stall period, namely silage and haylage, on the effectiveness of animal husbandry in agricultural organizations of the Saratov region through a system of indicators: dynamics, variations, intensity. A stochastic (regression) model is proposed for the dependence of the industry's performance indicators (productivity, cost recovery, volume of marketable products) on the level of production of silage and haylage per 1 conditional head. The indicators characterizing the conditions and results of the production of these feeds are presented both in the whole region and in the context of existing natural and climatic microzones; the classification of municipalities of the region according to the level of cost recovery in animal husbandry is performed. The problematic aspects of effective animal husbandry management in the context of individual territories are identified, a number of aspects that can influence the adoption of an objective decision on the need for production and efficient use of silage and hay are identified

Issue № 4, April 2024, article № 8

Aggregated model of rational loading of the processing capacities of the oil and fat subcomplex cluster

An important direction for the rational development of the oil and fat subcomplex in the context of the formation of the sanctioned food market is the rationalization of production plans for integrated enterprises in the food subcomplex in order to effectively regulate interindustry proportions and consumption of final products. Analysis of the achieved results of functioning of the oil and fat subcomplex of the Saratov region over a long period became a prerequisite for the formation of a cluster-forming organizational structure. Calculation of the future production volumes of commercial sunflower by agricultural enterprises made it possible to plan for the future the percentage of utilization of regional production capacities of large oil extraction enterprises, which amounted to 52.35% of the maximum. They included Rusagro-Atkarksk LLC, Rusagro-Balakovo LLC, Rusagro-Saratov LLC, Agrofirma LLC and Agro-Plus LLC of the Volsky district, and Tovarnoe Khozyaystvo LLC of the Marksovsky district. The first and second blocks of the aggregated model present a methodology for selecting raw material zones of the oil and fat subcomplex cluster, which will determine the most promising microzones according to the “degree of reliability”. The data obtained will serve as the basis for calculating, using a simplex or evolutionary method, an economic-mathematical model for determining the optimal production volume for each municipal entity under study, in order to achieve the maximum amount of profit from the production and sale of sunflower oilseeds and planning for increasing production potential at the expense of one’s own resources. The actual production of sunflower oil in 2021 amounted to 7953306.4 c. which, according to the Territorial Body of the Federal State Statistics Service for the Saratov Region, amounted to 75.6% of the level of use of the average annual capacity of organizations for the production of processed agricultural products. Consequently, the estimated maximum production volume reaches 10520246.6 c. per year in the amount of the enterprises studied. The third block, the final one, includes the rationalization of the utilization of processing facilities, with the further goal of detecting (identifying) the “optimal zone” of the dependence of marginal costs on the size of finished product output and optimizing sales in accordance with the supply price of trading platforms with the ultimate mission of making the best management decision to obtain maximum profit in conditions of uncertain market conditions.

Issue № 4, April 2024, article № 9

The current state of industrial production of apples in the context of attracting government support funds

The article discusses current issues of analysis of the current state, prospects for the development of industrial horticulture and apple production. The presented statistical figures indicate an increase in self-sufficiency in Russian apples over 69%. This fact was the basis for studying the needs for increasing product supply on the apple market in Russia in general, and in the regions of the North Caucasus Federal District in particular. The authors examine the actual indicators of production and sales of fruits and apples in Russian regions. The modern system of measures of state support for industrial horticulture at the federal level is considered: preferential short-term and investment lending; preferential lending for agricultural consumer cooperatives; preferential leasing, etc. Regions with the optimal level of government financial investments in the development of industrial production of fruits and apples have been identified, one of which is the Kabardino-Balkarian Republic. The role of budgetary financing of the industry is determined, including the choice of investor funds for planting apple trees using the example of the Kabardino-Balkarian Republic. The volumes of planned planting of apple orchards in 2023–2024 have been studied. in the Kabardino-Balkarian Republic. The dynamics of the expected increase in apple production in the region in the long term are considered. An assessment of the apple procurement system in terms of customer specialization is given. The logistics chains for the sale of apples in the Kabardino-Balkarian Republic are considered. A system of indicators for assessing the effectiveness of budget expenditures for the development of industrial horticulture in the Russian agro-industrial complex has been developed.

Issue № 4, April 2024, article № 10

The impact of the efficiency of agricultural land use on the country's food security system

The research is aimed at studying the impact of the state and use of agricultural land on ensuring food security in the region through balanced and sustainable development of agricultural production while maintaining and increasing soil fertility of agricultural lands. The main attention is paid to the study of approaches to the typologization of the territory depending on natural, climatic and territorial features. As a result of the study, a mapping method was used, which allowed us to identify the relationship between unfavorable territories for agricultural production and unused agricultural lands, the food balance, and the number of agricultural organizations. Based on the above, the author's approach to classifying regions according to the level of food balance was proposed, which included eight types of regions. The classification is based on such parameters as the food balance, the level of production, the share of exports and imports. The results of the study showed that the donor regions have a positive food balance, are leaders in the production of agricultural products, carry out interregional exchange at the expense of their own surpluses and insignificant import attraction. Self-sufficient regions with a positive food balance, meet their needs through their own production and do not carry out interregional exchange. Recipient regions have a negative food balance, can be leaders in production and carry out interregional exchange by attracting imports. Within the framework of this study, the proposed approach allows us to visualize real and hypothetical changes in indicators in three main areas: production, distribution and consumption, as well as to identify producing regions in the country – donor regions and consuming regions of increased attention - recipient regions. As a result, the characteristic of regions by type of food balance formed the basis for the general classification of regions depending on natural and climatic features. Thus, seven classes were identified: megacities, regions located in the zone of influence of megacities, urbanized regions, regions with a high proportion of rural population, northern regions, mountainous regions, arid regions.

Issue № 4, April 2024, article № 11

Retrospective analysis of economic development in rural territories as a forecasting tool: the case of the Republic of Crimea

Theory, methodology and practice of trends and patterns studying in the development of the economy of rural areas, are at the stage of comprehension, as well as the justification of promising directions for their development. The aim of this study is to identify promising directions for the development of the economy of rural areas of the Republic of Crimea on the scientific basis of conducting a retrospective analysis for a period of more than one hundred and twenty-five years. The methodological basis of the study was a set of scientific concepts, fundamental provisions of the regional economy, which also includes knowledge of rural areas. The research methodology is based on the approaches of formalization, systematization and bivariate approach, content analysis, as well as methods of analogies, system-structural, system-functional, comparative-analytical, historical. The main results of the study are: collection and systematization of empirical material on the development of rural areas of Crimea over a long retrospective period of more than 125 years (from the end of the 19th century to the present); identification of key factors and conditions for the development of the economy of rural areas of Crimea, with justification for the predominance of the institutional group among them; substantiation of the “genetic code for the development of the Crimean Peninsula, which is based on agricultural production based on the use of unique natural resources and conditions; forecasting the main trends in the development of the economy of rural areas of Crimea, which will be based on the predominant process of diversification in the direction of the development of tourism (ecological, fishing, etc.), accompanying tourism as a result of the manifestation of the multiplier effect of types of economic activities (trade, catering, hotel activities, etc. ), as well as sanatorium and resort activities.

Issue № 4, April 2024, article № 12

Methodological approaches to the comprehensive assessment of the efficiency of the use of agricultural organizations' resources

The article examines, summarizes and systematizes the main directions of transformation of the global agro-food system. The first of them provides for ensuring access to safe and nutritious food for the population, the second – the transition to healthy and sustainable consumption patterns, the third – stimulating the production of natural products on a sufficient scale, the fourth – ensuring the sufficiency of livelihoods and equitable distribution of values, the fifth – increasing the resilience of the agro-food system to threats and risks, shocks and stresses. The business opportunities and effects of the implementation of the sustainable development strategy at the level of agricultural producers are determined. The key ones are highlighted: reducing risks and increasing business reputation; increasing market share due to the "price premium" caused by the introduction of sustainable development standards by companies; reducing costs and improving business efficiency. The trends in changing the strategy of companies in the agro-industrial sector of the Russian economy in connection with the interests of the main stakeholders in the implementation of the principles of sustainable development – consumers, government agencies and investors – are studied. Theoretical and methodological approaches have been developed to assess the use of the resource potential of agricultural organizations from the point of view of their compliance with the principles of sustainable development in environmental and social subsystems – two groups of indicators and their target values have been proposed. The first group demonstrates the responsible attitude of agricultural producers to the environment and includes indicators of the efficiency of consumption of water and energy resources, as well as indicators of the impact of the material and technical base on the environment. The second group includes indicators of the effectiveness of personnel policy and social support for employees of agricultural organizations. The proposed system of quantitative and qualitative indicators complements the classical methods of assessing the effectiveness of the use of agricultural organizations' resources and can be used by government agencies, credit institutions and other creditors to make managerial decisions on responsible investment.

Issue № 3, March 2024, article № 1

Methodological approaches to the regulatory needs of the crop industry in the region in the main types of agricultural machinery

The article proposes a methodological approach to substantiate the regulatory needs of the crop industry in the region in key types of agricultural machinery, based on the systematization of tasks for rationing needs and performing certain stages, involving the development and adjustment of target indicators of the system of strategic planning documents (strategies and concepts, forecasts and programs) in terms of technical modernization of the agricultural sectors of the region. The proposed approach takes into account various technologies of crop cultivation, the natural and economic conditions of individual agricultural zones, and assumes the use of high-tech agricultural machinery of a new generation. The article documents that the methodological basis for determining the need for modern agricultural machinery continues to be the system of norms and regulations, which, in the context of the emerging trend of modernization of the agricultural machinery fleet, requires timely adjustments and updates. The normative need for the main types of agricultural machinery for agricultural producers of the Rostov region has been determined. An assessment of the qualitative and quantitative parameters of the machine and tractor fleet of the agricultural sector of the region is given. The trends of material and technical modernization of the industry are revealed. The correction coefficients for determining the regulatory need for agricultural machinery of a new generation for agricultural producers of the Rostov region, taking into account the technologies used and the available arable land, are scientifically substantiated. A forecast of the needs of agricultural producers in the region for the main types of agricultural machinery in the crop production industry has been developed. The indicators of the regional State Program in terms of technical modernization of agricultural production in small forms of management with a real need for agribusiness have been set, indicating the need for their adjustment to strengthen the trends of material and technical modernization of the industry.

Issue № 3, March 2024, article № 2

Urban schoolchildren as a resource for the formation of human capital in the agro-industrial complex of an industrial region (the Kemerovo region – Kuzbass case study)

The example of the Kemerovo region of Kuzbass demonstrates that it is impossible to completely solve the personnel problem of the industrial region’s agro-industrial complex due to rural youth. In rural areas, at present, due to the narrowed type of population reproduction and the current conditions of training in the secondary general education system, there are insufficient opportunities to replenish personnel for the agricultural sector. The agro-industrial complex of industrial regions needs highly qualified personnel, therefore it is extremely important to consider not only rural, but also urban schoolchildren as a resource for the agricultural sector. For the study, a sociological survey was conducted among schoolchildren in grades 10-11 from five settlements in the Kemerovo region – Kuzbass, four of which are cities and one is an urban-type settlement. The purpose of the survey is to study the preferences of high school students in choosing a further direction of study. According to the survey results, it was established that continuing education at an agricultural university is the first priority for a small number of Kuzbass schoolchildren, while from 5.8% to 28.6% are considering this option along with other alternatives, and a third of respondents were undecided at the time of the survey. The data obtained indicate that urban schoolchildren can become a resource for the formation of human capital in the industrial region’s agro-industrial complex, but it is necessary to meet certain conditions.