
Problems and main directions of development of the infrastructure for servicing agricultural production (on the example of the altai territory)

For modern domestic agricultural production, the development of service infrastructure and new organizational forms of service for agricultural producers becomes essential. Specifics of infrastructure of maintenance of agricultural machinery, cars and the equipment in Altai Krai are shown, the main problems of its development connected with seasonality of agricultural work in crop production, the level of financial stability of business and conditions of interaction of producers and recipients of services are revealed. One of the main reasons for this situation is the low purchasing power of the agricultural business. Technical service services include information about equipment, operations for its sale, repair, installation and adjustment, maintenance, storage of machines, provision of spare parts, materials, disposal, etc. They are provided by institutions and organizations of infrastructure, including manufacturers, intermediaries, including dealers of these plants, repair plants, maintenance stations, information search systems, reference, advertising and information and consulting services and others. This system is based on manufacturers. In the Altay region, the only region of Siberia, the tractor production of the full cycle, including harvesting, metallurgical, assembly segments and engine production, was formed, a cluster of agricultural mechanical engineering was created, which included research institutions. The main directions of solving the identified problems are defined, which are based on legal and organizational aspects of their interaction and taking into account the specialization of infrastructure facilities and their dependence, including on the location of production of certain cultures.

Issue № 11, November 2019, article № 10

To the issue of increasing the competitiveness of agricultural products of the ryazan region in the conditions of digital transformation

The digital transformation of agrarian and industrial complex is an instrument of qualitative changes in economic activity and is intended to contribute to the development of the industry, including the strengthening of the competitiveness of agricultural products. The article gives a general assessment of the competitiveness of agricultural products of Ryazan region by the combination of essential characteristics. Steady trends in the growth of crop harvesting volumes and negative dynamics of certain livestock products have been established. Negative factors of product competitiveness change have been identified. Analysis of sales of products in terms of internal and external markets in dynamics was carried out. An assessment of the escort potential of agricultural products of the Ryazan region was given. Overview of practical experience of digital technologies application in agricultural organizations of Ryazan region presented. The results of the study made it possible to determine the impact of the introduction of digital transformation tools in large farms on the change of individual characteristics, which together characterize the competitiveness of products. The directions of digital transformation of AIC are outlined, the need for which is established on the basis of the identified problems of strengthening competitiveness and potential of information technologies. The authors raised the question of the need to create a software complex on crop rotation as one of the tools for digitalization of agriculture. The role of the state in the process of digital transformation of the industry at the regional level is outlined.