
Issue № 1, January 2020, article № 2

Lean production is as a domestic factor of sustainable development of agricultural exports

Statistics show that the mobilization of domestic resources for import substitution contributed to positive dynamics-Russian agriculture has reached a new level of sustainability and has a significant potential for integration into the world agri-food system. Qualitative changes are taking place in the domestic agro-industrial complex, but all the problems accumulated over many years have not been solved. The consequence of inefficient labour organization is a lag in productivity, profitability and quality. In the modernization of agricultural production, the main emphasis should be placed on the introduction of digital innovative technologies, with a focus on resource conservation, which would lead to savings in both material and labour resources, while ensuring intensive development. This requires a transition to the development of the principles of lean production in the agricultural sector. This will require the transformation of both external-export policy, state support, and internal factors of development of the industry, which are no less important. This is due to the specifics of agricultural production and technological losses of products at different stages. It is necessary to rethink the entire system of production, processing and sales of products to minimize or eliminate all types of losses. And this requires scientific study of the concept, methods, tools and mechanism of transition to lean production. The implementation of the principles of lean organization of production in agriculture will allow obtaining competitive products in quality and price, in demand from the point of view of self-sufficiency, and corresponding to the strategic prospects of earning on agricultural exports.

Issue № 1, January 2020, article № 4

Difference of interests in the system of functioning of integrated structures regional agrofood complex

Accelerated development of integration processes in the agri-food complex has been one of the import phase-out factors in the food provision of the population. Functioning of integrated structures has multiplicating social and economic effect. Being the major players on the agri-food market, they have significant influence on the social and economic development of the host regions and, in their turn, they are involved in the integrated structures development. At the same time, interests of stakeholders and integrated structures can not only be different but also opposite. Therefore, the goals and objectives of integrated structures functioning can come in to collision with the regional interests. Economic dominance of integrated structures in the region of production facilities location contributes to their further development, extension of the geographic footprint and formation of interregional agroholdings. At the same time, attention to the interests of stakeholders of the host region decreases, the integrity of its agri-food complex disappears. Positions of the economically feeble regions become weaker. Transfer of the production or processing of the agricultural products to another territory stipulates the decrease of self-sufficiency of the region with food, loss of taxation base and work places reduction. This intensified seven more the disproportions in the development of agri-food complex of the regions. In economically developed regions there are more favourable conditions for integrated structures functioning that stipulate the growth of food goods production growth.

Issue № 1, January 2020, article № 6

Rating assessment of social and economic potential of rural areas of the north

The village undoubtedly plays a decisive role in the development of agriculture and the country as a whole. The existing rural policy of Russia requires adjustment and adoption of comprehensive state programs for the development of rural areas of the country. Particular attention should pay to northern rural territories that are “dying” without appropriate state support and an effective governance mechanism. To determine the effective levers of managing the rural territories of the Komi Republic, it is necessary to determine the socio-economic potential of each municipal district and urban district as a whole for the region. To achieve this goal, a rating assessment of the socio-economic potential carried out. Two periods of 2010 and 2018 assessed to identify the positive or negative dynamics of the development of the area. The analysis carried out using the selected 45 indicators, which conditionally divided into blocks: population, employment and income, production and investment, improvement and housing and public utilities, medicine, education, social infrastructure, law and financial resources. As a result, a composite rating of nine blocks was calculated. The municipalities of the region divided into groups depending on the rural population living in them. The results obtained make it possible to formulate proposals for improving the management of rural territories of the northern region based on their socio-economic potential.

Integrated approach to formation of methods and mechanisms of economic security in agro-industrial complex based on risk management in complex multilevel organization

The economic security of agribusiness as a subject of regulation has a rather complex synthetic structure, the content of which is revealed through a set of conditions and factors ensuring economic efficiency, competitiveness, stability and sustainability of functioning, ability to self-development and progress, forming a state of protection of vital interests of individual enterprises and the country as a whole from internal and external threats (sources of danger). The economic and food security should be assessed on the basis of an integral indicator (group of indicators). At the same time, it is impossible to break the link between the tasks of ensuring the development of agro-industrial enterprises and the economy sector as a whole and the applied tasks of choosing methods of assessing possible risk situations, methods of documentation, methods of monitoring risk management measures, methods of assessing the effectiveness of managing the implementation of established tasks and development plans. The problem of food security management can be considered at three levels: federal (macro-level) as the implementation of state programs, regional (meso-level) and local (micro-level). The methodological approach and tools for assessing the economic security of the agro-industrial complex, as explored in the article, allow to analyze the complex of risk-factors that threaten economic security at each individual level and enterprise, to purposefully organize and carry out the necessary monitoring, to systematically analyze the dynamically changing socio-economic situation, to carry out a feasibility study of the management decisions taken.