
Issue № 6, June 2020, article № 2

Transformation of market management mechanisms in agribusiness

The processes of transformation of market management mechanisms in agribusiness are associated with the structural features of production and the formation of regional socio-economic relationships. Scientific and technological progress, digitalization, and changes in trade and economic relations at the level of international and national markets are driving the development of the country's agro-industrial complex and agriculture. In the current conditions, the introduction of advanced technologies in the production and management areas of agribusiness contributes to solving tactical problems related to optimizing the production cycle, reducing costs, maintaining market share and surviving in a competitive environment. The study identifies the main directions of industry development that need a combination of market and traditional management and regulatory mechanisms. The main evolutionary stages of the formation and transformation of market mechanisms associated with new forms of horizontal and vertical regulation of the activities of industrial enterprises based on the network and cluster approach, the design of conditions for optimal development of agriculture and agro-industrial complex at the level of the country's subjects are described. The main essential features of organizational and economic management mechanisms and their transformation in the context of the evolution of market relations at the global and regional levels are considered. A comparative analysis of state and market management mechanisms is conducted, and emphasis is placed on financial, cluster and network aspects of interaction in agribusiness. A situational analysis of financial and economic indicators of agribusiness development in Russia is presented. The features of financing the industry under state programs and the complexity of infrastructure and institutional nature that limit the sustainable growth of agribusiness in the country are identified. Conclusions are made about the need to implement an adaptive methodological approach that assesses the effectiveness of market mechanisms in the field of agribusiness.

Issue № 6, June 2020, article № 3

Development of credit mechanisms to ensure the adequacy of funds of agricultural producers

The sustainability of agricultural organizations depends on the sufficiency of money needed to finance investments in fixed assets, replenishment of working capital, and fulfilment of obligations. The organization of stable cash flows is a significant factor in supporting agricultural producers. The lack of sufficient financial resources restricts the development of agricultural production. In this regard, the implementation of preferential lending mechanisms in agriculture is particularly relevant. Created in 2017 by the Ministry of agriculture of the Russian Federation, the mechanism of preferential lending plays a significant role in increasing the availability of funds. At the same time, the analysis demonstrates the need to modernize approaches to the application of the developed mechanism of preferential lending, which involves reducing the requirements for collateral, the number of requested documents, the timing of decisions on granting loans, etc. Correlation analysis confirms that fluctuations in interest rates do not always lead to changes in the dynamics of agricultural production. Moreover, the continuation of the policy of reducing the Bank of Russia's key rate also makes to change the range of interest rates set under the preferential lending mechanism. It is advisable to consider the possibility of normalizing the value of the preferential interest rate depending on changes in the key rate. In addition to developing the mechanism of preferential lending, it is proposed to consider the possibility of using specialized refinancing instruments of the Bank of Russia for the purpose of providing financial support to agricultural producers. The reorientation of specialized refinancing mechanisms to specific industries will increase the effectiveness of the Bank of Russia's support to domestic producers.

Issue № 6, June 2020, article № 4

Assessment of district potential of dairy agricultural consumer cooperation of personal subsidiary plots in Rostov region

The article based on micro data of the All-Russian Agricultural Census 2016 identified the potential for the development of dairy agricultural consumer cooperatives of small forms of farming for each district of the Rostov Region with further aggregation of regions by groups of potential - very high, high, medium and relatively low. The paper provides the characteristics of these groups by the number of cows, land, material and technical resources, milk production volumes. The potential was determined on the basis of the share of commodity production of subsidiary household plots of the district from the volume of milk in farms of all categories of the region and by the share of commodity production of milk in subsidiary household plots from the total production of marketable milk in the district. The selected indicators made it possible to take into account both the scale of production of commercial milk in private household plots and the importance of private household plots in dairy production of the district. On the whole, out of 43 districts of the Rostov Region, 16 districts are assigned to regions with a very high and high potential for milk cooperation, 16 to medium and 11 to regions with a relatively low potential for milk cooperation. A comparison of the districts distributed among the groups of potential of dairy cooperation with the actual presence of processing and procuring dairy cooperatives revealed an insufficient implementation of the existing potential of cooperation in the region. In many districts of the Rostov region production of marketed milk in the small commodity sector is much higher than the volume sold through the cooperatives. The districts of the central and northern parts of the Rostov Region have significant potential, where there are currently no dairy cooperatives, although the volumes of marketed milk there are high. Dairy cooperatives of the region are located not only in areas with high potential for cooperation, but also close to the regional centre.

Issue № 6, June 2020, article № 5

Prospects for the development of reindeer herding

The purpose of the study is to show the growth opportunities of the reindeer herding sub-sector, its export orientation. The problem is relevant at a time of changing consumer tastes, when the demand for the meat and meat products market has reached saturation. The article discusses the problems limiting the growth of production and suggests ways to solve them. An analysis of the dynamics of reindeer and pasture population in the context of the countries and regions of the Russian Federation has been given. Despite the fact that venison occupies an insignificant share in the world market for meat and meat products, nevertheless, Russia's share in this niche is definitely high (over 9%), due to the fact that the country has a large number of livestock in the world. The situation was extremely favourable for the development of export capacity. At the same time, special attention should be paid to the possibility of processing leather raw materials. The work substantiates the need to create capacities for the processing of leather raw materials from deer skins, and indicates possible sources of investment resources for this purpose. To overcome the negative trend of pasture abandonment, the introduction of compensation for damage at market value was proposed. To overcome the personnel crisis, the need for the introduction of tax benefits for those employed in the industry is justified. To provide modern technicians for monitoring the condition of reindeer pastures, it is proposed to use state guarantees to suppliers. To increase business profitability, recommendations were made to improve technological measures in the industry.

Issue № 6, June 2020, article № 6

Economic mechanisms for securing specialists in rural areas

In modern conditions, there is a problem of attracting specialists, including young ones, to work and live permanently in rural areas. The problem is not immediate and exists for many decades, during which it was not only not solved, but also worsened, showing the ineffectiveness of existing mechanisms for attracting and fixing. We can't say that this problem exists only on the territory of Russia. Many countries of the world have faced it in a tight situation. Each of them is characterized by its own solution path, based on economic and social goals. The problem of attracting qualified labour resources to the village cannot be separated from the village itself and its socio-economic development. This article presents and analyzes the existing mechanisms for securing specialists in rural areas in Russia and other countries. The purpose of the study was to determine all the existing socio-economic mechanisms for attracting and retaining specialists in rural areas. The reduction of rural residents is not so much due to the natural loss of population, but due to the constant migration of young rural residents to urban agglomerations. This reduction leads to the desertification of the territory, the aging of the population, and the reduction of the skilled labour force, which hinders the development of agriculture – a key economic component of rural development. Based on the study of foreign experience, analysis of current legislation and development programs, and long-term surveys of rural residents, additional mechanisms for stimulating the population's involvement in rural areas are proposed. The key factors for attracting young professionals to the village are the availability of employment, accessibility and comfort of housing, provision of social facilities and services (kindergarten, school, FAP, etc.), and the level of transport infrastructure.

Issue № 6, June 2020, article № 7

Assessment of the prospects for the implementation of the national project "Education" in rural areas

The relevance of the research topic lies in the importance of the development of the education system, especially in General, in rural areas. Repeatedly and at the level of the Russian President, Russian Government, profile ministries it was noted that the functioning of schools, particularly, small – the most important condition for the development of rural communities, because «...if... the school closes a village dies», – said Russian President Vladimir Putin during a straight line in 2018. The purpose of the research was to assess the prospects for the implementation of the national project (NP) «Education» in rural areas. The study used methods of comparative analysis, data comparison and exponential smoothing. Based on the forecast, the possible number of students in the general education system in rural areas at the beginning of 2025 was determined – 4 904 890 people, while the number of organizations engaged in educational activities for educational programs of primary, basic and secondary general education in rural areas at the beginning of 2024/2025 academic year will be 23 756 units. Based on the data obtained, the feasibility and sufficiency of indicators defined in the NP «Education» and its federal projects were evaluated. The results showed that in the framework of NP «Education» by the end of 2024 will be solved some problems of general education in rural areas (second and third shift, lack of new schools and the need for modernization of existing), while for other problems (lack of material security, the shortage of personnel in rural schools) inherent in the NP targets is not enough.

Issue № 6, June 2020, article № 8

Models of innovative development of the agricultural sector in the world and the possibility of their adaptation in Russian conditions

The main element of the system of effective development of agriculture in Russia is the transition to an innovative model. The article describes the main models of innovative development of the agricultural sector used at the present stage in the world. The main models of functioning of innovative mechanisms of agriculture are analyzed, as well as some developments of scientists in the field of world experience in regulating innovative development. The current state of innovation activity and features of innovative processes in the agricultural sector of Russia are determined. For this purpose, we studied expert assessments and calculations of Russian scientists published in scientific literature, accounting documents and reports of research organizations and the Ministry of agriculture of the Russian Federation, as well as materials from periodicals. The problems and trends that limit the innovative development of agriculture are identified. The conclusion is made about the low prevalence of innovations in the agro-industrial complex as a whole. The necessity of a comprehensive approach to regulating innovation in the agricultural sector and developing a system of measures aimed at increasing the investment activity of agriculture is substantiated. Currently, innovation is becoming a key factor in the development of the entire economy of the country. It is concluded that there is a need for a comprehensive approach to regulating innovation in the domestic agricultural sector and developing a system of measures aimed at increasing the innovative activity of agriculture. It is determined that increased investment activity in the agricultural sector and the intensification of innovative processes will ensure productivity growth, increase production volumes and efficiency, increase the competitiveness of Russian agricultural products, solve the problem of import substitution, and increase the profitability of agricultural producers.

Issue № 6, June 2020, article № 9

Prospects for expanding Russian exports of fishery products

The relevance of the research topic due to the high importance and special role of the fisheries industry in the Russian economy, as well as traditional high attention to its development from the state, as evidenced by the implementation of the state program of the Russian Federation "fisheries industry Development", the statement "The Concept of development of fishery of the Russian Federation for the period till 2020", adopted in November 2019 the Strategy of development of the fisheries complex of the Russian Federation for the period up to 2030. In these documents draws attention to the global competitiveness of the industry, the need to strengthen leadership on the world markets of fish products. The research problem is the need to assess the potential for development of export of fish production in Russia in order to implement the food security Doctrine of the country. The purpose of the study is a comprehensive analysis of the volume of export of fish products in the context of countries, regions and Federal districts in the interests of identifying competitive advantages of the national fisheries industry and potential expansion of export activities. The study is built on the basis of a systematic approach involving a comprehensive assessment of the export fisheries industry using the methods of comparative analysis, synthesis, generalization, formalization, and economic-mathematical method and forecasting. The article discusses theoretical approaches to evaluation of export potential of the fishery industry of Russia; the analysis of physical and monetary volumes of export of fish and fish products from the Russian Federation, as well as its actual and forecast values, including in the context of the Federal districts; assessed data on the average value of exports and its natural volumes for specific Russian companies–exporters. In conclusion, the perspectives of expansion of export sectors of fisheries.