An analysis has been made of the current structure of the use of sugar beet seeds in Russian agriculture, in which the proportion of domestic hybrids is at a critically low level. The existing scientific, technical, production and economic potential of the domestic selection and seed production system in the field of creation, commercialization and propagation in Russia of new highly productive sugar beet hybrids, which are not inferior in price and economically useful properties to the best world analogues, is analyzed. The main characteristics that ensure high competitiveness and efficiency of sugar beet hybrids in the domestic market have been identified and systematized. An indicator of the economic efficiency of the production use of sugar beet hybrids is proposed, taking into account their price and economically valuable characteristics. It has been established that new Russian sugar beet hybrids are practically not inferior to the best world analogues in terms of productivity and require lower costs for the purchase of seeds and plant protection products. Calculations have been made of the expected economic effect from the transition of agricultural producers in the Krasnodar region to the use of seeds of new sugar beet hybrids of domestic selection. The boundaries of simultaneous changes in yield and costs for the purchase of Russian seeds and plant protection products during the transition in commercial beet growing to new Russian hybrids, which provide a positive economic effect for commodity producers compared to the use of more expensive foreign seeds, have been determined. The results obtained during the study were compared with the results of studies in a similar subject area published in leading periodicals.
The development of a system for evaluating the effectiveness of the inclusion of agriculture in the Russian Federation in interstate regional economic unions (using the example of the EAEU) is based on appropriate methodological support. The development is based on the position that the main purpose and consequence of the existence of economic unions, as a rule, is to change the structure and direction of external and internal trade relations of its members. Depending on the level of protectionism of the integration association in relation to the internal market and import restriction measures, it is possible to observe and evaluate the manifestation of the effect of creating or rejecting trade, expressed in a change in the income level of the member states of the union due to an increase or decrease in revenue from customs duties. The system under development contains the following components: assessment of the orientation and effectiveness of the integration interaction of the Russian Federation with other member states of the Union; assessment of the effectiveness of the development of the state in the integration association, in other words, how the inclusion and participation of the Russian Federation in the EAEU affected the main socio-economic indicators of the country. The authors applied a multicomponent approach to assessing the effectiveness of economic integration. The second block of the assessment system being developed by the authors includes indicators used to assess integration processes at the macro level in accordance with Methodological Approaches to the analysis of integration processes developed by the Eurasian Economic Commission.
In conditions of limited access to external markets and technologies, the development of internal human resources becomes critically important. In the work, human resources potential is considered as a complex multicomponent system, including the population, education level, professional skills, age structure, motivation and adaptability of human resources. The dynamics of labor market indicators in rural areas and small towns of Central Russia is presented. Various scenarios for the development of human resources have been developed and presented, based on systematic and interdisciplinary approaches that provide a comprehensive study of human resources, taking into account many aspects and factors affecting its formation and use. The main focus is on creating conditions for sustainable socio-economic development of these territories through the improvement of educational infrastructure, youth support, professional development, development of health and social protection, as well as economic integration and improvement of regional infrastructure. The article proposes a model of socio-economic sustainable development of rural areas and small towns in Central Russia. The goal of the model is to increase the level of human resources by 10-15% and above by 2030. The proposed measures are aimed at improving the quality of life, stimulating entrepreneurship and ensuring long-term economic growth.
International experience shows that digitalization of agriculture has a huge potential. For an objective assessment of the agricultural sector of the Russian economy in terms of the level of implementation of digital technologies, experts have developed a special index of digitalization of the agro-industrial complex. Despite the fact that the Russian agro-industrial complex is significantly inferior in terms of the introduction of digital technologies to the leading countries of the world, Russia has demonstrated relative parity in terms of infrastructure development. This is due more to the general level of IT development in Russia, rather than a separate branch of its economy. While maintaining the current features, Russia will not be able to realize its potential. According to the results of the assessment of the digitalization index for Russia, analysts have identified two possible scenarios for the development of the agro-industrial complex until 2030. The first scenario assumes that the level of digital technology penetration will remain low, and the Ministry of Agriculture will rely on control tools rather than assistance. The second scenario is more optimistic, and if implemented, the level of digitalization will increase by 2030. To do this, it is necessary to implement the ideas proposed by analysts – the creation of an anonymous field bank, a platform for data processing, and state assistance to farms. At the same time, market experts point out the difficulties of digitalization due to sanctions. However, some market participants believe that this is not a problem, but new opportunities.
As part of the systematization of scientific and practical experience in the implementation of IoT technologies in agriculture, the authors conducted a comprehensive analysis of foreign scientific papers on relevant topics. Based on its results, the most relevant and promising areas of IoT technology implementation in agriculture were identified, including: advanced automation and robotization of production processes, in-depth analysis of production data, integration of machine learning and artificial intelligence technologies within decision support systems, etc. Realizing the differences between the socio-economic conjuncture of the Russian Federation and a number of Western countries, the authors analyzed the current state of Russian agriculture in terms of the conditions for the implementation of digital technologies in production processes. Based on the synthesis of the results of the analysis of foreign experience and the current state of Russian agriculture, the authors developed a model for stimulating the introduction of IoT technologies in agriculture in the Russian Federation. The authors' model includes a number of priority areas of digitalization of agriculture with different planning and implementation horizons, including: creation of a software product (digital IoT platform), professional development and development of digital competencies of agricultural producers, development of unmanned systems, expansion of remote sensing capabilities.
The problem of ensuring a balance between food production and consumption at the level of rational standards is becoming controversial. The growth in the output of domestic products is accompanied to a greater extent by an increase in exports and to a lesser extent by an increase in domestic consumption. In solving the problem, the purchasing power of the population's income is of fundamental importance. The purpose of the study is to substantiate the strategic parameters of the purchasing power of the population’s income, ensuring the formation of economic accessibility for the main types of products to the level of rational consumption standards. To assess the level of development of economic accessibility, an indicator is used that characterizes the ratio of the level of consumption per capita with rational standards for each type of product. In the process of studying the analytical relationship between purchasing power and economic accessibility, the natural and economic conditions of the territories were taken into account. As a result of the study, logarithmic equations were obtained that describe the formation of economic accessibility from price (ratio of household income and purchase prices of products, share of consumption expenditures) and territorial (natural and economic conditions) factors. An assessment of the elasticity coefficients of the models shows that economic accessibility for the main types of products will change in the same direction as purchasing power. A simultaneous increase in prices and incomes of the population (as this usually happens) will reduce the economic availability of products, the availability of which, other things being equal (personal income, purchase prices), will be higher in territories with more favorable natural and economic factors. Through analytical transformations of the models, the “desired” parameters of purchasing power are determined, helping to ensure the economic accessibility of products. The scientific novelty lies in the fact that the provisions of the theory of the law of demand in the agri-food market are supplemented with knowledge about the optimal proportions of population income and product purchase prices when forming economic accessibility, taking into account the territorial factor. Scientific developments are useful to participants in strategic planning of the agro-industrial complex as tools to support decision-making at the goal-setting stage.
In the study, based on the study of domestic and foreign experience, an analysis of the state of rural social and industrial infrastructure, the activities of small businesses in the field of agriculture, the prospects for achieving sustainable development, the effectiveness of growing crops, food security components as a necessary condition for ensuring national security was carried out. Food security is based on a special state of socio-economic development, which ensures the food independence of the territory, the ability of the territory to self-supply agricultural products to the population living on it. Thus, food security is one of the most important components of sustainable rural development, a factor in the viability of agriculture (rural areas). Attention is focused on the serious obstacle to the preservation of agriculture (rural areas) – manifestations of persistence – technological backwardness of existing enterprises, the need to introduce processes aimed at creating new industries – the results of research and innovation activities; the importance of the environmental component of sustainable rural development, since agriculture around the world is faced with serious practices of improper waste management their activities. Since the viability of the territory is ensured by the integration of three components of sustainable development of the territory (social equality, ecological balance, economic stability), and food security is closely related to the level of socio-economic development of the territory, the effect of «persistence» will also manifest itself through factors that hinder food security. The purpose of the article is to interpret the phenomenon of «persistence» in relation to the viability of rural areas, in particular to the ability of territories to ensure food security. The prospects for ensuring the viability of the territory and achieving sustainable development of the territory are determined not only by the targeted impact of management entities, but also depend on the degree of «compatibility» and the applicability of reforms to territories. The author's concept of interpreting the phenomenon of «persistence» in relation to the socio-economic development of territories is proposed in order to reflect the phenomenon in which the territory that has undergone reform retains its socio-economic characteristics and properties for a long time: when making any changes to the structure of the territory, they retain «in memory» all their previous states and access to these states have components and constituents of this territory. A transformed view of the achieved level of sustainable development is presented, taking into account the effect of persistence, based on the calculation of levels: economic stability, ecological equilibrium, social equality, institutionalism and the political system.
The economy of the North Caucasus Federal District is characterized by agro-industrial specialization and has a fairly high potential for agricultural production, but for a number of reasons the district does not become self-sufficient in providing the population with food products of its own production at the level of rational consumption standards. The main reasons are the low level of functioning of the regional food market, low incomes of the population, which does not allow meeting the needs for food (if they are physically accessible), and an insufficient level of economic accessibility. These and other shortcomings lead to structural changes in the balance of import-export of relevant products towards import and saturation of local markets with food from other areas and regions. In the district itself, the export of low-processed agricultural products and the import of highly processed food products predominate, which confirms the low level of development of processing industries. The purpose of the article is to determine the state of the food market and its role in providing the region with food, to establish the level of self-sufficiency of the regions of the district with food products and to study the possibility of developing interregional connections. The regions of the district differ in different parameters; not all of them can provide themselves with the necessary set of basic food products. In these conditions, it is important to establish mutually beneficial regional ties that will make it possible to fill the missing elements in the food supply and generally increase the level of food supply for the population of the region. The organization of interregional and intersectoral connections can be an important mechanism for regions that do not have the opportunity to attract public and private investment.
The article is devoted to the study of the current state of digital transformation processes in the agro-industrial complex (AIC) of Russia. Agriculture is a specific branch of the Russian economy, which is currently in particular need of innovative transformations and digitalization. This is due to the fact that, despite its pronounced social significance, this industry is dependent on a variety of factors, including not only natural and climatic, but also environmental, demographic, geopolitical and others. Moreover, many economic ties, varying in level of complexity and degree of intensity, unite numerous agricultural producers into a single sectoral system. However, business entities, as a rule, are noticeably dispersed throughout the territory of the Russian Federation, which makes it difficult to develop unified, equally effective management solutions for all farmers. The purpose of the article is to substantiate the need for digital transformation of the agro-industrial complex of Russia, to identify the features of the Russian agricultural sector that hinder the processes of digitalization, as well as to determine the prospects for the development of regional digital technologies using the example of one of the subjects of the Northwestern Federal District of the Russian Federation - the Novgorod region. The region under study belongs to the zone of risky agriculture, and, therefore, is extremely interested in taking advantage of the introduction of digital tools into agro-industrial practice. Realizing the importance of the digital transformation of the agricultural sector, the priority regional project "Digital Agriculture" is being implemented in the Novgorod Region from 2022. The results obtained during the implementation of the project allowed the region to take a high position in the rating of the digital transformation of the agricultural sector. The scientific novelty of the study lies in the formation of an original approach to the development of methods for the comprehensive assessment of digital transformations in the agro-industrial complex, which allows to identify possible directions for the growth of economic and managerial efficiency of the functioning of agricultural industries in a new digital formation. The results of the study can be useful for the formation of regional agricultural development strategies and decision-making on improving the digital potential of the agro-industrial complex in the regions of Russia.
The general management system of the agro-industrial complex of Russia, mechanisms of interaction of institutional structures responsible for the implementation of the country's agrarian policy are studied in article. The functions of agrarian sector management bodies by levels of management are considered. The ratings developed by both domestic and international institutions have been studied in order to assess the modern system of public administration. В результате проводимых административных реформ изменился структурный и численный состав служащих, что сказывается на качестве и результатах работы сотрудников системы управления АПК. It is concluded that the existing management system of the domestic agro-industrial complex has a number of problems and shortcomings associated with the lack of scientifically-based methodological approaches to the development of methods, tools and mechanisms of state regulation of the agrarian sector of the country. The study of the current management system for the development of the agrarian structure of Russia has allowed us to identify the main reasons that hinder the effectiveness of functioning of state management bodies. The main ones include: the lack of a unified organizational and economic structure of agro-industrial complex management at all levels of government; duplication of certain functions between different departments and institutional structures; weak influence of public authorities on inter-sectoral relations, capable of smoothing significant disproportions of their interaction, slow reaction of public administration to the rapidly changing conditions of functioning of agro-business entities, etc.