
Issue № 7, July 2020, article № 2

Systematic analysis of the current targets and indicators of the federal scientific and technical program for the development of agriculture for 2017-2025 and its subprogrammes

The article presents the main provisions of the analytical study of target indicators and indicators of the Federal Scientific and Technical Program for the Development of Agriculture for 2017-2025 (FSTP). FSTP is aimed at a comprehensive solution to the existing problems of scientific support of the agro-industrial complex, at creating conditions for the formation of competitive scientific and (or) scientific and technical results, as well as for transferring scientific results to production and their subsequent involvement in economic circulation. The system of indicators and indicators of the program should quantitatively characterize the results of the implementation of measures taken, the solution of the main tasks and the achievement of goals. That is, the main task of the indicators and indicators of the program is to assess the effectiveness of the planned activities, as well as to establish benchmarks in the implementation of established goals. However, the analysis showed that the existing system of indicators and indicators of FSTP violates not only logical provisions, but also three regulatory acts that establish the requirements for the development of state programs. The principles of necessity, uniqueness, objectivity, and reliability have been violated. The FSTP target indicators, which should set guidelines for achieving the main goals of the implemented strategy, characterize the state and effectiveness of the implementation of the state program, are not at all connected with its final results. The proportion of indicators of the FSTP subprograms that do not reflect the objectives of the program, such as “The number of personnel engaged in research and development in organizations performing work on selection and seed production of potatoes / sugar beets (full-time)” or “Number of research and educational organizations participating in the implementation of the subprogram ”significantly exceeds the number of indicators that truly reflect the solution to the country's food security problems. The system of indicators and indicators requires modernization to objectively and unambiguously reflect the progress of the program.

Issue № 7, July 2020, article № 4

Investment activity of agrarian entrepreneurial structures in the economy of the stavropol territory: econometric modeling and forecasting

In recent years, in the agriculture of our country in general and the Stavropol Territory in particular, production volumes have been declining. The main reason is a reduction in resource potential - the area of ​ ​ farmland, working capital and fixed assets. Due to the lack of investment, agricultural business structures are forced to move to a narrowed reproduction of fixed assets, to increase the burden on the agricultural equipment at their disposal. For the most part, low-level, and often unprofitable, results of agro-industrial organizations had become factors of their unattractiveness for investors, while their own sources of financing for making investments to transition to an innovative development path were insufficient. In the current situation, the agricultural sector needs to use more widely methods and tools of econometric fashion and forecasting of investment activity, which reveal reserves for increasing investment in the industry, and contribute to improving the effectiveness of agricultural entrepreneurial structures. The relevance of the topic is also confirmed by the need to study the main directions of agricultural development in the region in order to develop timely recommendations for adjusting the investment activity of organizations of the Stavropol Territory taking into account alternative situational scenarios.

Issue № 7, July 2020, article № 5

Factors limiting innovations in sectors of the russian agro-industrial complex

New strategic guidelines of the Russian agro-industrial policy include a turn to an innovative model of development, and towards to stimulation and support of the technological renewal of the agro-industrial complex along the entire value chain. A critical component of this policy is to neutralize the most significant factors that restrict the creation and use of innovations in agribusiness organizations. Neutralization measures require appropriate information support, solving the problem of identifying substantial factors. Many studies are devoted to this topic. In continuation of this line of research, the article aims to identify the most significant limiting factors, taking into account industry differences within the agro-industrial complex. It takes into account the significant heterogeneity of the agro-industrial complex, which includes a number of sectors with their industry characteristic. Among the sectors, there are agriculture, food industry, production of machinery and equipment for agriculture and process industries, infrastructure activities. In other words, the significance of the limiting factors is useful to evaluate depending on the agribusiness sectors. The information base of the study is the data of the Federal statistical observation, which allows us to cover the range of limiting factors presented in the literature such as financial and investment, information, personnel ones, etc. The research method developed by the authors includes ranking, comparative analysis, and grouping of objects. The conducted research makes it possible to (1) determine the factors that are most significant for most agribusiness sectors; (2) assess the significance of the factor depending on the agribusiness sector; (3) highlight the agribusiness sectors with the highest expected effect of neutralizing the limiting factor. The results obtained are intended for informational support of agro-industrial policy measures aimed at eliminating the significant limitations of innovation activity, taking into account their dependence on the agro-industrial sector.

Issue № 7, July 2020, article № 6

Theoretical foundations for the formation of a new technological paradigm in the crop industry

The main characteristic of the technological structure was the most effective use of a key resource: labour, fixed assets, land, and technology. As a research tool, production functions are proposed, in particular, a function with constant elasticity of the substitution norm. It is proposed to use the production function to analyze the change of technologies, technological layouts and paradigm, since product production can expand by changing the costs of current production to the optimal value, when the profit from the produced products will be maximum. In addition, the expansion of production can be achieved through the development of production forces and the introduction of new technologies. The technological paradigm is a broader concept that includes technological frameworks based on a single principle of production. For crop production, this principle is currently the cultivation of land. Despite the change in technological structures in the production of crop products, the basis of agricultural technology did not fundamentally change. However, the possibilities of soil are limited and global production is already approaching the technological limit of such a resource as land, which requires the formation of a new technological paradigm for the production of crop products, the essence of which is the cultivation of crops and the production of food products without the use of soil.

Issue № 7, July 2020, article № 7

Digital technologies is as an innovative driver of sustainable rural development

The achieving sustainable development should be a target setting and a unique competence for each rural territory of our country. The categorically new content of forming the concept of sustainable rural development is the expansion of the scale and processes of digitalization and informatization in agriculture and rural areas, innovative development of agro-industrial sectors, optimization of agricultural technologies, the use of robotic and automated management and production systems. The article goes on to consider that digital technologies are one of the key factors of sustainable development of rural areas. The assessment of the current state of innovation activities of rural producers and the development of informatization processes in rural areas of the Nonchernozem zone of the Republic of Bashkortostan is carried out. The article has a word about a foresight forecast of the long-term implementation of digital technologies in rural areas of the considered zone of the region. «Leaders» («reference») and «outsiders» («target») rural municipalities, based on the results of the foresight of the formed expert focus groups, were identified by the level of digital technology development at the zonal level. Summing up the actual achieved level of economic development directly affects the processes of introduction of digital and information technologies in the studied rural areas. Upcoming trends for the introduction of digital technologies in rural areas and agriculture in the Nonchernozem zone of the region have been formed. It is summarized that the use of foresight technologies allows us to quantify the impact of the level of digitalization on the sustainable development of rural areas in the new technological way.

Issue № 7, July 2020, article № 8

Monitoring threats to the economic security of rural areas of kalmykia

The stability and safety analysis in a single link is due to their proximity and orientation, as they complement each other in a certain way. Timely identification of threats and risks to the economic security of agricultural enterprises increases the level of food security, which determines the relevance of the research topic. Data on monitoring threats to economic security of rural territories of the arid region of the Republic of Kalmykia are given. An integrated approach to assessing the economic security of rural areas is proposed, which includes not only quantitative indicators of the activities of agricultural enterprises, but also an assessment of the level of socio ecological and economic threats, which will allow taking into account the specifics of the rural territories of the region, its natural, environmental, sectoral, ethnocultural, ethno-confessional features. The proposed methodology allows assessing threats to the economic security of a rural municipality using integral indicators based on the results of agricultural enterprises located in this territory and socio-ecological-economic indicators of a rural municipality. The use of an effective scientific methodology would make it possible to objectively assess the risks and threats to economic security that have a different nature of emergence and to rank rural municipalities of the republic according to the level of threats to economic security on the basis of the developed integral indicator.

Issue № 7, July 2020, article № 9

Scientific and methodological aspects of innovation and their role in the development of agriculture

In recent years, there have been a number of positive trends in agriculture: the volume of agricultural production is increasing, Russia's position as an exporter of agricultural products in the world markets is strengthening, and profitability of production is increasing in some activities. However, the agricultural sector is still characterized by weak innovation activity. In the context of agriculture, it is manifested primarily in the low rates of technical and technological modernization of production and low-productivity activities of participants in the innovation process. The transition to an innovative way of managing will allow us to modernize and increase the productivity of the material and technical base, introduce new technologies for processing raw materials into the activities of agricultural enterprises, and create original types of products. Innovations also involve modernizing the forms of organization of financial, managerial, marketing and other activities of agricultural producers. In the context of the socio-economic consequences of the acceleration of innovative development will increase the competitiveness of domestic products, increase the income of farmers and improve living standards of the rural population, will contribute to the achievement of food security of the country. In this regard, it is worth paying additional attention to the theoretical aspects of innovation in the industry and comprehensively characterizes the impact of innovation activity on the development of the agricultural sector.

Issue № 6, June 2020, article № 1

Commodity intervention is as a tool for protecting local agricultural producers of Yakutia

The article presents an analysis on the validity of the implementation of procurement commodity interventions to protect and support local agricultural producers in the food market of Yakutia. The aim of the authors of this work lies in the practical application of the system of procurement commodity interventions of the Republican food Fund as the most effective tool of state regulation of the market of local agricultural products. The objectives of the article are: based on the analysis of existing foreign and domestic state procurement interventions, as well as last amended by the decree of the Government of the Russian Federation to develop proposals and to justify the implementation of procurement commodity interventions in the country. The urgency of the procurement promotion intervention in the Republic derives from territorial and economic specifics of Russia: the remoteness of many regions from the centre, poor regional transport infrastructure, the non-equilibrium nature of the technological processes in food production on areas and seasons of the year in many Northern regions of the country pose the necessity of using the Federal technology for state regulation of market of agricultural products. In research were used such methods as scientific comparisons, observations and the collection of factual materials, analysis and synthesis, systematic approach, and statistical reporting. The authors on the basis of conducted scientific research on the topics of food security and food safety in Yakutia, based on the analysis of the food market in the region and experiences commodity interventions in Russia schematically recommend the algorithm of procurement commodity interventions in the country and give the relevant final proposals and conclusions.