
Human capital and labor resources of russian agriculture: principles of transition to innovative development

The development of human capital in agriculture is one of the leading factors in the productivity and competitiveness of the industry. The purpose of this study is to analyze the impact of various socio-economic processes in the agricultural sector of Russia on the formation of human capital and to further provide the industry with labour resources of various qualifications in conditions of innovative development of the industry. To achieve the goal, the study used methods such as statistical, analysis and synthesis, design monographic and software-target. This study analyses the impact of socio-economic conditions on the formation and development of human capital in the agricultural sector of Russia, also analyzes the parameters that form the personnel support of the industry. The analysis concludes that the necessary measures are needed to improve the labour supply of agriculture. Increasing the attractiveness of the agricultural sector was based on increasing its profitability, creating favourable housing and other social conditions in rural areas. The implementation of these measures requires a significant increase in state support for the development of rural areas, aimed at improving their social and cultural component. In addition, it is necessary to develop and strengthen the system of material incentives for agricultural workers by increasing the level of wages, organizing opportunities for improving skills and obtaining additional education by agricultural workers.

Investments in agriculture in the volga federal district

The effectiveness of technological re-equipment of the industry in Russia is directly related to a stable investment process and state support. The purpose of the research is to develop theoretical foundations, methodological and practical recommendations for increasing the effectiveness of investment activities of agricultural enterprises. The problems associated with investing in this industry are noted. Most regions are characterized by unfavourable natural and climatic conditions of agriculture, the existing structure of production and its territorial location, and the lack of opportunities for intensive development. Trends in the dynamics of changes in the volume of long-term investments in agriculture are identified. The Federal district under consideration is characterized by a stable level of investment in the industry at the level of 9-11‰, which indicates a low investment attractiveness of manufacturing enterprises and agriculture. In modern conditions of increased risks, there is a decrease to the lower limit, as crisis phenomena increase, production and sales volumes decrease. The tools that contribute to the high efficiency of investment processes in agricultural enterprises are analyzed. In the course of the study, the tools for attracting investment in various sectors of the economy were identified, depending on the goals of regional development. It is necessary to optimize mechanisms for the use and involvement in commercial turnover of agricultural land, improve the procedure for transferring rights to land plots, and control the targeted use of the resource potential of the industry. It is advisable to create a system of investment priorities depending on the indicators of effective use of resources by enterprises in the district.

Economic efficiency of forest reclamation within the framework of regional development of crop production on prone lands of southern russia

The strategy for sustainable development of rural areas for the period up to 2030 has planned significant amounts of forest plantations, and science has proven their high efficiency for the crop industry-they stabilize agricultural production, increase its safety, act as an insurance measure against emergencies from natural anomalies, control erosion and deflation on arable land. In addition to successfully solving the tasks of the agro-industrial complex to stabilize degradation processes in agricultural landscapes and ensure stable yields, plantations have a certain potential for expanding the share of the forest sector in the regional economy. The cornerstone in assessing the effectiveness of forest reclamation is the practice that is traditionally based on taking into account only additional crop production, the so-called "increments" of the crop. The article proposes to develop this approach towards the overall environmental impact of plantings on adjacent fields, focusing primarily on their soil protection functions, reducing soil losses to acceptable limits. On the example of slope arable land, where there is a risk of water erosion, the optimal protective forest cover of this arable land is modelled. For each technological variant, the costs of creating forest-reclamation complexes and their various utilities are estimated, and the mathematical approximation of the regularities of the dynamics of the effectiveness of these measures is made depending on a wide range of forest and orographic conditions, and the service life of plantings. The conducted research makes it possible to conclude that it is advisable to develop slope arable land for forest reclamation and is a sufficient basis for stimulating the increase of protective forest cover in erosive-dangerous regions.

Improving the efficiency and environmental friendliness of the use of material and production reserves by agricultural organizations

The aim of the study is to develop a methodology for assessing and monitoring the environmental friendliness of the agricultural enterprise's use of fertilizers and plant protection tools in order to improve environmental safety and ensure the sustainable development of land use. The main studies were carried out on the example of the agricultural organization of the Volgograd region. Environmental problems related to the uncontrolled use of various fertilizers and plant protection products (poisonous chemicals) in the agricultural industry were described. The agricultural organization has conducted an analysis of the efficiency of using the material and production reserves, which is a structural element of the system of ensuring the environmental safety of the enterprise. Specific factors affecting the optimization of the use of reserves in the agricultural organization (economic, political, social, cultural, raw materials, marketing, management, personnel, information, etc.) are identified and systematized; External and internal threats to environmental safety have been identified and identified. The information capabilities of analytical accounting of fertilizers and means of plant protection within the framework of environmental accounting have been expanded, which make it possible to increase the transparency and quality of information on the enterprise's activities in the field of environmental management, environmental protection and environmental safety. A coefficient of environmental friendliness of reserves showing the degree of "purity" of material and production reserves of agro-industrial complex organizations has been proposed, a report form has been developed on the results of analysis of environmental friendliness of material and production reserves and their use efficiency, which allows to obtain and control not only current, but also forecast values ​​ of these indicators. These measures are aimed at solving environmental problems, improving the safety and rational use of agricultural land, and increasing the strategic competitive property of the agricultural organization.

Prospects for strengthening export orientation of the development of the grain complex in the siberian federal district

The Siberian Federal district (SFD) is a major producer of grain and grain products in Russia. On average, 14.8 million tons of grain was grown annually in the region in 2015-2019. Having a long border with neighboring States, the share of the SFD in Russia's grain exports is only 2.4‰, which indicates the remoteness of the region from the main markets and the unrealized cross-border potential of the SFD. The article analyzes the main trends and problems in the development of the grain complex and the export of grain and grain products of the district. Country and product specifics of Siberian grain and grain products export are studied. The purpose of the study is to determine the most significant tasks and directions for the development of the grain complex of the SFD and to strengthen its export orientation in the future. The agro-resource potential of the territory allows increasing grain production to 21 million tons in order to fully meet the internal needs of the region, taking into account the development of livestock, as well as increasing the volume of grain exports to 3.1 million tons. The key tasks are to increase the gross harvest and improve the quality of grain, expand domestic consumption of feed grain, develop deep processing of grain and expand markets for products, develop the market and transport and logistics infrastructure of the grain market. Priority measures for the development of the grain industry and the grain market have been identified: the development of specialized zones for commodity production of certain types of grain products; the reorientation of grain exports to the export of flour and other grain products with high added value; creating a single Siberian grain company to promote Siberian grain and grain products to foreign markets; establishing partnerships with importing countries in East and South-East Asia, ensuring that Siberian grain is delivered in the required volumes at mutually beneficial prices and attracting foreign investment in the development of grain and transport and logistics complexes.

Revenue of russian producers from agricultural exports: analysis of formation factors during explosive growth

The transition of the agro-industrial complex to an export-oriented model of development was updating the task of identifying factors that could lead to an increase in food supplies to foreign markets. This study presents the results of a quantitative assessment of the influence of factors on the revenue of agricultural producers related to exports. The analysis in the interim aspect affects the period 2000-2018, during which export potential was formed and there was an explosive increase in supplies to foreign markets, and in the subject area - the export of wheat, sunflower seeds, soybeans and their processed products, which in this period amounted to about 80‰ of Russian agricultural exports. The main method of research is an integrated factor analysis of the functional model of estimated revenue from the sale of export-oriented products. The article establishes the need to take into account the low base in the analysis of the dynamics of individual products: sunflower since 2000, wheat since 2002, soybeans since 2009. Periods of formation of export potential (2000-2009), instability (2010-2012) and growth (2013-2018) of agricultural exports were highlighted. The impact of price factors, quantity and quality of exported agricultural products, the world food and financial markets, as well as the costs of export-oriented goods movement on revenue in terms of the main export products were assessed. It was established that the main factor in the growth of the value of exports was the growth of its physical volume, with a positive contribution of inflationary processes and a decrease in the real rouble exchange rate in 2013-2018. The article concludes that the effect of currency imbalance has been exhausted and the potential of agricultural exports for analyzed products has increased based on a possible recovery in world food prices and a convergence of export prices generated by intermediaries and producer prices.

Assessment of the competitiveness of the meat industry on the example of the novosibirsk region

The article shows the importance of assessing the competitiveness of the regional meat industry both from the point of view of regional authorities and from the position of local producers. Various approaches to assessing regional competitiveness are considered, methods based on the estimation of meat production volumes, the use of physical output volume indices or the calculation of a generalized indicator of the regional meat industry competitiveness are highlighted. A market approach was also noted, based on an assessment of sales of meat products or an assessment of the market share of local producers. The methods for assessing competitiveness also include an approach to measuring it in accordance with indicators of freedom of market competition; they are evaluated by indicators of business activity or concentration of market shares. Using separate methods, an assessment was made of the competitiveness of the meat industry in the Novosibirsk Region, which allowed, based on a comparison of the results obtained, a number of significant conclusions. The interrelation of measures of state support for the meat industry and its competitiveness is noted, the conclusion is made that the competitive strategies of most local producers are ineffective in terms of meeting market demands, since they focus mainly on short-term results. The necessity of using the experience of competition of the largest Novosibirsk producers with effective strategies and other participants in the meat market has been substantiated. Improving the strategies of small producers should contribute to increasing the competitiveness of the meat industry in the Novosibirsk region as a whole.

Issue № 9, September 2020, article № 10

Full-text database “outstanding academic agrarian economists of russia”

There have been considered the results of research carried out by the FSBSI CSAL for creating the full text database “Outstanding academic agrarian economists of Russia”. The aim of the research was to improve the bibliographic service of scientists and specialists and information support of researches in the AIC problems. The relevance of the research consists in a necessity to create information products available in remote access mode, in providing the user with full electronic texts of the most significant works of outstanding Russian academic agrarian economists, which are a part of scientific heritage organized into a single structured and indexed array allowing quickly and effectively searching according to some attributes of document and full text. The novelty of research consists in that the documents of these topics are separated from the CSAL collection for the first time into a separate structure information assay; the existence of similar databases on this theme has not been revealed. As a result the research has revealed above 1000 personalities who played, as evaluated by modern scientists, an important role in different periods of development of agricultural economy. The structure and the stages of forming and replenishing the DB have been defined. Its program, linguistic tools, as well as an approach and technology of scientific processing documents, forming and replenishing the BD have been developed. The created BD is a separate thematic collection and a part of the CSAL Electronic Scientific Agricultural Library incorporated into the Electronic Library of the Central Catalog of the AIC Libraries. In 2020 the DB included 500 documents. In future the BD content will be annually replenished with new documents.

Issue № 8, August 2020, article № 1

Arctic agro-industrial complex and mega-projects: current problems and solutions

The long-term Doctrine of Food Security of Russia defines Russia's national interests in the field of food security, including improving the quality of life of citizens through adequate food security, among the main ones. In Yakutia, the specific gravity of food self-sufficiency for certain types of agricultural products ranges from 25 to 65‰. The level of providing the population with their own meat and meat products is especially low, and therefore, increasing the volume of agricultural production is an important task for the region. At the same time, the Arctic zone of Yakutia is one of the territories where large industrial projects are expected to be implemented and, despite the positive prerequisites for their development, there are fears of the negative impact of industrial development on the functioning of traditional branches of the agricultural sector - northern domestic reindeer husbandry and herd horse breeding. The problems identified today require new approaches to determining their development strategies. The article also emphasizes the relevance of improving the mechanisms of state regulation and solving the joint task of improving the efficiency of regional agribusiness, in particular traditional industries, and reducing the risk of not achieving the results of state programs “Development of agriculture and regulation of agricultural products, raw materials and food markets for 2020-2024 years ”and“ Integrated development of rural territories for 2020-2025 ”in the conditions of industrial development of the Arctic.