
Spatial development of the country's agriculture: problems and possible solutions

The role of the spatial organization of the industry for its development is shown and problems are identified that hinder the processes associated with rational location, deepening specialization and increasing concentration of agricultural production. The main ones are: persisting significant interregional differentiation of the level of socio-economic development; weak legislative and scientific support for the spatial development of agriculture, the lack of an active organizing and coordinating role of the state; the presence of long-term systemic problems and the emergence of new disproportion in the development of agriculture. Therefore, the solution to the problem of spatial development of agriculture is associated with an integrated approach to the implementation of such fundamental principles as: achieving food security of the country; ensuring the most complete and effective use of bioclimatic and production potentials, the maximum approximation of the production of this or that type of agricultural products to the areas and regions that have, first of all, the most favourable natural conditions; priority of national interests over regional economic interests; a differentiated approach to the main directions and measures of state support for the spatial development of agriculture and rural areas; comprehensive solution of issues of territorial organization of agriculture. Significant regional differences in agriculture and its individual sub-industry exclude a unified approach to their spatial organization. At the same time, special attention should be paid to such regions, as follows: not numerous regions with relatively favourable natural and economic conditions for conducting intensive and competitive agriculture; priority and border geostrategic territories; separate depressed and sparsely populated areas; numerous regions of the Far North and equivalent areas; with labour surplus and densely populated national republics of the North Caucasus. Since in perspective the differentiation of regions in the production of certain types of agricultural products will increase to a greater extent than the tendency to self-sufficiency, the state should play a key role here.

An effective economic mechanism is the basis of proportional reproductive relations

The article is devoted to the problems of reproduction in the agricultural sector and the specifics of its regulation at the present stage. The article considers key aspects of the reproduction process at the macro-, sectoral, and micro- levels. The authors emphasize that the condition for sustainable development of agriculture is expanded reproduction based on ensuring parity of economic relations in the agro-industrial complex, improving the organizational and economic mechanism, activating investment and innovation activities as the main factor of economic growth in order to stimulate import substitution processes and increase exports of agricultural products. The authors note that prices are the main element of the market system, and the proportional and balanced development of the agro-industrial complex depends on the formed prices and price relations between different branches of the agro-industrial complex. The article also focuses on the problems of increasing the competitiveness of agri-food products, which is one of the priorities at the present stage of economic development. The researchers emphasize that the specificity of the agricultural sector is that in agriculture, credit resources are one of the main sources of investment, but despite the increase in state support for this area, there are still a number of problems with their physical and economic accessibility, especially for small businesses. Taxes have a dual character: on the one hand, they perform the fiscal function of collecting taxes, on the other-they should help accelerate the process of stabilizing the agricultural business, stimulate production and demand.

Systematization of scientific approaches to the innovative development of agricultural production

The main approaches to the definition of innovative development are presented. Based on the analysis of conceptual aspects of the innovative development of the agro-industrial complex, its characteristics are established, among which key elements are highlighted - agricultural science, education, agro-industrial production, the market for scientific and technical agrarian products, innovative information structure, investment environment; the concept of "innovative development of agro-industrial complex" is considered as a complex and continuous process of close interaction of its key elements in the direction of creating the introduction and diffusion of agro-industrial innovations, etc. The innovative development functioning environment, including such components as: initiative (stimulating) is considered and disclosed in detail; materializing; resultant. The following approaches to innovative development are highlighted: a cluster approach based on integration; creation of production and research and production systems on the basis of cooperation; creation of industry innovation systems. It proposed as approaches to the innovative development of agro-industrial complex to change: organizational and technological approach; a search approach; a resource approach. Taking into account the study, it was concluded that the innovative development of agro-industrial complex is a complex phenomenon of interaction of its key elements during the creation, development and diffusion of agro-industrial innovations in order to qualitatively transform and build an effective agro-industrial complex, while innovative development should be considered from the perspective of various approaches.

Transactions with land plots as part of agricultural land in the non-black earth economic zone of russia

Today we can state that the transformation of state ownership of agricultural land did not end with its free transfer to private property, as planned at the beginning of the land reform, but turned into a new quality, based mainly on the sale or lease of land. For the analyzed period from 2015 to the beginning of 2019, in the entities of the Non-Black Earth Economic Zone of Russia, respectively, more than one and a half thousand and about six thousand transactions were made at auctions for the sale and lease of land as part of agricultural land owned by state and municipal property. The studies revealed a number of advantages of land leasing transactions: a higher amount of income going to the municipal budget compared to the size of the land tax; the possibility of including the public interests of the municipality in the contract. The analysis of the ratio of the prices of land lease and sale transactions established the main range of capitalization coefficient values ​ ​ for land - from 7 to 15‰. However, in a number of federative subjects, the value of the coefficient went above or below the specified limits. The conclusion of a lease agreement on the terms of a reduced capitalization factor today is unprofitable for the tenant, but it is beneficial for the tenant. In such a case, the landlord could reimburse the price of the land for a shorter period of time, but involuntarily encouraged entrepreneurs wishing to expand land allotments to refuse to participate in such an auction. To create equal conditions for the auction participants, a minimum term for concluding land lease agreements as part of agricultural land and under state and municipal ownership for 7 years was proposed at the legislative level.

Sustainable development of the agricultural sector of the russian economy on the basis of mechanisms of public-private partnership: economic problems and development prospects

The article is devoted to the sustainable development of the agricultural sector of the economy of the Russian Federation. It is justified that the transition to a sustainable development strategy is designed to prevent the use of renewable resources at a rate that exceeds their recovery and pollution in volumes that exceed the ability of ecosystems to assimilate them. The importance of public-private partnership (PPP) mechanisms as one of the directions of its effective functioning is shown. The possibilities of PPP are revealed: project financing, operational management experience, tendency to accelerate modernization of agricultural production. It was noted that PPPs have the potential to raise funds from various sources, share costs, risks and benefits among different stakeholders, and reduce uncertainty through formal and informal development institutions. An analysis of PPP mechanisms in the agricultural sector showed that they are at an initial stage of development, which is associated with inadequate legislation and high risks of investment in the agricultural sector. The article considers the main tools of PPP in the modernization of the agricultural sector of the economy based on innovations, proposes a classification of the most significant factors of its sustainable development. The model of interaction between the state and business under various PPP models is justified. The article proposes an algorithm for a comprehensive assessment of the effectiveness of sustainable development of the agricultural sector of the economy based on PPP mechanisms.

Issue № 12, December 2020, article № 11

State support for rural areas abroad

The article considers the current stage of development of agricultural policy in relation to rural areas, the main priorities and features of their implementation in the European Union, the United States and China. State support for rural areas in these countries is aimed at solving a wide range of economic, environmental and social problems. However, each of these countries has its own characteristics of territories. In the EU, agricultural policy in the field of rural development is based on programs developed by EU States and approved by the European Commission for a seven-year period, taking into account established priorities. The programs have a wide range of activities aimed at improving the competitiveness of agriculture and forestry, improving the environment and rural areas; energy and resource conservation, countering climate change, improving the quality of life in rural areas and promoting the diversification of the rural economy. The EU pays special attention to the development of remote regions and regions in unfavourable development conditions. In the United States, government support for rural areas is based on a program-oriented approach. The programs are numerous and diverse, they are implemented under the auspices of the Ministry of agriculture and are aimed at solving various tasks: creating additional jobs, developing businesses, providing technical assistance to existing enterprises, improving medical services, training local residents, providing housing to poor villagers, and improving housing conditions. The programs are implemented with the involvement of private capital on the basis of stimulating investment in rural development. In China, rural development is inextricably linked to policies to combat rural poverty. The main directions of this process are the development of local infrastructure (transport, water and gas supply, development of the Internet), increasing the income of farmers and developing entrepreneurship in rural areas, and social security comparable to urban security.