
Issue № 1, January 2021, article № 3

Economic policy in the agriculture is as a form of parametric management

The article considers the main tools of agrarian policy within the framework of the model of parametric management of behaviour of economic entities. These instruments include: fixed and commodity transfers, as well as the minimum price. The main feature of this approach is ensuring the involvement of economic entities in agricultural activities even after the abolition of incentive measures. The same tools can give different results under different conditions, be different effective in different models of behaviour of business entities. On the other hand, the considered approach allows you to distinguish tools that claim to be invariants of parametric control, among which is the minimum price. This tool, according to the parametric behaviour management model of business entities, is the most effective for markets with a positive demand slope. Such demand is known to be characteristic of Giffen goods and essential goods in conditions of instability. Among these products are socially significant food products. The article provides a comparative analysis of the model results with agricultural policy tools in Russia and foreign countries (USA and Europe). It is shown that price regulation for some food products in foreign countries corresponds to the conclusions of the model. A typical example of establishing a lower price boundary is the price regulation of agriculture in the United States. At the same time, opposing approaches are used in Russia. Thus, during a period of instability, the practice of setting maximum prices for socially significant food is used. On the other hand, in the framework of the approach we are developing, the opposite regulatory measure can be used - setting minimum prices for food. Such a measure can contribute to the development of agricultural markets by stimulating entry into the industry of new participants and increasing competition in the corresponding markets. If necessary, this measure can be accompanied by subsidies to low-income consumers.

Issue № 1, January 2021, article № 4

Adaptive - scenario forecasting of agricultural labour resources in the stavropol territory

The effective formation and use of labour resources in agriculture was a national economic problem, which required the elaboration of methodological and practical issues aimed at improving the export potential of the industry, improving the quality of life of the rural population and developing the competitiveness of agriculture. The strategic problems of the agro-industrial complex, such as the outflow of labour resources from rural areas, the decrease in the provision of agricultural organizations with workers in mass professions, and the decline in the prestige of agrarian labour, necessitate the search for scientifically sound recommendations and mechanisms for attracting, preserving, developing and effectively using labour resources in agriculture. The article proposes a universal forecasting technique that allows you to study both labour resources in agriculture as a whole, in the Stavropol Territory, as well as certain categories of employees in the context of municipalities or their groups. For each of the considered scenarios, a set of programmatic measures is proposed aimed at increasing the provision of agricultural organizations with labour resources, increasing sectoral productivity and qualifications of workers, improving technologies for continuous agricultural education, and developing a system for monitoring personnel processes. In conclusion, an improved model of economic relations in the formation and use of labour resources is proposed, which includes two blocks: organizational, management and program, which will increase the effectiveness of the implementation of the tasks of creating labour resources and developing personnel potential in agriculture.

Issue № 1, January 2021, article № 6

Issue № 1, January 2021, article № 8

The periodization of the development of agriculture in the russian federation in the context of the impact of economic crises

The article presents an analysis of foreign publications, based on which the most common causes, patterns and connections of agricultural crises with other crisis manifestations in the economy, social and political spheres are identified. The results of the study are presented in the form of the periodization of economic crises with the inclusion of the most characteristic factors described in the literature review. The following crisis periods are highlighted: the crisis of 1992-1994 (due to the beginning of market reforms), the default of 1998, the crisis of 2008-2009 (as a result of the global financial crisis), the crisis of 2014-2015 (due to the introduction of sanctions and insufficient implementation of measures to eliminate the causes of the previous economic downturn), the crisis of 2017-2018 (as a result of tougher economic sanctions and falling energy prices), the crisis of 2020 (caused by lockdown and the consequences of the COVID-19 pandemic). The volatility of the Russian agriculture indicators is calculated and explained. It is established that in General, the dynamics over 30 years shows a reduction in agricultural production. The highest rates of decline were recorded in 1991 (-50‰) and in 1992 (-60.2‰). As of 2019, the volume of agricultural production amounted to 28.6‰ of the base level of 1990. It is noted that the political and economic transformations that took place in the early 1990s led to a significant decline in the industry, and the country cannot eliminate their consequences to this day.

Issue № 1, January 2021, article № 9

Grain market of the siberia regions: state and prospects

In modern conditions, providing the regions of Siberia with grain and grain products, increasing interregional and interstate grain resources largely depends on the efficiency of the grain market and its individual segments. Grain relations reflect the current state and determine the prospective division of labour in the grain product sub-complex of Siberia, the complementarity and interdependence of regional food complexes. They represent economic relations for the production, sale and exchange of grain and grain products between agricultural producers and consumers (livestock, population, etc.). These relationships are manifested in the flow of grain and grain products from one region to another. The purpose of the study is to determine the most significant prospects for the development of the grain market in Siberia. The article indicates the main grain-producing regions of Siberia and the grain resources that the region can supply through interregional and interstate product exchange. The current state of grain relations (ex-port of grain products) in the Siberian Federal district and on the example of the Novosibirsk region (interregional grain relations) is presented. The export volume of grain and grain products from the regions of Siberia for 2015-2019 is as well as the main countries-importers of grain and grain products. The reasons for the increase in grain production in areas where there are no necessary conditions for obtaining high-quality food grain, which led to a lack of demand for grain products in areas of its favourable production. For the growth of interregional grain flows in the regions of Siberia, proposals are presented, as well as the main tasks and directions for further development of grain relations.

Issue № 1, January 2021, article № 10

On developing a comprehensive sustainable urban and rural development program

It is shown that in the post-Soviet period a difficult demographic situation, manifested in a decrease in natural population growth, developed not only in rural areas, but also in cities. This, in particular, is evidenced by the high Pearson correlation coefficient (0.55) between the growth (decline) rates of the population by region. The shares of the urban and rural population, which need a radical improvement in their well-being in order for at least its simple reproduction (even taking into account migration) to be carried out, are approximately equal in our country and amount to about 60‰. This fact leads to an important methodological conclusion: for economic science and for the country's leadership, when developing economic programs, it would be a mistake to consider only the dynamics of the population of rural areas or, conversely, only the dynamics of the urban population separately and separately to solve for them the problems of increasing the population and sustainable development. About 20‰ of the consolidated budget, taking into account the structure of today's government spending, could be directed to improving the welfare of the population of rural areas and the development of the rural economy. A bottom-up approach to the development of a comprehensive state program aimed at a sustainable increase in the rate of natural population growth by improving the well-being of the urban and rural population is proposed in three areas - demographic, economic, social and socio-infrastructural. The construction is carried out "from the bottom up", that is, the required activities and the amount of funding are determined for the district level in the course of interaction of district administrations with ministries responsible for social and other infrastructure and the Ministry of Economic Development and the Ministry of Agriculture, separately for urban and rural populations, with taking into account the priorities determined by the objectives of the program. The required amounts of financing for each district are determined on the basis of development standards for each of the social sectors.

Issue № 1, January 2021, article № 11

Improvement of internal management system based on budgeting of production processes

The article discusses the theoretical and practical aspects of the process of budgeting costs within an agricultural enterprise. In modern conditions of development, many enterprises are faced with a lack of efficiency of the management process, which is due to the lack of experience of the management of economic entities in the field of independent planning system building. Achieving the development goals of economic entities (both individual companies and integrated economic institutions) necessitates the use of budgeting procedures that ensure the rational use of their capabilities, justification of the level and timing of resources required to achieve development goals. The budgeting process allows you to coordinate the activities of all budget centres, increase the efficiency of management, reduce the risks associated with upcoming financial and economic activities, effectively manage all types of resources at all levels of management, ensuring the achievement of development targets. The purpose of the study is to provide an economic justification for the need to use cost budgeting in agriculture, since this industry is most affected by numerous external factors. The activities of agricultural enterprises are aimed at fulfilling numerous goals in the field of not only economic, but also social development. The implementation of these goals depends not only on the use of complex economic instruments, but also on the sequence of their application. Thus, one of the most important tasks of modern agricultural enterprises is the formation of a system of intra-company management, taking into account the use of consistent management tools that would reduce the level of uncertainty in the field of managerial decision-making. Also, building a system that takes into account these aspects will reduce the level of management risks.

Agrarian economic science: the main milestones of its formation and development

The article describes the stages of formation and development of agrarian economic research in the context of the organization and reform of the (former All-Union) All-Russian Research Institute of Agricultural Economics. In October 1921, the first scientific institution in Russian history was created for agricultural economic research - the Research Institute of Agricultural Economy and Policy (NIIESH) on the basis of the Higher Seminary of Agricultural Economy and Policy, organized by A.V. Chayanov in 1919 at the Petrovsky Agricultural Academy. On May 9, 1930, NIIESH was reorganized into the Scientific Institute of Large Economy and Rural Economy, transformed in the same year into the Collective Farm Research Institute (NIKI). The wave of political repression that unfolded in the pre-war years did not leave aside the employees of the Collective Farm Research Institute. In February 1938, his activities were suspended. The Institute resumed work only in 1955 by decree of the Government of the USSR. By order of the USSR Ministry of Agriculture of June 8, 1955, the All-Union Scientific Research Institute of Agricultural Economics was created with five zonal branches and 50 strongholds in collective farms and MTS. The revival of agrarian economic science began in the second half of the 1950s, when the economic categories "profitability," "profit," "cost price," etc. returned to scientific research. In the article, the activity of VNIIESH for the 90-year period is conditionally divided into 6 main stages with a corresponding characteristic. Particular attention is paid to the results of scientific research of VNIIESH and the effectiveness of their implementation. Clear tasks and activities of the currently functioning FSBSI FRC AESDRA VNIIESH have been set.