
Management of anti-crisis digital transformation processes using the example of broiler production

The article deals with the management of anti-crisis digital transformation processes in broiler production. The relevance of the topic is determined by the increasing frequency of economic crises, the importance of maintaining the stability of this socially significant industry, the need for further improvement of crisis management methodology. As a new approach, the authors propose crisis management mechanism based not on the traditional consideration of program projects as a linear set, but on the use of a network approach and systemic crisis management with elements of digital transformation. In the course of the study, the following tasks were solved: 1) an organizational model for managing the digital anti-crisis transformation program based on a network approach is proposed; 2) peculiarities of poultry farms monitoring as the basis for developing an anti-crisis digital transformation program for this industry are identified; 3) a model of digital transformation of a poultry farm for using it as an anti-crisis management tool is worked out. Digital transformation is understood by the authors as a fundamental change in the logic and content of processes: it means the company's transition to project (program) management based on goal setting, systematic review and evaluation of each project contribution to the implementation of the program. As an anti-crisis program, it can affect the main problem areas: relations with the external environment; internal business processes; resource base, including material resources, human capital and corporate culture; finance. The proposed approach makes it possible to develop a method for prioritizing program projects based on the use of network analysis. It allows to allocate resources between program projects, to evaluate the probability of individual projects’ success and the program as a whole. This approach can be extended to other branches of the agro-industrial complex.

On some results of the transition stage of the implementation of the strategy for sustainable development of rural areas (regional aspect)

The objectives of the Strategy for the Sustainable Development of Rural Territories of the Russian Federation for the Period up to 2030 are set out in the relevant principles and objectives of the rural territories in the social, demographic, economic, information, environmental and other spheres. The transition stage (2015-2020) of the Strategy implementation has ended, which involves the assessment of intermediate results both in the country as a whole and in individual regions, taking into account the starting conditions and specific features of the development of each of them. A comprehensive analysis of the results obtained would allow not only to improve the tools for organizational and economic support of target indicators at the regional and municipal levels, but also to make possible adjustments to State rural development programmes and operational plans of the Ministry of Agriculture of the Russian Federation and other departments. Based on the objectives of the Strategy, the article analyzes the state and development of rural areas of the Kaluga region; considered causal relations of qualitative and quantitative changes in demographic, socio-economic and environmental activities of rural settlements of the region; studies of string-and-string shifts in production and consumption of basic agricultural products and their impact on migration processes in rural areas; assessment of the level and degree of sustainable development of rural territories of the Kaluga region; presented and interpreted the results of a sociological survey of rural residents of the Kaluga region for priority measures to improve life in the countryside; the differentiation of municipalities of Kaluga region according to the most important indicators of the socio-economic development of rural settlements was studied and concrete proposals for its reduction were justified.

Issue № 2, February 2021, article № 10

Issue № 2, February 2021, article № 11

Concept and essence of competitiveness of meat industry

The general conditions for the formation of sectoral competitiveness for various industries are considered, including the use of the experience of competition, factors of the competitiveness of the industry and the orientation of manufacturers to the needs of regional consumers. It is shown that the competitiveness of the meat industry in the region is influenced by the nature of the participation of producers in the creation of consumer value, the uneven distribution of costs and profits, the dependence of competitiveness on technologies at each stage of the production of meat products. It is shown that the competitiveness of the meat industry in the region is created at the level of specific producers, since they participate in different ways in creating consumer value, and the ways of using the experience of competitive struggle to develop competitive advantages are also different. It is concluded that for small farms, the preferred way to use the experience of competition in the meat market is cooperation with other participants in the creation of consumer value, and the largest producers have the opportunity to directly use this experience, since they control all stages of creating value for the consumer. Various aspects of the definitions of the competitiveness of the meat industry in the region are considered, which, in conjunction with the substantiation of its essence, made it possible to clarify the definition of this concept.

Issue № 1, January 2021, article № 1

Long-term agrarian policy of russia: challenges and strategic priorities

The article discusses the main provisions of the long-term agricultural policy of Russia, including scientifically based principles of its formation, goals and objectives for the long term, stages of implementation, main priorities and assessment of implementation. The principles considered were the complexity, staging, food availability for all population groups, spatial development, taking into account the natural and economic characteristics of the country's regions, the balance of resources and development goals, equal accessibility of agricultural producers to external and internal markets of agricultural products and food. Particular attention is paid to the internal and external challenges that will have to be overcome on the way to achieving long-term development goals. Three main stages were identified for the implementation of a long-term agricultural policy. The core of the article is the formulation of the main strategic priorities for the development of the agro-industrial complex, including strategic management, forecasting and planning; the relationship between agricultural and macroeconomic policies; scientific and technological progress in the agro-industrial complex; advancing legislative support of agricultural policy; the mission of the Russian peasantry and increasing its role in society; advancing development of the agro-industrial complex of the regions of the non-black earth zone of Russia; efficient land use and ecology; convergence of agricultural policies of the member states of the Eurasian Economic Union. The article ends with a scenario forecast for the development of the country's agriculture in comparison with international estimates.