
Issue № 3, March 2021, article № 5

Index of strategic agricultural development as a methodological basis for identifying an agro-industrial center in the central macro-region

The modern factors of instability and uncertainty in the economy are aggravated the problem of unexamined mechanism of program and target management in agriculture. The absence of territorial and sectoral division of labour the principles is a one of its problems. An attempt to solve this problem was the development of a Strategy for the spatial development of the Russian Federation until 2025, which is identifying agro-industrial centres in particular. There is no methodological basis for determining the agro-industrial centre in this strategic planning document. The global financial crisis, caused by the combination of the coronavirus pandemic and the growing geopolitical confrontation, has created a real threat of reducing the volume of state support for the industry and investment in it. The current situation requires finding ways to improve the economic efficiency of agricultural production. This determines the relevance of the topic of the scientific article aimed at developing an index of strategic development of agriculture, which will allow identifying an agro-industrial centre characterized by a high level of economic efficiency of production. The study was conducted on the example of the Central Macroregion. The purpose of the study is to develop an index of strategic development of agriculture, which should become a methodology for determining the agro-industrial centre, its economic justification. This goal was achieved through the use of the economic and statistical method of scientific research. The main attention in the formation of the strategic development index is paid to the problem of intensification of agricultural production, which was not solved during the Soviet Union, and it remains urgent to this day. On the basis of the conducted research, it is proved that the role of the agro-industrial centre is claimed by the Oryol region. The results obtained are not only of scientific importance, improving the methodology for assessing the development of agriculture and identifying the agro-industrial centre, but also of practical significance. The strategic development index can be used in the implementation of agricultural planning at different levels of management, ranging from an individual economic entity to the region and the entire country as a whole.

Issue № 3, March 2021, article № 6

Methodological approach to subsidizing grain production (using the example of the novosibirsk region)

The sovereignty of the State and the effectiveness of agricultural production were largely due to the state of the crop industry. The development of the industry directly depends on the level of use of resources and the capabilities of agribusiness. The intensification of crop production, which ensures sustainable growth of yields, resource saving and environmental safety, needs to increase funding and involve state support for plant protection events in the Mehanism in order to adjust the conditions for growing crops, improve grain quality, preserve and increase soil fertility. The article describes the features of subsidizing grain production in the Novosibirsk region, plant protection products. Subsidies are provided to livestock organizations, their level is directly proportional to the amount of mother stock of cattle of the dairy direction of productivity. A mechanism for forming a subsidy, a methodology for calculating it taking into account the greening of production, has been proposed and justified. This approach will allow using budget funds to a significant number of agricultural producers; ensure the legal disposal of pesticide packagings; stimulates the manufacturer to use biological means of plant protection. At the same time, the risks associated with the negative impact of chemical means of plant protection on the environment are leveled. This approach to the organization of subsidies will make it possible to supplant the unreasonable use of chemical means of plant protection, to target the agricultural producer to change biological means against the same spectrum of pathogens. Compensation payments will make it possible to use the means of plant protection against pests of cereals to a larger number of agricultural producers, which will increase both in quantitative and qualitative terms, and will increase the competitiveness of the industry both in the domestic and foreign markets.

Issue № 3, March 2021, article № 7

Development of integration processes in the direction of selection and seed production

The authors emphasize the need to develop the integration in seed production to create other scientific, technological and innovation-investment processes. The article pays special attention to the current results in seed production, which are relatively modest compared to foreign colleagues. In Russia, the development of integration processes in seed production has the form of local interaction. The system works for negative growth, both in terms of seed quality and quantity. The modern development of integration processes in the domestic industry of the agro-industrial complex is an integral system and a rather complex mechanism of interaction. Agrarian enterprises and agricultural producers are trying to enter into integration ties, while risks may arise due to a certain specificity of the agricultural sector. Agrarian enterprises in their activities consider it necessary to maintain their stable income; this is due to the availability of a raw material base, competitiveness and the presence of sales markets. All of this, to a large extent, creates the necessary conditions for the implementation of the formation of strong integration processes in the agro-industrial complex and interaction between its subjects. The authors propose considering the development of integration processes from the standpoint of strengthening government support measures and creating joint selection-genetic and selection-seed-growing centres with countries with similar climatic conditions based on research institutes and agricultural universities.

Issue № 3, March 2021, article № 9

Rural poverty as a factor limiting the innovative development of agro-industrial complex

In the article, the difficulties in meeting the strategic guidelines for innovative agricultural development, recorded in a number of State programmes, were explained by the insufficient consideration of the social component of the factors of innovative development of the agro-industrial complex and the high level of poverty of the rural population. The timeliness of consideration of these factors is dictated by the strategic task set by the President of Russia to reduce poverty in the country. By presidential decree, overcoming poverty is recognized as one of the main social problems of Russia. The first in the list of national goals is: preservation of the population, health and well-being of people. One of the main criteria for achieving this is to reduce poverty by half by 2030 compared to 2017. The aim of the presented study is to update the preservation of the population in rural areas, determine the level of rural poverty, identify the peculiarities of the impact of social problems of the village on the innovative potential of the regions, and evaluate the role of state participation in the processes under consideration. Based on the information of the Federal State Statistics Service of the Russian Federation, the Ministry of Agriculture of the Russian Federation, logical and statistical analysis and synthesis of data was carried out, the poverty level among rural residents in the regions of Russia was calculated, which in the whole country reaches 25.4‰. An assessment of the level of organizational and methodological development of the mechanisms for the implementation of some documents that affect the reduction of the poor among the rural population and the transition of agriculture to an innovative development path was given. Measures are proposed to reduce rural poverty as an essential condition for the modernization of the rural economy and the transition to innovative development of agribusiness.

Issue № 3, March 2021, article № 10

Trends and prospects for the development of rabbit farming in the central federal district

Rabbit farming is one of the promising and strategically important sectors of animal husbandry in the Russian Federation. The main products of this industry are dietary meat, the demand for which is growing due to the popularization of a healthy lifestyle in the world. Rabbit meat also belongs to white varieties of meat, and rabbit breeding products are recommended for all groups of the population, since it has hypoallergenic properties, that is, nutritional properties distinguish rabbit breeding products from other species. The relevance of the study is due to the need to analyze the key financial indicators of commercial rabbit-growing enterprises and to offer directions for improving their financial condition. Seven rabbit-breeding enterprises located in the Central Federal District were selected as the objects of the study, and the empirical base was compiled by public accounting data. Based on the results of the comparative analysis, groups of indicators of the financial situation and the results of the activities of the commercial rabbit-growing enterprises under consideration for the period 2017-2019 were identified and analyzed. The coefficients of financial stability, solvency and performance indicators of enterprises were considered. We believe that the proposed activities based on the results of the analysis will contribute to bringing the key financial indicators of industrial rabbit-growing enterprises to normative values, thereby increasing their attractiveness for investors, banks and suppliers of raw materials and materials, which will contribute to an increase in production volumes and, as a result, an increase in the supply of rabbit-growing products to meet the existing demand in the domestic market.

The new arctic strategy of russia and its impact on the food supply of the arctic yakutia population

On October 26, 2020, President of the Russian Federation V.V. Putin approved the Development Strategy for the Arctic Zone of the Russian Federation, which defines the main directions for the development of a strategically important territory both nationally and economically for the period until 2035. The Republic of Sakha (Yakutia) is the largest subject of the Russian Federation in terms of territory. At the same time, 52.2‰ of its area or 1608.8 thousand square meters. km are occupied by the Arctic regions with extreme natural and climatic conditions, low population density, the focal nature of industrial and economic development and the complete dependence of life support and activities on the seasonality of transport accessibility. The food market, its condition is among the main indicators of the quality of life of the population. At the same time, the current level of food consumption in the Arctic regions of the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia) does not fully meet, on the one hand, modern standards and requirements, and on the other, the needs of the population, taking into account their national and ethnic characteristics. All this leads to the urgent need to revise approaches to state regulation of the food supply system for the population of the Arctic region. The article emphasizes the relevance and timeliness of the approval of the Strategy. At the same time, the physical and economic availability of food for every citizen living in the Arctic should be considered not only at the expense of the northern supply - guaranteed provision of food to settlements, but also at the expense of the development of regional production - agricultural sectors. The tasks of improving the effectiveness of the regional agro-industrial complex in the Arctic, in particular traditional industries, will not only reduce part of the problem with ensuring the northern supply, but will also ensure qualitative changes in the standard of living of the population living in this territory.

A strategy of catch-up development of agricultural machinery in russia

The agricultural machinery industry in Russia is in a systemic crisis, as evidenced by the constantly shrinking machine-and-tractor fleet of the country, low production and export volumes of domestic agricultural machinery against increased imports or local assembly of foreign agricultural machines. This article presents the author's strategy of the development of agricultural machinery in Russia (the purpose of the study), which differs in its methodology from official strategies or ideas proposed by other scientists. To develop the main provisions of the strategic plan, the concept of catch-up economic development, knowledge in the field of innovation and technology management, strategic management and strategic marketing are used. With regard to the agricultural machinery industry, the following is formulated / developed: Russia's mission, strategic vision, values, strategic issues (based on SWOT analysis), strategic goals, strategic actions, or strategies. Low competitiveness of Russian agricultural machinery is recognized as the main strategic issue. In order to solve it, it is proposed to apply the following strategies within the framework of the catch-up development paradigm: the leapfrogging strategy, or bypass maneuver, and the triple helix strategy. The bypass maneuver consists in abandoning the improvement of the production of mechanical machines and moving to the development of smart, robotic agricultural machinery and the subsequent creation of a system of smart machines or a system of systems for the agro-industrial complex. The triple helix strategy, in its turn, is based on the triple helix innovation model and aims to create an effective national innovation system in the agro-industrial complex. For this, the formation of a national agrarian consortium in Russia is recommended (cooperation between science, business and government). Also, the following proposals have been made: to establish (i) a strategic partnership with the Republic of Belarus and (ii) the Eurasian agrarian consortium as an innovation system of the Eurasian Economic Union’s agro-industrial complex. Finally, this study underlines the importance of using business literature—management and marketing—in the preparation of economic strategies.

World-class russian scientific and educational centers as a tool for the development of agro-industrial complex

The article considers new forms of public private partnership in the implementation of high-tech projects. Scientific and educational centres established in the Russian Federation within the framework of the national project "Science" create conditions for investment and entrepreneurship in the agro-industrial complex. However, the creation of these centres presupposes the formation of specific features of public private partnership. As a format for implementing such a partnership in research and education centres, research and production platforms are used, which are specialized communication platforms and project team management centres that provide solutions to the centre’s tasks and include a portfolio of projects. The paper considers the established scientific educational centres of the Russian Federation in the agro-industrial complex, defines the tasks of their functioning. The mechanism of implementation of public-private partnership within the framework of scientific and educational centres of the world level is presented. The predicted dynamics of indicators of development of scientific and educational centres allows us to draw conclusions about the high degree of interest of the state authorities, regional authorities, universities and business representatives in this kind of cooperation. In this study, an algorithm for forming a portfolio of high-tech projects was developed, which allows at the initial stage, resorting to a highly qualified expert community and representatives of the state and business, to identify projects that can meet the needs of the agro-industrial complex of the Russian Federation and weed out all non-viable projects. It is proposed to monitor high-tech projects, which will allow at each stage of the project life cycle, to identify and identify problems, to correct the project. The formation of a stable link between state power, business, and regional universities in the Russian Federation will make it possible to more effectively solve the problems caused by the challenges of our time, both at the regional and Federal levels.