
Issue № 4, April 2021, article № 6

Forecast assessment of markets for innovative technologies in the grain industry of russia

Based on previous research, this article shows the promising markets for innovative technologies and products produced with their help for the Russian grain industry. The implementation of priority areas of scientific and technological development of domestic grain production will lead to the formation of the following markets: organic grain with a capacity of about $10 billion by 2022, agrobiotechnologies - $13.5 billion by 2024, precision farming technologies-25.7 by 2025, Russian elite seeds-5.4 by 2026, "package solutions" - 20 by 2028, big data-5 by 2028. and phytomeliorative technologies-17 by 2030, the markets are the link between the field of research and development and their commercialization and implementation in the production of grain crops. To enter these markets, appropriate mechanisms are needed to manage research and development in the industry, commercialize and implement technologies in grain production. Promising areas of commercialization and implementation of these technologies are the creation of new business models in the selection of grain crops; the development of a "digital foundation" for the digitalization of the industry; introduction of new "package" solutions to the market (agrochemistry + seeds with varietal technology + digital platforms) and stimulating demand for agrobiotechnologies. The implementation of the proposed tools will speed up the process of commercialization and introduction of advanced scientific developments into the production of grain crops, and eliminate the gap between science and business in the industry.

Issue № 4, April 2021, article № 7

Assessment of milk production efficiency in the belgorod region

This article discusses the issues of increasing the economic efficiency of the functioning of the sub-branch of dairy cattle breeding in the Belgorod region. As you know, the sub-industry of dairy cattle breeding is involved in the implementation of the Food Security Doctrine in terms of providing the population with milk and dairy products. Unfortunately, until now, the sub-industry of dairy cattle breeding provides less than 50‰ of the needs of the Russian population for milk and its processed products. In this regard, the successful experience of the functioning of the sub-industry of dairy cattle breeding can be useful in a number of regions of Russia. It should be said that the sub-industry of dairy cattle breeding is characterized by a long production cycle, which makes it unattractive for investors and, in this regard, requires significant volumes of government support. In addition, the sub-industry depends on a significant number of non-material factors, including those related to the exploitation of the labour force, animal diseases, etc., which are difficult to account for and predict. This, in turn, determines a number of risks and threats to which dairy farming is exposed. Such risks and threats require increased attention of the state, which in practice does not always happen, and the volume of state support is not stable and not sufficient for the introduction of new technologies and our country becoming a leader in milk production. The article examines the trends associated with the structure of costs for milk production, the use of labour and material and technical resources, the formation of financial resources in the sub-industry of dairy cattle breeding, etc.

Issue № 4, April 2021, article № 9

Issue № 4, April 2021, article № 10

Simulation of socio-demographic processes of rural development

Currently, in rural areas of Russia, there is a difficult socio-economic situation: low income compared to the city, unemployment, poor condition or lack of social and household infrastructure. This situation has led to a deterioration in demographic indicators – a decline in the birth rate, an increase in mortality and migration outflow of the population. Insufficient knowledge of the impact of socio-economic factors on the demographic development of rural areas, as well as the high scientific and practical significance of the development and implementation of models of socio - demographic development in rural areas served as the basis for the study. Modeling of the socio-demographic development of rural areas will help identify the factors that are most important for these processes, and with the help of competent management decisions, level out their impact on the situation in the villages of the region. The aim of the study is to develop a simulation model of the socio-demographic development of rural areas. The theoretical, methodological and information base of the research was made up of the works of domestic and foreign scientists devoted to various aspects of socio-economic and demographic development in rural areas, data from Rosstat, materials of the Ministry of Agriculture and the Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation and the Volga regions, federal, regional and municipal regulations, programs. The simulation of socio-demographic processes in rural areas of the Saratov region, taking into account the differentiation of socio-economic factors that affect the increase in the birth rate and the decrease in the death rate, was performed in the Ithink application using the Statistica package for constructing regression equations. The original model showed a decrease in the population by 41 thousand people over 7 years. Changing factors such as the average per capita income and the number of objects with stationary sources of pollution in accordance with the current regulatory documents of the region, allowed us to simulate a situation in which the birth rate will increase and the mortality rate will decrease, which will slow down the rate of population decline.

Issue № 3, March 2021, article № 1

Price situation in the russian agri-food market: problems and solutions

The article is devoted to the problems of formation of prices and price relations in the agri-food market of Russia and the development of proposals for their improvement. The authors analyzed the dynamics of prices of the food chain in the markets of sunflower oil and oilseeds, sugar, cereals, milk and dairy products, meat. At the end of 2020, the price situation in the Russian agri-food market began to deteriorate, which was largely due to rising prices on world food markets and a decline in the national currency. High monthly increases in producer prices in agriculture were noted for cereals, sunflower seeds and sugar beet, which led to an increase in producer prices in the food industry. It is noted that over the five-year period, the growth in prices of agricultural producers was significantly less than the growth in other sub-sectors of the agro-industrial complex and retail trade. With the growth of consumer prices for food in 2020, there was a decrease in the real monetary income of the population by 3.5‰. These negative factors have a significant impact on the level of well-being and economic accessibility of certain types of food products for the population. The Government of the Russian Federation adopted a number of legal acts providing for measures aimed at stabilizing the price situation in the agri-food market. With the help of these solutions, the growth of prices was slowed down. The authors emphasize that it is necessary to develop and implement a system of permanent mechanisms, and not to be limited only to situational applied measures to stabilize the price situation. This system should be based on the improvement of price relations between various areas of the agro-industrial complex, foreign and domestic trade.

Issue № 3, March 2021, article № 2

Assessment of national food security in the export orientation of russian agriculture

Official criteria and indicators of food security, primarily indicators of food sovereignty and economic availability of food, are important for realizing the export potential of the agro-industrial complex without compromising food self-sufficiency. The paper calculates the level of food self-sufficiency for certain types of agricultural products and food on the basis of updated balance of food resources. The economic availability of certain types of food is estimated. The possibility of a formal increase in the values of food self-sufficiency indicators due to a decrease in food consumption in the country against the background of export growth is revealed. In this circumstance, it is a formal reduction in the index of economic access to food due to lack of relevant products in the domestic market, regardless of the level of prices and incomes. It is proved that in the Doctrine of Food Security, it is advisable to fix the need to maintain the economic availability of food while realizing the export potential of the agro-industrial complex. When assessing the level of food self-sufficiency, it is advisable to focus not on the actual consumption of certain types of food, but on the maximum of actual and rational consumption. Calculations of the level of food self-sufficiency with grain, potatoes, milk, meat, fish, vegetables, fruits, eggs, sugar and vegetable oil carried out according to the updated methodology.

Issue № 3, March 2021, article № 4

Institutional models for the development of land relationship system in agriculture

The purpose of the work is to build models for the development of the system of land relations in agriculture. The task of the research was to substantiate the methods, techniques, methods, tools that ensure the consistent construction of functional and structural institutional models. A modular-trigger system is proposed that allows implementing a multicriteria approach to assessing the use of lands from agricultural land by affiliation, types, and compliance with land legislation. Ineffective participants in land relations, lack of clarity in the implementation of control, incentive measures, the need to create a single governing body were identified based on the materials of the activities of agricultural organizations of the Saratov region for 2015–2019. The functional institutional model of the development of the system of land relations in agriculture includes subjects, a verifier, a management core, describes direct and feedback links between elements, is focused on obtaining structured information about the current situation and trends in land use, electronic interaction between government authorities and agricultural organizations. The structural institutional model is supplemented by the interaction of subdivisions of the Department of Land Relations in Agriculture at the regional and district levels with the territorial bodies and departments of the Ministry of Agriculture, Rosprirodnadzor, Rosselkhoznadzor, Rosstat, and Rosreestr. The calculation of the coefficient of economic efficiency is formalized as the ratio of the number of effective agricultural land users to their total number, the scope of its variation is established with the specification of each range. According to the results of the analysis of land use of agricultural organizations in the Saratov region, the least effective micro zone was determined – the Zapadnaya one. The practical significance lies in assessing the predictive efficiency of the core of the model for the development of the system of land relations in agriculture. It has been established that in the Saratov region, the coefficient of agricultural land use efficiency can be 0.24 (an acceptable level).