
Issue № 7, July 2021, article № 5

Ensuring the development of cooperation in agriculture of the border geostrategic territories of russia

Approved in February 2019, the "Spatial Development Strategy of the Russian Federation until 2025" connects the development of agriculture of border geostrategic territories with consumer cooperation. State support and limited own means of producers lead to the creation of consumer cooperatives, the distinctive characteristics of which are, in addition to the purpose of the activity (meeting the material and other needs of the members of the cooperative), joint subsidiary liability, voting on the principle: one member - one vote, distribution of the result and restriction in the activities of associate members. The prevailing interests of associate members lead to an orientation towards investors, that is, capital gains. The creation and functioning of cooperatives should not be formal; true cooperatives could and should improve the efficiency of the production and financial activities of small forms of management of frontier geostrategic territories. In the process of creating a cooperative, it is necessary to strive for homogeneity of its members, since the performance and life expectancy of the cooperative are significantly influenced by the interests of its members and the constantly changing conditions of the external environment. Cooperatives arise only under the influence of urgent need; they cannot be created "from above" using administrative resources. When joining a cooperative, potential members should be clear about what problems can be solved by participating in the cooperative. The principles of the creation and functioning of cooperatives, as reflected in the current federal law, do not fully reflect the specifics of cooperative organizations. The joint subsidiary responsibility of the cooperative members for its obligations and law enforcement practices in this area limit the spread of cooperatives in the industry. Foreign experience demonstrates the possibility of limiting additional responsibility, as well as the presence of cooperatives without additional responsibility.

Issue № 7, July 2021, article № 8

Analysis of the economic efficiency of primary and deep processing of bast crops

The authors analyzed the economic efficiency of the primary and deep processing of flax, oilseed flax and technical hemp. Since 2010, there has been an annual increase in the acreage of bast crops, and the list of subjects of the Russian Federation that sow these crops is also increasing. However, flax growers have difficulty finding markets. Some enterprises export their products, while others diversify their production. There are also those who, having not found a market, do not work at full capacity, reducing the volume of processing. In the second half of 2020, due to a sharp drop in prices for long and short fiber, there was another deterioration in the financial condition of flax mills. Taking into account the difficult economic situation, the state of the industry and the material and technical base of processing enterprises, the article determines which bast crops are effectively grown, in what volume, on what technological equipment they are more efficiently processed, as well as what type of fiber will be profitable in modern economic conditions. Primary processing of flax into long and short fibers and deep processing of short fibers are profitable, with full provision of enterprises with raw materials. Deep processing of short flax fiber into cotonine significantly increases the profitability of production. Processing of technical hemp into the same type of hemp with its subsequent cotonization at existing sales prices is unprofitable, and the profitability of processing oilseed flax into the same type of fiber depends on the amount of capital costs for production.

Issue № 6, June 2021, article № 4

Improvement of the organizational and economic mechanism of the grain market inf the siberian federal district

The Siberian Federal District (SFD) is the largest grain producer in Russia. The conducted research of the grain market revealed a number of organizational and economic problems that have a negative impact on its development. The solution to the problems is seen in the improvement of the organizational and economic mechanism of the functioning of the grain market of the Siberian Federal District. The conditions for the development of the grain market of the SFD are defined, as well as the fundamental regulatory documents regulating it are indicated. The purpose and main tasks, priority directions of development of the grain complex and the grain market in the SFD, the projected production and export volumes until 2025 are defined. The necessity of improving the organizational and economic mechanism of functioning of the grain market of the SFD is justified. The role of the state in the functioning of the agri-food market is determined, and the main levers of the state's influence on the grain market are presented. It is noted that an important direction of the organizational and economic mechanism is the application of the program-target approach. Organizational and economic measures aimed at the development of the grain market of the Siberian Federal District, stimulating supply and demand, regulating prices, developing competition in the grain market, creating conditions for the development of infrastructure, interregional and interstate food relations, and the use of marketing are proposed.

Issue № 6, June 2021, article № 5

Methodology for the formation of a risk-oriented internal control system for agricultural organizations in the novosibirsk region

The development of agricultural organizations in the Novosibirsk region, despite a number of positive trends in crop and livestock production, is characterized by a decrease in the efficiency of activities. With an improvement in quality indicators, a decrease in the efficiency of agricultural production may be associated with problems of financial management and the activities of the organization as a whole. Internal control is one of the most important management functions of an economic entity, and its weak organization can have a negative impact on all aspects of the organization's functioning. To study the state of the internal control system, agricultural organizations specializing in the production of poultry products and organizations specializing in the production of grain, milk and meat were selected. The reason for choosing these organizations for the study was the opportunity to analyze the features of the formation of the internal control system, taking into account the size and specialization of the organization. The studied organizations have management problems that hinder development, reduce the efficiency of sales, financial and other aspects of activities, which predetermined the construction of a risk-oriented system that would improve the efficiency of internal control. The aim of the study is to develop directions for improving the internal control system in agricultural organizations. The article discusses the theoretical foundations of the formation of an internal control system in agricultural organizations and presents a set of its elements, reflecting the specifics of functioning. The current practice of forming an internal control system in agricultural organizations of the Novosibirsk region is assessed. The problems of functioning of the internal control system in agricultural organizations are revealed and the directions of their solution are determined. A methodology for the formation of a risk-oriented internal control system for agricultural organizations has been developed.