
Innovative development of agro-industrial enterprises: measurement indicators

The article presents the results of research in the field of change management theory of innovative development of agro-industrial enterprises, taking into account the challenges of scientific and technological transformation of managerial business processes and digitalization of the economy of the agro-industrial complex. The main scientific result is a methodological approach to assessing the sustainability of balanced innovative development in the context of the conceptual principles of institutional economics, system economic theory, and innovation and technology management. Specific signs of balanced innovative development are revealed: the level of material resources used in the production of products; the presence of logistics routes; the environmental impact of the results of resource processing, including the cost of disposal of residues; a significant mass of fixed assets. Specific features allow us to consider the sustainability of balanced innovative development in the context of resource, internal and productive parts. The author's structure for assessing the sustainable balanced innovative development of agro-industrial enterprises has been developed. A distinctive feature of the proposed structure is: the allocation of its key elements - resource components; justification of the classification of resource blocks; argumentation of indicators and factors of each resource component that affect the sustainability of balanced innovative development of agro-industrial enterprises. The applied approach will allow for a detailed analysis of changes in balanced innovative development in the context of enlarged groups of factors, as well as with details up to individual indicators. Economic indicators reflecting the state of sustainability of balanced innovative development of agro-industrial enterprises in the context of each element are proposed and justified. This makes it possible to detail the analysis of deviations and changes in the potential of balanced innovative development of agro-industrial enterprises, as well as to identify other problem points during the analytical evaluation procedure.

To the question of the formation and regulation of prices in the agro-industrial complex

The article is devoted to the problems of formation and regulation of prices and price relations in the agro-industrial complex and on the food market. The article notes that in modern conditions, pricing is based on cost and market approaches. The authors revealed a significant dynamics of growth in the cost of agricultural products, which is reflected in the increase in sales prices. At the same time, the rise in prices in agriculture in recent years has been significantly less than in other areas of the agro-industrial complex and on the consumer market. The authors analyzed the institutional environment for the regulation of prices and price relations, which showed that only a few measures are used to regulate prices in the agro-industrial complex. In this regard, the President of Russia has instructed to ensure the development of long-term market mechanisms that guarantee the predictability of prices for goods, saturation of the domestic market with quality products. The authors emphasize that the optimization of price relations in the agro-industrial complex consists of a set of measures to regulate the price ratios between resource-supplying industries and agriculture, the food industry and trade in the domestic and foreign markets. On this basis, the authors have developed a comprehensive system of measures aimed at stabilizing the price situation in the agri-food market in Russia. In particular, it is proposed to introduce stricter regulation of prices for socially significant food products (setting maximum wholesale and retail mark-ups, mark-ups of importers), as well as expand the list of such goods. The article also notes that significant increase in food prices, along with a decrease in real incomes of the population, can lead to an increase in socio-economic tension. Therefore, the stabilization of the price situation in the agri-food market is impossible without ensuring effective demand, i.e. raising the standard of living of the population, especially its socially unprotected population.

Strategy for the management of rational land use in agriculture

Rational land use in conditions of ongoing degradation of land, soil and vegetation cover is one of the conditions for the formation of sustainable systems in agriculture in the region. The solution of environmental and economic problems in this area is constrained by uncertainty in the organization of their solution, the lack of theoretical elaboration of strategic land management, which urgently requires filling this gap. The purpose of the study was to develop conceptual provisions of the strategy of rational land use management in agriculture. The authors formulated the concept of a rational land use strategy, the basic principles, elements and sequence of its construction. The structural mechanism of strategy formation is proposed, which consists in bringing material, technical, financial and land resources into strategic alignment with human capital on the basis of ensuring the readiness of workers and management personnel for rational land use. The authors have developed a conceptual model of a strategic map of rational land use based on a balanced system of economic and environmental criteria and proposed strategic directions for its implementation. The model describes how, with the help of internal process management, as well as training and development, rational land use in agriculture is ensured. The developed model of the strategic map of rational land use is the basic one; in each case it will be unique, with a unique set of strategic directions characteristic of a particular region. The conducted research emphasizes that the implementation of a strategic approach to land use management should become the starting element of any land use program measures, which will contribute to the formation of the sustainability of agriculture in the region in rapidly changing environmental conditions.

Institutional support for the technological development of the agro-industrial complex of the region

Significant regional changes have begun to take place in the Russian Federation after economic, social and land reforms. The economic, financial and legal conditions of economic activity have changed radically; an attempt has been made to adapt agribusiness to new realities combining administrative management methods and market integration mechanisms. The implementation of land reforms took place during a series of economic crises, which led to deterioration in the development of economic, social and production systems, and disorganization of the material and technological bases of production in the agro-industrial complex. Digitalization and technological re-equipment of agro-industrial enterprises are the basis for the growth of competitive advantages and successful promotion of products in global markets. The article deals with the problems of management of technological development of agriculture. A scientific and theoretical model of the institutional system for ensuring the functioning of enterprises of the agro-industrial complex on the basis of evolutionary changes in the reproductive process has been developed. The interrelation of solutions to organizational and economic problems in the industry with the effectiveness of institutional subsystems, in particular state regulation in the field of technological development management, is presented. The article considers the innovation policy in the context of the implementation of the resource-targeted approach in ensuring the technological efficiency of production. The interrelationships of technical and technological equipment with human resources, technological efficiency of the use of production resources, and the infrastructure of the innovation market are substantiated. The importance of technological development in modern conditions is becoming increasingly important, since the availability of modern technologies, the renewal of production facilities, the introduction of innovative methods in production that meet market requirements, contribute to the growth of the level of competitiveness of the agro-industrial sector, increase the level of productivity and investment attractiveness. This problem can be solved only by implementing comprehensive measures, including the formation of an urgent agrarian policy based on technological innovations, state programs to promote the development of the agricultural sector, institutional economic reforms, stability of regional investment processes, infrastructure development, pricing, fiscal and credit incentives.

Analysis and assessment of the current state of the food market of the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia)

The article provides the most complete overview of the state of the food market in the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia). Based on the results of the analysis and assessment of its state, substantiation was obtained for improving the further development of agricultural policy in the field of food supply of the population and food security in the studied region. In the course of the research, the specific features of the regional market were revealed, formed with a special economic and geographical position of the region, characterized by a high dependence on the time and period of delivery of food products from outside the republic; a striking manifestation of the seasonality of growing crops, collecting wild plants and even delivering some products not only to large food markets in the region, but also to individual end consumers. At the end of the article, the following main practical proposals and recommendations are presented on the need to increase state support for agricultural producers of all forms of management through various economic mechanisms: optimization of the number of farm animals and birds in accordance with the optimal volume of development of the fodder base; creation of regional systems of food bases and funds to ensure food security in certain territories; establishment of the optimal volume of purchases and procurement of agricultural products at a normal price from all categories of farms in the republic by private and state structures; the creation of permanent intra-republican food support bases (trading posts) in order to supply and provide the Arctic and northern uluses, cities, industrial settlements with food, raw materials and essential goods; to reduce the quantitative nomenclature of imported products and import substitution, as well as to increase the range of production of local products, the authors propose to attract at the state level such large and medium-sized enterprises as FAIC «Yakutia», Joint-stock company «Yakutsk Khlebokombinat», Agricultural production complex «Churapcha», Agricultural production complex «Taatta», Agricultural production complex "Berte-As", Agricultural production complex "Myuryu", Agricultural production complex Shopping and purchasing center "Erel", LLC "Hotu-As", LLC "Yakutsk fish factory", Nemyugunsky bakery (NHZ).

State regulation of the grain and grain products market of the Siberian Federal District

The dynamic development of the grain and grain products market of the Siberian Federal District (SFD) largely depends on the state of development of the grain economy, production and market infrastructure, and the level of state regulation. Insufficient state intervention in regulating the grain market and grain products of the Siberian Federal District has led to a number of problems that hinder the development of the grain complex. Grain producers are limited in controlling its movement, are not able to influence its price and cannot respond promptly to changes in market conditions. The relevance of the research topic lies in the fact that the solution to the problem of spontaneous development of the grain market and grain products of the Siberian Federal District, which does not allow the subjects of the main grain-producing regions to maximize their economic potential, is seen in the strengthening of state intervention in market regulation. The purpose of the study is to determine the main directions of state regulation of the grain market and grain products of the Siberian Federal District. State regulation is understood as a system of legal, economic and organizational-legal measures, including resources, factors and mechanisms for their implementation. The article presents the features of the grain market of the SFO and the principles of its formation, highlights the main directions of state regulation and priority measures aimed at the development of the grain market and grain products of the SFO. The proposed measures are designed to ensure the dynamic development of the grain and grain products market.

Issue № 12, December 2021, article № 10

Assessment of land resource security agro-industrial complex of Murmansk region

The principle of complete regional food self-sufficiency in the difficult conditions of the Far North is impossible due to the limited natural resources, however, the provision of basic food products by local producers in the foreseeable future is an objective necessity. In addition, the stability of the resource component in the regional food market at the expense of local products will make it possible to have a significant decreasing effect on the level of retail prices, prevent the monopolization of local markets by suppliers of imported products, and also solve the problems of social protection of vulnerable segments of the population. The efficiency of agricultural production is predetermined, among other things, by the organization of rational use of productive lands. Analysis of the state of agricultural land use has great importance for the study of the prospects for the development of the agro-industrial complex in the region. The article assesses the structure of agricultural land in the Murmansk region, its types, and their use by different forms of ownership. The dynamics of land use from 1990 to 2020 for agricultural production have been studied. The analysis of the equipment of agricultural producers’ land in the Murmansk region with material and technical means is carried out. It is recommended to improve measures of regional and state support for agricultural producers and create a new agro-service service in the region providing the agricultural producer with a wide range of consulting assistance, affordable conditions for the introduction of innovations into production, for the purchase and service of specialized machinery and equipment, veterinary and phytosanitary services.

Issue № 12, December 2021, article № 11

Territorial socio-economic potential for the development of the agro-industrial complex

AIC is a complex natural-socio-economic system, therefore, and its development potential is also considered from a systemic perspective in the aggregate of its main subsystems - natural potential, social potential, economic potential. The proposed approach to assessing the development potential of AIC is based on the systemic ideology and specificity of agriculture, according to which land is its indispensable resource. Therefore, the consideration of the potential is carried out on the one hand, taking into account its territorial characteristics, and on the other, from the point of view of the territorial human resource of the agrarian economy, its habitat - the environment of residence and the environment of activity. Another important circumstance is the balancing of capacity components in addressing AIC development challenges. In this regard, the assessment of diffuse subsystems of development potential - economic-topical, sociotopic, socio-economic. This approach is consistent with considering the development potential of AIC as a complex dynamic natural and socio-economic system. The directions and parameters of its development should be systematically coordinated with the goals and objectives of the development of the agro-industrial complex. In some cases, it should be preventive development, in others - parallel, in third - adaptive, when making adjustments to goals. Here, the task arises of chronologically harmonizing the parameters of capacity development with the roadmap for the development of agribusiness and assessing the presence of problem zones and ways to eliminate them. The potential assessment was carried out for the agro-industrial complex of the Stavropol Territory. Its fragments are presented in the article.