
Issue № 1, January 2022, article № 6

Analysis of the Presence and Structure of Dominant Groups in the Market of Agricultural Organizations in Russia According to the Results of 2020

In the context of a difficult economic and epidemiological situation, which causes a drop in household income and a decrease in the growth rate of demand for agricultural products in the Russian Federation, it is important to conduct a strategic competitive analysis that allows us to identify the dominant groups of players in the market and assess their level of differentiation of companies in this market. This article summarizes the analysis of the industry "Crop and livestock, hunting and the provision of related services in these areas" based on the official reporting indicators for 2020 in the context of 64 sub-sectors, 36 of which revealed the possible presence of dominant groups of companies. As the main tool, the SV (strength/variety) Matrix was used to assess the level of dominance in the industry based on the concentration index, Lind Index, and the modified Hall-Tideman Index. The conclusions obtained from a detailed analysis of the SV matrix showed that the agricultural industry is quite diverse in terms of the level of differentiation of the dominant groups of players in the market, which suggests that it is necessary to carefully approach the choice of strategic decisions in each described quadrant and to take into account the recommendations proposed by the authors of the SV matrix regarding the behaviour in these markets. The authors also give recommendations on changing the rules for collecting statistical reporting in Russia, so that it is more applicable for use in modern analytical tools.

Issue № 1, January 2022, article № 7

Analysis of Organizations Growing Oilseeds

Oilseeds are of strategic importance for the country's food and national security standards. Oilseeds are raw materials for the production of vegetable oils, and the extraction cake of these crops is an important component of protein in the diet of feeding animals. The purpose of the study is to analyze the organizations of activity 01.11.3 "Growing oilseeds" in accordance with the OKVED in order to assess the possibilities for their further development. Organizations were divided according to the organizational and legal forms, the scale of activity, and the efficiency of production. The study was carried out on the basis of the accounting data of organizations submitted to Rosstat and the Federal Tax Service. The leader of the rating of organizations by activity 01.11.3 "Growing oilseeds" is Amuragrocomplex LLC, its specialization is the cultivation of soybean seeds. The study revealed predominance among organizations of joint-stock companies - 85.05%, micro-organizations with revenue of up to 120 million roubles. - 80.37%, higher efficiency of state unitary enterprises - 95 kopecks per 1 rouble assets; deterioration of efficiency indicators for all organizations except peasant farms; higher opportunities for innovation in joint-stock companies. The risks of losses caused by competition with foreign seed supplies, the level of domestic demand, counterfeit seed supplies are restraining factors in the production of seeds of Russian breeding.

Issue № 1, January 2022, article № 8

Prospects And Factors of Family Farms Development During the Transition of Agricultural Production to «Industry 4.0»

The article considers the prospects and factors of family farms development in the current institutional conditions and macroeconomic environment. The thesis that family farms using the most advanced technologies of the Industry 4.0 can successfully compete with large agro-companies is substantiated. Digital technology, automation and robotization allow the realization of economies of scale at a smaller production size than in the industrial, conveyor method of labour organization, to increase production and sales to effective volumes without a significant increase in the number of employees and complicating the management structure, receiving simultaneously the effect of entrepreneurship (innovative rent) and the scale of production (reducing the share of fixed costs). The use of digital technology, in the absence of problems with asymmetry of information and on-farm opportunistic behaviour, allows family farms to increase the scale of production, minimizing the cost of control and management. Family farms are the most important factor in the preservation of rural (peasant) society, give sustainability to the development of rural areas, because the owners - the family does not consider the farm only as a property complex, which can be sold, focusing on the stock market conditions. Family farms are characterized by their stability under conditions of economic uncertainty, a high degree of responsiveness to changing economic conditions and the adjustment of their own production plans. To research the system of indicators that characterize the ability of family farms to maintain sustainable development in an increasingly competitive environment and the transition of the agricultural sector to "Industry 4.0", the method of analysis of paired categories is proposed. The experience and mechanisms of integration and development of US farms into the system of agribusiness with preservation of the family way of life, which can be considered positive and suitable after adaptation to the conditions of the Russian Federation, are summarized. Proposals for improving the sustainable innovation and investment development of family farms are proposed.

Issue № 1, January 2022, article № 10

Rural Territories: Strategic Development and Sustainability

Sustainability of rural development is a priority of economic policy for many countries of the world, but it is not always achieved. One of the reasons is the imperfection of the theoretical understanding of the sustainable development of rural areas, which is reflected in the concepts related to this area of economic policy of the state. The analysis of various definitions of rural territories is carried out; it is shown that it would be most reasonable to understand them as "open" systems, the development of which is influenced by many factors, including external ones. Rural territories are included in the economy of the region, which affects the sustainability of their development, including the outflow of rural population to cities, slowing down the development of the rural economy. A feature of rural areas is also the diversity of their economy, depending on natural conditions and other factors. Taking into account the analysis of various approaches to determining the sustainability of rural development, the conclusion is made about the most reasonable understanding of it in relation to the ability to achieve long-term targets of socio-economic and environmental development, taking into account external conditions. This can be achieved only through transformations taking into account external conditions that ensure the achievement of a significant result for local communities. Since sustainability in rural development is achieved, among other things, by regional support, the properties of openness, exposure to external factors, economic diversification, as well as the proposed understanding of sustainability should be taken into account when developing long-term rural development programs.

Forecast of agricultural and food production in Russia in 2030, taking into account the dynamics of the level and differentiation of income and consumption of the population

The article discusses approaches for forecasting of food consumption in general as well as in the context of decile groups of the population, developed by various scientific schools. The regression equations on the dependence of the Russian population food product consumption expenditures on total expenditures, as well as for certain food products, have been constructed. The analysis of the coefficients of elasticity of the food demand in general and on certain types of products in Russia in the context of decile groups is carried out, a comparison is made with the estimates of other authors, and conclusions are drawn about the possibilities of their use for forecasting demand. On the basis of demand equations and the economic-mathematical model, the forecast of agricultural production volumes for 2030 was updated, taking into account consumption by all population groups at the level of rational norms. An assessment was made on the growth in gross agricultural output in the case of launching the state program "Food Certificate" for the first three decile groups of the population with the lowest incomes. The necessary income growth of the population in the context of decile groups in constant prices was calculated to ensure consumption at the level of rational norms. Conclusions are drawn about the possibilities of exporting agricultural products in 2030 in the context of growing domestic demand.

Food consumption in Russia: regulatory approach to regulation

The article discloses the role of healthy balanced nutrition in the implementation of the main national development goal of the Russian Federation for the period until 2030, which consists in preserving the population, health and well-being of people. Trends in the consumption of basic foodstuffs by the population of Russia, established in the post-form period, and the ratio of actual consumption in recent years with minimum and rational standards, were revealed. The functions of minimum and rational standards of food consumption in the system of public reproduction are justified. Their evolution in the USSR and the Russian Federation is considered. Factors that practically determine the historical transformation of minimum and rational food consumption standards have been identified. An assessment was given of the bill "On the consumer basket as a whole in the Russian Federation," aimed at qualitative transformations in the minimum social consumption standard, which was submitted to the State Duma of the Russian Federation in December 2019 by a group of deputies from the Just Russia party and the calculations of the Federation of Independent Trade Unions of Russia in terms of the minimum Russian recovery budget, including the cost of the minimum food basket. An estimate of the transition of the Russian Federation in 2021 from a normative to a monetary model for the formation of a minimum consumer budget by median income is given. Based on the importance of rational nutrition for the health of the nation, an increase in the working and general life expectancy of Russian citizens, measures are proposed to improve the regulatory regulation of food consumption in the Russian Federation. Priorities are identified in the area of state regulation of food consumption at the present stage.

COVID-19 and Food Security: Impact and Regulatory Directions

The article analyzes the impact and consequences of COVID-19 on the state of food security of systems of various levels. It is reflected how the pandemic has a destabilizing effect at the global, national and local levels, including through certain factors of direct and indirect impact. The COVID-19 pandemic was an unexpected and compounding factor. The largest increase in moderate or acute food security between 2019 and 2020 was in Latin America, the Caribbean (9 percentage points), Africa (5.4 percentage points), and Asia (2.3 percentage points). Due to the high cost, already in 2019, nutrition became inaccessible to 3 billion people on the planet. Along with threats to health and the decline in the standard and quality of life of people, the COVID-19 pandemic has caused great damage to the economy of the whole world, transformed food systems, reduced the level of food self-sufficiency and security of many countries. In this regard, the aim of the study was to uncover trends and problems of the corona virus pandemic COVID-19 to assess and possible solutions on the issue of food security at the macro and mesolevels. The novelty lies in the development of combined approaches to post-pandemic food security by monitoring new and previously unused sources and materials at three main levels: global, national (state) and local (regional), taking into account political and economic trends. The relevance and significance of the study lies in the possibility of further practical application of its results.