
How the price of agricultural producers influenced the growth dynamics in agriculture in Kabardino-Balkaria

Agriculture is actively promoting itself as a driver of the national economy. In contrast to many sectors of the national economy, in recent years, it has shown growth. However, this growth is not always and not everywhere (including segmental) is characterized by stability and quality, periods of high growth are replaced by a sharp decline and even stagnation. In addition, they deviate markedly from the calculated ones. In this connection, an important task is to identify specific causes, factors, conditions and mechanisms that affect the growth trajectory. Regardless of the periods and events, the important factors providing growth are the price and structure of products. However, it is not clear in what relationships both of the above factors interact on the growth trajectory and how they affect the dynamics of the latter. In connection with the latter, it is necessary to identify the main mechanisms of the influence of producer prices and the structure of products on the dynamics of production in agriculture, to formalize and quantify this influence, and also to formulate measures that ensure the necessary proportions of the development of the dynamics of agriculture. Using the ideology of Navier-Stokes equation we stratified (laminarized) the trajectory of gross agricultural output (GAP) into its components: the trajectory of GAP growth in 1991 prices, The trajectory of producer prices and the trajectory of sectoral structure; by comparing the selected trajectories the areas of the highest and the lowest amplitudes were identified; by means of correlation coefficients the interrelations between the trajectories were calculated; the areas of high, moderate and low correlations were revealed; apparently, the price accelerates the trajectory of GAP growth exactly at these areas, where the synchronism in the trajectories is observed; it was suggested that the influence of producer prices on the trajectory of GAP growth is segmentary. In connection with the obtained results it is suggested: a) to carry out point episodic regulation of prices of separate commodity segments by providing various incentives and benefits to producers and consumers, b) to influence prices by active commodity interventions, c) to take into account the described correlations between trajectories in software products.

Development of a model for technology transfer to the agricultural sector of the economy based on public-private partnership

Based on the study of the existing qualitative and quantitative models of technological transfer, the economic components of ensuring the implementation of the Federal Scientific and Technical Program for the Development of Agriculture for 2017-2025, and the development of advanced basic research in the agrarian economy of the Russian Federation, a model of systematic and structural organization of technology transfer in the agrarian economy based on public-private partnership was developed. Prospects of application of the developed model are defined - achievement of optimal economic effect with reflection of structure and directions of interaction of subjects, potential threats of functioning are identified - wide availability and illegal use of confidential information. A perspective diagram of the implementation of the event "Commercialization of scientific and (or) scientific and technical results and products for the agro-industrial complex" was built. The conclusion on the definition of the basic principles of functioning of the developed model is made (minimizing costs, maximizing profits) and priorities for the development of domestic agro-industrial complex (creation of universal financial and innovative infrastructure, support for small innovative entrepreneurship, modernization of agricultural industries, stimulation of demand for the introduction of R&D results in the agricultural sector, subsidization of interest rates on long-term loans, development of agricultural science, focused on the interaction of scientific organizations, agricultural universities, technology transfer centers, agricultural producers).

Investments and prospects of Russian fisheries development

Fishing plays an important role in the Russian economy. It is a major exporter of fish raw materials and a food supplier to domestic consumers. One of the foundations of the development of fisheries is the ability of invested capital to ensure the growth of income and well-being. But although there has been a positive trend in these indicators recently, it is unstable. The purpose of the paper is to study the investment mechanism in the Russian fishing to determine the prospects for the economic development of the industry. Our research is based on the assumption of the cyclical nature of the economic development of fishing, which is expressed in the asynchrony of production and investment processes. Modeling of these processes revealed several hidden effects. We conclude that the possible consequences of the policy currently being implemented, which is aimed at accelerating the growth of quantitative indicators of fishing, in the near future may be overinvestment and excessive capitalization of the industry. This creates a threat of collapse of the Russian fishing industry - a sharp reduction in catch, deterioration of the financial and economic indicators of business, non-return of capital investments, and a decrease in the consumption of fish products by people. In order to minimize the threat of crisis and ensure the sustainability of the fishing, the Government should reconsider the priorities of investment support, as well as ensure stability and predictability of conditions for investment activities, taking into account industry specifics and long-term interests of society. Based on the analysis, the authors propose several promising areas for improving the sectoral investment policy.

Issue № 2, February 2022, article № 10

Analysis of indirect support measures for rural areas

In the context of a slowdown in economic growth caused by COVID-19, a decrease in the effective demand of the population, measures of state support for rural areas are of particular importance. Traditionally, the Ministry of Agriculture is the main body providing the largest amount of support to agricultural producers and rural areas. In this article, the authors emphasize that in addition to direct measures of state support, measures of indirect support are being implemented both from the Ministry of Agriculture of the Russian Federation and from other federal executive bodies. The authors analyze the implemented measures of indirect support within the framework of a number of state programs and federal targeted programs of various federal executive bodies (Ministry of Health, Ministry of Construction and Housing and Public Utilities, Ministry of Culture, Ministry of Transport, Ministry of Natural Resources and Ecology, and others). Also, an analysis of state support for rural areas and agglomerations in the context of federal executive authorities and spheres of influence was carried out. The article emphasizes that 27% is the share of the Ministry of Agriculture of the Russian Federation within the framework of state support measures for rural areas and agglomerations, in the context of federal executive authorities, while in terms of sphere of influence the share of the Ministry of Agriculture is 24%. At the same time, there is heterogeneity in the provision of support: significantly more measures are being implemented in the field of education, health care, various types of infrastructure, sports, culture and housing. To a lesser extent, state support measures for rural areas and agglomerations affect the development of energy, tourism, environmental projects, as well as projects aimed at promoting employment.

Issue № 2, February 2022, article № 11

Building a multifactor model of the export price for Russian food wheat

The article analyzes the possibility of constructing a multi-factor model of the market price for milling wheat of Russian production. Today the world market for agricultural products is a complexly organized system with its own infrastructure, financial institutions, price indicators and market makers. With the process of complicating the organization of the market itself, there was a complication in the determination of the market price and price indicators of the market. The pricing of agricultural products is complex and reflects the impact of the entire world economy. Today, the market price of an agricultural crop is the result of the interaction of many pricing factors that arise in various spheres of social life (production, exchange, consumption). The object of the research of the article is the factors influencing the fluctuations in the market price for Russian food wheat. As macroeconomic factors stand out: the final stocks of grain, indicators of gross harvest, seasonality, economic conditions, fluctuations in the price of processed products, exchange rate. The aim of the study is to establish the relationship between the highlighted macroeconomic factors and the price of Russian wheat on the basis of delivery FOB Novorossiysk as an indicator of the export price and CPT Novorossiysk as an indicator of prices in the domestic market. The time horizon of the analyzed historical data is 5 years. The authors see the validity of maximizing the reduction of variables in the multivariate model, since a large number of variables complicates the selection of the optimal solution. After analyzing the dependence of factors and historical data on market prices for food wheat, the author's version of a multivariate model for forecasting the market price is proposed.

Issue № 1, January 2022, article № 1

Conceptual Mechanisms for Improving the Sustainability of Agricultural Activities of Subjects of the North Caucasus Federal District

This article is devoted to the assessment of the condition and possibilities of increasing the sustainability of agriculture as a basic industry for most subjects of the North Caucasus Federal District of the Russian Federation (NCFD). The chronic socio-economic, technical and technological lag of the subjects of the North Caucasus Federal District from other regions and territorial formations of the country is explained by the use of not always reasonable management tools for its multi-layered agricultural sector of the economy. In this regard, significant adjustments of conceptual approaches to the development of agriculture are needed, based on a detailed analysis and inclusion in active economic activity of all accumulated resources and advantages in the industry. In the Strategies of socio-economic development of the subjects of the North Caucasus Federal District, certain steps have already been taken at the regional level: the development of innovations in production and processing, the use of advanced breeding and seed systems in crop production and animal husbandry, vertical and horizontal cooperation, etc. The main directions and ways of ensuring the sustainability of their agricultural activities have been developed and identified. At the federal level, the main instrument of influence is state support. Therefore, the efforts of the federal center should be aimed not only at increasing the volume of state support, but also at stimulating the financial and economic activity of commodity producers at all levels of the management hierarchy, focusing on small agricultural businesses and households through their integration cooperation with large and medium-sized entrepreneurs. Within the framework of this study, a methodological approach has been developed for comparing comparable indicators of the analysis of the use of state support for agriculture in the regions of the North Caucasus Federal District and correlating them with indicators characterizing the effectiveness of the use of these funds by indicators of federal and regional state support.

Issue № 1, January 2022, article № 2

The Combined Concepts of the Innovative Development of the Agro-Industrial Complex of Russia: From Ideas to Actions

The problem of developing and implementing innovative products in the field of agro-industrial complex can be partially solved by creating the concept of innovative development for the medium and long term (until 2035). The article defines the purpose, conceptual problems, working hypothesis, functions, principles, architectonics and the main mechanisms for its implementation. The main barriers to innovation transformation in the industry related to inefficient communication between the real sector of the economy, science and federal executive bodies are listed. In this regard, the main methodological breakthroughs in the field of innovation management (legal support, development of innovative infrastructure, training and retraining of personnel, information and financial support), the creation of a center for monitoring, forecasting and expertise of projects are listed. The importance of the national project "Science" and the Federal Scientific and Technical Program for the Development of Agriculture for 2017-2025 (further - FNTP) for the creation of innovative infrastructure in the field of agriculture is shown. Approaches to attracting development institutions were considered: Roselkhozbank JSC and Rosagrolising JSC at the stage of creating breeding and seed (breeding) centers, commercialization of scientific developments, lending to developers of new technologies. The work justified the need to clarify promising directions of innovative development of agro-industrial complex and in the development of special mechanisms: organizational and economic, technical and technological and marketing blocks. The feasibility has been proved in the development of a new Strategy for the innovative development of the agro-industrial complex of Russia for the period up to 2035 years, in accordance with the National Security Strategy of the Russian Federation "(Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of 02.07.2021 No. 400) and the program of basic scientific research in the Russian Federation for the long term (2021-2030). It was shown that the systematic implementation of measures to transfer the country's agro-industrial complex to an innovative development path will make it possible to make a breakthrough in the field of production, storage and processing agricultural products.