
Issue № 4, April 2022, article № 3

Effective Employment is the Imperative of Human Development in Agriculture

The concept of human development defines the key aspects associated with effective employment: the expansion of opportunities in the field of work, the achievement of decent work standards and human development. Human development is a complex process that requires the development of measures covering all areas of work and, to a greater extent, in agriculture. The importance of the study is confirmed by the following aspects: shifting the focus to human development; discussions on the composition of the imperatives of decent work as a fundamental component; approaches to areas associated with the directions of effective employment in agriculture. Human development determines the need to implement modern directions of effective employment in agriculture. The implementation of the considered imperatives is due to the fact that effective employment is the basis for the development of human capital in agriculture. The directions of ensuring effective employment are shown: legal protection of the employed; decent jobs; selection of qualified personnel; the possibility of professional growth; rational conditions for the organization and rationing of labour; the use of modern technologies; ensuring labour safety; effective use of working time; decent wages, motivation of employees to work; social protection; economic support of the directions of human potential development. Effective employment and decent work conditions are aimed at human development and economic growth in agriculture. Effective employment and decent work conditions are aimed at human development and economic growth in agriculture.

Issue № 4, April 2022, article № 2

Analysis of Unemployment: Sources of Creation of Additional Jobs

The problem of unemployment for rural residents of municipalities in the region has become very relevant in recent years, as well as for all residents of Russia. Increasing the level of employment of the population must be included in the list of priority tasks for solving social problems in rural areas. An assessment of the level of unemployment of the rural population of the region showed its low official level: the coefficient of tension in the labour market for the period 2013-2019. Only in 2 analyzed groups of districts of the Saratov region exceeds 1, which is explained by the lack of desire to register with the employment service among residents of rural areas. The grouping of the unemployed by the empirical method of Sturgis made it possible to combine municipal districts into 6 groups and determine for each the number of vacancies recorded on the stock exchange. The planned profit, due to savings on tax incentives, will increase compared to the actual net profit, which will ensure the profitability of the production of agricultural producers, respectively, and will provide an opportunity to allocate additional funds for staff development. The proposed inversion scenario of development makes it possible to predict the level of employment required in the economy with the planned volume of production, and, therefore, to form an adequate supply of labour in terms of volume and structure, which will contribute to solving the problem of unemployment in the future, primarily its structural component, and optimize the system of vocational training. The main sources of creating new jobs will be the internal reserves of agricultural enterprises. To a large extent, due to the accumulated depreciation, its intended use leads to employment of up to 1585 people. And through the acquisition and modernization of fixed assets, guarantee jobs for up to 346 unemployed until 2030.

Issue № 4, April 2022, article № 1

Scientific Approaches to Improving State Regulation in the Agro-Industrial Complex at the Present Stage

At present, in the context of the aggravated geopolitical situation, the tasks of ensuring the country's food security and the development of import substitution, as well as issues of price regulation and enhancing the innovative and investment development of the agro-industrial complex, have come to the fore in the agro-industrial complex. To overcome the identified problems, it will be necessary to resolve the accumulated issues related to the imperfection of state regulation in the agro-industrial complex. Based on evidence-based approaches, the authors propose the main directions for its improvement, in particular, the development of a stimulating organizational and economic mechanism in the agro-industrial complex, the main elements of which are currently prices and price relations, and investments. As the basic principles for improving state regulation at the present stage, it is proposed to develop an optimal balance between strategy and tactics, so that, based on the adopted strategic directions of the country's development, to slightly adjust tactical goals and ensure the stabilization of the situation in the agro-industrial complex by developing and implementing effective measures and mechanisms that level the current risks and threats. Another principle is the mutual linkage of all the goals and objectives of the development of the country and agriculture, as well as the compliance of financial support with the goals set. Now it is extremely important to ensure the uninterrupted and stable operation of the entire agro-industrial complex. In this regard, it is advisable to reformat the State Program, updating it in accordance with the changed conditions. It should propose a balanced organizational and economic mechanism that would allow the formation of complex systemic solutions to achieve targets and indicators of the country's national development goals.

Issue № 3, March 2022, article № 1

Scientific Approaches to Assessing Food Security and Food Independence of the Russian Federation

In the domestic and foreign scientific literature there is a wide discussion both about the essence of food security and the indicators of its assessment. It should be understood that the main purpose of the food security assessment is to obtain objective information on food production, incomes, purchasing power, consumption of basic types of food, etc. In doing so, the Food Security Scorecard should be structured, well-founded in terms of assessing the main elements of this category, and sound indicators could be calculated on the basis of available information. The article presents discussion approaches regarding the assessment of such components of food security as economic and physical availability of food to the population of the Russian Federation at the national level. When substantiating groups of indicators and indicators, the terminology available in Russian regulatory documents is used, as well as approaches to assessing food security used in the world community, including the EAEU, CIS countries, etc., as well as taking into account the opinions of prominent agricultural scientists in this area. Methodological approaches to assessing food security, as set out in the scientific papers of domestic scientists, do not take into account all areas of food security assessment. Very often in the scientific literature, the indicators substantiated by the authors are not structured into groups, which do not allow an objective description of the state of individual components of food security of the country. In this article, the thesis outlines approaches to the formation and assessment of the main components of food security - economic and physical accessibility of food to the population at the national level.

Issue № 3, March 2022, article № 2

Approaches to Assessing the Carbon Footprint of Agriculture in the Russian Federation and the European Union

Research on sustainable agriculture needs an up-to-date and objective statistical base on greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. The carbon footprint is the amount of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions resulting from agricultural production. The article outlines various approaches to estimating the carbon footprint of agriculture: from a narrower sectoral approach to a broad intersectoral approach connected by a complete value chain. The purpose of the article is to summarize approaches to estimating the carbon footprint of agriculture, as well as to compare the carbon footprint of the countries of the European Union and Russia according to indirect estimates of the used production resources. Based on statistical data on the amount of fertilizers introduced into arable land and the number of tractors used per hectare of arable land and other indirect parameters, the author concludes that the carbon footprint of domestic agriculture is relatively small compared to European countries. The analysis concludes that the current technologies of intensive agricultural production in our country lag behind the technologies of European production, and therefore greenhouse gas emissions from Russia's agriculture are less per hectare of arable land. However, that did not mean that domestic agriculture had strategic competitive advantages. The intensive development of the industry, which allows a rapid increase in production volumes, as one of the negative environmental effects will have a carbon footprint. Therefore, one of the most important tasks of the strategic development of agriculture in Russia is the introduction of green technologies throughout the value chain and finding a balance between industrial and environmentally friendly production.

Issue № 3, March 2022, article № 3

Digital Horizons of Russian Agro-Industrial Complex: Problems and Prospects for the Development of the Agricultural Services Market

Russia is characterized by the features of China's agricultural digitalization strategy (strong vertical administrative leverage, state programs for financing digitalization projects). The main external tools to support the development of agricultural technology services in Russia are state grant financing of infrastructure projects for digitalization of the agro-industrial complex; budget financing of the departmental program "Digital Agriculture"; venture financing provided by RVC JSC. During the analyzed period, the greatest demand from agribusinesses was for agrotech-services for the use of UAVs for monitoring and protection of crops, as well as for fertilizer application. Services of robotization of individual agricultural works were actively developed, while progressive farm management systems based on AI-algorithms, IoT networks for remote control of agricultural machinery, and blockchain technologies are still outsiders of the list of the most in demand agrotech-services. The main obstacles to the development of agrotech-services are the high bureaucracy in procedures for obtaining grant funding; centralization of financial resources in state development institutions; geographical imbalance of financial resources to finance projects of digitalization of agriculture; lack of universities in the country; and lack of financial resources to finance projects of digitalization of agriculture. The scientific research has established that agrotech-services are a new stage in the development of the global agro-industrial complex. It is important for the Russian economy to make maximum efforts to intensify the implementation of digital technologies in business processes of agricultural management in order to ensure sustainable development of agriculture and food security of the country.

Issue № 3, March 2022, article № 4

Establishment of a Functional Mechanism within the System of Integration of Agricultural, Processing and Marketing Enterprises

System integration can be one of the cost-effective tools to increase the competitiveness of the regional agro-industrial complex. However, the corresponding mechanisms of transformation of functions and processes for the objects of the agricultural sector belong to the category of high complexity and are insufficiently represented in scientific and practical aspects. The tasks of system integration of the association of a group of enterprises of different specialization are new and require conceptual justification and identification of key directions and principles. The aim of the work is to develop a methodological approach to the construction of mechanisms for the system integration of agricultural, processing and marketing enterprises in the region and the formation of a functional mechanism within it. The proposed approach complies with GOST R ISO 19439-2008 "Enterprise integration. Fundamentals of Enterprise modeling", based on the principles of a systematic approach, reflects the nature of enterprises and their economic mechanism using four standard representations of the model. The idea is based on the ordering of the elements of the functional, informational, organizational and resource subsystems of the association of economic agents and the construction of relationships between them. The presented analysis of the financial indicators of the research objects of the bread subcomplex, partially interacting on integration principles, indicates an increase in the values of the coefficients of autonomy, the manoeuvrability of equity and a decrease in accounts receivable. Nevertheless, a number of characteristics (lack of working capital, reduced profitability of sales, etc.) do not correspond to the expected, and it is possible to improve the situation and neutralize their negative impact on the results by deepening integration ties based on the introduction of digital farming systems. The structure and working mechanism of the functional subsystem of the integration association have been developed through the procedure of ordering functional, production, management and other processes organized into a hierarchical structure detailing the system transformations of the internal environment of individual enterprises, intermediate connecting and joint combined levels based on digitalization, automation and intelligent information systems.

Issue № 3, March 2022, article № 5

Concept of Sustainable Agricultural Development of the North Caucasus Federal District in Conditions of Territorial and Sectoral Differentiation

The universal strategic planning system does not fully take into account the specialization of individual macro-regions with different levels of economic, financial, environmental and social sustainability and efficiency. Balanced spatial development of macro-regions is based on the rational use of the diversity of economic opportunities of the subjects of the Russian Federation that are part of the federal District, their natural resources, accumulated scientific, technical and human potential, the advantages of territorial division of labour and industrial cooperation with a general focus on the integrated socio-economic development of regions; implementation of special employment programs in labour-surplus regions, measures to raise depressed areas. The analysis shows that the strategic documents existing at the level of the North Caucasus Federal District (NCFD) and at the level of its subjects define the main directions, ways and means of achieving the goals of sustainable development and ensuring national security of the territories, without highlighting the system of the main industries that have a system of unique competitive advantages and can become "points of growth". For the NCFD, economic priorities are related to the agricultural sector of the economy, which is the main one for socio-economic development, the formation of a competitive environment in the regions, and solving the problem of employment in the North Caucasus. In the article, the planning system for the development of the agro-industrial complex (AIC) of the North Caucasus Federal District is structured according to territorial levels of management. Then the blocks devoted to the development of agro-industrial complex strategies of the North Caucasus Federal District and subjects are analyzed, their common and unique are highlighted. The organizational and economic mechanism for the development of a conceptual and strategic document for the development of agriculture at the federal district level and the structure of the concept of sustainable development of agriculture of the North Caucasus Federal District, taking into account the territorial differentiation of conditions and results of activities based on effective interaction and realization of the potentials of the multi-layered agrarian economy of the subjects of the district and selective state support, are proposed.

Issue № 3, March 2022, article № 6

Functional Model of the System of Land Relations in Agriculture

The purpose of the work is to build a functional model of the system of land relations in agriculture. When creating it, the methodology of systems analysis with a decomposition approach was effectively applied. A scientifically grounded model of the system of land relations in agriculture represents the object under study in the form of highlighted functional and information and communication subsystems, their specific features, a set of elements, connections and relationships between them, has the property of integrity, has a positive impact on the development of the system through various levels of management. Directions of using functionally-oriented accounting resources and development of information and communication subsystems, including actors, species systems, information content, reinforced by a database, computer programs are proposed. The functions in the system of land relations in agriculture (accounting, distribution and redistribution, state control (supervision) over the use and protection of land, the proper use of land) have been systematized, for each of which typical connections with indicators, inputs and outputs of the system, which together characterize its dynamic behaviour. The inputs of the land system are formalized; a symbolic description of the relationship between subsystems, elements, and functional relations of the model is given. A functional model for managing state supervision and control over the use and protection of agricultural land at the federal, municipal and public levels has been constructed from the standpoint of improving functions aimed at improving the quality of land legislation, interdepartmental work, and the use of benchmarking, which create prerequisites for enhancing the efficiency of activities. The area of application of the developed functional model of the system of land relations is scientific organizations, legislative authorities and governing bodies of the agro-industrial complex at the federal, regional and municipal levels.