
Issue № 6, June 2022, article № 12

Theoretical Problems of Integral Assessment of Financial Condition of Agricultural Organizations

The financial stability of agricultural organizations is a generalizing result of their total entrepreneurial activity. Nevertheless, despite solid state support, many organizations in the industry fail to ensure their financial well-being. The reasons for this are mainly shortcomings in the systemic planning of their activities - operating, investment, and financial. This situation is largely due to the complexity of the methodological approaches to financial analysis published in the scientific literature. Since the starting materials for science-based system planning are the current and dynamic indicators of financial analysis. The paper analyzes various approaches to the integral assessment of the financial condition of business entities published in the economic literature. Alternative calculations were carried out according to the reporting data of Agrofirma Zai LLC for 2020. The results of solving the problem turned out to be completely different. It is well known that the quality of theoretical models for solving any issues is assessed by the level of their reflection of the true situation. However, the studied models of a comprehensive assessment of the financial situation of farms did not meet these requirements. It is established that such an indicator is the current liquidity ratio. It is functionally related to seven other coefficients that independently characterize the financial condition of organizations. In this paper, we carried out a method of factor analysis of changes in the current liquidity ratio in dynamics and in comparison with reference farms.

Issue № 5, May 2022, article № 1

Conceptual Model of the Harmonious Economy of Russia: Problems and Judgments

The article attempts to analyze a number of basic provisions of the decline of capitalism, which consists in the depravity of the nature of its economic model, which is based on a constant increase in material consumption, which leads to an irreversible process of reducing the resource base of the planet. Outgoing capitalism, in our opinion, could not solve numerous internal and external problems, because, as you know, the purpose of a market economy is to make maximum profit, which leads to contradictions between the owner and district workers. The world project "Socialist System" did not fully implement its socio-economic principles, which does not mean at all the final loss of these principles. Proponents of capitalism today propose the development of a global economy, which involves building a social model of society on the principles of a digital hierarchy. However, such a proposed paradigm meets with serious disagreement in all countries of the world. That is why the proposed article focuses on a conceptual vision of a new economic model built on the principles of justice and solidarity, which can eliminate the contradiction between labour and capital. The article shows the results of the work of the real sector of the country's economy for 2021 where, on average, each employee produces 64 kopecks of profit for the owner per rouble of salary, and there are enterprises and entire industries where this figure reaches 8-10 roubles. This speaks not just about exploitation, but over and above the exploitation of hired labour. The essence of the changes is that each employee of the enterprise works for part of his property, which gives him the right to receive a certain share of profit as a dividend, that is, in fact, he becomes an employee of this enterprise. A step-by-step transition to a new economic structure is outlined, in which the unconditional role should belong to the state in supporting a harmonious economic model.

Issue № 5, May 2022, article № 2

Issue № 5, May 2022, article № 3

Conceptual Model of the Digital Ecosystem in the Agro-Industrial Complex of the Region

At the heart of digital transformation of the agro-industrial complex of the region should be a digital ecosystem functioning with the help of a specialized platform. The digital ecosystem in the agro-industrial complex of the region is understood by the authors as a client-centric business model that combines several groups of products, services, and information on a single digital platform to meet the final needs of ecosystem participants. The main elements of the digital ecosystem are agro-sharing, processing, marketing and agro-tourism. Its participants are agricultural producers, processing enterprises, rural residents and summer residents, municipal authorities, peasant (farmer) farms and individual entrepreneurs. The interaction between the participants should be carried out using a digital platform, which, for example, allows you to see agricultural machinery or processing facilities available in the municipal area and send an application for their use. The addition of the digital ecosystem with such an element as agro tourism will provide an opportunity not only for additional earnings for agricultural producers, but also for attracting the urban population to rural areas. The article schematically presents the digital ecosystem of the agro-industrial complex of the region. The creation of such an ecosystem, firstly, will increase the efficiency of agro-industrial production, secondly, it will increase the incomes of rural residents, and thirdly, it will ensure direct supplies of manufactured products to sales markets.

Issue № 5, May 2022, article № 4

To the Question of the Concepts of "Economic Mechanism" and "Organizational and Economic Mechanism"

This article is devoted to clarifying the content of the concepts of economic mechanism and organizational and economic mechanism in the system of other fundamental economic concepts. Despite the extremely large number of works where these concepts are used, their economic content, and, most importantly, the relationship of these concepts in the system with the concepts of institutions, economic interests and incentives, production relations, economic phenomena, laws and regularities, do not seem to be fully elucidated. Abstract-logical method, systemic approach, a number of provisions of political economy, classical economic theory, new institutional theory, theory of economic mechanisms are used. We proceed from the definition of the concept of "mechanism" as a set of bodies (links), successively transmitting motion from one moving link to another with a repeating result. This allows formulating the definition of an economic mechanism as a sequence (a chain or several interconnected chains) of interrelated recurring economic phenomena that lead to a certain result. At the same time, it is necessary to distinguish between economic mechanisms that exist objectively and are not dependent on the subjective intentions of persons acting in the economy (people and / or organizations), and economic mechanisms that are consciously formed to obtain certain results. Economic mechanisms can be distinguished by science or practice in various ways - by industry or by territorial principle, by management functions or some economic processes, by acting subjects, which also have their own mechanisms of influence in the economy, or by subjects. Consequently, the number of isolated mechanisms can be, generally speaking, very large, potentially infinite. Economic mechanisms are important for theory and practice because they form economic incentives and influence economic interests. Analyzing the relationship between the concepts of economic mechanisms and production (economic) relations, the author came to the conclusion that production relations are such mutual objective relations arising in social production that form the rights and obligations of each of the parties for some specific reason in the course of production activities. The concept of production relations is more abstract than the concept of institutions - formal and informal rules of action for people and organizations in the economy. At the same time, certain institutions that characterize rights and obligations form the forms and content of certain production relations. Production relations, in turn, shape the economic interests of people. Thus, economic mechanisms, on the one hand, are an important link on the basis of which economic laws and regularities are formed, and, on the other hand, they form incentives for people's economic actions. A figure showing the dialectical relationships of these concepts is presented.

Issue № 5, May 2022, article № 5

Management of the Introduction of Innovations in the Agro-Industrial Complex in the Context of Digitalization and its Improvement

Innovations form the basis of the development of the modern economy. Currently, advanced scientific, technical and technological developments have been created in Russia, there is a positive experience in the development of production. However, not in all regions and not in all agro-industrial organizations, these achievements are properly applied. This situation is due to many factors noted by scientists and specialists of the agro-industrial complex. Several of the main ones is international, financial and personnel problems. In this regard, governing bodies at all levels need to take into account both well-known requirements for the formation and development of a management system and its constituent elements, and specific for the management of innovation, including a set of organizational, economic, administrative and other mechanisms of influence on certain structures engaged in the development of new technics and technologies for agro-industrial production, stimulating producers to introduce modern scientific and technical achievements, to master information technologies, to train qualified personnel for the successful implementation of technological and other operations, to carry out communication interactions, decision-making, etc. For the successful implementation of technical, technological, organizational, economic, industrial and other innovations in the conditions of digitalization of the agro-industrial complex, financial, qualified labour and information resources are required. Their availability largely depends on state support and the effectiveness of state regulation, the development of the education system and the use of digital technologies in agriculture.

Issue № 5, May 2022, article № 7

The Integrated Approach Is the Basis for the Effective Implementation of Cluster Projects of the Agro-Industrial Complex

The consumption of milk and dairy products by the population of the Russian Far East remains very low, and by 2020 is 59%. At the same time, on the territory of the regions of the Far Eastern Federal District, there is an insufficient level of workload of the production capacities of existing processing enterprises. So JSC "Blagoveshchensk Dairy Plant" geographically located in the Amur region uses its production capacity by 46.0%. The practice of interaction with the company revealed the main problem - the lack of raw materials. In turn, the analysis of the factors hindering the development of the dairy sector in the Amur region revealed as a determining factor – the lack of own financial resources for agricultural producers to invest in the implementation of new investment projects. The weight of the factor among others is 87%. The proposed conceptual approach to the integrated organization of feed production and use in cattle breeding was used in the development of an investment project for the construction of a livestock complex for 2400 cows. The project was developed taking into account the interest of the state in meeting the needs of the population in dairy products, JSC "Blagoveshchensk Dairy Plant" in expanding the raw material base, and JSC "Luch" in the development of production activities. Due to the increase in the supply of milk for processing, the use of production capacities will increase from 46.0% to 67.9%, the volume of production by 47.7%. By saving fixed costs, expanding the volume of production and sales of products, an additional income of 134711 thousand roubles is projected, the profitability of products will increase by 2.5%. About 20 kg of dairy products will be added to the market of milk and dairy products per capita.

Issue № 5, May 2022, article № 9

Justification of the Conditions for the Development of Regional Agricultural Production Systems

In the pandemic conditions chains of delivery of the food and agricultural production between the countries were broken. Number of undernourished people in the world increased. UN recommends using inclusive development of productive and agricultural systems in the food provision of the population. This will contribute to the growth of the agrarian production and quality of rural population nutrition. In 2022 the aggravation of geopolitical crisis, introduction of sanctions against Russia, necessity in protection of the domestic markets led to the decrease of volume of trade between the countries. FAO supposes that there will be a provision crisis in the world. In such conditions the achievement of Russian independence in food provision of all main products increases. The fundamentals of national food security form in the subjects of federation. Therefore, strategic planning of agricultural production by the regions, processing of products, interregional exchange of food and its export become topical. Productive and agricultural system including the agricultural sector and processing industry is the most regionally oriented production system. Stability of its functioning is interdependent and connected with social and economic development of the regions. Therefore, forming of the developmental strategy of the productive and agricultural systems should be coordinated with the development of sectors included in it, and territories of the production location, as well as strategy of social and economic development of the region. This stipulates the necessity of integrative strategizing. National food system needs stability. Forming of interventional funds of long-term storage food will help the domestic food market to function persistently in the conditions of increased demand. Creation of conditions for the realization of the produced food on the economies of the population will contribute to the growth of self-sufficiency of the regions in terms of provision and increase of incomes of the rural population.