
Issue № 6, June 2022, article № 2

Assessment of Production Volumes of the Main Types of Agricultural Products for 2022

This article presents the results of calculating the forecast of production volumes of the main types of agricultural products of Russia for 2022 based on the methodology used by the Federal State Budgetary Scientific Institution of the Federal Research Center VNIIESX. The forecast includes the main types of agricultural products, which make up over 80% of gross agricultural output in value terms. Along with weather conditions and factors, the forecast of the yield and gross harvest of the main crops (cereals, sunflowers, sugar beets) took into account the influence of agro technical factors: the state of winter crops, the dynamics of plowing of chives, the application of mineral fertilizers, the presence of tractors and combine harvesters. The volume of production in livestock production is based on the dynamics of the number of livestock and productivity over the previous years, the availability of stocks of feed, feed base for the current year. The forecast includes the current trends in the material and technical base of agriculture. It is assumed that there will be no significant changes in agricultural engineering in 2022. The volume of production of grain and other crops (sunflower, sugar beets, potatoes, and vegetables) was estimated for three scenarios - depending on the implementation of random conditions: favourable, medium, unfavourable outcomes. When determining the degree of favourability of the year for other crops, the classification was based on the yield of grain crops, which largely determine the level of production in the agricultural sector of the country. According to our estimates, in 2022 we should expect the implementation of the average weather conditions of the year with grain production volumes of about 119 million tons (77% probability of onset), favourable - more than 133 million tons (14%), unfavourable - 82 million tons (9%).

Issue № 6, June 2022, article № 3

Digital Transformation of Technology Transfer in Agriculture: Creation And Use of Digital Platforms

The purpose of the study was to study the organizational and economic mechanism of technology transfer in agriculture, to identify new ways of transfer based on the active use of information and communication technologies and the creation of digital platforms. The development of information and communication technologies, due to the acceleration of the scientific and technological process in the global and Russian economy, has led to the digital transformation of business processes, digitalization of technological processes aimed at improving the efficiency of the real sector of the economy. The active development and availability of a large number of innovative technologies in modern agriculture necessitates the constant support of agricultural producers in matters of technological re-equipment and modernization of the production process, informing business entities about new technologies and developments of specialized scientific institutions. To this end, it is advisable to create and use specialized digital platforms that ensure effective communication between developers and potential consumers of these technologies. These platforms should ensure coordinated activities of the state, scientific institutions and private business structures for the effective use and enhancement of intellectual, scientific, technical, production potential and human capital in the creation of a new modern infrastructure and the introduction of innovations in the agricultural sector of the country. In the article, the authors present the results of a survey, the respondents of which were residents of rural areas, workers and managers of agricultural enterprises, heads of peasant farms, individual entrepreneurs producing agricultural products. Thus, the results of the survey indicate that the digital scientific and technological platform "Technology Transfer: Modern agriculture" is accessible to users, easy to use and provides high availability of information about new technologies. The responses of the respondents confirm that the interface of the developed platform makes it easy to navigate the presented material, and contributes to improving the efficiency of the transfer mechanism. This platform also contributes to the acceleration of technology transfer, as it reduces the time spent searching for potential consumers and developers of new technologies. The reported study was funded by RFBR, project number 20-010-00324

Issue № 6, June 2022, article № 4

Organizational Mechanism, Economic Efficiency and Public Parity of Fertility Reproduction as the Basis of Food Security

The retrospective and transformation of the legislative framework of state regulation of ensuring the fertility of agricultural land is analyzed. There was a reduction in the share of participation in this process of the federal center and the transfer of responsibility and expenditure powers to regional authorities, with a limitation of the participation of municipalities. An assessment of the program method for implementing the main provisions of the federal legislation on measures to ensure the fertility of agricultural land is given. Serious shortcomings in the implementation of regional programs and the assessment of their economic efficiency are revealed on the example of the Saratov Regional Target Program for 2006-2010 and for the period up to 2012, which led to their replacement by separate activities in other federal and regional programs. Taking into account the importance of measures to ensure the reproduction of land fertility in the agricultural sector of the economy to guarantee the country's food security and the insufficiency of the measures currently taken, the authors propose for use the "Organizational and economic mechanism for managing the reproduction of fertility of agricultural land", which provides: the implementation by the authorities and agricultural organizations of certain basic conditions; state regulation; economic assessment of the activities performed. A serious drawback in the process of implementing measures to restore and maintain the level of soil fertility, and even more so to increase it, is the imperfection of methodological support for calculating the economic efficiency and social significance of these measures. It is not uncommon to assess the implementation of the planned measures, and not the real effect of their implementation in agricultural production. On this basis, it is proposed to use the developed criteria, including: the increase in land rent; tax and insurance burden and its potential; economic efficiency and socio-economic (social) parity.

Issue № 6, June 2022, article № 5

Spatial Placement Of Agricultural Production on a Competitive Platform

The article presents the methodology for the balanced development of agricultural production on a competitive and predominant platform, the basis of which was the author's approach to the spatial location of its sub-industries, including an analysis of the reserve capabilities of the natural and economic zones of the region, adequate algorithms for the differentiated distribution of budget funds, which made it possible, in accordance with the identified resource potential, to propose and justify priority areas and tools of state support for the purpose of equal-system territorial development. The work uses general scientific and specific methods that were determined by the range of tasks and research areas. In particular, using abstract-logical and calculation-analytical methods, strategic competitive advantages of natural and economic zones were identified. The studies carried out on the comprehensive diagnostics of the spatial location of agricultural production and its territorial rationalization make it possible to establish the degree of need for institutional changes in the distribution of state support funds, the vector of which should be aimed at the balanced and uniform development of territories with the disclosure of the potential of existing competitive advantages. In this regard, the authors developed an algorithmic mechanism for improving the directions of distribution of regional incentive support, containing measures aimed at developing optimal weight proportions of the distribution of budget funds based on the territorial approach. The key guideline in the distribution of state support funds is the aggregate competitive potential of the territories, which allows differentiating the directions of state support by enlarged groups, highlighting zones of low, medium (moderate) and high level of development.

Issue № 6, June 2022, article № 6

Cooperation as a Tool to Ensure the Strategic Development of Small Forms of Farming

Small forms of management ensure the settlement of rural areas, they account for 40% of the produced products in the industry. This category of farms differs significantly in terms of resource availability and commodity output. In the market, such manufacturers, due to their low marketability, do not have the opportunity to influence the price of purchased resources and defend the conditions for the transfer of produced products to intermediaries or processing companies. Cooperation contributes to the levelling of such costs of the market economy. State support and limited funds of commodity producers lead to the creation of consumer cooperatives, the distinctive characteristics of which are, in addition to the purpose of the activity (meeting the material and other needs of the members of the cooperative), joint subsidiary liability, voting on the principle: one member - one vote, distribution of the result obtained and restriction in the activities of associate members. The main indicators of cooperation development: the share of small forms of management included in cooperatives and the share of cooperative products in the respective markets are very low - less than one percent. The creation and functioning of cooperatives should not be formal, true cooperatives can and should ensure an increase in the efficiency of production and financial activities of small forms of management. In the process of establishing a cooperative, it is necessary to strive for homogeneity of its members, since the effectiveness and duration of the cooperative are significantly influenced by the interests of its members and the constantly changing environment. Viable cooperatives arise only under the influence of urgent necessity; they cannot be created "from above" using an administrative resource. By joining the cooperative, its potential members should clearly understand what problems can be solved by participating in the activities of this cooperative, be mentally ready to carry out their activities taking into account the cooperative specifics.

Issue № 6, June 2022, article № 7

Peculiarities of Interrelation of Receivables and Payables with Revenue and Profitability of Sales in Agricultural Organizations

The article tests the hypothesis about the influence of the size of an agricultural enterprise on the use of accounts payable and receivable as instruments of financial policy. It is often found in the scientific literature that accounts payable and receivable should approximately match in size. This is what happens in normal business development. The situation changes in unstable conditions. To test the hypothesis, 3222 agricultural enterprises engaged in growing plants, breeding animals, etc. were selected in the SPARK-Interfax. The time horizon of the analyzed data is 5 years. Further, the profitability of agricultural products, the growth rate of accounts payable and receivable, as well as their ratio to revenue separately for micro, small, medium and large enterprises were calculated. It is shown that, despite the fact that receivables are a potential source of financing for large agricultural enterprises, there is also an accelerated growth in accounts payable. In this case, the share of borrowed funds provided as state support to such enterprises is directed to lending to other enterprises. According to the results obtained, the balance between both types of debts is not achieved for small and large enterprises. Lack of balance is a negative point in settlement relations; it leads to deterioration in financial relations with counterparties and a weakening of the financial and economic situation in agriculture as a whole.

Issue № 6, June 2022, article № 9

Forecast Modeling of the Development of Agricultural Sectors Taking Into Account the Impact of Cost Elements

One of the most effective instruments of scientific knowledge for exact reproduction of the expected parameters of activity is expected modeling. The purpose of the presented work is development of methodical approach to forecasting of key production financial performance of functioning of the branches of agriculture of the Russian Federation (RF) taking into account influence of separate elements of costs of production of agrarian products (on the example of the organizations). In article the method of extrapolation of trends for the simplest forecast of the studied indicators, subsequently improved was used. The author's approach to forecasting of production and financial results of functioning of the branches of agriculture based on combination of graphic and correlation and regression ways of the analysis of data for a certain period of time is offered. The formula is developed for definition of a number of expected values of the studied indicators on the example of the agricultural organizations taking into account coefficients of their interrelation with separate elements of costs of production of agrarian products (it is brought mineral, nitrogen fertilizers; it is used means of protection of plants, fuel and lubricants, forages; compensation to workers of livestock production and crop production). By results of the conducted research it was established that the level of profitability of the agricultural organizations of the Russian Federation in 2023 at the simplest forecast will be: on crop production – 6.41%, to livestock production – 5.06%, at the corrected forecast – 6.61 and 5.29% respectively. The revealed differences of the presented indicators confirm the defining influence of the allocated elements of costs of production and financial results of activity of the considered enterprises.

Issue № 6, June 2022, article № 10

Methodological Approach to Assessing the Quality of Life of the Rural Population

The article deals with the category of life quality of the rural population and the ways to assess it. It is shown that there is no clear definition of the concept and the structure of the life quality of the rural population. The definition of the concept " life quality of the rural population" in the context of modern socio-economic conditions is given by the authors. Namely, the quality of life is an integral socio-economic category, reflecting both a set of living conditions that make it possible to meet the needs (material, cultural, spiritual, etc.) of the population and its reproduction, and a subjective assessment of the satisfaction of these needs. A scheme of indicators of the life quality of the rural population is proposed. A technique for assessing the life quality of the rural population is developed. It includes the grouping of the statistical indicators into five blocks: demographic, economic, labour, infrastructural and environmental. The methodology for assessing the quality of life involves four stages. They are: search and primary selection of statistical indicators; standardization; calculation of partial indices for each group of indicators mentioned above; calculation of the integral index of the life quality of the rural population. Basing on the technique proposed the quality of life of the rural population of the regions of the Siberian Federal District was assessed. For each region, strengths and weaknesses in terms of life quality are identified, and possible development paths are proposed. The authors recommend using the proposed technique in development of regional and departmental programs in order to increase their social effectiveness.

Issue № 6, June 2022, article № 11

Modification of Labor Capital and Staffing of Rural Areas in the Context of Digitalization of the Economy

In the context of the digitalization of the economy, approaches to staffing rural areas are being radically revised. The personnel policy in relation to the modern village implies a modification of the characteristics of labour capital and is due to the transformation, diversification of the rural economy, the increasing role of digital technologies, non-agricultural industries and the emergence of new types of economic activities, new professions. Currently, mass human labour is being used less and less in the production sector, the role of qualified and competent specialists focused on performing more complex technical and technological operations is increasing. In this regard, the formation of high-quality labour capital is becoming a key factor in the sustainable socio-economic development of rural areas. The fundamental change in the role of labour resources in the rural economy, a decrease in its share in the national wealth is also due to the insufficient compliance of the existing professional and qualification structure of personnel in rural areas with modern requirements of society, including due to a decrease in the productivity of workers with an increase in the productivity of machines and mechanisms in the agro-industrial complex, global trends in mass mechanization, automation, informatization and digitalization of agricultural work, gradual replacement of low-skilled labour with more skilled. The purpose of this study is to analyze the factors of the process of modifying competencies, characteristics, and parameters of rural labour capital in the conditions of digitalization of the economy. The parameters of high-quality labour capital that form its basis are revealed: education, health, culture, social and spiritual needs, the level of possession of scientific knowledge, information and modern information technologies, competencies. The model of a "socially responsible employee" is proposed, whose behaviour is determined by social norms and motives, obligations and expectations, values and needs, activity and responsibility, entrepreneurship and competence.