
Issue № 8, August 2022, article № 5

Information Subsystem Integration Mechanism Of Agricultural, Processing And Marketing Enterprises In Region

System integration is one of the most effective instruments of increase in level of efficiency of functioning of the enterprises of the sphere of agrarian and industrial complex. In this regard there is an objective need for a research of features of the mechanism of transformation of internal functions, interactions and operations within the organizations uniting in complete structure. In relation to the agrarian sector of Russia the solution of problems of system integration is difficult owing to the low level of digitalization of the majority of agricultural producers and therefore it is a little lit in scientific researches. The purpose of the presented work is formation on the basis of the developed earlier methodical approach to creation of mechanisms of system integration of the enterprises of the second and third spheres of agrarian and industrial complex of the region of the information mechanism designed to display graphically structure, movement and synchronization of flows of information on all internal processes of the studied organizations for the purpose of their effective optimization. The method used in work is guided by GOST P ISO 19439 "The national standard of the Russian Federation. Integration of the enterprise. A basis of modeling of the enterprise", including the principles of system approach and expressing models of the nature of the enterprises and also the economic mechanism of their managing through a number of standard representations (subsystems). The analysis which is carried out in article allowed to reveal a number of positive aspects of functioning of the studied organizations of the region interacting with each other on the principles of partial integration. However existence of a number of negative trends in their development testifies to need of search of new opportunities for improvement of a control system of internal processes. The structure of the mechanism of integration of information subsystem on the example of the concrete agricultural, overworking and marketing enterprises of the region is reflected in article, including basic elements for its construction are specified, interrelations between them are described, internal interactions both at the private level of managing of the organizations, and at a stage of their merge in the general design on the basis of automation and introduction of elements of information technologies are detailed.

Issue № 8, August 2022, article № 6

Improvement of the Organizational and Economic Mechanism of State Regulation of the Milk Product Subcomplex of Siberia

The dairy sub complex is an integrated subsystem of technologically and economically interconnected industries united by a common goal – to satisfy the population with milk and dairy products, taking into account scientifically based consumption standards. Currently, the dairy sub complex of the Siberian region operates in conditions of imbalance of its constituent industries. In dairy cattle breeding, the number of cows has not yet stabilized, which creates a difficult situation in the raw milk market. A difficult situation is developing in the dairy processing industry. On the one hand, the industry operates in conditions of a narrowing of the raw milk market, on the other – in conditions of falling effective demand of the population. In such a situation, unscrupulous processing enterprises are trying to find easier ways to make a profit. Namely: to produce counterfeit instead of high-quality dairy products, replacing milk fat with cheap animal fats and palm oil. By the organizational and economic mechanism, we understand the system of organizational structures and economic levers and methods of influencing the development of the dairy sub complex in order to increase its efficiency and achieve its objectives. At the heart of the improvement of the organizational and economic mechanism, we see the strengthening of state regulation and comprehensive support for the industries included in the dairy sub complex. In this study, the main directions of improving the organizational and economic mechanism of state regulation of the dairy sub complex of Siberia with an emphasis on regulatory support are outlined.

Issue № 8, August 2022, article № 7

Improving the Efficiency of Perennial Grass Fodder Production in the Non-Black Earth Region of Russia through the Use of Digital Technologies

The article considers the significance and problems of development of dairy cattle and fodder production in the regions of the Non-Black Earth Region of the Russian Federation. The influence of the level of development of dairy cattle and fodder production from perennial grasses on the intensity of the use of arable land in the regions of Non-Black Earth was determined. Analysis of production and economic indicators of pilot farms in the Leningrad region confirmed the significant impact of the intensity of feed production on the efficiency of milk production. Insufficient realization of the advantage of dairy cows as ruminants to digest cheap voluminous fodder produced in the Non-Black Earth lands with low alternative cost reduces the efficiency of milk production and investment attractiveness of the industry, despite the high dairy productivity. Analysis of the cost structure of perennial grass fodder production revealed the problems of increasing the efficiency of their cultivation, timely reseeding using seeds of high quality, increasing the technical equipment of production, intensive use of mineral fertilizers and crop protection chemicals. Increased risks in agricultural production in the "zone of risky agriculture" cause the need to form in farms and regions of Non-Black Earth Region adaptive system of forage production, taking into account territorial and local agro-climatic, production-economic and environmental features, allowing the optimal realization of the effect of scale in dairy cattle husbandry. The proposed structure of the digital information-analytical system for planning and controlling the production of forages from perennial grasses for highly productive cows is designed to ensure the development and effective functioning of the adaptive system of forage production in regions with an acute shortage of personnel in rural areas, accumulating knowledge and experience, new requirements for quality forage for highly productive animals, local conditions, forecast and actual external environment parameters.

Issue № 8, August 2022, article № 8

Production and Processing of Bast Crops in Russia as an Element of Import Substitution

Flax, technical hemp and oilseed flax are the most important technical crops in Russia, allowing for import substitution of raw materials, textiles and goods previously imported from abroad. The largest increase in acreage and gross harvest over the past 10 years has been observed in technical hemp, in second place is oilseed flax, and flax is the only one of them whose sowing areas have decreased. Over the period from 2020 to 2021, the number of regions sowing flax has almost halved, while the number of subjects of the Russian Federation growing technical hemp has increased by 5 regions. Per-hectare subsidies do not increase the interest of farms in growing flax, because they do not compensate for losses. The annual increase in prices for technological equipment at the beginning of the second quarter of 2022 averaged 25 %. For the period 2019-2022, the selling price of threadbare flax increased by 2 times, and short flax fibers by 1,4 times. The selling price of the same type of hemp, after a short increase, returned to the pre-crisis level. Fluctuations in exchange rates, selling prices, rising inflation and the uncertainty of the economic situation in Russia puts Russian flax mills in difficult conditions. The main problems of these enterprises are the lack of necessary funds and sales markets. In such a situation, serious state support is needed in the form of additional financing, preferential loans, subsidies, and tax benefits. The problem of sales markets should be solved by the state order, which could be formed by the Ministry of Defense, the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the Ministry of Health and Social Development, the Ministry of Transport, which would ensure the sustainable development of domestic production and increase the economic independence and security of the country.

Issue № 8, August 2022, article № 9

Efficiency of Using Robotic Systems in the Milk Subcomplex of the Region

The world community is becoming increasingly anxious about the possibility of an aggravation of the food problem, which could turn into a food crisis. To address possible problems, countries are investing heavily in solving these problems. In this context, the use of digital and information and communication technologies in agricultural production is becoming an important trend. In our country, as a result of the implementation of the Food Security Doctrine, tangible results have been achieved; many indicators related to crop production have been achieved or are close to being achieved. Volume indicators were increased for livestock products, but the indicators of the Doctrine were not achieved, especially for the production of milk and dairy products. The article deals with the use of robotic systems in the dairy sub complex of a particular region, achievements, problems and prospects for the use of these tools. It should be noted that digital animal husbandry is not some fashionable trend, but the most important way to intensify the industry. At this stage, the farms use robotic tools that were purchased from foreign companies before the well-known events. Prior to this, the manufacturers of the products were engaged in the maintenance of these installations, repairs, adjustments and assisted in the management. Now they don't. Further progress depends on two factors: first, how these suppliers behave, and second, the ability and capacity of our industry to engage in import substitution. The solution of food security in terms of the production of dairy products largely depends on how we successfully cope with these tasks. The article also notes that the changes that accompany the use of digital technologies lead to the demand for new specialties, radically change the requirements for personnel, transform the way of life in the countryside, it becomes more industrialized and creative.

Issue № 8, August 2022, article № 10

Comparative Economic Efficiency of Using Traditional Organic Fertilizers and Siderates

The article describes a comparative estimation of the economic efficiency of the use of bedding cattle manure and green manure or siderate (vetch-oat mixture). The relevance of the subject is determined by the presence of the problem of conservation and accumulation of organic matter in gray forest and soddy-podzolic soils, as well as by necessity of the rise of the economic efficiency of production in agriculture, that is directly connected with state food security. The initial data for the study were the scientific literature, state statistics materials and the results of scientific experiments conducted at the Verkhnevolzhsky FASC in 2007–2020. The study is built on the basis of the consistent involvement of an increasing number of factors that affect the efficiency of the use of organic fertilizers. Some private conclusions: the technology costs of the use of studied types of fertilizers, including production fertilizer itself and application its into soil, was in 1,06 – 1,5 times lower on siderate, than on manure in variant, when mineral fertilizer isn’t applicated over growing of sideral culture; when mineral fertilizer is applicated on sideral culture with N60 per 1 ha doza, the use of manure is more economic efficient, when its transportation distance is 1 -5 km, when distance is more, it is rationally to use siderat. The main conclusion, done accounting lost profit, has shown the higher economic efficiency of the use of siderate in comparison with cattle manure at any transportation distance for manure.

Issue № 8, August 2022, article № 11

Methodological Approach To Assessing The Analysis And Forecast of the Quality of Life in Rural Areas of the Region

In the Russian economy, more and more attention has recently been paid to the quality of life of the rural population. The purpose of the work is to develop a comprehensive methodological approach to assessing the analysis and forecast of the quality of life of the population in rural areas of the region. In the proposed methodological approach, two modules were identified (analysis of the quality of life of rural residents and forecast of the quality of life of rural residents), which included in the first case - factors that reduce or increase the quality of life of the population, and in the second case - forming the quality of life and measures of socio-demographic support. The main advantages of this methodological approach to assessing the analysis and forecast of the quality of life in rural areas of the region include the variability of the use of indicators and the ease of its application, which opens up access to a wide range of readers and researchers, which will allow evaluating any block, both individually and all factors in the aggregate. The criteria for assessment factors for eight blocks were systematized (health status, education system, employment and quality of work life, leisure and recreation, the state of the consumer market for goods and services, the state of the environment, personal safety, social opportunities and social activity). It is worth noting that the developed model of analysis and prediction of the quality of life of the rural population is based on the use of empirical research methods based on the knowledge of real objects of research. The area of application of the developed methodological approach to assessing the analysis and forecast of the quality of life of the population in rural areas is scientific organizations, management bodies of the agro-industrial complex at the federal, regional and municipal levels.

Issue № 8, August 2022, article № 12

Socio-Economic Development of Rural Areas

A necessary condition for the existence and development of society is the process of reproduction of rural residents, which directly depends on the course of demographic processes. Developments of Urnov M.Yu. and Kasamara V.A. aimed at building a model of influence on the socio-demographic dynamics of non-institutional factors. Within the framework of this study, value heterogeneity is presented from an economic point of view: as the level of well-being of society. In modern Russia, the main features of the current demographic situation are: a significant reduction in the population, low birth rates, and the continuing aging of the population. The instrument of the space of value orientations was used, according to the methodology developed by the above-named authors, social and economic indicators were combined, based on calculations, their influence on the socio-demographic development of a rural settlement was established. The hypothetical substantiation of the dependence of economic indicators of value heterogeneity in terms of the level of profitability of society and social dynamics was tested on the basis of an assumed functional model using matrix algorithms. Verification of indicators of capital productivity, efficiency of agricultural land use, labor productivity was carried out. The calculations performed showed that in the agricultural enterprises of the Saratov region, in the period f1 (2020) in relation to the period f0 (2015), the increase in income amounted to: in the first group of districts, 164317 thousand rubles. in the fourth group 1654160.17 thousand rubles. due to a significant increase in capital productivity for an intensive type of development, which will make it possible to determine additional investment in the acquisition of fixed assets in the amount of 84,982.84 thousand rubles. and 361,634.78 thousand rubles. by municipality. As well as an increase in profits from the intensification of production in 1-4 groups of districts in the amount of 125.74%; 112.23%; 114.11%; 10:9.08%, respectively, of the total profitability of the use of sown areas of enterprises. And it is necessary to increase the area of agricultural land by 94-97% on average for groups of districts, in order to maintain the achieved level of production in order to increase profitability and wages. The proposed hypothesis was substantiated using the Integration Definition for Function Modeling functional model

Issue № 7, July 2022, article № 1

On Perspectives On The Development Of Forms Of Integration In The Agri-Food Complex

Agro-industrial integration is a natural form of organizing food chains in the agro-food complex, which ensures the involvement of interacting entities in the common economic space on the principles of rationalization and optimization of technological, organizational and economic relationships, as well as the stability of inter-link and inter-subject interactions. Based on the principle of economic feasibility, the choice of a specific form of agro-industrial integration is based on the complex influence of a combination of factors influencing the process of formalizing integration interactions both at the macroeconomic level and at the levels of specific product chains and individual business entities. The possibility of implementing one or another model of agro-industrial integration is determined taking into account the combined influence of heterogeneous factors in the context of the operation of the law of economic feasibility, which determines the rational schemes of integration interactions of subjects united in certain food chains. As the main conditions for initiating the transition to a cluster model of integration in the agro-food complex, it is proposed to single out the following ones: the presence of stable inter-subject and inter-industry relations; territorial localization of economic spaces; development of public-private partnership; the possibility of separating the main (product) and the related segments; the ability of competing entities to consolidate interests; availability of tools to maintain the flexibility of the system of cluster interactions; the possibility of implementing a common technical and technological policy of integrating entities; the possibility of creating an adequate infrastructure support system, etc. Based on the strengths and weaknesses of the existing system of integration interactions in the agro-food complex of the Voronezh region identified as a result of the SWOT analysis, the opportunities and threats to its development, a matrix of actions to improve it was substantiated.

Issue № 7, July 2022, article № 2

Economic And Mathematical Modeling As A Tool For Strategic Planning For The Development Of Rural Territories

The choice of methods for substantiating the parameters of development of rural areas is an important issue of strategic planning and management, the solution of which should take into account many aspects of their functioning. The purpose of the study is to determine the parameters of sustainable development of rural areas in order to select the most effective tools for managing it. The substantiation of the strategic parameters of complex economic systems is carried out by methods of economic forecasting, which, according to one of the main classification features - the degree of formalization, are divided into intuitive and formalized methods. At the same time, formalized methods include two subgroups: extrapolation methods (methods of least squares, exponential smoothing, moving averages) and modeling methods (structural, network and matrix modeling), which allow obtaining a multicomponent indicator designed to determine the vector of socio-economic development of rural areas in conjunction with dynamic changes in the agricultural sector. To substantiate the strategy for sustainable development of rural areas of the region, we propose to use an economic and mathematical model for optimizing strategic parameters, which, unlike previously known ones, along with optimizing the structure of agricultural production, includes the optimization of other activities in such areas - education, healthcare, culture, social infrastructure , ecology, etc. The goal of agriculture as the foundation of the rural economy is to obtain the maximum amount of profit, at the same time, the goal of the social sphere is to provide rational services to the rural population, moreover, their implementation should take place in conditions of preserving the ecosystem and ecology. The optimality criterion in the economic and mathematical model for optimizing the sectoral structure of production, represented by the maximum profit with a minimum of material and monetary costs, is completely unsuitable for the economic and mathematical model for optimizing the development of rural areas, since the goals of activities in rural areas (agriculture, education healthcare, culture, social infrastructure, ecology, etc.) are different. The article presents the results of solving the model, taking into account scenarios for the development of rural areas of the Voronezh region.