
Monitoring The Volatility of Cash Flows to Ensure Sustainable Development of Russian Agriculture

The study reveals a methodological approach to the organization of monitoring the volatility of cash flows to identify possible problems in the interaction of agricultural actors. The relevance of the study is related to the need for timely application of state regulation tools to maintain the continuity of interaction of agricultural actors in the implementation of various risks. The latter is especially relevant considering the national interest "sustainable development and modernization of agriculture and fisheries and infrastructure of the domestic market", defined in the Doctrine of Food Security of the Russian Federation. Volatility monitoring is proposed to carry out using the available information from the Payment System of the Bank. The Bank of Russia, as the operator of the PS BR, has access to real-time data on the operations of the actors of the Payment System of the Bank. It is possible to promptly analyze the process of interaction of agricultural actors by monitoring the volatility of cash flows. Based on the Shuhart maps, the research determines the boundary values, the intersection of which reflects an increase in the risks of disruption of the stability of the functioning of agricultural actors. It is determined that the volatility of the cash flow in the field of agriculture until 01.01.2024 should be in the range from 0.9 to 35.1%. The exit of the volatility of the cash flow beyond these limits means the emergence of non-standard interaction practices and should be the subject of analysis. Identification of non-standard practices of economic interaction by considering the volatility of cash flows will make it possible to timely apply tools of state influence, allowing supporting agricultural actors. The Bank of Russia, having identified the occurrence of critical levels of cash flow volatility, must provide this information to the Ministry of Agriculture of the Russian Federation, which has the necessary competencies in terms of providing support to agricultural actors.

Development of Interaction Between Agro-Industrial Complex Subjects within the Framework of the Region's Export Strategy

Despite the positive dynamics of the implementation of the federal project "Export of agricultural products," problems and barriers to the development of export activities remain, which are intensified under the influence of sanctions pressure, restrictive measures and the transformation of global markets. The methods of comparative analysis and the management stakeholder, situational and systematic approaches to the study of economic reality were used to form directions for improving the organizational and economic mechanism of export support. The main problem is that despite the implementation of measures and forms of support for export activities, there is a low initiative among the subjects of the agro-industrial complex and a lack of economic interest among potential exporters. In order to resolve the problem, strategies for interaction of stakeholders of various types are proposed to search for new sources of economic growth in the export of agricultural products in the regions. Active involvement and interaction of executive authorities with agro-industrial complex entities will create an effective infrastructure for supporting the export of agro-industrial complex products at regional levels. It is suggested that the improvement of the organizational and economic mechanism for supporting the export of agricultural products on the basis of harmonizing the goals of stakeholders and the corresponding system of control indicators will make it possible to form a strategy for the sustainable development of agricultural exports of the Russian Federation in the long term.

Digitalization in the Agricultural Enterprise Management System

Objective changes in the development of agriculture have led to the formation of a new model of functioning, which is characterized by fundamentally new technologies, features and priorities. Further development of agricultural production is closely connected with the use of so-called "high technologies", which are based on the use of the achievements of the digital revolution. A characteristic feature of the current stage of development of the agricultural sector of the economy are deep and fundamental changes in virtually all its spheres, directly or indirectly affecting the management system of agricultural enterprises, which it is advisable to consider as dynamic, since the forms, methods and functions of the system are under the simultaneous influence of many factors. The above-mentioned becomes particularly relevant in the conditions of digitalization of agricultural production and the influence of information and communication technologies on the management system of agricultural business entities. The management system of an agricultural enterprise characterizes the ability of a commodity producer to maintain its certainty, the vector of movement and optimal functioning in conditions of maintaining a state of dynamic equilibrium between internal and external factors of the enterprise. The article examines the processes of formation and development of the digital economy of the Russian Federation, examines the differences and features of its functioning and the impact on the competitiveness of the domestic economy. It is determined that the digitalization of the country is not a simple transition to electronic governance, but a full-scale introduction of digital technologies into all spheres of society: from education, skills, production, business to bridging the digital divide and creating a full-fledged digital infrastructure. The main information and communication technologies for agricultural production are considered. The fundamental points of the country's digital strategy are identified; the problems of digitalization of industries, in particular the agro-industrial complex, and ways to solve them are outlined.

Issue № 9, September 2022, article № 11

The Evolution of Competition and Russia's Position in the Global Mineral Fertilizer Markets

This article is devoted to the evolution of world market of fertilizers based on data from the Trade Map portal (on the export of fertilizers by countries) from 2012 to 2020. The Lind index, Herfindahl-Hirschman index, and the SV matrix were used as methods of analysis. The analysis revealed that in all segments of the fertilizer market, competition is limited by the presence of a dominant group of big players. Relatively high-competitive segments include the animal and vegetable fertilizer market, the nitrogenous fertilizer market, and the mixed fertilizer market. The phosphatic fertilizer market is not that stable and aims for a “natural oligopoly” segment, and the low-competitive markets include the potassic fertilizer market, where Canada is the major exporter and occupies almost 40% of the world market. From the point of view of dominant groups, we can note that almost all markets are quite stable in terms of the composition of the dominant group, which remained practically unchanged over the period under review since 2012. The market of mixed fertilizers can be singled out as the most dynamic market according to this criterion, where significant changes took place during the period under review (for example, China increased its share in world exports and took 1st place in this indicator, Morocco improved its position in the market under consideration, while the share The United States fell by 2 times, which led to the withdrawal of the United States from the dominant group in the global market for mixed fertilizers). Russia is practically not represented in relatively small export markets, while in large markets it occupies a fairly significant position: the Russian Federation is in 1st place in the export of nitrogen fertilizers and consistently ranks second in the market of potash fertilizers, in the large market of mixed fertilizers, the Russian Federation is gradually losing its positions.

Issue № 8, August 2022, article № 1

On the Role of Farming in Food Security

Basic food consumption is one of the most important characteristics of food security. To solve this urgent problem, in 2020, the Doctrine of Food Security of the Russian Federation was approved, which should solve problems both in the field of organizing agro-industrial production and the socio-economic policy of the state. The new version of the document strengthens both of these components, but it is necessary to adjust the existing mechanisms for solving the tasks and new challenges. In solving these problems, it is necessary to take into account such a category of farms as peasant (farm) farms, which are becoming more and more significant producers of agricultural products, playing an important role in the development of rural areas. Small businesses of the agro-industrial complex, including peasant (farm) farms, produce more than half of the agricultural products produced in the country. Their development creates conditions not only for self-employment of the rural population, but also self-sufficiency in basic food. At the same time, problems persist in the development of small agricultural enterprises. According to Rosstat data over the past 5 years, due to unfavorable conditions for development, the number of peasant (farm) farms decreased by 48 thousand and amounted to 162,379. Many problems remain that prevent their activation and require the creation of new mechanisms, including the normalization of the social sphere in the countryside for more successful functioning.

Issue № 8, August 2022, article № 2

Methodological Approaches to the Assessment of Public Goods Produced by Rural Economies

Value of public goods produced by the rural economy is relevant for two reasons. Firstly, to more accurately reflect its contribution to the gross welfare in comparison with other sectors (which is important for elaborating balanced strategies for the development of the country's economy). Secondly, to study the feasibility of reimbursement of its costs due to the incremental production of public goods. The paper reviews the principles of evaluation applied or applicable to the evaluation of public goods created by the rural economy. Their list is supplemented by the principle of policy costs, which, in comparison with others, is better aligned with R.Coase's arguments about financing public goods through taxes. A technique is proposed that implements this principle, based on a questionnaire survey of experts. In the application to the rural economy, the considered principles are ranked according to the criteria of objectivity, accuracy, laboriousness of assessment and data availability. Furthermore, the paper justifies the predominant use of the principles of hidden transfers and policy costs for evaluation in order to access the contribution of the rural economy to public welfare. To justify the reimbursement of the increase in the production of public goods of the rural economy, it is recommended to compare the assessment according to the cost principle with the assessment according to the principle of policy costs: the amount of financing of the increase should be such that the first of them does not exceed the second.

Issue № 8, August 2022, article № 4

Transition to "Smart Agriculture" in the Interests of Ensuring Food Security in Russia

The relevance of the topic of the study is due to the fact that agriculture, on the one hand, being a producer of food security, on the other hand, causes significant damage to the environment and natural capital, because in Russia up to now the economic activity in this industry has mainly extensive and resource-intensive nature. Purpose of the study: to present and describe the concept of "smart agriculture" (climatically and ecologically optimized agriculture), which can be implemented in the conditions of the Russian economy. The methodology of the study is based on the institutional-economic methodological approach, involving the analysis of big data of agricultural industry statistics, as well as the synthesis of recommendations on its regulatory and legal regulation and practical guidance of current changes. The article analyzes the dynamics of the Russian food security index in the context of its key components, including the environmental consequences of the industry. The formula of transition from extensive to "smart", i.e. climatically and ecologically optimized agriculture is described, which includes the following components: new understanding of sustainability, responsibility and productivity of agricultural activities; creation of a new institutional space for agricultural activities; reduction of greenhouse gas emissions and other pollutants; transition to resource-saving and digital technologies of energy supply, logistics, management. By the end of 2021 Russia ranked 23rd in the Global Food Security Index, but the efficiency and quality of use of natural capital to ensure food security cannot be recognized as acceptable. This is primarily due to the fact that the Russian agriculture functions as a resource-intensive one, which is not focused on replenishment of natural capital and compensation for the accumulated environmental damage. The concept of "smart agriculture" proposed in the article is capable of overcoming the described problems.