
Issue № 10, October 2022, article № 10

Issue № 10, October 2022, article № 11

Comprehensive development of rural areas and assessment of the innovation and investment attractiveness of the agro-industrial complex of the Siberian Federal District

The article analyzes the strategies of financial support of regional programs of integrated development of rural areas of the district on the example of the subjects of the SFD Federation. It is shown that the structure of funding sources for such programs in Siberian regions differs significantly from the structure of sources approved by the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated May 31, 2019 No. 696 "On approval of the State Program of the Russian Federation "Integrated Development of Rural Areas" and on amendments to certain Acts of the Government of the Russian Federation”. The Government Decree fixes the parity value of allocations from the federal budget and the amount of funds from extra-budgetary sources. The subjects of the SFD Federation differ significantly in the level of development and potential of the agricultural sector. At the same time, the regions plan to use the funds of regional (republican, regional) budgets in large volumes to implement the goals of the programs. The key negative factors of economic development in the near future are factors related to sanctions pressure, which negatively affects the budgetary sphere and, first of all, the state of regional budgets. The purpose of the study is to present the problems that arise in the regions of the Siberian Federal District in the conditions of the new economic reality and the current state of the industry, to propose approaches to their solution, focusing on regional features and the potential for the development of the agro-industrial complex of Siberia. Attention is focused on the task of increasing the volume of extra-budgetary sources to fulfil the goals of territorial programs of integrated rural development. To this end, it is proposed to launch an information campaign to attract investment in the agriculture of the district, to widely use the ratings of the innovation and investment attractiveness of the agro-industrial complex of the regions of the SFD and municipal districts to inform investors. Examples of the development of such ratings are given.

Issue № 10, October 2022, article № 12

International models of organic agriculture development: comparative analysis

The study is devoted to the study of foreign trade interaction between the main importing countries of organic food and the discussion of models for the development of organic agriculture in the EU, USA, and China. Scientific abstraction and the analogy method were used to group countries by export and import volumes, to characterize national models for the development of organic agriculture. Statistical methods were applied in the analysis of interaction between the EU, the USA, China and the main exporting countries in terms of volumes and types of organic products. The synthesis was used in the review of the regulations and strategies of importing countries of organic products, the study of the features of state regulation of national organic food markets. Models for the development of organic agriculture in the EU countries, the USA and China differ in a number of criteria. EU organic agriculture: 1) is oriented to the internal market, 2) receives significant financial support under the Common Agricultural Policy, 3) unites local farmers to participate in the development of rural areas. There is a gradual refusal to import types of products produced in the EU. U.S. organic agriculture: 1) domestically oriented, but increasing demand for organic food leads to increased imports, 2) uses a target-based approach as the main incentive policy tool, 3) is concentrated mainly in large organizations. Organic agriculture in China: 1) targeted at the US, Japan and EU market, 2) borrows the idea of organic agriculture initiated by the state, 3) is geared towards large producers or associations of small farmers. The generalization of experience in the development of organic agriculture is reflected in the set of criteria for comparing national models.

Agrocluster Management System in Digitalization

The article is devoted to the study of the peculiarities of the formation and modernization of the management system of agro-industrial clusters in the context of digital transformation of industries and economic relations. Global trends, the activation of digitalization processes require the transformation of the control system. This is due to the need to use new IT technologies and directions of industry development, which is an incentive to activate and increase the efficiency of the management system itself. The general concept of the development of the management system is implemented by "combining" and coordinating the ties of various subjects and control objects into a single space. The accumulation, systematization and generalization of traditional-historical and modern IT technologies and techniques of the management system are elements of integration and activation of the use of network, cluster and other innovative mechanisms in the field of modernization of the management system in the agro-industrial complex. The study of integrated control systems in system-forming innovative agricultural clusters will make it possible to develop recommendations for the formation of a model for their management using the concept of a "triple spiral" and modern digital technologies in the agro-industrial complex. It was concluded that digital transformation is highly important for the development of agro-industrial clusters in modern conditions.

Risk Factors of the Export Food Potential Management Process

Export food potential risks associated with the current situation in the domestic and foreign markets have a significant impact on both production results and exports of food and agricultural raw materials. For their objective assessment, forecasting and further management of potential consequences, it is necessary to study risk situations, present the model in the context of risk factors, causes and threats. The authors developed a generalized model of the risk situation, determined the place of risk factors in it, and established the general principles of their influence on the management object. The authors have determined that the risk event contains negative and positive impulses, which generate risk factors for the formation and development of export food potential, leading to a change in its expected quantitative and qualitative characteristics. To develop tools for influencing risk factors, groups were identified (in relation to the research or management object, by level of occurrence, by source of origin) and the main classes of risk factors for the formation and development of export food potential were identified. The results are the foundation for further developments in the methodology of risk-oriented management of the export food potential of the country and regions. The classification system of risk factors developed in the article is conditionally constant and can be supplemented and expanded in the context of a dynamically changing environment and the specifics of foreign trade.

Staffing and Sustainable Development of the Russian Agricultural Sphere: Problems, Trends, Prospects

To further improve the agri-food policy, taking into account the trends and prospects of agricultural production, external risks, it is necessary to make adjustments to strategic scientific and educational priorities, increase the efficiency of knowledge transfer through the system of rapid formation and updating of competencies in the conditions of digital transformation of agro-industrial production. The purpose of the study was to identify problems and trends in the staffing of the agro-industrial complex, to determine the prospects for its development. Methods of research: abstract-logical, comparisons and expert assessments. The main trends in the system of vocational education are connected not only with the search for new training formats, but also new roles for all participants in the educational process. The implementation of the main directions of the agro-food policy of the Russian Federation largely depends on the level of staffing of the organizations of the agro-industrial complex with highly qualified personnel capable of ensuring the effective functioning and development of production in the conditions of import substitution. In this regard, there is now an urgent need to develop a more effective mechanism for providing agro-industrial production with qualified personnel, taking into account the current state and trends in the staffing of the agro-industrial complex. The formation of the state personnel policy in the agro-industrial complex of the Russian Federation at the present stage, of course, should be based on research of the personnel potential of agricultural organizations of the Russian Federation, taking into account both quantitative and qualitative parameters. The main problems of the agricultural education system are grouped into 4 blocks. In order to form human resources for the sustainable development of agricultural production and rural areas, capable of ensuring food security of the country, a set of organizational, regulatory and economic measures is proposed.

Scientific Bases of the Organizational And Economic Mechanism for Supporting the Sustainable Development of Rural Areas (Subjects, Objects of the Mechanism, Special Nature of Rural Areas)

Existing approaches to the problem of the organizational and economic mechanism for the development of rural areas are analyzed. Unfortunately, an important specificity of the development of rural areas is often left aside, which consists in the fact that rural areas are constantly under the strong influence of the economic law of territorial concentration of production, due to which there is not sustainable development, but a growing lag in the development of most rural areas from urban, including the lag in income, in the provision of infrastructure for life and production, education, healthcare, etc. These features make it necessary to raise the question of an organizational and economic mechanism for supporting the development of rural areas, and therefore it is necessary to further develop it, including, in terms of definition, the composition of subjects and objects, peculiarities and main features. It is investigated which economic actors are the subjects of influence on the development of rural areas and which are the objects of such influence, but can become successful subjects of self-development. Many subjects of influence on the development of rural areas (enterprises, associations, organizations, including non-profit ones, entrepreneurs, state-administrative structures, citizens and associations of citizens etc.), each of which, strictly speaking, has its own mechanism of influence, allows us to conclude that there is a multicomponent system of organizational and economic mechanisms. It is necessary to take into account the heterogeneity of this system, the possibility of contradictions and, accordingly, the need to identify, analyze the impact and improve its individual parts, increase the overall positive impact on the development of rural areas. The special nature of the subjectivity of rural areas lies in the fact that they, despite the numerous positive externalities of their development, do not have direct representation at the highest level of government. In this regard, as a way to increase the representation of interests and subjectivity of rural areas, the creation of a special body on a national scale, both at the legislative and executive levels, is considered.