
Issue № 8, August 2024, article № 8

The project office as a new institution of socio-economic transformation in regional Agro-Industrial Complex

The relevance of the research is due to the allocation of project management activities as an effective management tool in various sectors of the economy, in education and government structures. The systematic implementation of project offices has proved the universality of project management principles, which are aimed at solving complex tasks in an unstable economic situation in the country and limited resources. The organization of project offices, as new transformative institutions, can contribute to the development of individual organizations and society as a whole. The following methods were used in the study: general scientific, sociological, systematic and comparative analysis. In order to achieve the goals and objectives of the study, priority directions for the development of the regional agro-industrial complex were systematized, the effective implementation of which is possible with the introduction of a project-oriented approach, namely, with the formation of a new development institution – the project office. The article presents a model for the formation of a project office at the regional level. The model proposed by the authors includes all stakeholders of the regional agro-industrial complex, these are Ministries and departments, a leading agricultural university and research institutes, municipal authorities and agricultural producers of all forms of ownership. To assess the expected institutional transformations, a sociological survey with a focus group was conducted, which allowed us to draw conclusions about the expected effectiveness of the implementation of project management. The authors assume that the effect of the introduction of a new project-oriented management will be not only economic in nature, but also social, which will be reflected in improving the skills of management personnel of enterprises, improving the standard of living of the rural population, updating the personnel potential of enterprises and others. The article identifies trends in the formation of priority areas at the regional level in the agro-industrial complex using project management.

Issue № 8, August 2024, article № 10

Features of the implementation of state support for flax and technical hemp in the Russian Federation

Despite the support measures taken by the Ministry of Agriculture and the Ministry of Industry and Trade, the domestic light industry is experiencing a shortage of raw materials, and is dependent on the export of cotton yarn. In 2023, for the first time in the period under review, there was a reduction in acreage simultaneously for all bast crops, the number of federal districts and subjects of the federation cultivating flax, oilseed flax and technical hemp decreased. This led to a decrease in the gross harvest of flax fiber by 16%. The gross harvest of industrial hemp fiber increased by 14%, but this increase is due to a 34% increase in yield. The annual increase in prices for technological equipment in 2023-24 amounted to 10%. For the period from 2011 to 2024. the price of tattered flax has increased by more than 7 times, short by 5-6 times, hemp of the same type by no more than 1.5 times. The main problems hindering the development of the industry include: inefficiency of state support measures aimed at increasing the production of bast crops; subsidies for the cultivation of bast crops are aimed at preserving areas, rather than improving the quality of the final product, which leads to a shortage of raw materials for the production of textiles; 90% of enterprises for the primary processing of flax and 60% Hemp processing trusts have outdated equipment; lack of highly specialized personnel. Possible measures to solve them and prospects for development are considered.

Issue № 8, August 2024, article № 13

Formation and main directions of state support of personnel potential in the agricultural industry of the Kurgan region

The effectiveness of the development of agricultural production in the region is largely determined by the formation of human resources. In connection with this circumstance, for its successful and systematic functioning it is necessary to create the most favorable socio-economic conditions for the formation of labor resources in rural areas. All necessary activities for the formation of human potential, as a rule, are reflected and implemented within the framework of personnel policies carried out at both the federal and regional levels of government. The agricultural industry is currently experiencing significant difficulties not only with the general shortage of labor resources in rural areas, but also with the quality composition of the workforce employed in agricultural production. Like many other sectors of the economy, where digital technologies are currently being actively introduced and successfully used, agriculture is in especially dire need of qualified and competent personnel. The article provides an assessment of human resources using the example of regions of the Ural Federal District, reflects the dynamics of the number of agricultural workers in the Kurgan region, and analyzes the level of education of workers employed in the agricultural sector. Problems arising with the development of human resources in rural areas require an integrated approach to solving them and developing effective measures of state support for personnel in the agricultural industry. The work presents the main directions of state regulation, subsidizing human resources, currently being developed and implemented in the Trans-Ural region.

Issue № 8, August 2024, article № 14

Conceptual directions for rural population life quality improving

The quality of life of the population is one of the most important areas of socio-economic development of the Russian Federation. The research conducted takes into account the current state and development trends and prospects of the demographic component, labor, housing, infrastructure, social spheres, and human capital of the regions of the Siberian Federal District. The authors identified key trends in the demographic and labor spheres in rural areas of the Siberian Federal District. It was found that for the rural population, in terms of improving the quality of life, the development of social, engineering and household infrastructure is most important. It is proposed to solve existing problems in a comprehensive manner, based on the concept for rural population life quality improving, covering various spheres of life, which will help increase the effectiveness of government influence. The following conceptual directions for rural population life quality improving are highlighted: rural areas socio-demographic situation improvement; rural population employment, income and living standards incensement; rural population living conditions improvement; rural areas engineering and transport infrastructure development; rural areas education and health care system development. For each of the areas, a system of goals and objectives has been developed, and a basic set of activities has been proposed. When developing conceptual directions, large ongoing projects in the territories of the Russian Federation and the Siberian Federal District of regional and interregional significance were taken into account. A scientifically based choice of conceptual directions and appropriate tools will improve the socio-economic and budgetary efficiency of the implementation of target programs aimed at rural population life quality improvement will accelerate the diversification of the rural economy and contribute to the implementation of national goals in the strategic development goals of the Siberian Federal District until 2035.

Issue № 7, July 2024, article № 1

About the current stage of digitalization of Russian agriculture

The modern stage of digitalization (computerization) of society and production is associated with the creation of the Internet and the mass distribution of various computer networks based on it. In our opinion, the most appropriate term to characterize the specifics of the modern stage of digitalization – computerization of processes is the term "networking of communications", since it accurately expresses the content of the modern stage - the unification of all people, as well as people and "things", "things" among themselves in a network of computers, that is, in a network electronic programmable devices. The networking of communications in the social sphere is a potential tool for the development of civil society and the institutional structure of the country, as well as production. The greatest opportunities for increasing production efficiency can be provided by networking of communications in the following processes: 1) in accelerating purchases and sales, including the movement of money, as well as goods and logistics, 2) in facilitating and accelerating market access for consumers and suppliers of goods and services, in accelerating the entire complex of market transactions. New opportunities are emerging in the automation of technological process control by saturating objects of labor processes (land, animals, machines, robots, premises, etc.) with sensors and connecting them to a network with control devices. The analysis of the information offered by the developers of digital solutions shows that in agriculture we are at the initial stage of digital transformation, which is characterized by the mass distribution of only the simplest and most supported (or required) systems by the state. In terms of the degree of implementation of network information technologies and their coverage of agricultural organizations we are also at the first stage (less than 15%), while a number of European countries are at the second stage (from 15 to 50% coverage, approaching the upper limit). The noted lag is associated not only with a significantly lower level of GDP per capita and lower density of population, but also with such phenomena as information asymmetry and high inter-level barriers and inter-level distortions of information and other interaction in the field of management, which leads to high transaction costs of innovation development. To overcome these negative phenomena, it is necessary to improve the organizational and economic mechanism of state support for innovation activities.

Issue № 7, July 2024, article № 2

Impact of subsidy groups and production digitalization on growth in Russian dairy sector

The article investigates the extent to which subsidies to dairy farming, which are characterized by high relative to the agricultural average, affect branch growth. The analysis was performed using a random effects (RE) model on the data of dairy enterprises of the Leningrad region for 2016-2021. The research includes an evaluation of the impact by subsidy groups' and production digitalization. The empirical data show a positive and statistically significant effect of subsidies on production growth in dairy farming, which, however, is significantly lower than expected given the actual level of subsidies to revenue. The entire effect of subsidies is derived from a group of payments related to compensation of current expenses. Capital investment subsidies turn out to be statistically insignificant, the paper discusses likely reasons – level of this support and the specifics of individual subsidies in the group. A separate model is built to estimate the impact of subsidies on concessional credit, taking into account the available data for a shorter period. The results show that the fact of receiving a concessional credit has one of the strongest effects on stimulating branch growth. The positive and statistically significant impact of milk production digitalization (using cow health monitoring technologies as an example) on industry output was quantitatively confirmed. It is found that in group of enterprises with implemented digital health monitoring technologies, the impact of subsidies on output is lower, although only slightly, relative to enterprises group without such technologies, which does not confirm the original hypothesis. The paper discusses some practical implications of the findings aimed at improving the efficiency of agrarian subsidies.

Issue № 7, July 2024, article № 3

Methodological approach to the assessment of investment security of agriculture in the regions

The investment activity is one of the main conditions for the sustainable development of the region. As a result of the analysis, significant imbalances in the volume of attracted investments in fixed assets among industries in the Republic of Bashkortostan were revealed, with a significant proportion of investments in transportation, storage, manufacturing and mining, with a small amount in the agricultural sector. At the same time, taking into account the priority of the development of the agricultural sector, which determines the food security and independence of the country, the expediency of developing a methodological approach aimed at a reliable assessment of the level of investment security of agriculture has been established. The paper proposes a methodological approach to assessing the investment security of agriculture, with the definition of the main indicators that most fully reflect the possibility of sustainable development of the agricultural industry and its investment activity: the share of investments in fixed assets of agriculture, %; the degree of depreciation of fixed assets in agriculture, %; the coefficient of renewal of fixed assets of agriculture; the introduction of mineral fertilizers in terms of 100% nutrients per 1 hectare of sowing; number of tractors per 1000 hectares of arable land, pieces; the share of unprofitable organizations in agriculture; the share of the average annual number of people employed in agriculture. The proposed method has been tested on the materials of the Volga Federal District. The results obtained allow us to identify the main problem areas and potential areas for improving the investment security of agriculture in the region.