The high concentration of oilseed producers in the Saratov Region served as the basis for the formation of a large sub-complex of oil and fat specialization on its territory. Its development contributed to the region becoming a leading exporter of vegetable oil and products of its subsequent processing. This form of organization of the economic system, based on intra-regional interaction of enterprises of various spheres of the agro-industrial complex participating in a single chain of creating products with high added value, capable of satisfying the needs of both domestic and foreign markets, is actively supported by the Government of the country. The presence of a set of business units of agricultural and industrial profiles (production core) and service infrastructure (satellites) allows us to assume the potential possibility of building a cluster in the studied sub-complex of the region. In order to improve the performance of the designed cluster formation, a multifactor model for managing sunflower seed supplies between its participants was proposed, allowing for optimization of direct and indirect (via elevators) routes for transporting products to oil extraction plants (OEP) by reducing logistics and intermediate storage costs. The article presents the second block of the model, which reveals the mechanism for implementing supplies of raw material stocks to OEPs, previously distributed among the corresponding grain storage facilities. The mechanism is based on ranking the grain warehouses under study in descending order of the price level for services to ensure the safety of products, the results of which serve as the basis for calculating the terms and volumes of sunflower storage at elevators (in tons/months), as well as the size of the formed batches and the frequency of their shipments to processing plants. The calculations made it possible to establish the maximum (RUB 252.4 million) and minimum (204.6 million rubles) costs of goods movement with the optimal option for building logistics chains in the cluster.
The analysis of food production is an important analytical task of modern economic science and practice, the relevance of which is increasing over time, especially in the context of economic sanctions against the Russian Federation and the economic embargo imposed in response to them in 2014. The logical conclusion of the analysis is the forecasting of future production volumes. This article presents the results of a study of the production of cheese and milk-containing products with milk fat substitutes produced using cheese technology. The study is based on official monthly data from Rosstat from 2017 to 2023. Production forecasts refer to the monthly periods 2024-2026. The forecast models were Winters and SARIMA, taking into account seasonality, with an approximation error of 2-7%. According to them, if the trends of 2017-2023 remain the same, the total production of cheese products in 2024 will reach 1090.9 thousand tons, in 2025 - 1192.8 thousand tons, in 2026 - 1267 thousand tons. Such a development of production is able to fully meet the domestic needs of the country, with the exception of the production of "gourmet cheeses", which is just beginning to develop in Russia.
In recent decades, crop production in Trans-Baikal region has faced significant challenges due to a complex interplay of factors. The regions harsh climate limits the cultivation of many crops, leading to a predominance of spring-sown crops in the crop rotation. Over the past two decades, there has been a substantial reduction in sown areas, consequently leading to a decline in gross crop production. Despite these difficulties, the yields of individual crops have been increasing. However, the growth rates of these yields lag significantly behind those of other regions in the Baikal region. This paper discusses the impact of climatic factors on the variability of crop yields in Trans-Baikal region. An analysis of the economic factors influencing crop production has revealed a number of structural changes in economic activity. In recent years, there has been a growing role of farm households, particularly in grain production. However, despite the growth of their share in production, farm households have not fully replaced large-scale farms in the market. This has led to a reduction in sown areas in many crop-producing regions of the region, which, in turn, has led to a decline in gross production. Small and medium-sized farm households are generally less competitive than large ones. In this regard, they face significant difficulties in adapting to new market conditions, encountering a number of socio-economic problems that hinder their activities. The situation is exacerbated by insufficient state support for small-scale farming, and their dependence on climatic factors makes them particularly vulnerable. This paper not only identifies the key factors hindering the development of crop production but also proposes possible solutions.
The main component of the company's investment attractiveness is the property status and financial condition of the enterprise. The indicators for assessing the financial condition of ZAO Agrofirma Svoboda were built as follows: indicators assessing the company's financial position, its solvency and liquidity, financial stability, profitability, business activity and market position in the face of sanctions pressure from Western countries. Based on the calculated indicators, the authors draw the following conclusions that, if we talk about the investment attractiveness of the company ZAO Agrofirma Svoboda, based only on the results of the analysis of its financial condition indicators, it can be argued that the investment attractiveness of the company is at a satisfactory level, and it is attractive to economic entities involved in investment processes. It should be noted that the activities of ZAO Agrofirma Svoboda are not unprofitable, the company has no problems with solvency. The financial stability of the company ZAO Agrofirma Svoboda can be attributed to the normal type. This type of financial stability of the company persists throughout the entire period under study (2021-2023), which indicates that the company has no problems with violation of financial discipline, and it is characterized by a high level of efficiency.
Among the main problems of reproductive processes in the industry is the current state of agricultural education. Despite the presence of educational institutions participating in the training of professional personnel and the annual graduation of specialists for all areas of agriculture and processing enterprises, the unattractive work in agriculture remains characteristic for the agro-industrial complex of Yakutia, which leads to a reduction in production volumes. his leads to a low level of food self-sufficiency in the region, which does not reach 50% in the main food groups in the republic. Given the state policy aimed at the export-oriented agro-industrial complex, personnel are needed that can meet international standards and the requirements of the international labor market. The strategy for training agricultural specialists should be linked to the strategy of socio-economic development of the region, to ensure sustainable growth of economic development. The studies conducted by the author testify to the existing problems, which, if ignored, will further harm agricultural education and negatively affect the implementation of state policy aimed at ensuring food security and competitiveness of the Russian agri-food market. The article proposes measures to solve the personnel problem and increase the intellectual potential in the agro-industrial complex, including through the involvement of agricultural universities.
The habitat is one of the factors that determines a person’s lifestyle. Being a complex concept, the habitat influences both the physical and psychological health of a person in particular and society in general. The study of such influence is necessary to create comfortable living conditions for a person, to organize his productive activities, to develop and implement measures within the framework of sustainable development of rural areas. The purpose of this publication is to identify the influence of the habitat on the lifestyle of residents of rural settlements of the Omsk region in the second half of the 19th – early 21st centuries. The methodological basis of the study was made up of interdisciplinary and systematic approaches, practices of new local history, which made it possible to consider facts, events and processes not in isolation, but in the context of the history of the state and taking into account all the factors that determine them. As a result of the study, it was found that the following elements of the environment have a special influence on the lifestyle of rural residents: natural-geographical environment, including climate, natural resources, geographical location, artificially created elements of the environment, the presence of social and cultural infrastructure, psychological climate. The degree of influence of the selected elements varied depending on the stage of development of the network of rural territories: from the priority influence of objects of the natural geographical environment to the priority influence of artificially created elements of the environment. The authors assign a special role to the influence of the psychological climate, as a component of the living environment and influencing the life and sustainability of rural areas.
The article emphasizes that rural areas are a mobilization resource of society and a place of salvation of the nation in the event of emergency situations, man-made accidents or war. This is confirmed by the historical facts of the period of the Great Patriotic War, as well as the latest events in the development of coronavirus infection. The attitude of the legislative and executive authorities to rural areas mainly as a source of food production, the development of latifundism, the prohibition of villagers to keep farm animals, the inaccessibility of state support measures for small economic sectors leads to squeezing out the economically active population from the land, reducing farms, migration and depopulation of rural areas, loss of mobilization opportunities by rural areas. Maintaining the mobilization function of rural areas requires the presence of existing settlements and jobs in rural areas with the prospect of rapid development of production, which must take into account agricultural policy.
The article analyzes the tourism potential of rural areas of Krasnodar Region, which is the flagship of rural tourism industry development, as well as measures to support agrarians who decided to diversify their activities with the help of the hospitality sector. It is concluded that the majority of guests are satisfied with the quality of rural tourism services, which acts as a catalyst for the development of the location and gives an additional impetus to its economy, stimulating the creation of economic cooperation and the emergence of modern tourist infrastructure. The key barriers to the development of the industry are identified: lack of own financial resources, imperfect legislation, poor development of supporting infrastructure, lack of systematic marketing of the territory. The main directions of overcoming internal and external barriers to the development of rural tourism and increasing the efficiency of using the tourist potential of rural areas are proposed: advertising and promotion of tourism industry opportunities, creation of multifunctional complexes of services and information for guests, protection and development of natural locations, expansion of state support tools for agrarians diversifying their business by organizing rural tourism.
This article explores the impact of digital platforms on agriculture and the role of platform cooperatives in this process. The authors reviewed current trends in the development of digital technologies in agriculture and the features of the functioning of digital platforms. Essential features of agricultural digital platforms have been identified. Classification of digital platforms in agriculture has been carried out. Platform cooperatives are seen as an alternative model of organization that is based on the principles of democracy, justice and solidarity. Comparing platform cooperatives to traditional digital platforms, the paper analyzes differences in ownership structure, governance, profit distribution, and data attitudes. A review of the literature on platform cooperation and solidarity economy was carried out. Differences in the types and forms of platform cooperation are analyzed. Cooperatives have been found to be controversial. In terms of harmonizing the interests of an individual member and the entire cooperative community; preserving cooperative nature and striving for expansion. It is shown that the main difference between platform capitalism and platform cooperatism is in the ownership and management of digital platforms, goals and participants. The former focuses on profit and private property, while the latter focuses on cooperation, equality and social responsibility. Bottlenecks of digital platform cooperation are considered. The role of cooperatives in achieving sustainable development goals is shown. The use of statistical data made it possible to show the scale of the use of platform models in the modern economy.
The paper is devoted to the peculiarities of territorial differentiation of the level of the shadow economy in agriculture in connection with the level of digitalization. When determining the scale of shadow activities, only legal entities (agricultural organizations) in the agricultural sector are taken into account. The study groups regions by means of hierarchical clustering and also using the k-means method. The authors form 5 clusters based on the level of development of shadow activities and digitalization of telephone communications. The survey analyses the relationship between the level of digitalization of local telephone communications in rural areas and the share of shadow activities in gross value added. While there is a general inverse relationship between the development of digitalization and shadow activities throughout the country, there are differences regionally. In the first, third and fourth clusters, an inverse relationship was identified between the share of shadow activities in GVA according to Section A of OKVED 2 and the level of digitalization of the local telephone network in rural areas. These clusters represent such large agricultural regions as Belgorod, Bryansk, Voronezh, Kursk, Penza, Saratov, Tambov regions, Krasnodar, Stavropol and Perm territories, other regions and republics. In the second and fifth clusters, consisting mainly of regions of the Central Federal District, on the contrary, shadow activities and the level of digitalization show a direct connection. High and low levels of digitalization are accompanied by high and low levels of shadow agriculture. Among the regions in these clusters are Vladimir, Volgograd, Lipetsk, Oryol, Ryazan, Ulyanovsk, Chelyabinsk regions, other regions and republics.