
Issue № 11, November 2022, article № 14

Cost-Effectiveness and Financial Evaluation Stability of Integrated Structures in the Grain Complex of the Saratov Region

The article analyzes the functioning of vertically and horizontally integrated structures in agricultural production using the example of enterprises of the Saratov region. It is noted that one of the forms of implementing the strategy of integrating interests in the agro-industrial complex system is the form of an inter-farm association of agricultural and processing organizations, since such an organizational structure makes it possible to simplify interaction between participants in the entire production and distribution chain in order for them to achieve a single final result. The practical effect of the activities of a conventional economy and the selected integrated models is compared. In world practice, the strategic model of the development of the agricultural sector, the solution to the problem of meeting the growing demand for food is based primarily on the use of large integrated structures. Such structures, having more significant, in comparison with medium-sized organizations and farms, production and innovation potential, using the effect of scale, achieve a significant increase in production volumes, an increase in added value and profit. Integration processes affect the variability of production processes, optimization of management, exclusion of low-productive intermediary links from the supply chain. To achieve this goal, organizations unite into cooperatives, alliances, associations, various networks, clusters, agricultural holdings.

State and strategic directions for the development of the agri-food and export policy of Russia

The article presents an analysis of the dynamics and trends in the production of the main types of agricultural products since the beginning of the sanctions pressure on the Russian economy. Despite the fact that the agricultural sector of the Russian economy has significant potential, but due to the insufficiently effective use of resources, innovations and investments, it is not fully implemented. At the same time, in modern conditions, agri-food policy in conjunction with the export component should ensure the consumption of food by the population according to rational standards and the implementation of an export-oriented model for the development of the economy, which in turn should be aimed at the implementation of the export of food of medium and high redistributions to friendly countries. The paper contains analytical material indicating the need to increase the production of agricultural products for domestic consumption, which requires, first of all, a change in the course of the innovation and investment policy pursued by the state - the development of new measures and an increase in the volume of state support for agriculture. The presented results allow us to conclude that the implemented state agricultural policy is quite effective in the crop industry, but does not contribute to a significant increase in the production of livestock products, which in turn characterizes the agricultural sector of the economy as a raw material sector that is not able to receive high value-added products in the current conditions due to lack of investment and domestic innovations. The analysis of the dynamics of agricultural exports confirmed the conclusion of an ill-conceived export policy aimed primarily at the export of agricultural raw materials, which damages the country's economy. This requires a review of export incentive tools for agricultural and processing businesses.

Development of agriculture as a factor of Russia's national security

The article, based on the generalization of the results of scientific research, materials of authoritative international organizations, government statistics and other information from open sources, reveals the impact of agriculture on the national security of modern Russia, which is carried out by providing the population with quality food, the impact of the situation on the food market on the overall inflation rate in the country, the participation of the agricultural sector in the formation of gross domestic product. Domestic product and export income of the country, providing employment for a significant part of the population. It is established that a large share of imports remains in the commodity resources of beef, cheese, and animal oil. A significant deviation of per capita production from the consumption norms recommended by the Ministry of Health of Russia was revealed for the following food products: fish, milk, vegetables and melons, fruits and berries. This dictates the need to introduce additional measures of state support for the missing types of food. The standard of living in rural areas remains low, which poses a threat to the stable development of agriculture, as it causes an outflow of population to cities, which weakens the labour potential of the agricultural sector. This requires making decisions aimed at strengthening the economic potential of agricultural and industrial centres, including the creation of modern jobs for young people, which will contribute to the growth of living standards and the consolidation of the population and personnel in rural areas.

Some economic aspects of the development of the methodology for assessing the effectiveness of scientific research and development: modern directions and conditions for implementation

The article provides some economic arguments to the methodology for assessing the effectiveness of scientific research and development to the current State Program "Scientific and Technological Development of the Russian Federation". The assessment of the achievement of goals is carried out through target indicators and indicators, which are a mandatory element of any government program. The purpose of the study is to adapt the existing methods for assessing the effectiveness of scientific research and development: not including discounting (static methods) used in a single investment of budgetary allocations, as well as methods that take into account the discounting of races and income from scientific development (dynamic methods) - with a time-distributed investment of funds. It has been shown that the reliability of assessing the effectiveness of research and development depends on the correctness of the amounts of federal budget expenditures and possible revenues from the implementation of technology in the real sector of the economy. This methodological approach can be successfully used to paragraph 1 of the instructions of the President of the Russian Federation to the Government of the country following a joint meeting of the State Council of the Russian Federation and the Council under the President of the Russian Federation on Science and Education on December 24, 2021. (Pr-290 dated 10.02.2022). The proposed methodology is applicable to the evaluation of budgetary allocations to programme activities, both for the evaluation of scientific developments and technologies, taking into account different levels of readiness. The need to use an integrated mechanism in assessing the scientific and technological development of the industry, which includes three main elements: monitoring and forecasting, managing the research and development process and commercializing technologies in the real sector of the country's economy, which is especially important in the context of large-scale Western sanctions, is justified.

Strategic approaches to innovative development of the agro-industrial complex of the North Caucasus Federal District

Issues of import substitution, the development of integration ties, as well as the modernization of the agro sphere are important components of the strategic development of the agro-industrial complex of the region. Therefore, strategic planning for the development of innovations in the agricultural sphere is one of the key resources of the modern agro-industrial activities of the region. The article examined a number of economic indicators of the regional agro-industrial complex of the North Caucasus Federal District, which, due to a slowdown in economic growth, currently does not allow more actively solving its systemic problems - reduce significant regional differentiation in the standard of living of the rural and urban population, provide institutional conditions for the implementation of state programs for the digitalization of its industries, overcome the inertia of thinking of agricultural producers, form a system for introducing scientific research of domestic developers into practical activities, contribute to the coordination of regional ministries and departments in the implementation of state agrarian policy, etc. The purpose of the work is to study scientific approaches to modern strategic planning of innovations in the agricultural sphere of the regions. The work uses aspect, analytical and empirical approaches to solving problems. The work is based on scientific and analytical studies of domestic scientists and specialists on the use of information and advisory assistance in the agro-industrial complex. Long-term approaches have been identified and priority areas for strategic planning of innovative development in the agro-industrial complex of the North Caucasus Federal District have been identified, This makes it possible to ensure the technical and technological renewal of the industries and spheres of the agro-industrial complex of the problem region and increase its socio-economic efficiency, by creating economic conditions for the intensive development of the regional agricultural complex based on the use of innovative resources of other sectors of the economy, in particular the tourism sector, for the development of such a direction of production of goods and services in rural areas, as agro tourism, as well as actively apply the principles of environmental friendliness in the agro-industrial complex.

Interregional Cooperation to Ensure Food Security

The purpose of the work: to determine possible interregional cooperation in order to ensure food security. The work was carried out using general scientific research methods within the framework of comparative, logical, statistical analysis, as well as using the analysis of structure and dynamics. A methodology for determining the regions in which the industry is leading and located in the zone of increased localization and advanced development is presented. Food security is also characterized by the level of security and self-sufficiency in agricultural products of the regions, as the main factors in the standard of living and health of the population. For this, the level of self-sufficiency in the main types of agricultural products produced by the regions of the Russian Federation in dynamics was determined. The regions in which the foreign economic activity of agriculture and forestry, fishing and fish farming is the leading one, located in the zone of increased localization and advanced development, are determined on the basis of the localization coefficients of production volume, the number of employed people and the localization intensity coefficients. The possible interregional interaction of the neighbouring regions of the Republic of Bashkortostan was determined on the basis of self-sufficiency in the basic agricultural products produced by the neighbouring regions of the Republic of Bashkortostan grouped by the level of development of agriculture and forestry. Interregional interaction should be carried out on the basis of market, institutional approaches and cooperation.

Study of the conceptual foundations of the mechanism of agricultural land use in the context of digitalization of the economy

The basis of the study of the conceptual foundations of agricultural land use adapted to the conditions of the digital economy is based on the directions of its development in accordance with the "State program of effective involvement in the circulation of agricultural land and the development of the reclamation complex of the Russian Federation for 2022-2031" and the program "Digital Economy of the Russian Federation," approved by order of the Government of the Russian Federation of 28.07.2017 No. 1632-r. Regulatory documents, goals of the state policy of agricultural land use, legal support of innovative functioning of the organizational and economic mechanism of land use are considered. The conditions for adaptation of the organizational and economic mechanism of agricultural land use were identified on the basis of achieving the planned target indicators of the departmental project "Organization of effective involvement of agricultural land in circulation" for 2022-2024, in terms of cadastral registration and land surveying. It was established that the interaction of the subjects of land relations depends on the degree of validity of the organizational and economic mechanism of land tenure and land use, the functional state of the digital and institutional environment. The need for legal regulation of land relations was confirmed by the Land Code of the Russian Federation, relevant federal laws and by-laws. The circumstances affecting the development of the organizational and economic mechanism of land ownership in the digital economy are highlighted and the directions of state support for the formation of the above mechanism are determined.

Rating assessment of the efficiency of agricultural production technologies in the Russian Far East

In the article, in order to determine the effectiveness of agricultural production technologies and identify the potential for agricultural development, a methodological approach of rating assessment using the technological efficiency index calculated in statics and dynamics based on the results of the production of the main crop and livestock products in the context of the subjects of the Far Eastern Federal District for the period from 2010 to 2020 is proposed and tested. As a result of the conducted research, the leading regions of the Russian Far East were identified on the basis of the obtained indicators of the dynamic index of technological efficiency of agricultural production, taking into account the calculation of the average indicator for 2010-2020, the dynamic index of technological effectiveness calculated by the growth rate for the analyzed period, the static index of technological efficiency of agricultural production as of 2020, a summary assessment of the effectiveness of crop and livestock production technologies in the subjects of the Far Eastern Federal District and a comprehensive rating assessment of the effectiveness of agricultural production technologies in the conditions of the Russian Far East. The obtained indicators revealed that some regions of the Russian Far East, which are in more severe climatic conditions, are ranked higher than regions geographically located in the south of the Far Eastern Federal District. The revealed fact indicates the existing growth potential and the possibility of increasing the efficiency of agriculture in the regions of the Far East.

Innovative direction to increase the profitability of dairy cattle breeding in the farms of the Arkhangelsk region

The reduction in the average per capita global milk consumption, despite the growth of Asian markets, where milk was previously not consumed at all, amounted to 400 g or about 3 million tons in absolute terms. Dairy products are declared unhealthy. The younger generation is drinking less and less natural milk and is increasingly choosing its vegetable analogues (oat, soybean, almond, buckwheat). These trends reveal new opportunities, in particular the introduction of new dairy products to the market. One of them is the so-called A2 milk, which is more easily absorbed by a person, improves health and reduces the risk of some diseases. The article presents an assessment of the economic condition of dairy cattle breeding in the Arkhangelsk region. A positive trend in the growth of dairy productivity of cows in agricultural organizations of all forms of ownership of the region was revealed, while a low level of profitability of the dairy industry was noted. The cost of a liter of milk increased to the purchase price by processors. A possible option for increasing the profitability of manufactured products is shown, practically at the same costs, due to the release of an innovative product of a higher price range when sold at retail or for processing. In today's difficult situation, it is important that baby food products are produced in Russia, which will allow you to control the entire chain of the production process and be sure of the quality and result. New Zealand "a2 Milk Company" licenses and sells all A2 milk products in Australia, China, USA. Manufacturers of fashionable milk also appeared in Russia, but the niche is far from full. It is impossible to get more milk from your livestock A2 using special feeding or containment conditions. To speed up the process of switching the herd to milk production A2 genomic analysis of cows must be carried out to determine the frequency of the A2 gene in the population.