
Scientific Bases of the Organizational and Economic Mechanism for Supporting the Sustainable Development of Rural Areas (Composition, Main Stages of Action, Main Features of the New Mechanism)

The article is a continuation of the work published earlier. It is devoted to the development of an organizational and economic mechanism to support the specifics of the development of rural areas, the specificity of which is that rural areas are constantly under the strong influence of the economic law of territorial concentration of production. Due to a number of economic advantages of large cities and agglomeration, there is not sustainable development, but a growing lag in the development of most rural areas from urban areas. We are talking about the lag in income, in the provision of infrastructure for life, production, education and health care, in opportunities for highly skilled and well-paid work and, because of this, inequality in natural population growth. The composition of the organizational and economic mechanism for the development of rural areas has been developed, ordered by subjects of influence, the main forms and tools of influence are indicated, as well as the scheme of operation of the generalized mechanism, which, taking into account the theory of design of mechanisms, allows us to draw an important conclusion about the need to analyze the incentives planned and actually generated by the mechanism and subsequent adjustment of the forms of implementation of the mechanism to obtain the required compliance incentives. Based on the conclusions drawn, taking into account the results of previous studies, a list of ten most important features of a new organizational and economic mechanism for supporting the development of rural areas has been developed. Abstract-logical method, systemic approach, classical economic theory, theory of economic mechanisms are used in the work.

Development of Investment Processes in Agriculture in Russia

In the conditions of the aggravated geopolitical situation, the solution of the tasks of import substitution and accelerated scientific and technological development of agriculture depends on the investment support of the industry. The analysis of the development of investment processes in agriculture indicates the presence of a number of unresolved problems: the instability of the dynamics of the growth of investments in fixed assets; the mismatch of investment volumes to the solution of the tasks facing agriculture; low innovative orientation of investments; insufficient measures of state support for investment in the industry; low investment efficiency; accelerated price growth for investment products, especially agricultural machinery. Changes were noted in the measures of state support to stimulate investment activity in the agro-industrial complex, the main one was the support of preferential lending to agricultural enterprises (in 2021 about 60% of the actual expenditures under the subprogram), including small businesses. It is established that in 2021 only a tenth of agricultural enterprises carried out technological innovations. It is advisable to strengthen state support for investments in innovations, because the organization of import substitution of critically important types of agricultural products, as well as products used in the agro-industrial complex, will require significant investments. Promising areas of investment in agriculture are substantiated, taking into account the ESG principles – increasing investments in "green" projects in the agricultural sector and sustainable socio-economic development of the village.

Development of the Methodological Apparatus for Predicting the State of the Institutional Environment of the Agro-Industrial Complex

The article substantiates the need to consider the institutional environment for the functioning of the agro-industrial complex as an independent object of research and forecasting. The authors propose a methodology for predicting the state of the institutional environment of the agro-industrial complex. The features, developed on the basis of a complex of scientific approaches, that need to be taken into account when forming forecasts of the state of the institutional environment of the agrarian sector of the economy, are clarified and presented. The authors propose to update such features constantly, because the conditions for the functioning of agricultural production and management are regularly transformed. Based on the consideration of indicators of self-sufficiency of the Russian Federation with key types of food from 1990 to 2021, a conclusion is made about the nature of the results of the implementation of the state agrarian policy. An analysis of the dynamics of the food security coefficient for the period from 1990 to 2021 made it possible to conclude that there is a correlation between political processes and economic indicators of ensuring food security. The development of the methodological apparatus for forecasting the state of the institutional environment of the agro-industrial complex is presented in the article on the basis of the calculation (2012-2021) and forecast of the values​​(2022-2050) of the quality index of the institutional environment for the functioning of the agro-industrial complex. As part of the formation of forecast scenarios for the functioning of the institutional environment of the agro-industrial complex, the authors propose optimistic and pessimistic) options for the values ​​of the quality index of the institutional environment for the functioning of the agro-industrial complex until 2050. The optimal and ideal values ​​of the considered index are also highlighted.

Issue № 11, November 2022, article № 10

State Support for Agricultural Producers and its Role in the Development of Dairy Cattle Breeding

The dairy industry is the most important in ensuring food security of the Russian Federation. Milk production in the Sverdlovsk region is increasing every year. Over the past four years, production growth has amounted to more than 86 thousand tons of milk, or 113%. However, milk consumption by the population of the Sverdlovsk region has not reached the established consumption standards. To achieve this indicator, it is necessary to take measures to mitigate the negative impact of factors on the development of dairy cattle breeding. The negative factors restraining the development of the industry, first of all, include low profitability, limited access of agricultural producers to credit funds, as well as problems of entering the market. The solution of the above problems is possible with a change in the types and conditions of state support for agricultural producers. The aim of the study is to assess the factors influencing the effective use of the potential of the dairy industry. During the study, methods of analysis, deduction, monographic studies were used. Scientific novelty consists in highlighting factors that influence the improvement of the efficiency of the dairy industry, including at the expense of state support. The results obtained by the authors can be used by state authorities in the development of regulations governing state support in the agricultural sector of the economy.