
Comparative Analysis of the Distribution of Personal Subsidiary Farms in the Context of the Regions of the Russian Federation (Based On the Materials of Agricultural Micro-Census in 2021)

One way to capture information that reflects changes in the agricultural sector is through agricultural micro-crossing, which takes place every five years. In 2021, another agricultural micro transference was carried out, which covered about 42 thousand agricultural organizations, about 145 thousand peasant farms and individual entrepreneurs of the country, as well as about 83 thousand non-profit to-variations and more than 16.5 million personal subsidiary farms. During the agricultural micro-registration, two methods were used: for agricultural organizations, peasant (farm) farms and individual entrepreneurs - by self-filling out electronic census forms by respondents through the Rosstat web collection system, for personal subsidiary and other individual farms of citizens and non-profit associations - by interviewing respondents by census takers using electronic census forms on tablet computers. The sebaceous-economic micro transmitter of 2021 made it possible to obtain official statistical information about the structural changes in the private household. In addition, the agricultural micro transmitter of 2021 made an adjustment to the counting factors of the unattended part of the population's farms in the inter-correspondence period and updated the general collections of agricultural producers to improve the quality of the data of the current statistical observation in the inter-correspondence period. Thus, the agricultural micro transmitter of 2021 made it possible to collect the necessary data not only for regulating the agricultural economy, but also for conducting an international comparison on key indicators.

Issue № 12, December 2022, article № 10

Methodology For Assessing Poverty In Russia In The Context Of Rural-Urban Comparisons

The article presents the evolution of methods for assessing the spread of poverty in Russia from the pre-reform period to the present day. The differentiation of the material well-being of the population and the share of the poor in rural and urban areas is analyzed using various methodological approaches to their measurement. It is noted that the assessment of the level of poverty by total income somewhat reduces the rural-urban gap in this indicator. However, even with this measurement, as well as the use of non-monetary methods, it is obvious that the Russian poor are concentrated in rural areas. Based on an analysis of the new procedure for calculating the poverty border introduced in Russia from 2021, based on the median per capita cash income in the country and the percentage standard from its value, as well as the differences between this order and the methodology used in the EU, it was concluded that these borders are underestimated and statistically reduce the level of poverty in the country. It is justified that the transition from assessing the need for monetary income to a comprehensive assessment, including restrictions on the size of movable and immovable property, savings, leads to a significant reduction in the number of recipients of state social assistance, especially in rural areas. The main directions for improving the methodology and practice of accounting for the number of the poor, taking into account settlement and regional characteristics, are outlined in order to better cover the poor with state support and improve the effectiveness of policies to reduce poverty in the country and overcome its localization in rural areas.

Issue № 12, December 2022, article № 12

Problems Of Balanced Development Of The Agro-Industrial Complex And Rural Areas

In the context of targeted processes for ensuring food independence of Russia and increasing expansion into foreign food markets, the relevance of developing the potential of the agro-industrial complex is sharply increasing. The agro-industrial complex is inextricably linked with rural areas, forming its spatial, social and economic components. Therefore, their development is possible only in systemic unity. Rural areas are complex natural and socio-economic systems, the development of which should be carried out on the basis of the targeted formation and rational use of their multifaceted potential, which acts as a basic dynamic subsystem. The potential of rural areas is formed under the influence of a huge number of factors of various natures, which must be assessed, monitored and taken into account when developing programs for the socio-economic development of the village. At the same time, the agro-industrial complex participates in the formation of a large number of components of the potential of rural areas, mainly related to the economy and social development of the village. A necessary condition for the successful realization of the potential of rural areas is the formation of a mechanism for ensuring a structural-tourist dynamic balance between the natural, social and economic components of both the territorial potential and the development potential of the agro-industrial complex. In this regard, studies of interrelated potentials for the development of rural areas and the agro-industrial complex are in demand: dynamic and structural assessment of the main components of the potential, the development of a methodology for targeting the development of rural areas in accordance with their potential, coordinated with the development directions of the agro-industrial complex. This article presents the results of the assessment of indicators characterizing the development of the agro-industrial complex and rural areas, as well as analyzed their relationship. The analysis was carried out on the example of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, including the allocation of groups of leading regions in the field of rural and agricultural development. A methodology for determining the directions of conjugate development of rural areas and the agro-industrial complex based on the results of an integrated assessment is presented.

Issue № 12, December 2022, article № 13

Analysis of Advanced Foreign Experience in Attracting Private Investors to Rural Areas

The article discusses the issues of attracting private investors to rural areas based on foreign experience. There are four types of projects implemented in Central America and Southeast Asia: partnerships aimed at developing value chains in agriculture, partnerships for joint agricultural research, innovation and technology transfer, partnerships for the creation and modernization of market infrastructure, partnerships for the creation and modernization of market infrastructure. The authors focus on public-private partnership projects aimed at developing value chains, since this type of contract is the most preferable from the point of view of both rural development and from the point of view of ensuring the country's food security, which corresponds to the "National Security Strategy of the Russian Federation". At the same time, the role of public partners, private partners and farmers' organizations in the implementation of public-private partnership projects for the development of rural areas is highlighted. Various types of problems and limitations in the implementation of public-private partnership projects are also analyzed, including: problems of the regulatory environment, including the underdevelopment of the risk insurance institute; technical and operational problems; financial problems, as well as limited financing and rising costs. It was found that value chain partnerships face two major financial challenges: the inability to achieve a return on investment in the short and medium term and difficulties in maintaining activities that require investment after the partnership period.

Resource Factors of Sustainable Development of Agricultural Production in Russia in the Context of New Global Challenges

The sustainable development within the framework of UN documents and Russian strategies is associated with economic growth and ensuring food security. Emphasis is placed on resource factors, since one of the most pressing problems of the modern development of agricultural production is its high import dependence on the supply of basic production resources. The main challenges for Russian agricultural production in the context of global socio-economic and political changes are summarized. The factors of sustainable development of agricultural production in Russia, associated with increasing efficiency, import substitution in the resource sector and increasing the export potential for agricultural products, are presented. The solution to the problem of overcoming the import resource dependence of domestic agricultural production is proposed to be differentiated depending on the current level of use of imported resources, the possibility of increasing domestic production of similar goods, and maintaining complementary imports. The adaptation of global indicators of sustainable development to the conditions of agricultural production in Russia has been carried out. The degree of structural changes in the sectoral, production and resource sphere of the agricultural industry is calculated. Based on the calculations, a conclusion was made, on the one hand, about the stability of production ratios by sectoral complexes and categories of farms, as well as in the resource provision of the agricultural sector; on the other hand, about the need for structural shifts in favour of an increase in the share of resource costs that ensure innovative development. The main directions of the strategy for implementing the sustainable development of Russian agricultural production and its resource potential in the face of new global challenges have been developed.

Mobilization Technological and Socio-Economic Breakthrough of the Agro-Industrial Complex in Russia

Over 30 years of reforms, the products of agro-industrial, defense complexes and IT technologies have become the leaders of non-resource exports. These are the main goods that we can offer to the world market today and in the near future, since in many industrial industries we are 30-40 years behind (or forever) and will be uncompetitive for a long time in the world rapidly developing market, the last industrial structure, advanced equipment and technologies. The modern agro-industrial complex and the former agricultural greatness of Russia can be restored within 1-2 years in crop production and 3-5 years in animal husbandry, if more than 120 million Russian owners of about 40 million personal subsidiary (about 17 million) garden (about 22 million), farm (55 thousand farms) and agricultural organizations (18 thousand according to the Ministry of Agriculture of the Russian Federation) will be combined within 1 year into high-performance, highly profitable, waste-free agricultural production and trade cooperatives based on small forms of management, and medium and large agricultural organizations - into agro-industrial enterprises (type ZAO Ozyory) and associations (type of agricultural holding Dmitrovsky Ovoshchi) on the basis of, single ("through") waste-free, technological (product) chains with a closed production cycle and the sale of cheap, high-quality, competitive in the domestic and world market of final agricultural products (ready for consumption). This also applies to other national economic complexes and similar waste-free vertical-integral formations serving vertically integrated agro-industrial formations.