
Issue № 1, January 2023, article № 8

Food Independence and Economic Accessibility of Fruits

The problem of food security in the sphere of fruit consumption has not been solved in Russia. The share of imports in the consumption of fruits, berries and grapes is 58.9%. An increase in their gross harvest and a reduction in imports have made it possible to increase food independence. In 2013-2021, fruit production increased from 3.2 to 4.7 million tons, or by 48.0%, and their imports decreased from 7.2 to 6.3 million tons, or by 12.5%. As a result, the level of self-sufficiency in fruits increased from 31.8% to 44.4% with its threshold value of 60%. The economic availability of fruits did not change during the period under review and amounted to 63% with a threshold value of 100%. To achieve the threshold values of indicators of food independence and economic accessibility of fruits provided for in the Food Security Doctrine of the Russian Federation, it is necessary to increase fruit production to 8.8 million tons. The economic availability of fruits is affected not only by the volume of fruit production, their import, but also by consumer prices, which have high growth rates. For a significant part of the country's population, fruits are practically not available. To increase it, it is also necessary to ensure the growth of incomes of the population or provide social support. The role of certain categories of farms in providing the country's population with fruit and berry products is revealed. The main producers of gross output are households of the population (64.1%), commodity – agricultural organizations (58.9%). To ensure food security in the field of fruit consumption, it is necessary to increase state support for horticulture, increase the efficiency of budget allocations by developing a stimulating organizational and economic mechanism, lay fruit and berry plantations mainly in the most favourable areas for the development of industrial horticulture, concentrate the production of fruits and berries in specialized farms where there are opportunities for the organization of storage of products, develop marketing consumer cooperation.

Issue № 1, January 2023, article № 9

Determining the Features of Agritouristic Zoning of Siberia

Due to the political and economic situations in the world, the population of Russia is increasingly faced with the choice of a vacation destination on the territory of their native country. In this regard, there is an increasing need to expand the tourist opportunities of the regions, finding new and interesting destinations for recreation. Often the Siberian Federal District is considered exclusively as a natural recreation, with impenetrable thickets, hunting and fishing, but in Siberia, in addition to the rich nature, there is no less rich historical and cultural heritage, unique traditional cuisine, a special Siberian way of life. In order to form interesting tourist routes that will be able to affect not only popular tourist sites, but also places that are not in mass demand, it is necessary to analyze the resources of rural areas for tourism development, as well as an analysis of agricultural specifics and the development of small businesses in the regions of Siberia. This will make it possible to get an idea of the agro touristic zoning of the Siberian Federal District, as well as to assess the possible potential for the development of agro tourism for each individual region. It is important to note that it is the small forms of economic management that can play an active role, and also be interested in the development of this direction as an additional source of income from an auxiliary type of activity - agro tourism. This is due to the small production volumes, the farmer's ability to be included in the technological process of production himself, as well as the desire to produce high-quality products using organic farming standards.

Issue № 1, January 2023, article № 10

Horticulture Production as a Condition for Preserving Public Health and Food Security in the EAEU Member States

The article deals with topical issues of the functioning of the horticulture and fruit processing industry in the countries of the Eurasian Economic Union, which includes the Republics of Armenia, Belarus, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan and the Russian Federation. The significance of the development of the analyzed structural units of the fruit subcomplex of the agro-industrial complex is determined by the range of various issues to be solved: economic, social, environmental, rural areas, which will significantly affect the expansion of interaction between the EAEU member states. The current trends in the production of fresh and processed horticultural products are reflected, comparative data on the development of the analyzed industries, average per capita consumption, volumes of export and import operations are presented. The analysis covers the period 2015-2020. The relevance of the problems of the article is due to the fact that fresh and processed horticultural products are officially included in the group of main import categories in the EAEU countries, which implies the need for accelerated increase in the volume of own production of these products, improvement of structural changes in the economy, quality of new dynamics in solving the main task of any state - improving the health of the population. The purpose of the work is to substantiate the need to deepen mutual cooperation in conditions of unfavourable economic and geopolitical conjuncture in order to achieve sustainable, balanced development of horticulture and fruit processing industry, reduce production and economic losses, and ensure food security of the population. The methodological basis of the study was the data of the national state statistical services of the EAEU, analytical data of scientific publications, as well as scientific research of scientists on improving agri-food policy. Statistical analysis methods were used. The study showed that in the EAEU countries there is an increase in the area of perennial plantings, the volume of production of fresh and processed fruit and berry products, the trade turnover between them is expanding. Russia makes the largest contribution to exports and imports within the five countries. Promising directions of integration cooperation of the EAEU member states for increasing production potential and cooperation in the analyzed area have been identified. The results obtained can be used by state authorities to improve the ongoing transformations in the agricultural sector.

Issue № 1, January 2023, article № 11

Foreign Experience In Applying the Elements of the Technology Transfer Mechanism In the Agricultural Sector of Russia’s Economy

The formation of innovative activity was studied by foreign and Russian scientists. However, the problems of integrating science and agricultural production, ways to accelerate the implementation of R&D results and best practices in agricultural production, the development of innovative infrastructure, increasing the innovative activity of each subject of agricultural production, aspects of the development of technology transfer have not been sufficiently considered. In the study, the authors focused on the consideration of agricultural innovations in Japan, the USA, Germany, the Netherlands, India, Israel, and the Republic of Korea. Also they analyzed the R&D expenses in Germany, Serbia, France, and the intensity of expenditures connected with innovations in the Russian Federation, as well as the features of the technology transfer mechanism of different countries. The considered elements of the agrarian innovation mechanism are used to varying degrees in the agriculture of the leading countries in agricultural intensive development. The mechanism under consideration is represented by a set of internal and external information structures, Internet platforms that accumulate and analyze significant amounts of data on agricultural production. A positive result arises in the case of turning an idea into a high-tech product that brings an economic effect confirmed by the experience of practical application. Technology transfer in the agricultural sector ensures the promotion of high-tech products and free access to them for potential consumers. Recommendations for improving the technology transfer mechanism applicable in Russia’s agrarian economy are highlighted: the integration of science and agricultural production, the development of innovative infrastructure, the spread of electronic trading platforms.

Transmission of Financial Contagion from the Energy Market to the Food Market during the Pandemic

The objective of the study is to identify the presence of contamination effects from the raw materials markets of energy resources (oil and gas) to the markets of agricultural goods, their quantitative assessment. The article provides a brief overview of foreign publications that investigate the dependencies between agricultural and energy markets, accompanied by the spread of shock from oil/gas markets to food markets. The analysis of the scientific literature allowed us to identify two main directions of studying the links between the agricultural and energy markets: the "concomitant movement" of economic indicators and the effects of financial contagion, i.e. the transmission of shocks through different channels from the source to the recipient. The result of the practical part of the study was quantitative assessments of the effects of infection from energy markets (oil, gas) to food markets during the COVID-19 pandemic. For such an assessment, special econometric methods were used: comparison of correlations between energy resources and goods in pre-crisis and crisis periods, coskewness test and Forbes-Rigobon test. Previously, fluctuations in yields on the energy market and the average yield on agricultural goods were considered. Significant fluctuations in oil and gas yields were revealed in the first months of the crisis, which subsequently decreased. Based on the correlation analysis of futures yields for raw materials and agricultural commodities in the pre-crisis and crisis periods, assumptions were formulated about the contamination of sugar, pork, wheat and soybeans markets from the gas market. The Forbes-Rigobon test recorded infection in the "gas®sugar" and "gas®wheat" bundles, and the distribution coskewness test – in the "gas® coffee", "oil ® corn", "oil ®oats" bundles.

Technological Sovereignty and Innovative Activity Of Agricultural Enterprises as the Basis for Food Security in Russia

The purpose of the article is to develop an approach to ensuring food security in Russia on the basis of technological sovereignty and innovative activity of agricultural organizations. With the help of regression analysis, the article clarifies the causal relationships of the influence of factors of technological sovereignty and innovative activity of agricultural organizations on the food security of Russia. The key conclusion is that technological sovereignty and innovative activity of agricultural organizations form the basis of Russia's food security, but need flexible management. Not all commonly recognized factors of technology and innovation support food security. Factors for the development of advanced production technologies and the costs of innovative activities of agricultural organizations need to adjust management, for which appropriate recommendations are proposed. The theoretical significance of the findings is the rationale for the conflicting effects of technology factors and innovation on food security. Modern Russia needs technological sovereignty in the field of applied technologies, directly demanded by agricultural organizations. The innovative activity of these organizations also needs highly efficient targeted funding. The practical significance of the author's conclusions and recommendations is associated with the fact that they support the practical implementation of the Doctrine of Food Security of the Russian Federation for the period up to 2030.

Theoretical and Methodological Approaches to Justifying the Indicator of Fair Employees Wages of Agricultural Organizations

One of the main tasks of the modern agrarian policy of the state is to increase the wages of agricultural workers to a decent level, which will ensure the growth of the well-being of rural residents and overcome poverty in the countryside. In recent years, despite the positive dynamics of the main indicators of the development of the industry’ and wage growth, the /eve/ of wages in the agrarian sector of Russia remains one of the lowest among other types of economic activity’. This article analyzes the impact of revenue, as one of the indicators of decent work, on the wage fund in agricultural enterprises on the example of the Saratov region. A comparative analysis of the growth of labour productivity’ and wages of agricultural workers is presented. Based on the results of the correlation-regression analysis, conclusions were drawn about the close dependence of the /eve/ of remuneration of farmers on the revenue received by employers. An assessment of the structure of the wage fund of agricultural enterprises is given. It is indicated on the sectoral differentiation of the /eve/ of wages among workers in the agricultural sector of the economy. The obtained results of the grouping of agricultural enterprises in the region by the amount of revenue per employee can be used by managers and specialists in the development of measures aimed at improving socio-economic and labour relations in the region's agriculture. Agricultural producers are invited to form a payroll fund taking into account the proceeds received, which will increase the level of wages of workers and at the same time effectively conduct agricultural production.

Approaches to the Formation of Scientific Foundations for the Digitalization of Peasant (Farm) Farms in the Leningrad Region

Digitalization of activities for farmers is currently a necessary condition for maintaining competitiveness. Many Russian scientists are engaged in research on the digitalization of the agricultural sector of the economy, considering this process in various aspects. For the rapid introduction of digital technologies in agriculture, especially in small-scale farms, it is necessary to develop a scientifically based regional program. The article suggests approaches to the formation of scientific foundations of digitalization of peasant (farmer) economy (P(F)E) on the example of farms in the Leningrad region. The contribution of farmers to the production of the main types of agricultural products in the region is analyzed. The mechanism of digitalization of P(F)E is presented, which allows demonstrating the process of necessary changes. An assessment of the reasons slowing down the introduction of digital technologies in P(F)E of the Leningrad region allowed us to come to the conclusion that substantial state support for this process is needed, which will return to the state in the form of taxes after increasing labour productivity in P(F)E, will ensure food security and reduce social tension. To conduct the research, the methods of questioning and interviewing, socio-economic analysis, graphic and abstract-logical were used. The survey conducted showed the demand for various types of state support among farmers, therefore, the adoption and implementation of a specialized regional program for the development of digitalization will accelerate the digital transformation of both the industry as a whole and the farming sector in particular, which will favourably affect the development of rural areas, increase the prestige of farming, attract citizens who own digital technologies to the village not only as agro tourists, but also for permanent residence.

Functions and Factors for the Development of the Food Market in the Region Food Supply

The study of the functions and factors of the development of the food market is important for the formation of an effective system of economic and institutional relations on it. The purpose of the work is to identify the functions and factors affecting the development of the food market in the food supply of the region. The authors propose the basic structure of the food supply system, which includes two subsystems - the subsystem of the food complex and the subsystem of the food market, where the infrastructure acts as a link between them. The authors propose a formula for the demand for food products, taking into account the number of groups of food products, the demand and price for a group of food products and goods of other groups, the price of non-food consumer goods and services, the number and income of the population, consumer preferences of food. The authors have determined that the relations that develop in the process of production, distribution, exchange and consumption of food perform informational, intermediary, price-forming and regulatory functions. It is determined that the basis for the development of the agro-food market in Siberia is formed by agricultural products and food products, the supply of which to the market in volume and assortment depends on the influence of factors of the external and internal environment. It is proposed to divide the environment of the subject's existence in the agri-food market into "near" and "far" environments.