
Issue № 5, May 2023, article № 6

General institutional interest of agricultural land market subjects

The theoretical significance of the study is the development of institutional, neo-institutional, behavioral economic theories, theories of public administration, agency relations, bureaucracy based on fundamental research on the institutional regulation of the agricultural land market. The purpose of the work is to clarify and specify the system of state, economic and institutional interests of the subjects of the agricultural land market. It has been established that interests in the sphere of regulation of ownership, use, disposal of land resources inevitably come into conflict with relations in the agricultural land market, which are characterized by the process of self-regulation. The interests of the state, owners, and tenants of agricultural land intersect in the course of ensuring food security, investment and innovation activities, scientific and technological progress, and the development of an information and communication system. The efficiency of the functioning of the land market depends on the quality of the relationship between state, economic and institutional interests. Institutional mechanisms for coordinating and realizing the interests of land market entities include incentive and coercive measures to prevent or smooth out opportunistic behavior of entities, reduce excessively high transaction costs, and implement programs to increase the area of productive arable land through additional involvement in the circulation of agricultural land. The general institutional interest involves strengthening the food security of the Russian Federation by increasing the contribution to the gross domestic product by increasing the volume of crop production of the economic entity while maintaining and reproducing the fertility of agricultural land. This requires changes in institutional rules regarding unused agricultural land, adjustment of the main parameters of financial support for achieving the goals of the strategy for the development of the agro-industrial complex.

Issue № 5, May 2023, article № 7

Assessment of the economic component of agricultural land use in the Russian Federation

The assessment of the economic component of agricultural land use involves the determination of indicators of the effectiveness of investing in cultivated crops, taking into account the established sown area and yield in the Russian Federation for 2010-2022. The identified investment attractiveness of agricultural land use is likely to be used by institutional actors of the mechanism, structured according to the levels of state, local and on-farm management in order to increase the commercial potential of agriculture. The identified circumstances affecting agricultural land use (actual sown area, crop yield, discount rate) are fundamental in making a decision on the prospective cultivation of crops. The institutional environment as an ordered set of formal and informal rules, institutions that define the substantive framework of economic behavior and form the basis for the production, exchange and distribution of resources mediates agricultural land use through the formation of an organizational and economic mechanism limited by the cost and availability of basic resources. The study made it possible to identify crops that are not only economically viable for promising cultivation (sunflower for grain, winter and spring wheat, leguminous crops), but also provide an increase in the profits of agricultural land users according to the initial data of 2022. The possibility of using the calculated analytical indicators of the investment efficiency of crop cultivation for the long-term planning of crop rotations on agricultural land plots has been established.

Issue № 5, May 2023, article № 8

The impact of federal subsidies on the financial result of the hemp plant

The state program of support for hemp farming in the form of federal subsidies, as well as an increase in demand for food products from technical hemp, the expansion of the fields of application of hemp and bonfires led to an increase in interest in the cultivation of this crop, which is expressed in a stable annual increase in acreage, which increased almost 16 times in 2010-2022. In order to receive state support in the form of federal subsidies, a processing enterprise must fulfill a number of conditions, one of which is the absence of tax arrears. Currently, in Russia, more than 95% of primary processing enterprises produce hemp of the same type from hemp stalks, the composition of lines for this can be diverse, therefore, and the main domestic lines for the primary processing of technical hemp have been analyzed. A comparative analysis of the economic efficiency of two domestic hemp primary processing lines was carried out when receiving a federal subsidy to compensate for part of the costs of agrotechnical work on the cultivation of bast crops and with a subsidy to compensate for part of the capital costs for the purchase, delivery and installation of technological equipment, vehicles, other fixed assets and without them. The subsidy for carrying out agrotechnical work on the cultivation of technical cannabis increases the profitability of production to a greater extent and reduces the payback period. Both technological lines are efficient and will pay off in almost the same time.

Issue № 5, May 2023, article № 9

Based on practice: on the need to improve training programs on agricultural insurance

Agriculture is a major sector of the Russian economy that is in great need of risk management and insurance is a means of its implementation. However, modern agricultural insurance products are not effective enough and need to be improved. The author of the article puts forward the assumption that the one of the reasons can be found in the insufficient agricultural training of insurance specialists graduating from higher education organizations. The basic principle of the study was the dependence of the degree of development of the insurance school on the activities of these educational organizations in relation to the general state of the insurance industry, as well as the correlation of the predicted possibility of developing effective insurance products by the specialists of insurance companies and their educational level. In the course of the study, six higher education organizations that form the Russian insurance school were expertly identified by the author; analyzed their educational programs in the field of insurance for the presence in them of elements of training in agricultural insurance skills. The study showed that in these educational organizations, the agrarian direction in teaching insurance is practically not represented. As suggestions based on the results of the study, it is proposed to revise the programs of the above educational organizations in the direction of increasing the share of training in the basics of agricultural insurance, as well as the introduction of insurance cases in the programs of educational organizations of higher education with an agricultural orientation. The results obtained in the course of the study, and the proposals corresponding to them, are of scientific and practical importance for the development of two sectors of the Russian economy at the same time - agrarian and insurance.

Issue № 5, May 2023, article № 11

Modern state of the agricultural grain industry Stavropol territory and ways of its optimization

The Stavropol Territory is one of the largest grain producers in Russia, where its per capita average in 2021 amounted to 2.32 tons/person, including 2.43 tons/person winter wheat. The success of the grain industry in the Stavropol Territory depends on a number of factors, including the nature of the political situation, state reforms, and is also largely determined by weather conditions, the volume of use of fertilizers, the ratio of grain prices and material and technical resources, etc. Thus, the greatest losses of the grain industry are associated with the Great Patriotic War, as a result of which the region received less than 9.1 million tons of grain in the period 1942-1955. Subsequently, significant damage to grain production was caused by the economic reform of the 90s, the total losses of which for 1994-2000 amounted to 7.1 million tons. Grain shortage associated with the revolution and civil war (1918-1931), it was estimated at 4.4 million tons, i.e. the negative consequences of the ill-conceived state reform in the Stavropol Territory were only 22% less than from the war with Nazi Germany and 61.4% more than as a result of the revolution and civil war. In the Stavropol Territory, with an increase in grain grain yields from 19.5 c/ha in 1981-1985, 26.2 c/ha in 1991-1995. to 37.2 c/ha in 2021, there is a sharp decrease in the profitability of grain production, which over the past thirty years has decreased from 142% in 1991 to 18-20% in 2005 and 2010. and seeks to 30% level in 2022. The main reason for the decline in the efficiency of the industry is the disparity of prices for grain and material and technical resources. This leads to the ruin of small farmers, the threat of curtailing grain production, and therefore food security, since it is the grain farm that is the leading factor in its provision, reducing the threat to Russian national security. To optimize the situation in the grain industry, it is necessary to adopt operational measures of state regulation, increase state support, establish equivalent prices that ensure expanded reproduction, modernization of the grain industry, including technical and technological, environmental and other aspects.

Issue № 5, May 2023, article № 12

Typologization of the rural areas of Russia in terms of inclusive development

In the conditions of high interregional and intra-regional differentiation of rural territories of Russia in terms of socio-economic development, there is a need for their grouping in similar characteristics in order to develop and justify public administration measures in the context of the allocated typological groups. A methodological approach to the typologization of rural areas by the level of inclusive development has been proposed. The inclusive approach to the assessment and grouping of rural areas makes it possible to develop effective measures to implement state policy in the field of development of rural territories aimed at eliminating the inequality of the level of life and quality of life of the rural population in different regions and rural settlements. The author’s algorithm for the typologization of rural territories of the regions of Russia is presented on the basis of indicative indicators of inclusive development, united in four blocks: “growth and development”, “economic inclusion”, “continuity of generations and sustainability of development”, “social inclusion”. Indicative indicators and piendexes for four inclusive development of rural territories for 82 constituent entities of the Russian Federation for 2020 are calculated. Based on the regional values ​​of the income development of inclusive development, the typologization of the rural territories of the regions of Russia was carried out. As a result, eight types of rural territories have similar characteristics in terms of inclusive development, as well as recommendations for the further development of these types of rural areas were distinguished.

Issue № 5, May 2023, article № 13

Scientific and methodological provisions for the rural population life quality improvement

The article reveals key problems in such areas of the rural economy as employment, incomes of the rural population and the infrastructure of rural areas. The main flaws of the current sectoral and intersectoral programs for the development of certain areas of the rural economy are identified. The sociological survey method was used to diagnose areas of employment and income, to identify problems and priority ways of the development of rural infrastructure, and to determine the most important for increasing of the rural population subjective life quality component types of infrastructure. Scientific and methodological provisions are also proposed to improve the mechanisms for increasing employment and incomes of the rural population, which consist in increasing the production of high-quality agricultural products and, basing on it, creating new highly productive jobs; development of the social infrastructure of the rural area, taking into account the science-based activities of local governments to attract and effectively use investment resources; creation in rural settlements a network of strongholds and agglomerations as regional centers of economic growth and points of advanced development; involvement of young people in the composition of the employed population through subsidizing internships and employment of graduates, the development of regional youth programs "Promotion of youth employment"; creation of new effective jobs, expansion of self-employment of the population, etc. Scientific and methodological provisions have been elaborated for the development of the infrastructure of rural settlements as a mechanism of the rural population life quality improvement, among which is the selection of the objective and subjective impact of infrastructure on the quality of life, the need for feedback in programs aimed at improving the quality of life, the introduction of the development of the necessary infrastructure as a separate task in the development state and departmental programs, revision of the systems of target indicators of the above programs in favor of reflecting the real state of affairs, etc.

Issue № 5, May 2023, article № 14

Trends in the study of modern information and communication technologies of agriculture in the post-Soviet countries: bibliometric analysis

In this work, an overview of literature associated with current information and communication technologies in agriculture within a window of 20 years using bibliometric tools enabled to detect of the structure and dynamics of scientific papers in the post-Soviet States. Five main areas of research in scientific papers have been identified: precision agriculture, remote sensing, GIS, digital agriculture and IoT. The paper shows the results of the analysis of articles and presents the current features and main trends in the development of research. We have identified three periods that reveal trends in the study of current ICT in agriculture. The first period represents the initial stage in the study of precision agriculture and its technologies, as well as the development of approaches to justify efficiency. The second period is characterized by active development of technologies for parallel driving, precise application of nutrients based on remote sensing data and the use of geoinformation systems, increased attention is paid to the training and retraining of specialists for the agriculture. The third period is characterized by a focus on the study and application of the Internet of Things, unmanned aerial vehicles and complexes, machine learning methods and, of course, an active discussion of digitalization, digital transformation, and socio-ecological and economic processes.