
Issue № 3, March 2024, article № 5

Assessment of Management of Borrowed Funds of Agricultural Holdings in Russia

The purpose of the work is to assess the management of borrowed funds of agricultural holdings in the Russian Federation for a better understanding of the economic nature of these entities and the factors influencing their activities. As a result of the research, the following was revealed: 1) a pattern in the use of credit resources by agricultural holdings with a relatively low level of return on assets: the lower such profitability, the greater the volume of bank loans used. On the one hand, this is a consequence of a shortage of equity capital due to low profit levels, on the other hand, it contradicts the classical norms of financial management and represents a significant financial risk; 2) a downward trend in the share of short-term bank loans in the structure of liabilities of the average agricultural holding during the period 2009–2022 due to an increase in the volume of equity capital. As of 2022, the share of short-term bank loans in the structure of corresponding liabilities was 15%, which is sufficient to establish the dependence of the subjects under study on bank lending; 3) the lack of correlation between the indicators of the dynamics of return on assets of the organizations under study and the use of short-term bank loans. Changes in the return on assets indicator did not significantly affect the volume of their use. Such volumes were largely determined by the needs of operating activities and the lack of ability to quickly maneuver through other alternatives for raising capital. Ignoring by the managers of the organizations under study the dynamics of return on assets poses a danger to the financial condition of agricultural enterprises with a systematically low value of this indicator.

Issue № 3, March 2024, article № 6

Trends and prospects of implementing state support for the agricultural sector of the economy in Russia and the Krasnodar region

Based on a comparative analysis of the transition from unrelated state support in agriculture to direct subsidization of individual industries, the overall economic effect in the achieved results of the agro-industrial complex of Russia is estimated in accordance with the goals of the new Food Security Doctrine of the Russian Federation 2020. The research results confirm the positive economic effect of budget subsidies for agriculture, at the same time pointing to the need to ensure the integrated development of production systems that must have sufficient material and technical base and favourable climatic and infrastructural properties to ensure the effectiveness of state support. It is noted that the Krasnodar Territory has the most significant competitive advantages in comparison with other regions of the country in terms of the availability of high-quality agricultural land, product specializations, seaports, and a high index of technological changes. In conclusion, the article summarizes the need to support high investment activity in agriculture and stabilize export-import flows. The importance of strengthening the mechanisms for increasing productivity in the agro-industrial complex based on the widespread use of tax incentives for investment projects, the provision of state grants and direct budget subsidies for products sold, the installation and operation of irrigated farming systems, the development of family farms, farmers' wine startups and farmers' cooperatives was emphasized.

Issue № 3, March 2024, article № 7

Spatial approach to solving the problem of food supply of the population of the Russian Federation with fruits

The relevance of the article is justified by the need to search for potential opportunities that contribute to increasing the provision of the country's population with fruit and berry products of its own production, solving problems of food and technological independence. The purpose of the study is to identify the spatial concentration of production of the horticulture sub–sector on the territory of the Russian Federation, to find ways to increase the level of consumption and self-sufficiency of domestic fruits in the regions. Trend analysis of changes in indicators (the size of the area of perennial plantations, gross harvest) for 2015-2022 revealed a trend of unstable development of this sub-sector. The differentiation of indicators of the level of consumption and self-sufficiency of fruits in the context of Russian federal districts is reflected. Based on spatial autocorrelation methods, according to data for 2022, an assessment of the relationship between regions in terms of gross harvest of fruits and berries was carried out. It has been revealed that regions with a high specialization in horticulture have an impact on neighboring regions. The heterogeneity of the industry's location across the country and its high dependence on natural and climatic conditions are noted. It is shown that the solution to the problem of providing each region with fruits largely depends on interregional cooperation and the development of the innovation sphere. The results of the study will improve the quality of decisions made in matters of territorial organization of economic activity and can be used in the development of regional programs for the development of the horticulture sub-sector.

Issue № 3, March 2024, article № 8

Status and development prospects of the hop growing industry in Russia

The article presents the results of a study of the state of the domestic hop growing industry in terms of planting areas, gross harvest volumes, main cultivation regions, and varieties grown. Calculations of development indicators for the hop growing industry in the planning period until 2025 were carried out, taking into account ongoing investment projects in this area. The dynamics of import and export volumes of hops and hop products in Russia are analyzed separately. The purpose of the study was to conduct a comprehensive analysis of the state of the domestic hop growing industry and calculate the required cultivation areas and volumes of gross hop harvests in the planning period, capable of satisfying the demand of domestic producers for hop products and reducing the industry’s import dependence under the conditions of sanctions pressure from countries unfriendly to Russia. The research was based on the use of quantitative, statistical and comparative methods, as well as methods of analogy, synthesis, generalization of the data obtained and expert assessments. The relevance of the study is due to the high import dependence of the hop growing industry and the increased need of domestic producers for domestic raw materials. The results of the study confirmed that Russian hops cover no more than 5% of the existing need of domestic producers for hop products. At the same time, the dynamics continue to increase the volume of imports of hops and hop products to Russia. The scientific novelty lies in the development of a balance of hop resources and hop products in Russia, on the basis of which the necessary additional planting areas of hop fields in the country were calculated, allowing in the planning period until 2030 to increase the overall gross hop harvest in the amount of 3,810 tons and reduce the strong import dependence of the hop growing industry.

Issue № 3, March 2024, article № 9

Economic efficiency of primary processing of flax trusts of various quality in enterprises with small acreage

Due to the different quality of flax mills, enterprises cultivating flax can receive raw materials of different quality in different years, which can be processed into long and short or into the same type of fiber. Almost half of Russian enterprises cultivating flax do not have acreage that allows them to effectively use classic equipment of normal dimensions for primary processing. For enterprises with small acreage, a number of small-sized flax fiber production lines have been developed, which are not universal, i.e. they cannot be quickly rebuilt to produce long, short or the same type of fiber. Taking into account the need for versatility of equipment and a large number of flax producers with small acreage, it became necessary to analyze the economic efficiency of primary processing of flax trusts of various quality on small-sized equipment. The article analyzes the domestic small-sized equipment manufactured by FSBI FNC LC for the primary processing of flax trusts into long, short and separately into the same type of fiber. As a result of the analysis of specialized lines of technological equipment, a universal line of small-sized equipment is proposed, which allows quickly and without significant financial costs to be rebuilt to process flax of various quality into fiber of different types, taking into account the demand of fiber in the market. Rational sowing areas of flax for its cost-effective processing have been determined. It has been established that the processing of the entire mass of flax both with and without subsidies into long and short fiber on specialized and universal lines is cost-effective, as is the processing of 50% of the mass of flax into long and short fiber and 50% of its mass into the same type of fiber. For cost-effective processing of 100% flax into the same type of fiber on a universal line, an acreage of at least 250 hectares with subsidies and at least 410 hectares without subsidies is required

Issue № 3, March 2024, article № 10

State support for the production of organic crop products in the Russian Federation and regions

The study highlights the main forms and measures of state support for the production of organic crop production: compensation for the cost of certification of exported products, free certification for small and medium-sized businesses, the use of compensating and stimulating subsidies, and independent determination by the subjects of the Russian Federation of the rates of subsidizing organic production in agriculture. Regional measures to support the development of organic crop production include: per-hectare support, stimulating the participation of Russian organic producers in exhibitions, fairs and congresses held in the Russian Federation and abroad, supporting agricultural producers within the framework of regional investment projects aimed at the transition from intensive farming to organic farming, compensation for the costs of using organic fertilizers and biological plant protection products, subsidizing training in organic agriculture, taking support measures for laboratories: subsidies for reimbursement of part of the costs of accreditation according to international standards. Federal and regional measures of state support for organic production are considered with the definition of the involved normative legal acts of the Russian Federation. Regional support has been identified in terms of financing organic agriculture in the Tomsk, Voronezh, Kaluga, and Yaroslavl regions. As promising areas of state support for the production of organic crop production, taking into account regional peculiarities, it is possible to allocate compensation for the costs of agrochemical and ecological-toxicological examination, the use of per-hectare support for producers of organic crop production, reimbursement of costs for the purchase and modernization of equipment.

Issue № 3, March 2024, article № 11

The concept of "smart village" as a new approach to sustainable rural development

In most developed and developing countries, rural areas occupy the bulk of the territory. As a rule, they remain outside the main focus of public policy, while having a unique endogenous potential for sustainable development. The article explores the concept of a "smart village" as a means to achieve the sustainability of rural areas. The theoretical basis of the study was made up of articles by Russian and foreign authors on this issue. Empirical sources are represented by international, supranational and national regulatory documents in the field of sustainable development, materials of specialized websites. As a result, threats, effects and prospects of sustainable rural development in the context of the Sustainable Development Agenda for the period up to 2030 are systematized. The specifics are revealed and the factors of sustainable development of rural areas are characterized. The genesis and evolution of the "smart village" concept as a new approach to sustainable rural development are investigated. Approaches to the definition of a "smart village" in regulatory documents and scientific discourse are summarized. In general, the parameters, components and technologies of the implementation of the "smart village" concept are described. A level-based dynamic conceptual model of a "smart village" is proposed, describing the structural relationships between its main parameters and components. In conclusion, it is concluded that the concept of a "smart village" can be widely used in the development of policies and development strategies aimed at increasing the sustainability of rural areas. At the same time, various forms, methods and tools used in the development and implementation of this concept require further research.

Issue № 3, March 2024, article № 12

Assessment of the attractiveness of rural areas for the resettlement of new residents and the development of tourism

New opportunities for remote work, as well as new challenges associated with the loss of attractiveness of cities as a safe and environmentally friendly place of residence, have created a new image of the countryside as a comfortable place to relax and live. During the pandemic, the interest in rural areas was most noticeable among the urban population. As a result, the Association of the Most Beautiful Villages and Towns in Russia initiated a study of the motives and types of immigrants and it was the first stage of a sociological study. Now, more focus is given during domestic tourism, including in small territories with the beginning of the introduction of anti-Russian sanctions and the closure of many countries to Russian tourism. This facilitated the second stage of the study in order to test the results of the first stage and reveal new aspects in modern conditions. The purpose of the study was to assess the attractiveness of rural areas to attract new residents and tourists, including in settlements – members of the association of the most beautiful villages and towns in Russia, during a period of global challenges and changes. The results of the study allowed us to draw a number of conclusions, among which the following were noted: the trend for moving to rural areas for urban residents has indeed become more pronounced, but its full implementation is slowed down by the infrastructural backwardness of rural areas. The motives include ecology, space, freedom, silence, lack of information noise, and a calm rhythm of life. At the same time, the second stage allowed us to note that the ruralists and tourists interact well with the local population and administration. However, the population is not always friendly with new residents, but they are more supportive of tourists, as they believe that they contribute to the development of the territory

Issue № 3, March 2024, article № 13

Foreign and domestic experience of state management and control over the breeding and seed industry

One of the priorities of state policy in order to ensure food security in any country is to create conditions for the development of the domestic agro-industrial complex by increasing the efficiency of crop production, breeding and seed production. The development of the seed breeding industry is impossible without effective socio-economic activities of organizations in this area, ensuring the competitiveness of domestic breeding, increasing the volume and quality of seeds and products made from them. The key place in the current issue is given to regulatory measures by the state, including legislative acts, various programs, etc., the application of which will ensure the sustainable development of agriculture, in particular the breeding and seed industry. The analysis of the specifics of foreign and domestic experience made it possible to identify the peculiarities of public administration in various countries of the world. Despite the uniform procedure for the implementation of state regulation within the EU, some countries have their own peculiarities. For example, in Germany, research organizations are engaged in obtaining seeds of higher reproductions, which are used for subsequent reproduction and distributed by state funds, in Sweden joint-stock companies are responsible for the reproduction and subsequent sale of seeds, in the USA – private seed companies, in Canada – the Seed Association, which unites breeders and seed growers and is engaged in a full seed cycle, In the Republic of Belarus, state regulation in the field of breeding and seed production is carried out by the State Seed Inspection. In Russia, the body responsible for compliance with varietal tests is the FSBI «Gossortcomission», the «Rosselkhoznadzor» is responsible for veterinary and phytosanitary supervision, active work is underway to improve legislation in the field of agriculture, so the most important areas are: seed production, traceability of land turnover, improving the efficiency of agricultural land use, the development of scientific and the human resources potential of the industry, reducing the administrative burden on seed producers and others.