
Issue № 3, March 2024, article № 10

State support for the production of organic crop products in the Russian Federation and regions

The study highlights the main forms and measures of state support for the production of organic crop production: compensation for the cost of certification of exported products, free certification for small and medium-sized businesses, the use of compensating and stimulating subsidies, and independent determination by the subjects of the Russian Federation of the rates of subsidizing organic production in agriculture. Regional measures to support the development of organic crop production include: per-hectare support, stimulating the participation of Russian organic producers in exhibitions, fairs and congresses held in the Russian Federation and abroad, supporting agricultural producers within the framework of regional investment projects aimed at the transition from intensive farming to organic farming, compensation for the costs of using organic fertilizers and biological plant protection products, subsidizing training in organic agriculture, taking support measures for laboratories: subsidies for reimbursement of part of the costs of accreditation according to international standards. Federal and regional measures of state support for organic production are considered with the definition of the involved normative legal acts of the Russian Federation. Regional support has been identified in terms of financing organic agriculture in the Tomsk, Voronezh, Kaluga, and Yaroslavl regions. As promising areas of state support for the production of organic crop production, taking into account regional peculiarities, it is possible to allocate compensation for the costs of agrochemical and ecological-toxicological examination, the use of per-hectare support for producers of organic crop production, reimbursement of costs for the purchase and modernization of equipment.

Issue № 3, March 2024, article № 11

The concept of "smart village" as a new approach to sustainable rural development

In most developed and developing countries, rural areas occupy the bulk of the territory. As a rule, they remain outside the main focus of public policy, while having a unique endogenous potential for sustainable development. The article explores the concept of a "smart village" as a means to achieve the sustainability of rural areas. The theoretical basis of the study was made up of articles by Russian and foreign authors on this issue. Empirical sources are represented by international, supranational and national regulatory documents in the field of sustainable development, materials of specialized websites. As a result, threats, effects and prospects of sustainable rural development in the context of the Sustainable Development Agenda for the period up to 2030 are systematized. The specifics are revealed and the factors of sustainable development of rural areas are characterized. The genesis and evolution of the "smart village" concept as a new approach to sustainable rural development are investigated. Approaches to the definition of a "smart village" in regulatory documents and scientific discourse are summarized. In general, the parameters, components and technologies of the implementation of the "smart village" concept are described. A level-based dynamic conceptual model of a "smart village" is proposed, describing the structural relationships between its main parameters and components. In conclusion, it is concluded that the concept of a "smart village" can be widely used in the development of policies and development strategies aimed at increasing the sustainability of rural areas. At the same time, various forms, methods and tools used in the development and implementation of this concept require further research.

Issue № 3, March 2024, article № 12

Assessment of the attractiveness of rural areas for the resettlement of new residents and the development of tourism

New opportunities for remote work, as well as new challenges associated with the loss of attractiveness of cities as a safe and environmentally friendly place of residence, have created a new image of the countryside as a comfortable place to relax and live. During the pandemic, the interest in rural areas was most noticeable among the urban population. As a result, the Association of the Most Beautiful Villages and Towns in Russia initiated a study of the motives and types of immigrants and it was the first stage of a sociological study. Now, more focus is given during domestic tourism, including in small territories with the beginning of the introduction of anti-Russian sanctions and the closure of many countries to Russian tourism. This facilitated the second stage of the study in order to test the results of the first stage and reveal new aspects in modern conditions. The purpose of the study was to assess the attractiveness of rural areas to attract new residents and tourists, including in settlements – members of the association of the most beautiful villages and towns in Russia, during a period of global challenges and changes. The results of the study allowed us to draw a number of conclusions, among which the following were noted: the trend for moving to rural areas for urban residents has indeed become more pronounced, but its full implementation is slowed down by the infrastructural backwardness of rural areas. The motives include ecology, space, freedom, silence, lack of information noise, and a calm rhythm of life. At the same time, the second stage allowed us to note that the ruralists and tourists interact well with the local population and administration. However, the population is not always friendly with new residents, but they are more supportive of tourists, as they believe that they contribute to the development of the territory

Issue № 3, March 2024, article № 13

Foreign and domestic experience of state management and control over the breeding and seed industry

One of the priorities of state policy in order to ensure food security in any country is to create conditions for the development of the domestic agro-industrial complex by increasing the efficiency of crop production, breeding and seed production. The development of the seed breeding industry is impossible without effective socio-economic activities of organizations in this area, ensuring the competitiveness of domestic breeding, increasing the volume and quality of seeds and products made from them. The key place in the current issue is given to regulatory measures by the state, including legislative acts, various programs, etc., the application of which will ensure the sustainable development of agriculture, in particular the breeding and seed industry. The analysis of the specifics of foreign and domestic experience made it possible to identify the peculiarities of public administration in various countries of the world. Despite the uniform procedure for the implementation of state regulation within the EU, some countries have their own peculiarities. For example, in Germany, research organizations are engaged in obtaining seeds of higher reproductions, which are used for subsequent reproduction and distributed by state funds, in Sweden joint-stock companies are responsible for the reproduction and subsequent sale of seeds, in the USA – private seed companies, in Canada – the Seed Association, which unites breeders and seed growers and is engaged in a full seed cycle, In the Republic of Belarus, state regulation in the field of breeding and seed production is carried out by the State Seed Inspection. In Russia, the body responsible for compliance with varietal tests is the FSBI «Gossortcomission», the «Rosselkhoznadzor» is responsible for veterinary and phytosanitary supervision, active work is underway to improve legislation in the field of agriculture, so the most important areas are: seed production, traceability of land turnover, improving the efficiency of agricultural land use, the development of scientific and the human resources potential of the industry, reducing the administrative burden on seed producers and others.

Factors determining approaches to forecasting food supply in the Russian Federation

Food supply to the population plays an important role in the socio-economic system of any state. Being one of the basic physiological needs of a person, the provision of an individual with a sufficient amount of consumed food is one of the cornerstones of social well-being, including that subjectively felt by the population. At the same time, it is important to note that at the present stage of technological development, approaches to ensuring the sufficiency of food consumption require revision. On the one hand, the development of the biotechnological industry in many countries makes it possible to significantly increase the total volume of food production and provide people with a quantitatively sufficient and even excess amount of food. At the same time, the use of genetically modified products, trans fats, as well as cheap and low-quality raw materials such as palm oil, etc., creates a situation of significant hidden domestic social stratification. Of course, with the same calorie intake, the difference in the standard of living, social well-being and health of people who consume farm steak made from marbled beef as a source of protein, and those who replace it with cutlets made from cricket paste, will be very noticeable. There is also a significant stratification in the volume and quality of food consumed between states. These circumstances indicate the need to forecast food supply based on an integrated approach, including not only the use of economic and statistical processing of data from previous periods, but also the analysis of other indicators that influence this area. The most significant groups of factors, in our opinion, include: climatic, resource, demographic, technological and international economic. To do this, it is necessary to use foresight analysis, as well as methods for identifying weak signals, joker events and similar techniques. We believe that only a comprehensive analysis of production dynamics, taking into account the designated groups of factors, can give a fairly objective picture of the forecast for the state's food supply.

Modernization of the agrarian university model based on modern trends in the development of the agro-industrial complex

This study is devoted to solving modern problems of higher agricultural education. This is due to several circumstances. On the one hand, at present, the issue of ensuring food security is very important for our country, and it is the agricultural sector that is the basis for ensuring it. Modern trends in the development of the agro-industrial complex largely determine the competencies that graduates of agricultural universities should own, and the model of agricultural education should be formed in an inextricable relationship with the model of ensuring economic security. This is due to the fact that geopolitical processes and sanctions pressure are unpredictable in terms of the duration of the course. On the other hand, a persistent stereotype has developed in society that agriculture is not interesting, not fashionable; there is little innovation in it. And accordingly, young people are reluctant to study and work in this industry. However, modern agriculture is a very innovative and exciting activity. The purpose of the study is to identify the development vectors of higher agrarian education based on the analysis of modern agricultural development trends, and to propose an optimal sustainable model of an agrarian university that meets the current economic conditions. The article structurally contains a brief literary review on the problems of higher agrarian education and the transformation of agricultural production. Modern development trends characteristic of the agro-industrial complex of Russia have been identified and analyzed, the needs of the agro-industrial industry in personnel have been analyzed, and the level of digitalization of agriculture has been assessed. Key areas for the modernization of higher education were identified and the author’s model of an agricultural university with a dynamic organizational structure in the system of kaizen transformations was developed. The article is aimed at managers in the fields of higher agricultural education and agricultural production, responsible for the transformation of this industry, as well as for all researchers of the problems of higher education.

Justification of the amount of labor costs for employees in small forms of management

The modern agricultural sector of the Russian economy is characterized by low wages relative to most other industries and types of economic activity. For dynamically developing domestic agribusiness, there is a need to develop scientific and methodological approaches to justify the costs of paying employees, allowing them to provide them with a decent level of wages while maintaining the profitability of business entities. This article demonstrates the results of a comprehensive analysis of the influence of the share of labor costs in the total costs of farmers on the earnings of employees. A comparative assessment of the efficiency of using labor costs in agricultural organizations and farms is provided. Using the example of the Saratov region, the author's methodological approaches to substantiating at the regional level the standard for the minimum share of costs for wages of employees in the structure of total expenses of farms are demonstrated. The obtained results of groupings of individual enterprise Head of peasant farm inregion by the size of the average monthly wage and by the share of labor costs in the structure of total expenses clearly demonstrate the reasons for the low level of wages of farmers. In order to ensure a decent level of wages for employees, the authors have developed and proposed for use an algorithm for planning labor costs on farms, taking into account the minimum share of labor costs established at the regional level in the structure of the total expenses of an economic entity.