
On the need to adjust the strategy for the development of agro-industrial and fisheries complexes of the Russian Federation for the period up to 2030

The purpose of the presented study is to analyze the imperatives of regulating agricultural policy until 2036 and substantiate proposals for improvement, one of the fundamental documents defining agricultural policy, Strategies for the development of agriculture and fisheries complexes. In an increasingly complicated situation with unstable world prices, increasing systemic problems and deteriorating interstate relations, it is necessary to review the current Strategy for the development of the domestic agro-industrial complex. This requires the application of unified methodological approaches to both strategic planning documents and the implementation of the state agrarian policy until 2036. Due to the strengthening and expansion of foreign sanctions and rising food prices, it is necessary to take measures that will lead to the effective development of the agro-industrial complex and the fisheries complex. It is necessary to radically rework the strategy for the development of the agro-industrial complex, taking into account the current economic situation, taking into account the national development goals of Russia, announced by Russian President Vladimir Putin, while focusing on the use of internal resources and providing the population with food according to rational standards. It is important to define clear goals, objectives and values of quantitative indicators of the development of the agricultural sector of the economy. The current strategy, based on liberal principles, does not take into account these factors, and therefore a review of approaches to its implementation is required. When adjusting the Agribusiness Development Strategy, it is necessary to strive to ensure national food independence in all its aspects in order to ensure the stable development of the agricultural sector in the coming decades. The research topic is important for the scientific community and farmers. In this regard, we ask readers of this publication, if possible, to give their feedback on sound strategic directions for the development of the agro-industrial complex.

Implementation of the state agrarian policy at the regional level

It is noted that the goals and objectives of the regional agrarian policy of Krasnodar Territory correspond to the priorities of the development of the national economic system. The principles of implementation of the state agrarian policy of the studied territory are focused on achieving the economic security of the country and increasing the effectiveness of import substitution tools. It is noted that the Krasnodar Territory, which has a large-scale potential for the development of the agro-industrial complex, represented by regional authorities, provides conditions for the implementation of economic activities to subjects of agricultural production in the context of their categories. At the same time, a number of target indicators for the implementation of the state agrarian policy in the Krasnodar Territory in the studied period are characterized by negative dynamics. Thus, despite the support measures taken by public authorities, the growth rates of family farms fixed in the program documents are not provided. There is no expected increase in the number of agricultural consumer cooperatives of various specializations in the agricultural sector of the region's economy. Farmers are experiencing difficulties when applying for grants. This is due to the insufficient effectiveness of the mechanism for obtaining them and the presence of organizational and information barriers. As measures to increase the effectiveness of tools for the implementation of state agrarian policy in the Krasnodar Territory, the authors propose updating the mechanism for supporting novice farmers.

Strategic directions for improving the management of innovative development of the agro-industrial complex of the regions

The article considers the problems and strategic directions of improving the management system of innovative development of the agro-industrial complex for the future out of on a set of available factors. These factors are divided into groups that affect the innovative development of regions and, accordingly, require certain approaches to managing the development and implementation of innovations. In the course of research, special attention is paid to the innovative development of the agro-industrial complex of the regions of Russia, the Siberian Federal District and the districts of the Novosibirsk region. Examples of innovative activity of regions, types of implemented innovations, the possibility of introducing innovations by the economic entities of the agro-industrial complex are given, individual reasons for the lack of such an opportunity for some of them are noted. In order for all regions and business entities to have the opportunity to use promising innovations, they must have all kinds of resources for this, formed both from their own sources and with the involvement of budget support and other investments, if necessary, and has been built an optimal system of relationships between participants in agro-industrial clusters. It is noted that government agencies and potential investors will focus on economic attractiveness and possible risks at all stages of the innovation process and throughout the technical, technological, financial and economic chain from development to implementation of advanced innovations, focusing on the strategy of development of the agro-industrial complex of the country, regions and municipalities. All this should be taken into account by management bodies, defining the structure, functions and mechanisms of influence on agricultural producers and other participants in agro-industrial clusters in order to achieve indicators of strategic development of territories.

Modern approaches to the study of human capital in the field of labor in the agricultural sector of the economy

As part of solving the national tasks of ensuring food security and shortage of personnel in rural areas, the most important "strategic direction in the field of digital transformation of agro-industrial and fisheries sectors until 2030" [1] farmers have identified a vector for the digital transformation of the industry and, as the basis, human capital realized in the field of labor of the agricultural sector of the economy. The mentioned directions necessitate the use of digital approaches in research. This study is based on the use of classical approaches and modern "digital" techniques using software implemented in the field of human capital of workers employed in the industry. In order to apply modern approaches in the study of the human capital implemented in the agricultural sector of the economy, the authors have developed an information and analytical web service, which is represented by a database for research, a web server, a user authorization subsystem, web applications for searching, visualizing and analyzing data in the aggregate of quantitative parameters of the personnel of a business entity, industry (staff, age and gender composition, the professional qualification level of the employed, etc.) and the qualitative characteristics of the human capital employed in the field of labor ("biophysical capital", "education capital", "health capital", "cultural and moral capital", "digital competence capital", "entrepreneurial competence capital"). The recommended approaches to the study will determine the solution of strategic tasks of the sectoral personnel policy in terms of the directions of operational adaptation of those wishing to work in rural areas to the current personnel situation in the agricultural labor market, taking into account the existing shortage and development of human capital in the conditions of digitalization of the spheres of labor of the agricultural sector of the economy.

Methodological basis for digitalization of the agro-industrial complex using the mechanism of public-private partnership

The study substantiates the principles of using the public-private partnership mechanism in managing investment processes in the context of digitalization and using the example of the agro-industrial complex. It has been determined that digitalization makes it possible to reconsider the principles of modern concepts of management decisions and views on various economic processes and relations in society, and to obtain financial resources. The list of conditions that must be taken into account when attracting investment resources in the conditions of public-private partnership in the context of digitalization of the agro-industrial complex is substantiated. These articles represent organizational and economic relations that arise in the process of assessing the effectiveness of digitalization of agricultural enterprises. Research methods: content analysis of scientific literature on the research topic, comparative, graphical and systemic analyses, analogy and generalization. The novelty of the scientific work lies in the analysis of foreign practice in the use of digital solutions in agriculture, the institutional framework in terms of PPP projects in agriculture of the Russian Federation, in PPP projects in the IT field, as well as the development of promising directions for the development of digitalization of the agro-industrial complex in public-private partnership projects. The systematic introduction of digital technologies in agriculture can become the basis for its further development.

Optimization of the supply of sunflower seeds in the agro-industrial cluster of oil and fat specialization of the region

High sunflower yields in the Saratov region and significant areas of agricultural land occupied by its crops contributed to the development of a subcomplex of oil and fat specialization, the products of which are in wide demand both in the domestic markets of Russia and in foreign countries. The region has significant potential for the formation of a territorial production integrated association - an agro-industrial cluster, which is an important tool for increasing the efficiency of its participants. The main goal of such formation is to increase the competitiveness of manufactured products and reduce the costs associated with their production and sale to end consumers. Promising strategies for achieving it may include a rationally structured form of organizing inter-farm interaction between enterprises in various spheres of the agro-industrial complex, participating in a single chain for the creation of goods with high added value. The work examines the region's leading oil extraction plants (OEPs), which represent an important component of the core of the projected integration education. A multifactorial block model for managing supply processes between participants in the agro-industrial cluster of oil and fat specialization is proposed, which allows optimizing the movement of agricultural raw materials from commodity producers to oil extraction plants by reducing the costs of its logistics and intermediate storage. The distances identified between the objects under study made it possible to calculate the cost of transporting sunflower seeds to food industry enterprises. Based on the data obtained, the first block of the model was constructed, which includes the results of solving the problem of distributing raw materials within the selected grain storage facilities, as well as justifying the directions of its supply to the selected oil extraction plants. Testing of the model on eight leading business entities in terms of gross receipts, identified by the ranking method, showed the possibility of reducing logistics costs by 18.9% with a rational form of organizing product promotion chains in the regional cluster of the oil and fat subcomplex.

Methodological approach to econometric assessment of the productivity of reclaimed agriculture in the regions

The article analyzes foreign experience in assessing the productivity of reclaimed agriculture, highlighting agronomic, economic, environmental and socio-economic assessment methods. The author's econometric model is also presented, in which key dependent variables that influence the dynamics of productivity of reclaimed agriculture are identified and justified. A distinctive feature of this approach is the inclusion among the dependent variables of a group of factors that take into account the presence of agricultural specialization in individual regions, as well as the quality of land reclamation work carried out. The article presents the author's approach to assessing the influence on the dynamics of productivity of reclaimed agriculture of various factors, taking into account the presence of agricultural specialization in individual regions, as well as the quality of the reclamation work carried out. The model developed by the author proves the following hypotheses: the provision of labor resources and technical means has a positive impact on productivity; in regions that use an integrated approach to land reclamation activities, there is a greater increase in productivity; productivity is heterogeneous; in regions with the best reclamation state of agricultural land, the greatest increase in productivity is observed. The result of the study was confirmation of the influence of many different factors on the productivity of reclaimed agriculture, including the availability and condition of production factors used directly during reclamation work (capital and labor resources). At the same time, taking into account only these factors when conducting an econometric study is incomplete and can lead to biased and unstable estimates. Thus, within the framework of this approach, it is proposed to include among the dependent variables a group of factors that take into account the presence of agricultural specialization in individual regions, as well as the quality of land reclamation work carried out.

Economic efficiency of using domestically selected sugar beet hybrid seeds

An analysis has been made of the current structure of the use of sugar beet seeds in Russian agriculture, in which the proportion of domestic hybrids is at a critically low level. The existing scientific, technical, production and economic potential of the domestic selection and seed production system in the field of creation, commercialization and propagation in Russia of new highly productive sugar beet hybrids, which are not inferior in price and economically useful properties to the best world analogues, is analyzed. The main characteristics that ensure high competitiveness and efficiency of sugar beet hybrids in the domestic market have been identified and systematized. An indicator of the economic efficiency of the production use of sugar beet hybrids is proposed, taking into account their price and economically valuable characteristics. It has been established that new Russian sugar beet hybrids are practically not inferior to the best world analogues in terms of productivity and require lower costs for the purchase of seeds and plant protection products. Calculations have been made of the expected economic effect from the transition of agricultural producers in the Krasnodar region to the use of seeds of new sugar beet hybrids of domestic selection. The boundaries of simultaneous changes in yield and costs for the purchase of Russian seeds and plant protection products during the transition in commercial beet growing to new Russian hybrids, which provide a positive economic effect for commodity producers compared to the use of more expensive foreign seeds, have been determined. The results obtained during the study were compared with the results of studies in a similar subject area published in leading periodicals.

Issue № 9, September 2024, article № 10

Development of the effectiveness assessing system for inclusion of Russian agriculture integration processes (based on EAEU)

The development of a system for evaluating the effectiveness of the inclusion of agriculture in the Russian Federation in interstate regional economic unions (using the example of the EAEU) is based on appropriate methodological support. The development is based on the position that the main purpose and consequence of the existence of economic unions, as a rule, is to change the structure and direction of external and internal trade relations of its members. Depending on the level of protectionism of the integration association in relation to the internal market and import restriction measures, it is possible to observe and evaluate the manifestation of the effect of creating or rejecting trade, expressed in a change in the income level of the member states of the union due to an increase or decrease in revenue from customs duties. The system under development contains the following components: assessment of the orientation and effectiveness of the integration interaction of the Russian Federation with other member states of the Union; assessment of the effectiveness of the development of the state in the integration association, in other words, how the inclusion and participation of the Russian Federation in the EAEU affected the main socio-economic indicators of the country. The authors applied a multicomponent approach to assessing the effectiveness of economic integration. The second block of the assessment system being developed by the authors includes indicators used to assess integration processes at the macro level in accordance with Methodological Approaches to the analysis of integration processes developed by the Eurasian Economic Commission.