
Strategic directions for improving the balance of institutional elements of the scientific support system and commercialization of innovations in agriculture

In modern conditions, ensuring food security and overcoming technological dependence on imports in the agro-industrial complex are becoming the most urgent tasks, the solution of which is associated with the need for scientific support for the growth of agricultural production. The article considers the directions of increasing production volumes in the context of innovation-oriented development based on improving the balance of institutional elements of the author's system of scientific support and commercialization of innovations in the agro-industrial complex. Theoretical and methodological approaches to studying the balance of the system of scientific support and commercialization of innovations in the agro-industrial complex for regions with different levels of scientific, educational, personnel, financial potential, as well as commercialization potential have been developed and strategic directions for its improvement have been substantiated. For the regions of the first cluster with high educational potential, it is possible to recommend the creation of educational innovation platforms in order to stimulate research and commercialization of innovations. The regions of the second, third and fifth clusters are distinguished by a heterogeneous composition, including territories with unfavorable natural and climatic conditions, the effect of commercialization can be achieved in individual regions-growth points. As an effective measure, a strategy of knowledge flow from large scientific and educational centers to peripheral organizations for the purpose of involvement in the process of scientific research and development is proposed. For regions of the fourth cluster, it is possible to implement various models of commercialization of innovations with state support for the research base of universities, the formation of innovation centers, and stimulation of informatization and robotization processes. The results of the study are of practical value for the development of directions of state policy and mechanisms for differentiated management of the system in regions of different types.

Implementation of simulation modeling in hop growing: the first russian model of calculation, planning and decision making (CPDM Model) in the industry

The first Russian economic model of calculation, planning and decision-making (CPDM model) in hop growing was developed to ensure the consolidated work of scientific, government and business structures and the formation of a basic model for calculating indicative indicators of the industry based on public accessibility and understandability for all users. To create the model, a large amount of work was carried out aimed at studying the world toolkit for calculating decision-making, building a cost calculation structure, and studying hop cultivation technologies in Russia. In the resulting part of the CPDM model, two groups of indicators are formed that reflect economic and financial indicators. The most difficult period from an economic point of view for hop growers is from the 2nd to the 4th year of crop cultivation. In the zero (preparatory) and 1st years, the state provides quite significant support, and from the 2nd year of crop cultivation, the credit burden increases, subsidies are reduced, and hops do not have time to reach the period of full fruiting. Taking into account the input data included in the model, profit is formed in the 7th year of operation in the industry or in the 6th year of hop cultivation. The payback period is calculated in accordance with the parameters specified in the model (yield - 16 c / ha, cost of hops - 650 rubles / kg) and taking into account the use of state subsidies, is 9 years. When changing the input indicators, the result parameters are automatically recalculated. Thus, the developed model in hop growing allows you to establish the level of influence of factors on the result indicators and assess the efficiency of hop growing under different economic conditions.

Issue № 12, December 2024, article № 10

Materialization of contract theory in practical farming activities

A new approach in contract theory is considered, it is noted that the parties to the contract are legally separate interested parties. Contract farming is active in developing and developed countries and has become an important part of the mainstream of modern agricultural research. An agricultural contract is considered as an agreement between farmers and buyers of production and marketing conditions in the form of participation in various schemes.This leads to a discussion about the motives for the loss of independence in the open spot market. Empirical research is aimed at detecting a positive impact on the technological development of farms, enhanced coordination and control in the agri-food chain, reduced risks, increased profitability, market power and market capture, availability of loans in the absence of collateral.The contract, as an element of filtration, helps to distinguish a higher-quality product from a lower-quality one. Measurement issues are central to the assignment of the subject of the contract, pre-agreed cultivation schemes and subsequent control will ensure traceability of the quality of the goods.We are considering marketing contracts based on the purchase and sale mechanism. The asymmetry is due to the fact that the agent, as the owner of land and products, knows the technological process better, we note that the principal can limit the agent's freedom and direct production in an intensive direction. The limited market leads to the need for price coordination.In production contracts, the principal is the owner of the land, as well as products at all stages of cultivation, knows the production process better, assigning the agent the function of an employee. The nature of the relationship changes when the principal decides to retire, and the agent signals his production and management experience in the business plan. The distributive mechanism of cost and income participation generates discussions about the contribution of the parties to investment and operating expenses.At the financial level, the cash flows of the contract are fixed in the budget. Ranking of financial aggregates — basic payments to the contractor, basic income of the principal, residual income, allows you to estimate the total income of the agent and the total income of the principal. The budget helps to make a decision to give preference to contract farming or return to the spot market.

Issue № 12, December 2024, article № 11

Ways to increase the efficiency of peasant farms of the Zaporozhye region

The article is devoted to the study of the features of the modern functioning of peasant farms in new regions of the Russian Federation using the example of the Zaporozhzhye region. Indicates the fact of the degradation of socio-economic relations in the system of rural territories. The importance of family forms of agrarian production in the process of restoring the system of socio-economic relations in the system of rural territories is noted. Attention is focused on the specifics of the organization of industrial and economic activities in peasant farms. Indicates a high percentage of natural farms producing products to satisfy their needs. The feasibility of using an alternative methodology for evaluating the effectiveness of family and labor farms as a socio-economic education is substantiated. As the goal of the study, the rationale for the optimization of the functioning of the peasant farms of this region was chosen. It is noted that the advantageous majority of peasant farms of the region use small land plots for their production activities. The reason for this circumstances is their advanced age, the inability to perform prolonged physical activity. Also, the implementation of competitive production activities requires additional financial investments. The need to develop measures aimed at stimulating the development of the most large category of farmers has been proven. A model for the implementation of tourism services on the basis of peasant farms has been developed and its socio-economic effect was evaluated. Based on the results of the study, it is indicated by the appropriateness of the formation of the information and personnel support system for the further development of the peasant farms of the region.

Issue № 12, December 2024, article № 12

Search for new solutions to the problems of human capital in the agro-industrial complex

The lack of qualified personnel remains one of the weaknesses of the agro-industrial complex, as well as many other sectors of the real economy. Financial motivation, of course, is the main argument for attracting and updating staff, however, it is not the only one. In addition, since agriculture produces a special type of product with an acute social significance, a direct increase in wages in the industry can cause an increase in costs and, as a result, an increase in food prices. A logical conclusion to this may be a surge in negative social phenomena. It is necessary to find other ways to motivate and attract young people to the industry in order to form human capital in it. The article is devoted to one of the possible factors that exists, but has not yet been sufficiently understood, has not received the necessary development and support from the state. We are talking about enterprises with a form of ownership defined by the authors as collective property. Collective ownership is a collective form of ownership of property and appropriation of labor results with the obligatory condition for the emergence and preservation of this right only in the case of labor participation in value creation, which allows you to get rid of the root cause of low motivation of employees – four types of alienation described by K. Marx back in the 19th century. In domestic legislation and practice, such enterprises are agricultural production cooperatives and closed joint–stock companies of workers - people's enterprises. A survey of students was conducted, the results of which show the interest of young people in the principles of their work.

Issue № 12, December 2024, article № 13

Analysis of the development of agriculture and rural areas under conditions of external and internal disturbing influences

The study was conducted in order to identify the main factors influencing the development of agriculture and rural areas in modern conditions. The external (climate change, global economic and political processes), as well as internal (economic, social and technological aspects) factors have been studied. In order to determine the relationship between the level of development of agriculture and rural areas, an analysis of the results was carried out (monetary income on average per capita of the rural population per month, unemployment rate, share of agriculture in GRP, volume of shipped goods of own production, production of agricultural products, etc.) and factorial (accrued wages per agricultural worker, labor productivity in agriculture; the share of agricultural land in the total area of territories, the number of rural population, accessibility of educational, cultural, health facilities in rural areas, etc.) indicators that determine the development of both agriculture and rural areas. The analysis revealed that the development of agriculture is inextricably linked with the sustainable development of rural areas, which is associated with the effective functioning of social infrastructure, which forms the main resource for the rural economy – human. The analysis was carried out on the example of the subjects of the North Caucasus Federal District, which were ranked according to the data of factorial and effective indicators of the development of agriculture, rural areas, social infrastructure, including human capital.

Issue № 12, December 2024, article № 14

BRICS Strategy for developing international tax relations in the AIC

Building effective international tax relations between the AIC and friendly countries by Russia is relevant and significant for sustainable growth and food security. Changes in the geopolitical structure with the growth of sanctions served as the basis for reorientation of trade and tax relations to friendly countries. The reduction in exports to European countries was replaced by an increase in exports to Asian and African countries. The use of over 33% of the world's agricultural land by interstate BRICS is rapidly expanding due to distinctive natural, climatic, social, economic and demographic conditions. The capacious planned potential of the agricultural market of Brazil, Russia, India, China, South Africa, the UAE, Iran, Egypt, Saudi Arabia and Ethiopia is obvious for 2025. Consideration of the structure, volumes of export-import turnover, practice of conventions to eliminate double taxation in BRICS revealed trends in the development of international tax relations, which form the basis of the components of their Development Strategy in the AIC. Suspension of tax agreements between unfriendly countries for the security of supplies expanded mutually beneficial cooperation between friendly countries, protecting Russian business. Taking into account the specialization and structure of the trade balance, the essence is defined, the directions of the Strategy for the development of international tax relations of the BRICS agro-industrial complex are formed according to Ricardo's theory: to export cheap goods and import those whose production is cheaper abroad, with effective tax support and control over the elimination of tax evasion.

Justification of the need to make changes to List of agro-industrial centers of the Russian Federation

The purpose of the study is to justify the revision of the list of agro-industrial centers taking into account the changes that have occurred in the industry since the adoption of the Strategy for the Spatial Development of Russia, as evidenced by the increase in the share of agriculture in the structure of the gross regional product with the remaining share of officially recognized agro-industrial centers in total agricultural production. Based on the analysis of state statistics on the development of agriculture in Russian regions, it is proved that a number of subjects of the Russian Federation, which were not previously included in the list of agro-industrial centers, make a greater contribution to the development of the industry and the country than some agro-industrial centers. Based on the results of the analysis, it is proposed in the updated Spatial Development Strategy of the Russian Federation to expand the list of agro-industrial centers to include the Oryol, Ryazan, Tula, Orenburg, Saratov and Omsk regions, as well as the Republic of Dagestan. The reason for inclusion in this list is that the listed subjects of the Russian Federation fully meet the domestic demand for agricultural products and act as large suppliers of food to the Russian market, produce a larger volume of agricultural products than some officially recognized agro-industrial centers, which means they can have a greater impact on development the Russian economy.