Editorial collegiums
Chief Editor
Ushachev Ivan Grigoryevich, Doctor of Economy, Professor, Academician of RAN, member of the Presidium RAN, scientific adviser of Federal State Budgetary Scientific Institution «Federal Research Cemter of Agrarian Economy and Social Development of Rural Areas – All-Russian Research Institute of Agricultural Economics».
Editorial collegiums of the journal «AIC: economy, management»:
1. Altukhov Anatoly Ivanovich, Doctor of Economy, Professor, Academician of the RAN, Head of the section in Federal State Budgetary Scientific Institution «Federal Research Cemter of Agrarian Economy and Social Development of Rural Areas – All-Russian Research Institute of Agricultural Economics».
2. Avarsky Nabi Dolgatovich, Doctor of Economy, Associate Professor, scientific secretary of Federal State Budgetary Scientific Institution «Federal Research Cemter of Agrarian Economy and Social Development of Rural Areas – All-Russian Research Institute of Agricultural Economics».
3. Bondarenko Lyudmila Vasilyevna, Doctor of Economy, Professor, corresponding member of RAN, Chief Researcher in Federal State Budgetary Scientific Institution «Federal Research Cemter of Agrarian Economy and Social Development of Rural Areas – All-Russian Research Institute of Agricultural Economics».
4. Volkov Sergey Nikolayevich, Doctor of Economy, Professor, Academician of the RAN, Rector of Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education «State University of Land Use Planning».
5. Dolgushkin Nikolai Kuzmich, Doctor of Economy, Professor, corresponding member of RAN, Member of RAN presidium.
6. Kostyaev Aleksandr Ivanovich, Doctor of Economy, Professor, Academician of the RAN, Head of the Department of Economic and Social Problems of Regional AIC and Rural Development of Federal State Budget Scientific Institution Northwest Research Institute Economy and Organization of Agriculture.
7. Kuznetsov Vladimir Vasilyevich, Doctor of Economy, Professor, Academician of the RAN.
8. Kulikov Ivan Mikhailovich, Doctor of Economy, Professor, Academician of the RAN, Director of FSBSO ARHCBAN.
9. Paptsov Andrei Gennadievich, Doctor of Economy, Professor, corresponding member of RAN, deputy director of Federal State Budgetary Scientific Institution «Federal Research Cemter of Agrarian Economy and Social Development of Rural Areas – All-Russian Research Institute of Agricultural Economics».
10. Petrikov Aleksandr Vasilyevich, Doctor of Economy, Professor, Academician of the RAN, head of All-Russian Institute of Agrarian Problems and Informatics named after A.A. Nikonov - Branch of the Federal State Budgetary Scientific Institution “Federal Research Center of Agrarian Economy and Social Development of Rural Areas – All Russian Research Institute of Agricultural Economics”;
11. Savchenko Eugenie Stepanovich, Doctor of Economy, Professor, corresponding member of RAN, Senator of the Federation Council.
12. Sandu Ivan Stepanovich, Doctor of Economy, Professor, department head of All-Russian research institute of agricultural economy.
13. Semenova Elena Ivanovna, Doctor of Economy, Professor, head of All Russian Scientific Research Institute of the Organization of Production, Labor and Management in Agriculture - Branch of theFederal State Budgetary Scientific Institution “Federal Research Center of Agrarian Economy and Social Development of Rural Areas – All Russian Research Institute of Agricultural Economics”
14. Serkov Aleksandr Fedorovich, Doctor of Economy, Academician of the RAN, Chief scientific worker of Federal State Budgetary Scientific Institution «Federal Research Cemter of Agrarian Economy and Social Development of Rural Areas – All-Russian Research Institute of Agricultural Economics».
15. Trubilin Aleksandr Ivanovich, Doctor of Economy, Professor, Rector of Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education “Kuban State Agrarian University named after I.T. Trubilin”.
16. Khitskov Ivan Fedorovich, Doctor of Economy, Professor, Academician of the RAN, Chief scientific worker of Research institute for economy and organization of agroindustrial complex in the Central-Chernozem district of Russia.
Foreign members of journal collegiums
17. Gusakov Vladimire Grigorievich, Doctor of Economy, Professor, Academician of National Academy of sciences in Belarus, Chairman of National Academy Presidium in Belarus.
18. Kaliev Gani Alimovich, Doctor of Economy, Professor, Academician of National Academy of sciences in Kazakhstan Republic.