The article deals with the role, importance and problems of increasing the economic efficiency of the use of natural hayfields and pastures of the Central Non-Black Soil Zone of the Russian Federation in the reproduction of the forage base on the basis of factors determining the productivity of the land, the nutritional value of the products (feeds) obtained, and the minimum labor and fund expenses on its unit in modern conditions. The grassland economy acts as a strategic direction for its intensification and more economical development of dairy-beef cattle breeding. The central Non-Black Soil Zone of Russia has necessary economic potential for the solution of the mentioned task. At the same time, the current state of the grassland economy is such that it does not provide animals in sufficient quantities with quality roughages, succulents and pasture (green) fodders. The main reasons for this situation are: insufficient material and technical, labor and financial providing unsatisfactory orientation of the use of natural hayfields and pastures, land reclamation disorder, radioactive contamination as a result of the man-made disaster at the Chernobyl nuclear power station. The importance of scientific, technical and technological support, innovative and organization-economy and other factors in solving the fodder problem has been shown. The methodological and methodical approaches to the analysis of the efficiency have been clarified taking into account specificity of the forage base development on the natural lands. The issues of developing the integrated programs for the development of feed production, including grassland economy, creating of dairy and fodder clusters and rational organization economy mechanism for managing the production system and use of feeds have been considered.
Agriculture is in environmental crisis - declining natural fertility of the soil and hence the shortage of grain. The increasing pace and magnitude of land degradation in the country has led to a reduction in only 90 years 6.5 ‰ of arable land. To overcome the negative trends in agriculture it is advisable to have a Program of greening, including: erosion control, application of organic fertilizers, agro forestry, cultural-technical land reclamation, fodder grass cultivation in order liming kitty, small, soil, biological methods of protection, crop rotation, clean fallow, accelerated development of industrial and domestic agribusiness. For implementation of the Ecological program it is necessary to create an appropriate system of market regulators (benefits, credits, taxes, etc.) for changing priorities in the allocation of resources, capital investments in agriculture. All stages capital cycle (money, productive, commodity) should be directly related to the process of preservation and reproduction of natural resources used. Source of information for determining ecological-economic efficiency of agricultural production are statistical data production and financial plan, the environmental pass -port, technological cards, accounting and statistical reporting, regulatory reference materials. Accounting environmental accounting is not regulations - based legislation, there is no standard governing accounting for the costs of environmental measures and rational environmental management. Based on the fact that the environmental damage caused it can be assessed, it is necessary to expand the interpretation of the concept "accounting environmental accounting". In environmental accounting statements of an enterprise should reflect not only the cost of nature protection actions, environmental payments and penalties for violation of environmental legislation, but also the damage caused by the enterprise to the environment.
The problems of investing in agriculture of the Siberian Federal District caused by the reduction of state support, lack of credit opportunities and decrease of the own financial funds of agricultural organizations have been considered. The average annual rate of the investment decline in fixed capital of AIC of the SFD for the period of 2011-2015 was equal to 97.7‰. The modern agrarian policy is aimed at encouraging the large-scale industrial production but the greater part of the available land and production resources of the medium-sized and small-scale forms of managing is not efficiently used under the implementation of measures on import substitution. The decision of these problems requires the improvement of the current investment policy at the level of subjects of the Russian Federation (that are federal in scope) including the stimulation of inflow of investments in the priority sub-sectors of agriculture and enhancing the state support of small and medium-sized agribusiness. In order to overcome the consequences of the investment switching in agriculture of the Siberian Federal District and to further intensify the agro-industrial production it is necessary to increase the growth rate of fixed capital investment in agriculture up to 8-10‰. The mechanism of usage of the limited investment resources should be formed in view of the specific features of the region in order to determine the growth points and the priority of their investment.
In article the condition of a linen subcomplex is considered, its strategic importance for development of many branches is shown, to especially light industry, need of its restoration is emphasized. A research objective is to establish the main reasons for destruction of a linen sub complex. It will give the chance more specifically, scientifically to define a vector of its strategic development, to develop the most effective directions of branch restoration. The conclusion is drawn that the main reason for decline of a flax-growing subcomplex is hasty and scientifically unreasonable translation of economy from rigid state planning and regulation to work in unregulated market conditions. Duration of a production cycle (12-15 and more months) at the high cost of the bank credit and inflation, insufficiency of own available funds and absence necessary the state support predetermines unprofitability of cultivation and processing of a flax. In Non-Black Earth Region a flax is the only commodity crop culture providing profitability of agricultural production on an extent of centuries for many farms. In Russia in comparison with other countries are very low labour productivity, low flax productivity, its quality that much more reduces competitiveness of domestic linen production.
Global climate change is considered to be an already established fact. In this context there is a need for urgent action to counter the adverse implications for the sustainability of the global agri food system. The main purpose of the functioning of the global agri food system, as well as the world food market, is providing the world population with sufficient food. Climate change has diverse impact on agriculture, mostly negative, reducing natural soil fertility, crop yields, livestock productivity, making it difficult to manufacture sufficient food for a growing world population, and will also change the availability and quality of water resources. In order to improve the sustainability of the global food system must take a range of measures, including: reducing the level of greenhouse gas emissions; increase the efficiency of agricultural production, it is important to reduce the amount of waste resulting from agricultural activities, processing and consumption of food. It is necessary to accelerate the innovative development of the agricultural sector, to promote participation in the development and implementation of solutions by all stakeholders - producers, representatives of agribusiness, government agencies, financial sector etc.
The purpose of research is developing the recommendations about reforming of the working model of agro insurance with the state support. Agro insurance is intended for ensuring protection of property interests of agricultural producers at approach of insured events. Agro insurance for agricultural production is too important due the high probability of catastrophic risks and losses. As on an equal basis with weather risks there are risks of change of market conditions, credit risk and others system approach to risk management in agriculture is necessary. Development of system of agro insurance in the Russian Federation restrains complexity of development of available insurance products, the imperfect mechanism of payment of insurance compensation, low level of an insurance covering. For improvement of agro insurance it is offered: the development of a line of available insurance products for accounting of requirements and features of clients when forming a grocery row, the independent choice by clients of an acceptable share of a covering of risk; use of methodology of actuarial calculations of cost of damages with application of mathematical and statistical methods; ensuring necessary level and stability of resource support from the state; creation of accumulative insurance reserves for a covering of large expenses of future periods for protection against catastrophic risks.
The research objective is considering tasks and the directions for the formation of the infrastructure for the development of agricultural entrepreneurship in the region. Functional approach defines business infrastructure as set of the enterprises and organizations serving the main production serving the main production. Unresolved problems of formation of an infrastructure of development of agricultural business in Altay territory have been revealed. The conclusion is drawn that the collective sector in the region has the best infrastructure of business, especially marketing activity. The content of the category "infrastructure for the development of agricultural entrepreneurship" and its main structural elements was justified. The prerequisites for the formation of infrastructure in the region were considered. Linkage of infrastructure elements with the stages of the life cycle of the agricultural business (creation, launch and development of production) was shown. Information and consulting services were considered as the leading infrastructure element. Experience of formation and functioning of information consulting service in Altai Krai is generalized. Consultations on livestock production were most demanded (59‰). The conclusion is drawn on need of rendering services for the sphere of sales of products made by small business. Development of small processing and cooperation is necessary.
The formation of digital economy has to become one of the breakthrough directions of development of Russia in the short term. The article is devoted to questions of interaction of economic and other subjects of agro industrial complex in the conditions of formation of digital economy. The article considers various interpretations of the "digital economy" - in a "narrow" and "broad" sense. The authors of the article adhere to the "broad" interpretation of this concept, which takes into account the use of digital technologies in all sectors and spheres of activity. When considering the problem, the main provisions of the Digital Economy of the Russian Federation Program and the levels of its development are taken into account. The concept and main directions of the formation of the digital economy in the agro industrial complex are proposed, including taking into account the willingness of its participants to operate in the digital economy. To this end, a grouping of participants in the agro-industrial complex was proposed, with the allocation of economic entities with high and relative readiness, capable and incapable of independent adaptation to the conditions of the digital economy. The specifics, main directions and forms of interaction of subjects in the agro industrial complex are noted, including taking into account the provisions of the State Program for the Development of Agriculture and Regulation of Agricultural Products, Raw Materials and Foodstuffs for 2013-2020. Interaction of economic entities of agrarian and industrial complex in the conditions of digital economy has to be based on modern achievements of scientific and technical progress, use of information technologies, and formation of a common information space within agro-industrial clusters. A mechanism is proposed for the formation of a common information space in agro-industrial clusters, indicated on the existing problems and ways to overcome them, outlines the algorithm for the formation of effective information and communication interactions in the agro-industrial complex on the basis of modern information technologies.
Modern society is at a stage of its development, when practically all spheres of public life and state activity depend on the quality, availability and security of the information technologies and resources associated with them. Digital technologies are increasingly entering our life, they find their application everywhere, including in the agro-industrial complex. The article considers the experience of development of information and communication technologies and Internet technologies in the agricultural market. Examples of using cloud technologies in the agroindustrial complex are considered. A generalization of foreign experience in the use of information and communication technologies and Internet technologies on the agrarian market is carried out. The purpose of the work is to conduct a study of the development of information and communication technologies and Internet technologies in the agrarian market. To solve the problems, the following basic research methods were used: comparative analysis, scientific classification, systematization, theoretical generalization, and statistical methods. Modern civilization has shown significant progress in the development of the environment, the ability to survive in the face of climate change, has provided its scientific and technological development. But the achievement of the results of evolutionary development could not have occurred without the key resource of modern civilization - digital technologies. The key trend in the development of agriculture is the formation of effective human and social capital with a proper level of information support and transparency of information flows, a highly organized institutional environment, with a minimum level of transaction costs, it is worthwhile to build a system of directions and measures for the development of the agro industrial complex.
This study estimates the area of unused agricultural lands that could be involved in cultivation subject to different assumptions on drivers of agricultural production growth. The basis of the applied technique of a research is made by model of nonparametric frontier of production capabilities of agriculture of Russia. Modernization of a technique consists in differentiation of frontier of production capabilities on groups of regions with similar natural conditions. The model is complemented with the variables reflecting involvement in production of the lands suitable for crops. An assessment of volumes of involvement of unused farmlands in agricultural production at various sets of prerequisites of its growth is given. The model allows to define a gain of crops under scenario conditions of planning, the change in price for agricultural production and (or) conditions of the government support of agriculture, limit costs of production, efficiency of use of resources, an increment of an annual land rent, volume of available resources. The contradiction is revealed between the strategies aimed at capitalization of agricultural lands and their re-cultivation. The carried-out calculations predict low rates of return to a turn of earlier abandoned farmlands and instability of this process. The forced expansion of acreage is inexpedient: it will lead to decrease in marginal income, falling of efficiency of use of resources, will slow down development of livestock production.