Poultry industry is the most dynamically developing sector of agriculture, which is able to contribute meeting population’s needs in nutritious and healthy foods at the same time helping to implement the general programme of agricultural exports through the development and strengthening of the industry’s production capacity.Russian poultry is the only branch in the agro-industrial complex that was able in short term (from 1997 to 2017) to increase poultry meat production output 7 times, eggs - by 37‰. However, not all regions are able to provide the population with these products. In the Far Eastern Federal District the level of self-sufficiency in poultry meat and eggs is low and stands at 22‰ and 63‰ respectively. Providing the population of the Far East with products, in particular poultry products, is a priority.Due to its favourable geographical location (proximity to major Asian markets - China, Japan), the Far Eastern Federal District may become a key export region for poultry products. The aim of this article is to analyse the current state of the poultry industry in the Far Eastern Federal District and its potential for the development of the industry. Based on the results of the analysis recommendations have been made for forming the regional market of poultry products.
Agricultural enterprises around the world are often subject to many external shocks and crises - natural, climatic, economic and social. Thus, the resilience of enterprises to such shocks and their resilience are crucial to food security. This study examines the question of the resilience of agricultural enterprises in the North-West of Russia in relation to economic shocks. Its main objective is to analyze the organizational and financial factors that help agricultural enterprises cope with the effects of external economic shocks, such as the 2008 economic crisis. Using accounting data of 750-1200 agricultural enterprises for the 12-year period (2001-2012), we investigate the impact of certain factors on the recovery of growth, primarily in the form of recovery of post-crisis sales. Empirical results indicate that the size of the enterprise, its profitability significantly and positively affect the resilience of the enterprises economy. Territorial affiliation and organizational and legal forms also affect it. Integration into an agroholding accelerates the recovery of production and reduces the impact of the economic shock. Some directions of enterprises resilience increase are proposed.
The article deals with the economic entity, the genesis and evolution of personal subsidiary plots in agricultural production in the Russian Federation. The main economic reasons of the existence of a personal part-time farm are insufficient development of social production; insufficient level of productivity in agricultural areas; the need for provision of rural population with basic food and income. Analysis of the results of the all-Russia agricultural census, 2016.showed that the contribution of personal subsidiary plots in agricultural production, starting with the 90-ies, actively growing. In the majority of subjects of Federation dominated by small-scale production of main agricultural products. Due to the low efficiency of public administration and regulation of personal subsidiary farms operated haphazardly, their activities do not in any way coordinated, does not have full access to economic resources and production. In the constituent entities of the Federation have not formed a coherent regional infrastructures designed to support small-scale producers, including leading citizens personal subsidiary farms. The authors proposed a number of innovations to improve existing federal employment, pension and health insurance. The proposed measures will address a number of important tasks: improving the standard of living of rural populations through increased efficiency of agricultural production in smallholdings and farms; increase in the proportion of marketable products in private farms, specialization and the transformation of personal subsidiary plots in professional agricultural producers; formation of alternative employment for the population.
In the socio-economic conditions complicated by the political events of recent years, the need for a balanced, professional management of rural development is growing. This requires the use of a more sophisticated mechanism that uses management tools at the state, regional and municipal levels proven by many years of practice, as well as new ones, conditioned by modern realities. Among the latter one can include instruments of qualitatively new forms of cooperative and integration relations between agricultural producers within the boundaries of rural territories, the creation of cluster-oriented formations in them. The main function of rural development should be rational use of the material, labour, financial resources of rural areas with the strengthening and appropriate motivation of state, municipal and economic management bodies and taking into account the interests of the rural population. The purpose of the study is to analyze the opinion of the population about the rationality of the current mechanism for managing rural development as the basis for the possible improvement of its integration component. Within the boundaries of rural areas, there is no mutually beneficial practical cooperation between large, medium and small businesses. The lack of transparency in the scope of state support for certain categories of agricultural producers, the varying availability of public and private investment for them, complicates the conditions for sustainable rural development. To activate the integration processes in rural development, it is necessary to take strategically justified decisions at all management levels.
The article considers the procedure for the development and implementation of professional standards. The shortcomings and their unacceptability for agricultural practices are shown. Not all is well with the implementation of this document in rural practice. To do this, it is proposed to improve the Legislative base, another methodological development scheme, sources of information for practice, a new structure of professional standards, relevant to real practice, performance indicators, and more.
Intensification of livestock production requires the development of effective organizational and economic mechanisms for the development of livestock enterprises that increase production and increase the competitiveness of products. One of the key factors in the effective development of the industry is technological modernization through the introduction of modern resource-saving production technologies and highly productive genetic resources. The purpose of the study was to study the influence of organizational and economic factors and macroeconomic management conditions on the effectiveness of carrying out technological modernization of livestock. The research used abstract-logical and economic-statistical research methods, as well as the method of expert assessments. The empirical basis of the study was the official data and analytical materials of state executive and legislative bodies. It has been established that due to the state support provided in recent years, the livestock sector has been able to significantly upgrade the material and technical base of the industry and create modern production facilities. Productivity of cows for 2000-2015 increased 2.2 times, pigs 2.9 times. Labour costs decreased by 42.9‰ in milk production, 75.7‰ in cattle meat and half in pigs. Products of Russian agricultural machinery companies are significantly inferior to foreign competitors in the domestic market. The high dependence of livestock and processing enterprises on foreign manufacturers of process equipment and consumables has a negative impact on the modernization of the material and technical base and the efficiency of the industry development. To increase the level of technological development of the industry, measures and mechanisms of state support for stimulating the production of machinery and equipment for livestock raising have been suggested, which make it possible to increase the efficiency and sustainability of livestock production.
The article is devoted to the research of the Russian market of Halal products and prospects of its development. The relevance of the topic is emphasized both by social and economic prerequisites. Nowadays, halal production is receiving a lot of attention, because this market is very attractive and promising due to the high growth and migration rates of the Muslim population both in Russia and in the world. At the same time, halal products are perceived as a better product in terms of production, processing and storage conditions, therefore products with the Halal certificate are in demand not only among Muslims, but also among consumers of other religious worldviews and people far from all religions (their share is more than 50‰). It should be noted that Halal products market in Russia is still not sufficiently formed and is in the stage of formation and growth, and a good incentive for production and certification of Halal products are great opportunities in terms of exports to Muslim countries. There is a large uneven distribution of halal production in Russia, so it is necessary to establish logistics and make supply system for halal products, train specialists in the halal food industry, because they are in deficit for halal producers.
The article reveals and analyzes the main natural and present economic factors that promote and encourage cross-border cooperation between Russia and Kazakhstan in the agro-industrial sphere on the principles of spatial development, taking into account the use of the transport, logistics and transit potential of the two countries. A special focus was made on current state and experience of the border regions cooperation with an emphasis on the possibilities of the national agro-industrial complex interaction, including cross-border agro-industrial clusters and inter-clustering outlook in the Eurasian integration framework. Agro-industrial potential of the Russian-Kazakhstan border-zone, community of the unsolved problems of development, existence of transport-logistic advantages are factors for the economic growth and deepening of the Eurasians integration.
The article deals with the issues of quantitative assessment of competitiveness of grain and products of its processing in the member States of the EAEU using econometric models of panel data. Particular attention is paid to the price factor of competitiveness: average producer prices, average export and import prices. The results of the analysis made it possible to assess the level of competitiveness of agro-food products in the EAEU member States, to determine the impact of various factors on its level. The results of the study can be used in the development and adjustment of the agreed agro-food policy in the EAEU.
It is established that in order to effective development of farm sat the federal level the provisions of the Concept of sustainable development of rural areas for the period until 2020 and Strategy of rural areas sustainable development of the Russian Federation for the period up to 2030 are developed and implemented. Analysis of the statistic data of the Ministry of Agriculture and Trade of the Krasnoyarsk Territory showed that in the direction of «support for beginning farmers» the amount of funding from 2012 to 2017 increased by 4.4 times, from 33 308.7 thousand roubles. up to 145 620.2 thousand rubbles. For six years, grants in the amount of 495,989.7 thousand rubbles. received 275 novice farmers; 45 heads of farms received grants in the amount of 321,698.4 thousand rubbles in the direction of «development of family livestock farms»; 7 farmers from 2015 to 2017 benefited from government support in the amount of 13,999.7 thousand rubbles on the development of non-agricultural activities; six agricultural cooperatives received grants in the amount of 100,854.3 thousand rubbles in the direction «development of agricultural cooperation» in 2016-2017. The provisions of this law are implemented through the current State Program of the Krasnoyarsk Territory «Development of Agriculture and Regulation of Agricultural Products, Raw Materials and Food Markets», which determines the targets for ensuring the development of farms.