
Issue № 8, August 2021, article № 10

Regression model of migration of the able-bodied population of rural territories (based on the materials of the saratov region)

At present, in the Volga region, the ratio of fertility, mortality and migration processes determines a steady decline in the population. This trend is especially pronounced in rural areas due to the fact that the socio-economic, engineering, household and cultural conditions of their development lag significantly behind cities of regional importance and from large industrial agglomerations. Insufficient knowledge of the impact of socio-economic factors on the demographic development of rural areas, as well as the high scientific and practical significance of the development and implementation of models of socio-demographic development in the countryside served as the basis for the research. The correlation-regression model of the intensity of the migration flow of the working-age population of rural areas was developed as part of three objects (the first - areas with a high migration outflow; the second - areas with an average migration outflow; the third - areas with a low migration outflow) using independent variables, systematized on the basis of the experience of foreign and domestic studies (factors-regulators and factors-conditions) and for each of them, differentiated management solutions are proposed for the practical implementation of the model at the regional level. It was found that for all the regions under study, the greatest response of the dependent variable to the independent ones was found in terms of the growth of disposable income and the level of formal employment. As predicted calculations show, by 2025 the migration outflow will decrease by 14-91 people, depending on the analytical gradation. Also, according to the simulation results, it was found that for a more radical solution to the problem and achieving a positive mechanical increase in the economically active population in rural areas, a more extensive list of management decisions is needed, especially in areas with a high and average outflow of the able-bodied population, it is necessary to reduce the tax burden of producers and processors of agricultural products through the introduction of property tax incentives in order to increase the volume of the regional product, as well as to strengthen support for all types of businesses and self-employed citizens.

Issue № 8, August 2021, article № 11

American farming: features of state support

The multifunctionality of activities inherent in modern farms increases their importance both for the effective functioning of the agricultural sector of the economy and for the sustainable development of rural areas. However, at present, farmers have encountered serious difficulties in their activities, which are being overcome in a certain way in some of the most developed countries of the world. This article presents the main results of research on the functioning of farms in the United States. The article presents materials on such scientific problems as (1) the peculiarities of the development of farming in the United States of America, taking into account the threats and risks arising from modern environmental fluctuations (political, macroeconomic, climatic, biological), (2) the practices of state support for farmers, providing them with a prosperous existence and opportunities to participate in solving pressing issues of the life of the rural population. The main research idea is that farms are unique artifacts that can perform not only economic, but also social and environmental tasks in the rural space, and therefore state support for farming is aimed at the stable development of agricultural production and the sustainable evolution of rural areas. The main difficulties in the development of farming in the United States are noted: 1) the presence of many types of risks accompanying the activities of farms; 2) relatively low profitability of agricultural production, especially small farms, which make up the absolute majority (90‰) in the American agricultural economy, 3) unfavourable demographic age characteristics of farmers, which mean "aging" of farm managers, 4) unforeseen difficulties faced by farmers in the conditions of the coronacrisis. The specifics of state support for American farmers are its orientation to various groups of farms, the use of various tools to achieve socially significant goals, and the shift in emphasis in the goal-setting of state policy from purely economic to social and environmental. The scientific value of the obtained results lies in the possibility of using the heuristic potential of existing theoretical developments in solving the current problems of farming development (including in Russia) and identifying new research areas that require development. The practical significance is due to the possibility of using the positive experience of state support for American farmers in domestic economic practice.

Issue № 7, July 2021, article № 9

Labor stimulation as a tool for rural development

The conducted research allows to consistently approach the issue of improving the social and material situation of rural settlement families by creating new jobs and a scientifically based wage system, taking into account the increase in the investment attractiveness of municipalities and improving the district regulatory framework in the sphere of accounting policy of the enterprise in order to legalize the main and additional wages. When addressing socio-economic issues in support of rural development, the State should be guided by the provisions of the International Labour Organization, in particular when setting the minimum wage at the level of the poverty level. The proposed method of calculating the adapted tariff grid based on ranking according to three options, depending on the income of a rural settlement, serves as the basis for calculating prices for products in crop production and animal husbandry when determining the main part of labour remuneration. The amount of wages for the products of plant-growing workers (for example, a tractor driver) is set after receiving the products by multiplying the number of units of production by its price. In animal husbandry (on the example of pig farming), the calculation of workers ' wages is based on the determination of prices for one hundredweight of weight gain for groups of animals. The rating assessment of efficiency and determination of material remuneration based on the labour contribution of plant and livestock workers on the example of the districts of the Saratov region is established on the basis of calculating the percentage of performance indicators of the efficiency criterion (profit received per employee, the ratio of labour productivity growth rates and wage growth rates, productivity (animal husbandry), productivity (crop production), wage intensity) will increase the efficiency of personnel by 3.75‰ and by 50.5‰.‰; the efficiency of wages – by 2.43‰ and 2.44‰ in animal husbandry and crop production, respectively.

Issue № 7, July 2021, article № 10

Socio-economic monitoring of the rural territories development of the republic of bashkortostan: the current state and directions of improvement

Currently, the development of rural areas is one of the priorities of the modern policy of the Government of the Russian Federation. In 2003-2013, the federal target program "Social development of rural areas" was implemented, in 2014-2017 – the departmental program "Sustainable development of rural areas for the years and for the period up to 2020" [2]. On June 4, 2019, a new state program "Integrated development of rural areas for 2020-2025" was approved. In accordance with this and other federal programs, programs for the development of rural areas are also being developed at the level of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation. In the Republic of Bashkortostan, the state program "Integrated Development of Rural Territories of the Republic of Bashkortostan" (as amended on December 8, 2020) was approved by the Decree of the Government of the Republic of Bashkortostan No. 728 of December 12, 2019. Two programs have also been developed for the development of depressed rural south-and north-eastern regions of the republic. However, the effectiveness of these programs due to both objective and subjective reasons leaves much to be desired. This is one of the reasons for their prolongation initially until 2020, and now-until 2024. The authors recommend that for a more detailed and realistic analysis of the socio-economic situation in rural areas and to improve the effectiveness of program measures, the system of regional and municipal monitoring of rural areas should be improved by using, along with the data of state censuses, statistics, enterprise reports, the results of regularly recommended sociological studies and surveys of managers, employees of agricultural enterprises, farmers, and the rural population. As a result of the study, the authors substantiate the feasibility of creating a Center for Agricultural Research and Monitoring of Sustainable Rural Development in the Republic of Bashkortostan for purposeful work on the development and adjustment of regional and municipal programs for the socio-economic development of modern rural areas.

Issue № 7, July 2021, article № 11

Agriculture in the development of the digital economy

The aim of the study is to identify the barriers that prevent the introduction of new technologies in the agricultural sector in Russia and to find possible ways to eliminate them. In connection with this goal, the existing foreign experience of implementing digital technologies was reviewed: «crop mapping system» in the United States, the use of advanced technologies in Switzerland, «Smart Farming» in Ireland. There was also an example of the use of the latest digital technologies in Russia in the framework of the development and implementation of the departmental project «Digital Agriculture», which includes several successive stages. To date, the implementation of this project is given special attention in the framework of the development of a comprehensive State program for the development of the agricultural sector until 2025. It should be noted that the use of digital technologies allows agricultural enterprises to reach a fundamentally new level, which is caused by an increase in production volumes while reducing the level of costs associated, for example, with tillage or with the transfer of many technological processes to a remote level of regulation. In this way, agriculture is gradually becoming more accurate and stable. Today, there is a significant shortage of highly qualified specialists in the application of digital technologies in the agricultural sector. In this regard, it is necessary to pay special attention to the quality training of specialists in the agricultural sector, taking into account digital improvements.

Issue № 7, July 2021, article № 1

Conceptual aspects of the agrarian russia’s future image formation

The main driver of economic growth and development of Russia at the beginning of the XXI century was agriculture. However, the results achieved in the agricultural sector were achieved mainly through the use of foreign technologies and state support. Unfortunately, the potential of domestic agrarian science, including economic science, was little in demand during this period, which was not without serious errors in the organizational, economic and scientific-technological mechanism of the agro-industrial complex. All this has led to distortions in structural production between large and small agricultural producers. That is why the role of agrarian economic science in the development and implementation of optimal models in all strategic areas is extremely high. In my opinion, for the next decade, the locomotive of socio-economic progress in Russia will be not so much agriculture as a rural lifestyle and the development of rural territories. Mass resettlement from cities will become a powerful factor in the development of rural areas. The goal of the agricultural business should be not only profit, but also the welfare of workers. A new economic model in agribusiness should launch a modern management model based on a digital environment and distributed registry technology. Ecology in a broad sense and related human health, life expectancy should become the main objects of scientific research. The state of the living environment and human health are the main values​​ of the new economy. In fact, we are talking about the convergence of agriculture and health care, aimed at maintaining human health and preventing diseases.

Issue № 7, July 2021, article № 3

Experience and prospects of formation of agro-industrial clusters in siberia

The article is devoted to the necessity and possibility of forming agro-industrial clusters, the main directions of their development in order to increase the efficiency of agro-industrial production, its modernization based on the introduction of modern scientific and technical achievements, digitalization and strengthening of relations both within the agro-industrial complex and with other sectors and spheres of the economy, state structures and other interested participants in technical-technological, production-agricultural, financial-economics and other areas of interaction. Based on the fact that all foreign and domestic experience of the cluster approach to the development of agro-industrial complex has shown its effectiveness, the authors studied the experience of forming agro-industrial clusters in the regions of Siberia, identified their shortcomings and considered the prospects for development. The results of the study showed that agro-industrial clusters are being created in each region of the Siberian Federal District, but this experience is not successful everywhere. The system of relationships between cluster participants has not been worked out, long-term technological connections have not been established, the possibilities of modern information technologies are not used enough, etc. Studies have also shown that, taking into account the peculiarities of the Siberian regions, their location and others, there are favourable opportunities for the cluster development of the agro-industrial complex, the formation of innovative and specialized industry clusters at the regional, interregional, inter-municipal and interstate levels, as well as multi-industry clusters at the local level. The authors propose the main directions of development of agro-industrial clusters in the regions of the Siberian Federal District, including for the production of environmentally friendly products, strengthening relationships between cluster participants, innovative development of production, taking into account the possibilities of modern information technologies and digitalization of the agro-industrial complex.