
Placement and specialization of agriculture in russia

The problem of rational distribution and territorial specialization of agricultural production is of a spatial global nature, which should take into account qualitative changes in agricultural production due to the need to ensure the country's food security, as well as the growth of Russia's export potential in the world food market. As you know, the irrational distribution and specialization of agricultural production do not contribute to an increase in profitability and highly efficient use of resources. At present, agricultural organizations are focused not so much on the rational distribution of production and specialization, as on the maximum profit, without taking into account the scientific foundations of location and specialization. The state is also not interested in the rational location and specialization of agricultural production due to the need to increase the quantitative indicators of the functioning of agricultural production. The problem of the location and specialization of agricultural production at the present stage of development of the agrarian economy does not allow the maximum use of the available resources of agricultural organizations, does not contribute to the optimization of interregional exchange, as well as regional food security. Meanwhile, according to experts, Russian agriculture is capable of providing food to 500 million people. This requires the implementation of scientific approaches to organizing the location and specialization of agricultural production, it is necessary to optimize interregional exchange, thereby reducing the costs of agricultural and processing industry products, and increasing the purchasing power of the population. Based on the available statistical material, this paper analyzes the location and specialization of agricultural organizations in federal districts, and also calculates the provision of basic food products. The study provides arguments for the additional introduction of agricultural land into circulation, solely to ensure food security and ensure rational nutritional standards for the population of the Russian Federation, without taking into account the increase in food exports.

Using the program-target method for forecasting socio-economic indicators

The reduction of spatial heterogeneity (differentiation) creates more favourable conditions for the development of the national market, the harmonization of socio-economic transformations, the formation of an all-Russian mentality at a qualitatively higher level, and the strengthening of the unity of the Russian state. On the contrary, increasing heterogeneity makes it difficult to carry out a unified policy of socio-economic transformations and the formation of a national market, increases the risks of regional crises and interregional conflicts, the disintegration of the national economy, and the weakening of the integrity of society and the state. The use of the program-target method of forecasting socio-economic indicators is currently the most effective, since the formation and execution of budgets of different levels of the budget system is also carried out by the program-target method. Ensuring the effectiveness of the system of budgetary relations is one of the most important state tasks. The unstable economic situation, which is typical for the present time, causes a shortage of financial resources at all levels of the budget system. Therefore, the issue of the competent organization of the allocation of budget resources is of particular relevance for ensuring socio-economic development. The study summarized the practice of local self-government development and identified the need for further improvement of legislation to strengthen the role of local self-government in solving socio-economic problems through financial mechanisms, combining the powers of local self-government bodies and the program-target method of budget formation. So, using the example of a specific municipality - the Kishertsky Municipal District of the Perm Territory, it was revealed that the relationship between the implemented programs and the indicators of its socio-economic development is quite close. In addition, many indicators of socio-economic development are reflected in several programs at once. It follows from the above that the process of regional development must be regulated and predicted.

Potato market in russia and the world

In Russia the agrarian and industrial complex and the defense industry complex are two non-oil export-oriented diversified leaders who serve according to more than 140 and 100 industries. In third place in export leadership are IT technologies. The world is dominated by grain-potato nutrition and there is a clear trend in growing potato yields. Today, most domestic agricultural organizations and peasant farms do not have modern storage facilities and workshops for the processing of non-standard tubers for starch, cattle cleaning, equipment for washing food potatoes, packing and packaging, including vacuumizing a purified "hogweed" set. As a result, numerous intermediaries and resellers, processors and traders at the expense of poverty-stricken agricultural producers (up to 15-20‰ of agricultural property and agricultural property become unprofitable annually) increase their income by 2-3 times. The article considers organizational elements of the work of modern agricultural production and trade cooperatives (SPTC), created on the basis of small forms of economy, as well as agro-industrial enterprises (AP) and associations, organized on the basis of medium and large agricultural enterprises. It is possible to restore domestic seed production within 3-4 years, when industry research institutes (originators of varieties and hybrids) will transfer their breeding achievements to farm specialized seed-growing SPTC, which promising zoned varieties will be sold in all regions of Russia in their own trading network.

The main directions for regulating the production and sale of grain in the siberian federal district

The relevance of the study is that in modern conditions, the sustainable development of grain production and sale on the market in the Siberian Federal District (SFD) largely depends on effective regulation. Grain relations reflect the current state and determine the prospective division of labour in the grain-product sub complex of the Siberian Federal District, the complementarity and interdependence of regional food complexes. They represent economic ties for the production, sale and exchange of grain and grain products between producers and consumers (livestock, population, etc.). These connections are manifested in the flows of grain and grain products from one region to another. The purpose of the study is to determine the most significant directions of development of grain production and market in the region for the medium term. The article shows the main grain-producing and grain-importing regions, as well as the volumes of grain resources that the SFD can supply to the market by 2025. The modern grain production by crops and regions of the Siberian Federal District for 2010 and 2020 is presented. The average prices of grain producers sold by agricultural organizations according to the subjects of the SFD of the Russian Federation are indicated. The main negative trends hindering the development of grain production and sale on the SFD market are identified. The directions necessary for the sustainable development of grain production, using administrative and financial regulatory measures, are presented.

Issue № 9, September 2021, article № 10

Development of rural territories in the conditions of the formation of the agglomeration system: regional aspect

The article is devoted to the study of problems of development of rural territories of the region in conditions of formation of agglomeration system. It was revealed that the intensive development of the coal mining industry is accompanied by negative environmental consequences associated with the impact on the socio-economic development and quality of life of the population of the region. The rural territories of the Russian Federation are its strategic resource, however, the lack of opportunity to satisfy its urgent needs, the difficult living conditions of the rural population, the isolation of rural settlements from scientific and technological achievements, the poor development of transport infrastructure and communications do not allow realizing their potential. Analyzing the decisions taken in recent years by the Government of the Russian Federation regulating the development of rural territories and the agro-industrial complex, we can conclude that the ideas on which the construction of state regulation of the agrarian industry is carried out have acquired a new qualitative approach. At the same time, the financial situation of the predominant part of the rural population does not allow the use of a system of mortgage lending for housing construction. The level of improvement of the rural housing stock is 2-3 times lower than the urban one. Coal mining entails a violation of land plots that are not subject to further use. It is accompanied by a high incidence of respiratory organs, oncological diseases that tend to grow. The resources allocated for the development of the social sphere do not significantly improve the living conditions of the rural population, expand the availability of social services and their quality to villagers. To solve the identified problems, it is proposed to create rural agglomerations.