
Business safety as a factor of continuous and sustainable development of the livestock industry

The article presents the results of a scientific study on the problem of the development of the livestock industry and its subcomplex - dairy cattle breeding in the context of the global economic crisis. The authors assessed the development of dairy cattle breeding over a 10-year period in the agrarian formations of the Krasnodar Territory and advanced economic entities of the agricultural sector of the economy, identified both positive and negative aspects of its functioning. Special attention is paid to the assessment of the ratio of the rates of development of the basic branches of crop production and animal husbandry, the influence of biological, technological, environmental, human factors of the functioning of agricultural entrepreneurship, including the development of its individual areas. The regularities of the economic security of agricultural formations depending on the production combination of industries: crop production and animal husbandry are revealed. The authors came to the conclusion that in the modern economy it is important to have a scientifically based organizational and economic management mechanism, the core of which is the accounting triad (financial, tax and management accounting), prove that only in the information field of the accounting triad there is data on resources, their structure, the ability to be used in the production process. The quality of management of an economic entity, its branches and even technological operations depends on the speed, quality and reliability of the formation of descriptors (natural and cost indicators) of the accounting triad, the safety of entrepreneurial activity depends. The article presents specific proposals for a rational combination of branches of agricultural formation to ensure its safety, defines the role of dairy cattle breeding in the formation of cash flows, and justifies the role and importance of digital methods and tools for information processing.

Impact of the value of intangible assets on the capitalization of the activities of Russian companies in the agro-industrial complex

The relevance of the research problem is due, on the one hand, to the growth of the intellectual component in the GDP of the leading countries of the world economy, and on the other hand, the need to search for new factors for the sustainable development of Russian companies in the agro-industrial complex. The object of the study is the companies of the agro-industrial complex, whose shares are traded on the MOEX Moscow Exchange. The subject of the study is the financial and economic relations that develop over the formation and use of intangible assets as a basic factor that ensures the sustainable development of agro-industrial companies and, as a result, the growth of their value. The purpose of the study is to analyze the impact of indicators of the state of intangible assets on the capitalization and sustainability of the activities of companies in the AIC of Russia. Methods of comparative analysis and synthesis, calculation of financial and economic indicators and correlation and regression analysis were used. It is shown that companies of the agro-industrial complex of Russia have a low share of intangible components in the composition of non-current assets. A trend towards a reduction in the value of intangible assets of Russian companies of the agro-industrial complex has been revealed. Innovation spending in both agriculture and the food industry is on a downward trend and is highly variable. The indicator of gross value added of companies in the AIC of Russia is not high enough. Based on the correlation analysis, it was found that the value of intangible assets does not affect the capitalization of companies in the agro-industrial complex. The analysis carried out allowed us to conclude that indicators of the state of intangible assets of companies do not affect the amount of cash flow from the current activities of companies. Recommendations for Russian companies of the agro-industrial complex are presented, focused on the formation and development of the intangible component as the main factor in sustainable development and value growth.

Issue № 9, September 2023, article № 10

A model of the mechanism for the formation and development of an export-oriented cluster of a grain-product subcomplex of the region

Strategic goals of development and efficiency growth of enterprises of grain-producing subcomplexes of regions, combined with the current situation of risk and uncertainty in the implementation of foreign economic activity related to the export of agricultural products, raise questions of the formation of flexible self-regulating integrated structures. Their tasks will be adequate timely response and adaptation to changing environmental conditions. The relevance of the study is due to the long-term stable level of grain surplus in certain subjects of the Volga economic region, the aim is to develop a conceptual model for the formation and development of an export-oriented cluster of grain subcomplex. The objects of the study were enterprises of the grain-product subcomplex of the Saratov Region: exporters of grain, flour and pasta, elevators (including water); centers for cluster development and export support in the Russian Federation (RF), importing countries. At the first stage, the potential possibility and practical expediency of creating a process transport and logistics cluster is justified from an organizational and economic point of view, at the second - an effective export mechanism is formed, at the third – mechanisms for building and improving, as well as approaches to evaluating the effectiveness. The conceptual model for the development of an organizational and economic mechanism for the formation and development of an export-oriented cluster of grain-product subcomplex in the region is presented as a system of comprehensive tripartite theoretical, methodological and regulatory studies on the feasibility of forming a highly integrated technological structure, building schemes and models of effective procedures for creating, improving and exporting marketable products. The approbation was carried out on the example of the Saratov region in the form of a detailed study and recommendations on the main components of the stages and blocks. The practical significance of the work lies in the use by the management bodies of the regional agro-industrial complex of the results of the study for further deepening of integration processes at various levels. The proposed approaches can be used to determine the effects of coordinated behavior of the subjects of the economic system in the formation of value chains. The author's idea seems to be universal and can be applied when building clusters in other subcomplexes of the national economy.

Issue № 9, September 2023, article № 11

Features of property security of families with children in urban and rural areas

The article, which develops the author's developments in the field of studying the standard of living, presents the results of a study aimed at identifying the features of property security of urban and rural families with children. With the use of original instrumental solutions based on microdata of Сomprehensive monitoring of living conditions of Rosstat for urban and rural families with children, an assessment of property security was carried out in the following aspects: 1) the quality of housing conditions, assessed on the basis of correlating the qualitative and quantitative parameters of the main dwelling with the requirements of the original social standards of housing security; 2) other types of existing real estate and movable property (availability, concentration and qualitative and quantitative parameters). Large scales of poor quality of housing conditions (the main dwelling) of families with children have been revealed, which for the rural families significantly exceed the indicators recorded for the urban families. It is shown that the quality of housing conditions for families with children depends not only on living in urban or rural areas, but also on the size of settlements: the smaller the settlements, the higher the risks of reducing the quality of housing conditions. Data are presented that allow a comprehensive assessment of the property security of urban and rural families with children, specifying the presence and concentration of different types of property with different quality of housing conditions due to the characteristics of the main dwelling in which families with children live. The results of the study may be in demand for the purposes of updating the national agenda and guidelines in the field of improving the standard of living and quality of life, social policy, well-being of families with children.

Issue № 9, September 2023, article № 12

Experience of countries in the Asian region in improving the level of development in non-urbanized territories

the article discusses the multidirectional approaches to the development of non-urbanized territories used in the countries of the Asian region. Today, Asian countries belong to the level of medium-urbanized countries in which the growth of the urban population is ahead of their real development. The relevance of the study is due to a decrease in the attractiveness of rural areas, as a result of which the imbalances of socio-economic development in various countries increase. The aim of the work was to identify institutional tools that contribute to increasing the level of socio-economic development in the non-urbanized territories of the countries of the Asian region. . The work used general methods (analysis, synthesis, systematic approach) and special (statistical, comparative analysis). The scientific basis of the study was the scientific and practical work of Russian and foreign scientists for the period 1995-2023. On the example of Japan, China, India, mechanisms were investigated and systematized that contribute to the effective development of rural areas in Asian countries: branding, educational programs, information infrastructure, technological implementations, financial support. It was noted that one of the main drivers of the development of non-urbanized territories in the countries under consideration was directly state support in various forms. It was found that among some instruments, the level of socio-economic potential of non-urbanized territories is significantly influenced by: financial and tax incentive measures, the construction of transport networks and social infrastructure facilities, the introduction of educational programs in rural areas. Among the main results of the implementation of programs for the development of non-occupied territories in the Asian region is an increase in the quality of life of citizens while reducing the population living in rural areas. A similar trajectory of spatial development of the countries under consideration determines the feasibility of adapting the presented practices in Russia.

Issue № 9, September 2023, article № 13

The role of the environmental component in agricultural production: the experience of foreign countries

The article considers the importance of the environmental component in the production of food, analyzing the foreign experience of the United States, Britain, Australia and the European Union. The authors emphasize that the issues of attractiveness of environmentally friendly products are important not only for consumers of all developed countries, but also in the "National Security Strategy of the Russian Federation" it is a priority. The purpose of the article is to analyze the importance of the environmental component in the production of agricultural products in foreign countries to justify the need to develop a model of environmental traceability. The reports of a number of consulting and research companies were analyzed, which allowed identifying certain trends in consumer preferences. For most consumers in developed countries, it is important to produce environmentally friendly packaging and products, reduce waste in the production process, reduce the carbon footprint, protect and support biodiversity. For companies, regardless of the type of products they sell, the priorities are to reduce plastic use and recycling, to respect and protect natural resources, to care for the consumer's well-being and to reduce their carbon footprint. Thus, the importance of the environmental component for both consumers and producers in the reviewed countries is not in doubt. The authors propose to create a contour model of environmental traceability for Russian producers and consumers. This model will allow consumers and large companies to present information about the quality of products based on information about the quality and environmental friendliness of product components, and it is also possible to use the model to create electronic product certificates.

Issue № 8, August 2023, article № 1

Methodological basis for assessing the food security of regions

In modern conditions of global pressure on Russia, the importance of strategic management of key parameters of regional socio-economic systems is increasing. The current conditions for the emergence of problems in the food sector, the genesis of the food component of the economic security of the region are considered. The assessment of the food security of the state as a whole is based on measuring the contribution of the agro-industrial complex, food and food processing industries to meeting the food needs of the country's inhabitants. The levels of food security of the country's territories, reflecting the share of domestic food products in the total volume of food products on the market, are considered. The food security of the region has a more complex profile, requiring instrumental detailing of the process of managing timely food supplies, market infrastructure, pricing, and the level and quality of life of the population. The polycomponent nature of the region's food security is characterized, which combines the performance parameters of agricultural enterprises, food industry production, the functioning of warehouse, logistics and trade networks, household incomes, pricing policy, and the environmental situation. The following directions for measuring the food security of the region have been identified: production and supply of food in the volumes necessary for the population of the region; development of trade facilities that ensure the availability of food for the population; the system of state social security with foodstuffs; the level of well-being and solvency of citizens in relation to consumer goods; threats to food availability. The platform for assessing the sufficiency of the food component of the economic security of the territory is designated. It is proposed to supplement the existing set of parameters for measuring the degree of food security in the regions with indicators: the share of food expenditures in the total amount of citizens' expenditures, the efficiency of food processing enterprises and retail chains, and the food anthropogenic nature of the region.

Issue № 8, August 2023, article № 2

Typology of retail markets in the conditions of the local rural economy

Retail food markets remain the main channels of food sales to domestic consumers. This article presents the results of research and typologization of local retail markets on the example of administrative units (districts) of six regions of the Volga Federal District. Three groups of districts were allocated for each subject of the Volga Federal District, depending on the level of retail trade development. A preliminary analysis of the factors of retail trade development by the method of expert evaluation is carried out. The choice of the regions of the Volga Federal District (hereinafter referred to as the Volga Federal District) as objects of research is due to the fact that this territory has become an active participant in escort food operations within the framework of the strategy of socio-economic development of Russia until 2030, which determines the need to solve the tasks set in the July Decree of the President of the Russian Federation “On National development Goals of the Russian Federation for the period up to 2030” In the context of the development of export activities, management bodies need to ensure the balanced development of the internal markets of the regions and administrative districts of the Volga Federal District. The analysis of retail trade will help to identify areas with a low level of its development and facilitate the adoption of targeted measures by government authorities. The Volga Federal District borders the Southern, Central, North-Western and Ural Federal Districts and Kazakhstan. The share of the district's GDP in the all-Russian indicator exceeds 15%. In 2023, the population of the Volga Federal District was 21.3% of the population of the whole of Russia, the share of the rural population of the Volga Federal District was 27.3%.

Issue № 8, August 2023, article № 3

Food security of the region: essence, assessment, forecast.

Agriculture is one of the most socially significant sectors of the Russian economy, the level of development and efficiency of which depends on the country's food security. Despite the fact that the unprecedented scale of sectoral and individual sanctions has less affected agriculture, restrictions on other sectors of the Russian economy pose risks for the dynamic development of the agricultural sector. Russia's food security presupposes a sustainable food supply for the population and is the most important key to strengthening its national sovereignty. The current Doctrine of Food Security of the country, one of its main indicators, defines the food independence of the country and regions, characterized by the degree of compliance with the thresholds for the ratio of domestic agricultural production and food production and the volume of their main types of domestic consumption, as well as food sustainability. The close essential relationship of these concepts informatively expands the multidimensional nature of the study of this problem not only from the point of view of assessing the current situation, but also the development of predictive values ​of their most important characteristics. Considering that agricultural production is directly (or indirectly) related to each of these categories, the study was conducted on the materials of the agricultural region, which is the North Caucasus Federal District (North Caucasus Federal District).The study made it possible to characterize the state and dynamics of the economic results of agribusiness subjects in the context of the consequences of sanctions; assess the differentiation of the levels of food security of the subjects of the region and the food supply of their population; economic availability of basic food products for the population; develop a forecast of food security in the region and prospects for agro export for the main types of agricultural products for the period up to 2030; Identify priority areas for the development of the agricultural sector in terms of ensuring food security in the region and the country as a whole.